GCHQ Challenge

2000-12-02 Thread Markus Kuhn

For those who haven't managed yet to solve the new GCHQ crypto challenge


I have quickly written up the solution we found yesterday on


As GCHQ is surely able to log and trace accurately who accesses the
above URL on our server, it would be best not to look at it if you want
to apply and impress their recruiters with finding your own solution.


Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Email: mkuhn at acm.org,  WWW: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/

Re: DSA security issues?

1999-11-29 Thread Markus Kuhn

Rodney Thayer wrote on 1999-11-27 19:27 UTC:
 Gilmore etc. have made comments, includingt the quoted passage below
 from the Linux IPsec list, indiciating that DSA is "not as trustworthy
 as RSA".
 Can anyone here offer some more details?

One of the papers that reverse engineered many of the design ideas
behind the NIST DSS is

  R. Anderson, S. Vaudenay: Minding your p's and q's, Asiacrypt 96,


Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Email: mkuhn at acm.org,  WWW: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/

Re: DPA mapped to spectral analysis

1999-11-21 Thread Markus Kuhn

"Marcus Leech" wrote on 1999-11-19 19:45 UTC:
 Has anyone considered experimenting with DPA (Differential Power
 Analysis), but using spectral data, instead of power consumption?
 Different operations will produce different EM spectra, and so the
   should work, given suitable selection of frequency range.  This could
   potentially allow the bad guy to attack a card without having access
   the card, using a suitably directional antenna, etc.

We are working on experiments along such lines. The information carrying
components of the power spectrum extend even for a 3.5 MHz clock
microcontroller well into the VHF range, where meter-long cables become
good antennas. (Note that normal spectrum analysers are useless for such
studies, because they provide you only with the spectrum of the entire
power line, and they do not show you the much weaker information-
carrying components in it are are only of interest here.)

We are pretty certain that the currents and path lengths on the chip
itself are orders of magnitude too small to be picked up by any
practical form of antenna (unless perhaps you are in a very
well-shielded environment and use some esoteric helium-cooled
lowest-noise antennas), even if long-time averaging is performed.
However, this is not the case for currents on all the lines that leave
the chip surface.

Our experimental target is at the moment the PIC16F84 microcontroller.
It is in many aspects fully comparable to a smartcard controller (it is
in fact used in some smartcards), but assembler-level development kits
for it are much more easily openly available then for other smartcard
processors and we do not want to have to ask our students to sign
manufacturer NDAs before they can join the project. The PIC has also
more I/O ports than a normal smartcard CPU, which simplifies triggering
the oscilloscope during measurements, and it has a reasonably simple
architecture. We have been working with an 8-bit 200 MHz storage scope
so far, which is more than sufficient for performing a number of
attacks, but in order to fully characterize the spectral properties of
the leaking information, we will now use a new 8-bit 2 GHz scope as

Our interest in the EM aspects is not specific to smartcards. For
smartcards, you can usually get easily galvanic access to the
connectors, and for most attacks, direct microprobing of the chip
surface is the easiest approach anyway. However, EM attacks on
microcontrollers are a first step towards better understanding the CPU
EM emissions of other more complex embedded security applications,
eventually even workstation-class systems. That's where compromising
emanations will really become interesting.

Some related earlier publications are on





Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Email: mkuhn at acm.org,  WWW: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/

Re: New Scientist Article on Do-it-yourself Evesdropping

1999-11-08 Thread Markus Kuhn

Martin Minow wrote on 1999-11-08 17:43 UTC:
 "SOFTWARE that allows a computer to receive radio signals could make
 spying on other computers all too simple, according to two scientists at the
 University of Cambridge. Such are the dangers that they are patenting
 countermeasures that computer manufacturers can take to foil any
 electronic eavesdroppers. "

This New Scientist article refers to some work that we have been doing
here over a year ago and which was published already as

  Markus G. Kuhn, Ross J. Anderson: Soft Tempest: Hidden Data Transmission
  Using Electromagnetic Emanations, in David Aucsmith (Ed.): Information
  Hiding, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1525, Springer-Verlag,
  ISBN 3-540-65386-4, pp. 124-142.

