New stuff with Envelope Mail

2001-02-13 Thread Bram Cohen

I've done a bunch more work on Envelope Mail, as always, the latest info
is at -

New is actual code, complete with test code. Plans are next to write a
patch for BoboMail implementing the dummy version of the crypto API.

I could use immediate help on the following things -

A logo - I'm incapable of graphic design

A non-dummy version of the crypto API - the dummy one makes it
excruciatingly clear how the real one should work and gives a strong
indication of how it might be implemented. I'd make the 'real' one myself,
but, you know, you're not supposed to do that, and I'm trying to play
nice, despite the crypto community being remarkably unhelpful in this

-Bram Cohen

"Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent"
-- John Maynard Keynes

Re: sniff tool that can crack SSL?

2001-01-08 Thread Bram Cohen

On Fri, 5 Jan 2001, Alex Alten wrote:

 I guess things would get real interesting if the private key to a trusted
 intermediate or root certificate authority got stolen and published. It
 might take a while to update all the browsers out there to not accept it
 as a valid signer of server certificates.

Yeah, lots of web sites would start signing their own certificates because
they'd see no reason to fork over the $700 or whatever it is to Verisign,
then Verisign would start threatening to sue all of them for violating
trade secrets and copyright on the root key.

Ironically, it probably wouldn't have any effect on security whatsoever -
you can MITM web sites just fine anyway and just make client connections
unencrypted, hardly anyone would notice. The real security behind credit
card transactions is in the difficulty of cashing in on a whole bunch of
credit card numbers anonymously.

-Bram Cohen

"Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent"
-- John Maynard Keynes

More Envelope Mail stuff

2001-01-02 Thread Bram Cohen

A bunch more stuff done to the Envelope Mail page, including - 

- Made separaate page of the encapsulated crypto problem, it's now at a
state where academic cryptographers should be able to easily help out.

- Created examples page

- lots of little cleanups

Check it out at

-Bram Cohen

"Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent"
-- John Maynard Keynes

Envelope Mail

2000-12-29 Thread Bram Cohen

I've set up a home page for Envelope Mail, and included feedback which I
got from my last post (thanks everybody!) It's at -

Any and all additional feedback and offers to help would be much
appreciated. In particular, it could use a logo :-)

-Bram Cohen

"Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent"
-- John Maynard Keynes

Re: The problem with SSH2

2000-12-28 Thread Bram Cohen

On Wed, 27 Dec 2000, Theodore Y. Ts'o wrote:

From: Bram Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The problem is that if someone performs MITM on you, you get a warning
saying 'I don't know who this is warning warning warning blah blah blah,
would you like to give up connecting or just hope it isn't really a
problem?' Of course, most people choose to hope the problem goes away -
I've done this several times myself, sysadmins often forget to copy ssh
keys between machines.
 In the first place, it only happens the first time you contact a
 particular host.

It gets shown every time the host machine changes it's key, which has
happened several times to me, on several unrelated machines, often without
advance warning. In no cases was it actually a MITM attack.

 In the second, the message is a tad bit stronger than that.

Maybe it should mention that if you ignore that message you could wind up
having the same fate as Wil E. Coyote.

 In the third place, if you're using RSA authentication (which is
 far more convenient since you don't have to keep typing your password),
 the effects of a MITM attack are much reduced.

Hardly anyone ever does that. Whether they *should* is irrelevant, they

 Do note that SRP is patented technology.  A claim has been made that it
 is has been freely licensed by Stanford.  However, I haven't seen the
 letter myself, and it's not clear what the terms of the patent license

I think the patent either hasn't been granted or has just recently been
granted. My impression speaking to Tom Wu is that he is mainly interested
in making the technology freely available, but it's probably best he
comments on that.

 The fact that the SRP home page doesn't disclose that the fact
 that it is patented, and the author has in the past tried very hard to
 get people to use it without disclosing the patent status has always
 left a bad taste in my mouth, but your mileage and personal ethical
 standards (and some might say pet peeves, I grant that) may vary.

I'm inclined to assume he's tried to promulgate it mostly because it's
better technology.

