Re: Lots of random numbers

2000-11-18 Thread Bill Sommerfeld

 Don Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 perhaps surprisingly, i disagree with the other
  respondents.  as long as you encrypt or MAC the
  incoming packets ( their interarrival times),
  with a closely-guarded secret key, before you
  stuff the bits into your entropy pool,  then you
  should do fine.
 Eh?  You should *never* need to encrypt information before shoving
 it in the pool.  If you've got a secret you could use for such
 encryption, shove it in the pool and then forget about it - it will do 
 precisely as much good.

I'm inclined to agree with Don here, from principles of conservative
cryptographic engineering.  By using a keyed one-way function before
adding data to the pool, you add an additional layer of defense
against an attacker guessing the pool contents.

[The /dev/random designs i've played with typically have a "pre" pool
for efficient accumulation of samples at interrupt level or similar
inconvenient times, and a "real" pool, with the encryption/one way
hash occurring when the samples are added to the real pool.]

- Bill

Security algorithms for 3rd generation mobile phone networks

2000-04-11 Thread Bill Sommerfeld

Someone told me that the cipher and integrity protection algorithms
proposed for use in the next generation mobile phone networks are now
publicy available on the etsi website:

Don't shoot the messenger, I don't have anything to do with this
stuff.  It's not immediately clear why they're not using more
established algorithms..

- Bill

Re: having source code for your CPU chip -- NOT

1999-09-24 Thread Bill Sommerfeld

 There are no Turing machines.  Real computers are finite, and real
 source codes are finite.  I'm sure that if you set a limit on the
 length of the source code which is recognized by the supposed trap, a
 sufficiently large FSM can decide in a finite time whether there's a

mere finiteness doesn't help much in practice if you're up against
algorithms which take time exponential in some parameter (like the
size of the 'trap' region) which is likely to get even moderately

- Bill

Re: House committee ditches SAFE for law enforcement version

1999-07-26 Thread Bill Sommerfeld

[CC:'s to list I don't subscribe to deleted.]

one possible escape clause here is a constitutional provision
regarding immunity of legislators for acts in congress:

[from article 1, section 6]

".. for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be
questioned in any other place."

.. so, as I read it, the only entity capable of enforcing the gag
order (i.e., preventing a legislator from repeating what he heard in
the closed briefing in a subsequent open legislative session) is the
congress itself, and that, likely, only after the fact.

But then again, i'm not a lawyer, and I'm also not sure how this
provision has been interpreted in the past..

- Bill

Re: How to donate a clue to a lawyer?

1999-05-09 Thread Bill Sommerfeld

If readability of code doesn't matter, why have I seen so much angst
within communities of developers indentation styles, identifier
spelling, and line breaks?  None of them make a bit of difference in
the generated object code..

I think Sturgeon's Law may apply here: "90% of everything is crap"...
The fact that there's a lot of bad, "write-only" code out there (and
I'm certainly responsible for some of it..)  does not preclude the
existance of quite readable code.  Maybe I've just been lucky, but
I've had the good fortune to work in environments where my coworkers
and mentors cared about the readability of code (and got on my case
when I didn't live up to their standards).

Programming languages are a mixture of ambiguity and precision.  They
specify certain things very precisely, and leave other details up to
the implementation of the language.  Higher level languages are, in
general, higher in ambiguity, and lower in precision.  Sometimes this
is good, sometimes this is bad.

Memory management comes to mind as a prime example. The only
purpose of calling free() is to release memory. It serves no 
expository purpose. This is clearly shown by the fact that 
garbage collected languages do without it.

On the contrary, "free()" makes an expository statement that "this
object should no longer be used by the program".  Often, that isn't
necessary, but (for instance) if you are concerned about the exact
memory usage of a program, the presence of explicit free() calls makes
it easier to understand, and measure, what's going on..

Don Knuth makes a similar argument in defense of his continued use of
assembly language for a hypothetical computer for the exposition of
algorithms in his continued revisions to The Art of Computer
Programming.  See the "Why have a machine language" section of
http://www-cs-staff.Stanford.EDU/~knuth/mmix.html ..