The New Scientist just stumbled last week across a related patent
application that was recently finally published after the usual 18
months. Read the above paper if you are interested in the full story.

If you are interested in the sort of equipment on which I was quoted and
what I consider to be an appropriate platform for production-grade
compromising emanations attacks (automatic character recognition from
VDU signals, utilization of data-dependent emissions of firewall systems
for cryptanalysis, etc.), then have a look at for instance


and its components: an 8-MHz wideband tuner covering 2-2600 MHz, a 20
MHz and 21 bit A/D converter, followed by an array of powerful DSPs that
can do various processing steps and turn the digitized IF signal
directly into your output. That plus suitable software and a set of good
antennas and coupling probes is roughly what I would expect to find in
the better versions of the unmarked spook van in the neighborhood.
Turning equipment like this into a GSM phone, GPS receiver, TV set, or
specialized compromising emanations receiver is just a matter of what
software you load into it. At the moment, lab setups of such flexible
"software radios" still cost in the  £2 range. However, the
technology is moving quickly and has the potential to enter the mass
market in the next few years, probably at first via it's use in
multi-mode reprogrammable cellular base stations.

With prices for suitable components for software radios (especiall the
ADC and DSP section) dropping with Moore's law, we can look forward to
home amateur priced software radios that will allow us to build
sophisticated Tempest DSP experiments which are today only in the reach
of military research labs. Though it will not become "child's play" - as
the New Scientists reporter wrote in the above article - sophisticated
EM snooping technology might very well come into the reach of the
advanced information security hobbyist or the determined criminal in the
next 5-10 years. The field will certainly remain interesting, any if you
study information security, it might not be unwise to add a
high-frequency electronics and DSP course to your curriculum today.


Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Email: mkuhn at acm.org,  WWW: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/

Re: Power analysis of AES candidates

1999-09-15 Thread Markus Kuhn

Andreas Bogk wrote on 1999-09-15 00:04 UTC:
 The usual setup for DPA involves a 10 Ohm resistor which sits in the
 power supply and measuring the voltage across that resistor. The
 countermeasure we're talking about is an on-chip capacitor that
 smoothes the power consumption, or a power supply inside an
 tamper-resistant package such as the Dallas iButton, which essentially
 serves the same purpose.

The battery in the Dallas iButton is *NOT* there to power CPU
operations. This battery acts only to provide the around 1 nA data
retention current needed by the SRAM to keep its data reliably when
external power is removed. As soon as external power is supplied, the
internal Li battery is disconnected by the CPU power supply management

The iButton does however have a power supply buffer capacitor on board.
Its primary function is to maintain power in communications mode. The
iButton can operate in two modes: communication and calculation. In
communication mode, only a large shift register is operated that is
connected to the serial port. Power is drawn from the interface pull-up
resistor during the transmitted 1 bits. While a 0 bit is transmitted,
the shift register draws its energy from the internal capacitor. In
calculating mode, the interface shorts the pull-up resistor, such that
the iButton CPU is now directly connected to the full power supply, but
it can't communicate any more.

By the way, one rather simple yet effective power analysis
countermeasure is described in


Adding a random bit stream generator into the internal clock line that
switches between genuine CPU cycles and realistic dummy loads at a
clock-cycle level can help to add sufficient amounts of timing variation
to make DPA infeasible. While software-based random-delay loops can
usually be rather easily spotted with single-shot cross-correlation
techniques and therefore be compensated by the power analyser before
applying the usual algorithms, the time intervals between two clock
cycles does usually not provide enough information to reliably
resynchronize externally with the program flow.

Another approach is to use asynchronous processors, which do not depend
on an external clock at all, and whose power consumption spectrum tends
to smooth itself out very nicely. Designing attacks and defenses against
asynchronous smartcard processors promises to become a highly
interesting area of work. (By the way, if you are seriously interested
in working in this field, we have just received a substantial grant to
develop invasive and non-invasive attacks on upcoming asynchronous
high-security smartcard CPU technologies, and we will be offering very
soon 2-3 research PhD student and post-doc positions for people with a
strong interest in microelectronics, tamper resistance, digital signal
processing and hardware security. Contact us me for details if you are
interested. http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/Security/tamper/).