 My personal recommendation to any such Linux distributors would be to
 get any kind of patent license agreement in signed, ink-on-paper

I think that would be an exceedingly overly cautious, one might even say
wimpy, approach, especially if all that's included is the password file
format and not the tools which use it.

 Failing that, it *really* isn't that hard to use shell scripts to rdist
 /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts files between all of your local machines.

Anything involving shell scripts is just plain unacceptably hard to use
for 99% of all computer users, and not worth the effort for most of the
remaining myself included.

-Bram Cohen

"Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent"
-- John Maynard Keynes

Re: IBM press release - encryption and authentication

2000-12-15 Thread Bram Cohen

On 14 Dec 2000, Nikita Borisov wrote:

 I think, though, that the "parallelization-friendliness" of the result
 is much more interesting than being able to encrypt and MAC at the same

Encrypt and MAC together are pretty useful too - it can result in a factor
of two improvement in speed on a single CPU system.

There's an improved version of the IBM mode at in the 'OCB mode' paper.

Clearly, it's a good idea to wait for new developments to stop happening
to use the new modes.

-Bram Cohen

"Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent"
-- John Maynard Keynes

Re: IBM press release - encryption and authentication

2000-12-11 Thread Bram Cohen

On Sun, 10 Dec 2000, Rich Salz wrote:

  No word, of course, on how the thing actually works, or whether they
  intend to patent it.
 Not so.  Search your nearest IETF internet-drafts repository for 

I was complaining about the total lack of technical detail in the press
release specifically. Thanks for the pointer.

-Bram Cohen

Re: IBM press release - encryption and authentication

2000-12-11 Thread Bram Cohen

On Sun, 10 Dec 2000, Rodney Thayer wrote:

 P.s, when he spoke at Stanford I asked about patents and he said
 it was patented, and he said NIST is trying to get them to put it
 in the public domain.

There are slides for it online at

it's not hard to figure it out just from the slides - there are actually
two methods given, one which requires an extra lg(n) encryptions and one
which requires two extra encryptions but has a bunch of modular
arithmetic. Rijndael is so fast I suspect the second one might not prove
all that useful.

It really does, as advertized, offer MAC for almost no overhead, and
parallelization for free. It would be a shame for these modes to not get
used because of stupid patent bullshit.

-Bram Cohen

(who thinks doing the xors as a gray code instead of binary countup was a
nice touch.)

Re: UK Sunday Times: Steal the face right off your head

2000-12-11 Thread Bram Cohen

On Mon, 11 Dec 2000, Ben Laurie wrote:

 "R. A. Hettinga" wrote:
  In South Africa, where fingerprint security has been introduced at some
  experimental prisons, inmates recently tried to cut off the hands of their
  guards to enter protected gates.
 What did I tell ya?

The US military is switching over to biometrics, including fingerprints
and cornea scans. One of the reasons they decided to do the switch is that
newer technologies ensure that the item in front of the scanner is in fact
alive :)

-Bram Cohen

Re: migration paradigm (was: Is PGP broken?)

2000-12-10 Thread Bram Cohen

On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, David Honig wrote:

 Is there a reason not to use AES block cipher in a hashing mode
 if you need a secure digest of some data? 

Hashing modes of block ciphers require a re-key for every block, and hence
are really, really slow.

-Bram Cohen

Re: IBM press release - encryption and authentication

2000-12-10 Thread Bram Cohen

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, P.J. Ponder wrote:

 IBM develops algorithm that encrypts and authenticates simultaneously 

No word, of course, on how the thing actually works, or whether they
intend to patent it.

A note to the clueful about it being 'parellelizable' - almost all crypto
stuff can be parallelized by putting different tasks on different
processors, since the vast majority of crypto applications have multiple
tasks on a server going on at once. Parallelism works well for things
which require little interaction, and not at all for things which require
a lot.

-Bram Cohen

[Parallelism is NOT a trivial property. The maximum data rate you can
sustain depends a lot on whether or not an algorithm can be
implemented in parallel in hardware. Some algorithms, like various
keyed hashes, have bad properties in this regard. Claiming this isn't
important is just not correct -- for many applications it is. --Perry]

Re: IBM press release - encryption and authentication

2000-12-10 Thread Bram Cohen

On Sun, 10 Dec 2000, Paulo S. L. M. Barreto wrote:

 A description of Jutla's mode of operation is available from NIST's AES site.
 And yes, IBM has filed patent for it.