   The very fact that you have to be taught this should make clear 
   that the actual purpose of code is instructing machines, not people.
   People hardly ever forget that the purpose of writing text is

I'm not sure I follow the logic here -- all it make clear to me is
that the teachers/mentors/etc., care about the quality of the work..

The amateur singers in the theatrical productions I've been involved
with regularly needed to be reminded to improve their diction.  I
would take it that you would argue that the words they sing don't
actually matter...

- Bill

Re: 1,000 Free Crypto Sites

1999-05-07 Thread Bill Sommerfeld

A posting by Cindy Cohn, one of Bernstein's legal team, to cyberia-l,
archived at

suggests that it would be premature to create such sites.

She writes:

 First, the decision is not final for at least 52 days (45 for the
 govt to seek rehearing/7 more for mandate to issue), even if the
 government doesn't seek cert or rehearing. It could probably be
 cited as a slip opinion in the meantime, but is not binding
 precedent yet.

 Second, once it is final, it will only be binding precedent
 within the 9th Circuit.

 Third, the status pending further review will probably be
 determined by a motion for stay within the rehearing period. If
 such a stay is granted, as it was below [in the lower court],
 folks will probably have to wait until it's all over before they
 can publish without fear of prosecution. We will oppose any
 request for a stay, of course.

Given that I have this aversion to prosecution, I'm personally
prepared to wait on this..  

- Bill

Re: FW: FW: Bernstein Opinion Up

1999-05-07 Thread Bill Sommerfeld

[CC's to lists I'm not on trimmed; feel free to forward this as long
as you CC: me on forwards..]

Peter Junger has a list specifically for discussing the
source-code-as-speech issue; for more info on the list, see

The fact that source code is an effective means of communication
between people was really driven home to me by my current job, which
involves work on a source-code product as well as support of customers
using that product.  Many of our customers are not native speakers of
English, and i have on numerous occasions received a question about
one of the features of our product, attempted to describe how to use
use it in English prose, received a response essentially restating
their question; I then restated my response in C code fragments and
the customer went away happy.

Another point.. Lance Rose says, about programmers exchanging source

  "this is like potters exchanging pottery"

I'm not a potter, but this analogy seems flawed.  However, in addition
to being a software engineer, I'm also an amateur musician.  For me,
at least, a very closer analogy is to composers exchanging sheet music
with each other.

Just as source code is a set of instructions for an abstract machine,
music notation is a set of instructions for a performer.

To reinforce the analogy..  compilers can take certain liberties when
translating source code just as performers can take liberties with the
ambiguities found in music notation..  Music notation can be just as
mechanical as source code in terms of rigidly specifying down exactly
what notes get played when and for how long.

It's also worth noting that nobody yet has ruled that object code or
other non-source forms of encoding of programs are *not* speech.  I
think a case for that can be made, but it's more difficult than the
case for source code.  Again, I think analogies with music could also
help here; there are many different ways to digitally encode
music.. postscript of sheet music, MIDI encoding at the "note" level,
mp3 compression, .. just as there are many different ways to encode
computer programs.

One might be able to argue that a program is also is a form of speech
from a programmer to the users of a program, just as music is a form
of speech from a composer to a distant audience in a concert hall,
indirected through the performers but I think that establishing

that the program source code is a form of speech is an important step
along that path.

- Bill

Re: Intel Symantec v. ZKS?

1999-04-29 Thread Bill Sommerfeld

  Symantec agreed that the program fit its definition of a type of malicious
  program known as a Trojan horse, so it included the software in its
  continually updated list of dangerous programs, which include viruses,
  that cause warnings to pop up on its customers' computers.
 In fact, this is perfectly reasonable on the part of Symantec, and if I
 had a PIII I would absolutely want my virus detection software to catch
 code which enables the serial number.  Any such action on the part of
 downloaded code is malicious and not in my interests, and anything the
 software can do to prevent it is good.

True, but a question well worth asking is "why doesn't antivirus
software assume that ActiveX controls are malicious until proven

- Bill

Re: [John Gilmore] RSA claiming trademark on all uses of RSA to describe algorithm

1999-04-01 Thread Bill Sommerfeld

 I should think that the approach taken by generic pharmaceuticals, 'compare
 with Brand X,' would also suffice to get around RSA's trademark issue.

Or, "compatible with brand X" or "interoperates with brand X"..

- Bill