At typical smartcard frequencies, the information leaking in the power
signal is spread across the entire HF and VHF band. It does not seem to
be too practical to place sufficiently good passive RC or LC filters
onto a chip given the current CMOS processes commonly used for 8-bit
microcontrollers. Another approach is to add a broadband OpAmp that
implements a current regulator. Make the CPU draw a constant current and
dissipate any power not needed by the CPU temporarily in an on-chip
resistor. This works nicely for low frequencies, but is also rather
difficult to do with normal CMOS processes in the VHF bands. It would be
possible to add such an opamp as a separate second chip, but many
customers are not likely to pay two dollars more for the entire
smartcard just for power-analysis protection. The challenge is to get a
really cheap countermeasure.


Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Email: mkuhn at acm.org,  WWW: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/

Re: Sue MSNSA for Key?

1999-09-07 Thread Markus Kuhn

John Young wrote on 1999-09-07 09:05 UTC:
 Assuming the key is a backdoor to intercepted encrypted information,
 Microsoft would be walking on very thin ice indeed, but may have severe
 legal problems in any event. The federal wiretapping statute is very
 clear in its prohibitions against advertising or distributing in
 commerce "devices" for intercepting electronic communications.

This calls for a small Critical Thinking[TM] exercise:

If company X produces and distributes a telecommunications product Y
that does not provide a sufficient degree of message secrecy against
signal intelligence agency Z, and if in addition X never has claimed or
implied that Y provides message confidentiality against Z, do you really
believe that you could sue X for doing so?

Wouldn't this in effect also allow you to sue every US telefone
manufacturer for shipping products with a built-in NSA backdoor by
implementing a 0-bit cipher? Or the developer of my email software?

And all of this aside the rather obvious observation, that the CPS
verification keys are in no way relevant or effective for user data
protection and only protect the NSA from US exports of an OS that can
work with strong CSPs. Again: The NSA doesn't need their own key to sign
*weakened* cryptographic Trojan modules, because Microsoft has already
been shipping with public knowledge *signed* *weak* 40-bit cryptographic
modules for years, because these are the only ones they were allowed to
sell in Europe.

For more information about what is going wrong in this discussion,
please check out



Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Email: mkuhn at acm.org,  WWW: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/

Re: NSA key in MSFT Crypto API

1999-09-04 Thread Markus Kuhn

The actual funny story behind the presence of the NSA key has been
seriously misunderstood here. CSP verification keys have only one *real*
purpose: They are intended to enforce the US export restriction
requirement that Microsoft is not allowed to ship software abroad that
can easily be extended with strong cryptography. They are certainly not
intended as any useful form of integrity protection for your system.

The NSA got their own CSP verification key, because they want to be able
to change their own secret US government CSPs required for the handling
of classified documents, without having to go to Microsoft each time to
get a signature for an NSA CSP update. Fair enough. So Microsoft built
in a second verification key such that the NSA can produce and install
on DoD PCs their own CSPs without requiring any Microsoft involvement.

The real funny part is that Microsoft did not protect the NSA key
particularly well, such that everyone can easily replace the NSA key
easily with his own key. This was reported by Nicko van Someren at the
Crypto'98 rump session. This means that everyone can now easily install
his own CSPs with arbitrarily strong cryptography. This means that the
NSA's demand to get quickly a second key added led in effect to the easy
international availability of strong encryption CSPs. My guess is that
this is Microsoft's sweet revenge against the NSA for creating all these
Export hassles (e.g., the requirement that CSPs be signed) in the first
place. It backfired nicely against the NSA. :)

All this has nothing to do with an NSA backdoor, because the CSP keys
are an export enforcement tool and not an integrity protection tool.
They do not protect all parts of the system that could be compromised by
someone who wants to install some eavesdropping malware. The CSP
verification keys only authenticate that no cryptography that violates
export laws has been installed. If you are worried about the NSA
installing malicious software on your PC, you should not rely on the CSP
verification keys (which were never designed for that purpose anyway),
but on virus scanners with tripwire functionality that report any
modifications to your DLLs. There is no digital signature functionality
required to implement these, simple secure hash algorithms will
perfectly do.