Note to cryptographers of the world - there are two reasons to patent an
algorithm -

1) to keep anyone else from patenting it and release it into the public

2) to keep anyone from using it

If you're not doing 1, you're doing 2.

-Bram Cohen

Re: /. Yahoo delivers encrypted email

2000-12-05 Thread Bram Cohen

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yahoo's new system works like this: Once a message is composed, it
 travels, unencrypted, to Yahoo,
 So feel no fear in sending anything you wouldn't mind being read before 
 it's encrypted?
 I'm surprised AOL isn't offering this "security feature" as well ... 
 I feel safer already :~)

To be fair, Yahoo handles so much mail that the CPU power necessary to
start SSL sessions for all of them gets pretty expensive. They'll probably
start doing end-to-end encryption when the prices of that drop lower,
Moore's law and all that.

-Bram Cohen

Re: migration paradigm (was: Is PGP broken?)

2000-12-05 Thread Bram Cohen

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, William Allen Simpson wrote:

 We could use the excuse of AES implementation to foster a move to a 
 new common denominator.

AES is silly without an equivalently good secure hash function, which we
don't have right now.

[SHA-2 looks pretty good. What's your problem with it? --Perry]

We already have too many common denominators. I'm waiting for something to
stop looking like an experiment to actually start advocating use of a
particular crypto application.

-Bram Cohen

Re: migration paradigm (was: Is PGP broken?)

2000-12-05 Thread Bram Cohen

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Bram Cohen wrote:
 [SHA-2 looks pretty good. What's your problem with it? --Perry]

It's slow. It's fast enough for most applications, but then again so is
3DES - either you care about speed or you don't, and if you do, SHA2 just
doesn't rank up there with Rijndael.

-Bram Cohen

RE: Is PGP broken?

2000-12-04 Thread Bram Cohen

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Ian Brown wrote:

  Come to think of it, there are some tricky issues with regards to crypto
  on mailing lists, it might make sense to have a
  X-crypto-originator [EMAIL PROTECTED] line in the headers to specify that the
  crypto information contained in that piece of mail applies to the address
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - otherwise there's no clear way of unraveling all the
  possible mixes of from, to, and reply-to headers which could possibly be
  sent to a mailing list.
 The recipient would probably ignore the mail headers and use the userID(s)
 in the public key certificate included in the message.

To clarify - I think doing things based on PGP userIDs is unworkable, and
would like to do everything based on email addresses.

-Bram Cohen

Re: Is PGP broken?

2000-12-03 Thread Bram Cohen

On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Ian BROWN wrote:

 Bram Cohen wrote:
 What we really need is a system which just stops passive attacks. The best
 idea I've come up with so far is for all outgoing messages to have a
 public key attached, and if you have the public key of an email address
 you're sending to you use it
 Indeed -- this is one of the current advantages of S/MIME over OpenPGP. 
 Absolutely no reason why any PGP implementation shouldn't do it. This also 
 allows you to do perfect forward secrecy: generate new short-life encryption
 key pairs for each message, sign the public key with your longer-lived 
 signature key, and include it in your message for the reply. See for an attempt 
 by Adam Back, Ben Laurie and myself to standardise this and other PFS 
 techniques for OpenPGP.

Good to know someone's done work along these lines.

A problem with including a public key with every plaintext message is that
it isn't very discreet - actually looks kind of ugly in some peoples's
email clients. This could be changed by making a header line saying
something like X-accepts-crypto, and have other mailers only send their
keys to addresses they've formerly gotten mail with that header line from.

Come to think of it, there are some tricky issues with regards to crypto
on mailing lists, it might make sense to have a 
X-crypto-originator [EMAIL PROTECTED] line in the headers to specify that the
crypto information contained in that piece of mail applies to the address
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - otherwise there's no clear way of unraveling all the
possible mixes of from, to, and reply-to headers which could possibly be
sent to a mailing list.

-Bram Cohen

Re: Is PGP broken?