Please apply a bit of simple critical thinking here:

If the NSA wanted to have real backdoor functionality, they would much
more likely simply steal Microsofts own keys instead of embedding
additional keys with an obvious symbol name. Remember: The NSA is the
world's largest key thief. They have stolen crypto variables from
well-protected military and government agencies from all over the world
using the usual repertoire of techniques (bribery, extortion,
eavesdropping, hacking, infiltration, etc.). If they can do it with
eastern military agencies, they can most certainly also do it easily
with Microsoft, which is orders of magnitudes less well protected than
the usual NSA target. If there is a real NSA backdoor key in Windows,
that it would certainly be identical to Microsoft's own key.


Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Email: mkuhn at acm.org,  WWW: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/

Re: Questions regarding export restrictions in Europe

1999-07-21 Thread Markus Kuhn

Bill Stewart wrote on 1999-07-20 18:06 UTC:
 The real question is whether there are any Danish laws against
 exporting crypto, and whether they apply only to physical exports
 or also to publishing information on your web site.

The relevant Danish law should be the same as in the rest of the
European Union: the EU Dual Use Directive (Council Regulation (EC) No
3381/94 of 19 December 1994). The EU has export controls in place on
commercial and military cryptographic software and systems. Public
domain and shrink-wrapped mass-market software are explicitly excluded
from these restrictions. So you can put any cryptographic software for
free download onto your web site as long as you are not violating other
regulations (copyright, patent, etc.). Note that in some European
countries (e.g., Germany), unlike under US law, non-commercial products
such as freeware are fortunately not affected by patents.


Exportkontrollen für Verschlüsselungsprodukte,
Harald H. Roth, Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (1+2/1998) pp 8-13  81-85.



Hope this helped ...


Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Email: mkuhn at acm.org,  WWW: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/

Re: entry level cryptography books

1999-06-01 Thread Markus Kuhn

"MIKE SHAW" wrote on 1999-06-01 15:43 UTC:
 Can anyone recommend some entry level cryptography books?
  I'm looking for something that will just start to get into the
 nitty-gritty of the math involved.

Those who are more comfortable with reading German than Mathematics and
who are looking for a really entry-level book will enjoy

  Alfred Beutelspacher: Kryptologie.
  Vieweg, 1996, ISBN 3-528-48990-1, 34.00 DEM, 179 p.

  "Eine Einfuehrung in die Wissenschaft vom Verschlüsseln, Verbergen
  und Verheimlichen; ohne alle Geheimniskrämerei, aber nicht ohne
  hinterlistigen Schalk, dargestellt zum Nutzen und Ergötzen des
  allgemeinen Publikums."

This is a very well-written book by a German professor of mathematics
that specifically addresses the non-specialist reader that is scared by
mathematics but has a desire to learn about cryptography and its
applications. Lots of nice bed-time reading stories about Alice, Bob,
and friends, covering a surprising range or cryptographic protocols with
extremely little formal ballast in a rather entertaining way.

I don't know unfortunately, whether someone has translated it already
into English.

[Canonical answers:
 Schneier, "Applied Cryptography"
 Menezes  Oorschot, "Handbook of Applied Cryptography".]