2000-12-03 Thread Bram Cohen

On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Ben Laurie wrote:

 Bram Cohen wrote:
  Come to think of it, there are some tricky issues with regards to crypto
  on mailing lists, it might make sense to have a
  X-crypto-originator [EMAIL PROTECTED] line in the headers to specify that the
  crypto information contained in that piece of mail applies to the address
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - otherwise there's no clear way of unraveling all the
  possible mixes of from, to, and reply-to headers which could possibly be
  sent to a mailing list.
 Umm. PGP keys are largely self-identifying, at least in this case. It
 wouldn't really matter how the short-lived key arrived, the fact that
 its signatory is the guy you are about to email is the interesting
 thing. Who cares who delivered it to you, or how?

If I recieve mail from a mailing list, it potentially might have info
about both how to encrypt mail sent to the sender, and how to encrypt mail
sent to the list - it really should be able to include both, and specify
which is which.

-Bram Cohen

[Personally, I'm not sure it is worthwhile worrying about how to
encrypt mail to a large mailing list -- a secret known by more than
a couple of people is never secret for long. Signatures on list mail
are another matter. --Perry]

Re: Is PGP broken?

2000-11-28 Thread Bram Cohen

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, Russell Nelson wrote:

 Is it just me, or is PGP broken?  I don't mean any particular version
 of PGP -- I mean the fact that there are multiple versions of PGP
 which generate incompatible cryptography. 

I'd say that's an accurate assesment.

 Presuming that I'm right, is anyone attempting to fix PGP?

Not that I've heard of.

 Not to mention anything about PGP keyservers, or the utter and
 complete absence of anybody doing point-source PGP signing.

Yeah, the whole system looks none too scaleable. 

What we really need is a system which just stops passive attacks. The best
idea I've come up with so far is for all outgoing messages to have a
public key attached, and if you have the public key of an email address
you're sending to you use it. If you receive a different public key than
one you saw before, you overwrite the old one. 

This doesn't stop active attacks at all, but would be very easy to use.
The worst that could really happen is that I lose my key info, construct
new stuff, and next time Russ sends me mail I respond 'sorry, but I lost
my old private key, please send that last message again'. The only real
gotcha is that the first message is unencrypted, and that's not a big
deal, especially when you know about it and always send a 'checking to
make sure I got your address right' message to start things off.

-Bram Cohen

Re: Schneier: Why Digital Signatures are not Signatures (was Re: CRYPTO-GRAM, November 15, 2000)

2000-11-18 Thread Bram Cohen

On Thu, 16 Nov 2000, John David Galt wrote:

 As the US banking system (and especially the bank clearinghouses controlled
 by the Federal Reserve system) has gone electronic, all the banks I know of
 have stopped bothering to verify the signatures on checks, and similarly
 those on credit- and debit-card drafts.  Getting them to start using digital
 signatures would be a big improvement over the current wide-open situation.

True, although a simpler (albeit less secure) measure would be to increase
the length of the tracking number so that it's unguessable (it may already
be that way - if so, never mind.)

-Bram Cohen

Re: Rijndael among the weakest of the AES candidates

2000-10-03 Thread Bram Cohen

On 2 Oct 2000, lcs Mixmaster Remailer wrote:

 Pure cipher strength actually played very little role in the selection.
 All the ciphers were judged adequately strong.  Rijndael's main advantages
 were in practical implementation issues, plus resistance to various
 hardware failures.
 Rijndael has attacks on 6 or 7 out of the 10 rounds for 128 bits keys;
 7 out of 12 rounds for 192 bit keys; and 7, 8 or 9 out of 14 rounds for
 256 bit keys (Rijndael uses more rounds for larger keys).  The attacks
 against larger numbers of rounds require prohibitive levels of work.
 For those whose primary interest in AES is high security, the emphasis
 might have been placed elsewhere.  Rather than choosing a cipher with
 merely an "adequate" level of security, they would prefer that the
 choice had been made from among those ciphers judged highest in security:
 MARS, Twofish and Serpent.  Choosing from among these ciphers by similar
 criteria of efficiency would probably have led to Twofish.

According to the NIST report, Rijndael's creators came up with an attack
against 6 rounds, and viewed that as not terribly worrisome. The existence
of a very impractical attack against 7 rounds hardly changes things much,
especially in light of Rijndael being very simple and hence relatively
easy to analyze.