Scheier is a book for the applied mind (programmer and application
designer) without much interest in theoretical foundations, Menezes 
Oorschot is for someone looking for a comprehensive treatment of the
field. "Stinson: Cryptography - Theory and Practice, CRC Press" is also
a good addition to that list, especially if it is for a university
course, since it does provide a better fundamental treatment than
especially Schneier without trying to be as comprehensive as Menezes 


Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Email: mkuhn at acm.org,  WWW: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/

Smartcard Hardware Tampering Paper

1999-05-27 Thread Markus Kuhn

Research Announcement

We recently published the following paper, which should be of great
interest to anyone concerned about smartcard hardware security:

  Oliver Kömmerling, Markus G. Kuhn: Design Principles for
  Tamper-Resistant Smartcard Processors. Proceedings of the
  USENIX Workshop on Smartcard Technology (Smartcard '99),
  Chicago, Illinois, USA, May 10-11, 1999, USENIX Association,
  pp. 9-20, ISBN 1-880446-34-0. 

(This work received the "USENIX Association Best Student Paper Award".)

Various non-invasive cryptanalysis techniques against smartcards, which
have been publicised as "Differential Fault Analysis", "Differential
Power Analysis", etc., have received considerable attention recently.
However, these are not the attack techniques that have been used by
pirates to break practically all types of smartcard processors that are
fielded in millions of conditional-access systems. We show in our paper
how invasive microprobing techniques are a far more powerful and
universally applicable threat to smartcard security, which processor
architecture elements simplify attacks significantly, and what designers
could quite easily do to make it more difficult.

Unlike fault and current analysis techniques, microprobing attacks do
not depend on any prior knowledge or guessing of the implemented
cryptographic algorithms. Microprobing gives the attacker not only
access to cryptographic keys, but also leads to full disassembler
listings of the extracted security software. Availability of the full
smartcard software then often allows the design of fast and simple
non-invasive glitch and current analysis attacks, which -- unlike
DPA-style attacks -- do not require many hundred seconds of protocol
interactions. Such very fast non-invasive attacks can then be performed
inconspicuously in a Trojan card terminal together with a normal
transaction and without giving the card holder a chance to notice them.
They form a serious additional threat over microprobing even for
applications such as digital signature and banking cards, which do not
rely on global keys stored in the card. Microprobing attacks can be
carried out by skilled technicians starting with an investment of little
more than ten thousand euros and they can then be repeated at rather low

Our paper not only describes the range of attack techniques that have
been used in the past to break numerous commercially fielded security
systems. We also suggest a number of lowest-cost countermeasures that
will help to make many of these attacks considerably more challenging to
perform. Some of these we believe to be new, while others have already
been implemented in products but are either not widely used or the
implementations we found had design flaws that allowed us to circumvent
them more easily than would have been necessary.

Online version of the paper:


Presentation slides with more photos:


[Important note to avoid misunderstandings: Our paper does *not* provide
any comparative evaluation of the security mechanisms of specific
products and it should not be quoted to that effect. We present a few
interesting vulnerabilities in the security mechanisms of one commercial
smartcard processor that we named. This processor is of particular
interest primarily, because it features comparatively advanced security
features not found in most other products. The reader should understand
that in spite of the vulnerabilities that we outline, unmentioned
competing products are not necessarily more secure. Indeed, many of them
do not have these advanced security mechanisms implemented and are
easier to break. Much easier.]

Markus Kuhn

Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Email: mkuhn at acm.org,  WWW: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/

Re: Cryptoprocessors and reverse engineering

1999-01-29 Thread Markus Kuhn

Regarding bus-encryption processors such as


[EMAIL PROTECTED] was concerned:
 One potential problem with such a system is that it allows
 software vendors to include malicious code in their products with little
 or no chance of being caught.

Markus Kuhn said in response:
 I don't think this is a severe additional threat. Decompiling software
 is a rather difficult and not widely practiced art.

and John Gilmore replied:
 I would disagree, but I funded a decompilation of the Adobe PostScript
 interpreter from the original LaserWriter ROMs, eventually producing a
 specification for the encoded Type 1 fonts.  This effort only took
 a month or two of a skilled programmer's time.
 The eventual result was that Adobe released the specs for these fonts
 (a year or two later).

I think we are talking about *very* different things here. You talk
about decompilation in order to steal ("liberate" ;-) know-how and
technology, while we were more concerned about full security evaluations
without the cooperation of the vendor.

I am perfectly aware of how feasible it is to extract specific
algorithms and data from even huge and complicated binaries or chip
masks within a few weeks/months. (I have done it myself successfully
several time with various embedded security systems, though EU
legislation might make it not too advisable to name details in a public
forum). You know roughly what you are looking for and what the overall
architecture is, and if you are an experienced low-level programmer and
skilled in using good debugging tools, you can quickly narrow down the
code to the small unit that really deserves your attention.

If the goal of the investigation is however to exclude with high
probability that the vendor or someone in the development and
distribution pipeline has built a backdoor into the code that allows
unauthorized violation of documented security mechanisms, you do *not*
know what you are looking for. There are zillions of ways and places to
hide backdoors and I have seen proposals for extremely clever ones. You
can't usually narrow down the search to a limited area, because the trap
door could be hidden almost anywhere. Security evaluations are difficult
and complicated enough, even if you have access to the source code and
the documentation. Especially with low-assurance languages such as
Assembler/BCPL/C/C++, data structures can be modified in unexpected ways
from almost everywhere unless process space protection has been used
carefully to separate trusted and not-so-security-relevant code in a
clear way. You know as well as I do that this is rarely done in
practice. It is therefore not sufficient to reverse engineer only say
the key generator, key management and cipher implementation, because I
could have easily hidden somewhere buried deep in the GUI widget library
or in a multi-media decompresser code that resets the key generator with
a certain probability to a value known to the attacker (just one trivial
example of thousands of easy to hide backdoors). Similarly, innocuous
looking algorithms could have been spiked to act as easy to exploit
covert channels; you really do not see immediately that say a harmless
looking checksumming routine in a smartcard OS has been specifically
designed to allow external access to key material via CPU current
analyis, or that your printer port driver broadcasts critical
information using either the cable as a short-wave antenna or using the
kerning in the documents that you print.

Serious security evaluations to eliminate accidental and malicious
backdoors in typical non-trivial products can take years, and in certain
cases they are only possible at all within a reasonable time if the
product was designed right from the beginning to support evaluation.
This can be done by using a high-assurance programming language (Ada
seems very popular in this field) and by carefully modularizing into
clearly separated code domains of varying security relevance.

Moreover, security evaluations without access to the revision control
logs of the manufacturer become useless as soon as a significantly
modified revision appears. Even big players like Microsoft have given up
to do security evaluations, even though they only attempted ITSEC FC2/E3
for an old and restricted NT version, which is a rather mild evaluation
level anyway. Therefore we still all use routers, applications, and
operating systems that have been spiked with back doors by well-trained
undercover software engineers payed for by the say French and Bulgarian
signals intelligence agencies ...

So I certainly stay with my assessment that bus-encryption processors
will not significantly reduce our protection against malicious
backdoors. They can provide some tampering protection, since they can
very effectively prohibit unauthorized patching of binaries. If you want
to trust your software, then you have to put quite a lot of trust in the
producer and m

Pentium III serial number mechanism

1999-01-28 Thread Markus Kuhn

Keith Lofstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] has sent me a very good
argument for why the serial number is probably not at all located on the
die (forwarded below with permission). This goes also very well with
earlier rumours that I have heard that the now officially announced
Pentium III features are actually implemented in the chip set and not in
the very critical CPU die itself. There are certainly manufacturers such
as Dallas Semiconductor who can do laser programming of serial numbers for
security processors directly onto the CPU die, but these are low-cost
microcontrollers and not Pentium-grade devices where everything is much
more difficult.

Makes sense to me. Here is Keith's argument (forwarded with permission):

From: Keith Lofstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Pentium III mechanism
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 09:00:31 -0800 (PST)

Regards the Pentium III programming mechanism:

I'm not on the cryptography mailing list, just reading mail-archive.com.
Forward this if you deem it worthwhile.  You folks run a very polite
list given the volatility of the topic.  Kudos.


The Pentium III may very well follow the techniques used on the
Pentium II and the Xeon.  The Xeon uses a separate, serially
accessed EEPROM chip in the cartridge.  There are some good 
reasons for this:

1)  Designing "extra" technology into the Pentium III process will
delay its introduction.  A week delay in the introduction of a
new processor costs Intel about a billion dollars.  It shortens
the very narrow window of "cream skimming" until prices are
eroded by competition.  Moore's law can be restated as "1% performance
per week."  And at Intel, Moore's law is not just a good idea...

2)  Yield and reliability and fab time of the extra steps.  

3)  Tester time for Pentium-speed devices is very expensive - perhaps
30 cents per second.  It is cheaper to put an extra flash chip in the
cartridge, costing perhaps 10 cents, than spend another half of a 
second cooking fuses or NVRAM cells on the CPU tester, which take
a long time (milliseconds!) to heat or move charge.  Best to do this
on an ancient (  2 year old ) chip tester separately from the CPU.

4)  Same thing applies to lasers (moving mirrors - horrors!) with
the additional difficulty that laser systems fail or go out of
mechanical alignment, reducing throughput on the $1000/hr tester.
And laser targets need a lot of die real estate.  

5)  Treating the CPU wafer to a separate pass through a "programming
tester" might make sense - but this costs you in "scrub yield".  
Every time you drop a probe on a pad, you have to contact it strongly
enough to scrub through any surface oxides that have formed.  You tear
it up a bit, reducing its reliability later after it is permanently
bonded.  Separate pads might make sense, but then you are back to the
real estate problem - a pad costs about half a penny on a Pentium-class

There are tradeoffs, of course, and the cost and yield of a separate
chip in the cartridge may make the above costs relatively palatable.
Certainly when the Pentium die get complicated enough, lasers or fuses
for redundancy may make economic sense.  But on a mature Pentium line
(  3 months in production ) the yields become very good, while the
test time gets longer - minimizing expensive test time is a strong
driving force.

Economica and past history strongly points to a separate chip in the
cartridge.  I hope those clever folks at Intel have something new
that proves me wrong.


Keith Lofstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Voice (503)-520-1993
KLIC --- Keith Lofstrom Integrated Circuits --- "Your Ideas in Silicon"
Design Contracting in Bipolar and CMOS - Analog, Digital, and Power ICs

Re: Pentium III...

1999-01-26 Thread Markus Kuhn

"Marty Levy" wrote on 1999-01-26 15:48 UTC:
 Does anyone know the mechanism Intel plans to use to put the infamous serial
 numbers on Pentium III chips?  I wasn't aware that Pentiums had any
 non-volitaile memory (other than ROM) on board.  The only practical systems I
 can think of is to use a fuse or laser repair type scheme.

There are basically the following ways of doing this:

  a) laser interruption of a top-layer metal line (see
 http://www.new-wave.com/products/ezlaze.html for
 suitable lasers)

  b) high-current evaporation of a weak link in a metal or
 polysilicon layer link

  c) high voltage anti-fuse (create an isolation barrier break
 and let the flowing current carry metal across the break
 to "weld" a permanent interconnect).

  d) some NVRAM technology (EEPROM, FeRAM, etc.)

The advantage of a) is that is does not require additional chip
circuitry. It is cheap and reliable, but has to be done before

The advantage of the others is that they can be done after packaging. b)
is fairly easy to spot under a microscope. I have attacked a small jpeg
file showing a blown polysilicon fuse as they are found on SGS Thompson
ST16Fxyz smartcard security processors (photo prepared by O. Kömmerling,
ADSR, Germany).

The advantage of c) and d) is that they take a bit more work to
read-out, but they also need a more complex production process. I am
told that c) was used in NSA's clipper chip to store the classified
SKIPJACK parameters (the masks were apparently not secret).

If someone sends me a Pentium III chip, I'd be happy to depackage it and
send you snapshots of any visible metal/poly fuses that I can spot.


Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Email: mkuhn at acm.org,  WWW: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/


Re: Trojan Processors

1999-01-21 Thread Markus Kuhn

David Honig wrote on 1999-01-20 22:42 UTC:
 At 08:56 PM 1/20/99 +, Ben Laurie wrote:
 Steve Bellovin wrote:
  Intel has announced a number of interesting things at the RSA conference.
  The most important, to me, is the inclusion of a hardware random number
  generator (based on thermal noise) in the Pentium III instruction set.
  They also announced hardware support for IPSEC.
 An interesting question (for me, at least) is: how will I know that the
 hardware RNG is really producing stuff based on thermal noise, and not,
 say, on the serial number, some secret known to Intel, and a PRNG?
 You would have to reverse engineer random samples of the chip to gain
 *some* confidence.  Intel could make this easier by providing
 their "source" and tool flow, from specs to a HDL to synthesis to layout.
 There are, I am told, commercial firms who will give you a netlist given
 *only* a sample chip and lots of money.

Oh, I can also tell you names: Semiconductor Insights Inc. and Chipworks
Inc., both Canada, are two of these companies for instance who make
their living by reverse engineering netlists from VLSI products,
primarily for patent infringement lawsuits. Chipsworks has a nice
micrograph collection of greetings from chip designers to reverse
engineers left on the chip layout on their web site. These labs will
however ask for a dozen sample chips usually (etching is an irreversible
process after all, so you often need several samples to get the
parameters right). The commercial prices range from 1 USD for
reading out a smartcard to 10 USD for reverse engineering a
cryptographic ASIC (see the court evidence presented in the BSkyB v.
Christopher-Carey case).

Obviously, knowing the netlist of one type sample tells you nothing
about the functionality of other processors that you buy from the same
source. I would not be worried about chips purchased directly from
Intel, but knowing that NSA and their international competitors own
similar production fabs as Intel, and smaller firms can easily hire
these as well, it is to be expected that there are already loads of
Trojan processors in circulation. Tampering with the RNG by replacing it
with a PRNG is one potential manipulation. Other much more interesting
manipulations are hidden ways to get you from user into supervisor mode,
thus allowing attackers to completely circumvent a B3 multi-level
security OS trivially. Installing a root kit on dockmaster.ncsc.mil this
way would be fun. Who needs covert channels if you have a backdoor

I have even better ideas, what a Trojan CPU manufacturer might want to
put into his hardware: Pentium and friends have all string copy machine
instructions. Add a tiny (LFSR) substring detection hardware to this,
and trigger an "interesting" effect once a specific rare substring is
processed. This could be the slow death of the processor within the next
30 minutes, or the immediate switch to supervisor mode and execution of
bytes following the magic string. No OS could protect you from a CPU
trap door like that. To shutdown the Iraqi defense system, you would
just send them email (or radar pulses?) with the right strings in it, and
no matter how secure the OS is, the CPU would bypass it all at a
hardware level. In a full-paranoia application, I might seriously
consider to remove from the compiler's code generator certain
string-handling instructions that make implementation of substring
triggered Trojans particularly easy.

 And there's of course Ross Anderson and Marcus Kuhn and their
 chip-stripping labs..

There is indeed an interest from government agencies in reverse
engineering capabilities to make sure hardware bought for the processing
of critical information has no trap-door. At the moment - if at all -
the only implemented protection is a controlled transport of components
between trusted (vetted) manufacturers.

At the moment, we ourselves can only look reasonably at chips with up to
two or three metal layers, because we use hydrofluoric acid wet etching
to strip off metal layers. Once we get access to a small reactive ion
etcher, we might also start looking at processors with more metal layers
such as the Pentium. I am told that workstation CPUs are actually easier
to understand than many of the 8-bit microcontrollers that smartcard
hackers normally work with. The latter have a layout that has been hand
optimized over more than a decade, while modern processor have much more
regular and much less optimized routing that was dumped directly out of
some VHDL netlist generator without the loving hand of a 1980s
microcontroller designer. Chip decompiling might not be as difficult as
it seems at first. We believe that much of it can be done cheaply
semi-automatically even using optical microscopy. I can now read 0.8 µm
CMOS designs with a single metal layer on micrographs of the metal and
the poly layer almost as easily as circuit diagrams. (Actually, if
someone here wants to do a PhD project in VLSI