-Bram Cohen

Re: Oh for a decently encrypted mobile phone...

2000-09-14 Thread Bram Cohen

On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, Enzo Michelangeli wrote:
 SOLDIERS are having to use insecure mobile phones to communicate in
 battlefield exercises because, they say, the army's radio
 communications system is so unreliable. Senior commanders be-lieve
 that the reliability of mobile phones outweighs the increased risk of
 conversations being intercepted.

Wouldn't it be ironic if they resort to buying a bunch of stariums ...

-Bram Cohen

[That would require that Stariums actually appear on the market at
some point. --Perry]

Re: Comcast@Home bans VPNs

2000-08-26 Thread Bram Cohen

On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, Phil Karn wrote:

 I've been saying for some time that we need a IP-over-SSL tunneling
 protocol standard. ISPs would *never* dare block TCP port 443, since
 as we all know the only important Internet application is to let
 people buy stuff online...

You can tunnel PPP over SSH ...

-Bram Cohen

The difficulty of making non-hashable tokens

2000-04-18 Thread Bram Cohen

At, I believe, the cypherpunks physical meeting before last I gave a
technique for making tokens which can be compared but not canonicalized.
Rather than try to define this precisely, which is rather hard to follow,
I'll give my (broken) technique, and explain what's wrong with it.

A common prime p is universally settled on. To generate a token, Alice
picks some random values b and c and constructs the ordered pair 
(c^b (mod p), b (mod p-1)). Every time she wants to use it again, she
picks some random value r and brings the first number to the r power and
multiplies the second number by r. To compare two tokens (c^b, b) and 
(d^e, e), she computes (c^b)^e and (d^e)^b and compares them - they'll be
the same if and only if c and d are equal.

The problem with that scheme (and I'm a little embarassed for not having
seen this immediately) is that it's possible to compute 1/b (mod p-1) and
compute c^b to that power, resulting in c, which can of course be hashed.

I've been trying to come up with a fixed version and cannot for the life
of me find one. I'm inclined at this point to conjecture that it's
impossible, which makes it by far the most plausible-sounding yet probably
impossible cryptographic primitive I know of. If anybody can come up with
a non-hashable tokens technique I'll be very impressed. If anybody can
find a proof that there is none I'll be even more impressed (since proving
things impossible seems to be out of the reach of complexity theory these

Just thought I'd throw that out. Had to vent. Not being able to find one
is getting on my nerves.

-Bram Cohen

Re: The difficulty of making non-hashable tokens

2000-04-18 Thread Bram Cohen

To clarify what I mean by 'non-hashable token' - There is a format for
identifiers, and a function for 'scrambling' them, so that they look very
different, but there's a function which can accurately compare two
identifiers ('tokens') regardless of how scrambled they are. By
'non-hashable' I mean that given a set of n tokens, there should be no
algorithm for determining if there's a pair of identical ones better than
doing all n^2 - n comparisons. 

An example motivation: Say you have a very large database of user logins,
and you would like for users to be able to give you their history and for
you to verify it, but you're worried about an attacker getting access to
your database and analyzing it. What you do then is you give each user an
unhashable token as an identifier, and whenever you store login records
you store a login date and a scrambled version of the login id. Then, if
someone wants to demonstrate their login history they send you the dates
and their id and you can verify it, but analyzing the database as a whole
requires a lot of work.

Well, so that's not a particularly strong motivation, but hopefully it

-Bram Cohen

Re: A non-parellelizable form of hashcash

2000-03-27 Thread Bram Cohen

On 26 Mar 2000, David A. Wagner wrote:

 Your technique appears to be a more complicated -- but closely
 related -- variant of the construction given in the following paper:
   ``Time-lock puzzles and timed-release Crypto'', R. Rivest,
 A. Shamir, and D. Wagner, MIT LCS tech report TR-684, February 1996.

Yep, that it is. I'm a little embarassed for not having already known
about that one.

 I'm not sure if there is any reason to prefer either scheme over the
 other on security grounds.  If the two have equivalent security, then
 the simplicity of the RSW construction looks appealing.  Any thoughts
 on the two schemes' relationship?

I figured out the simpler construction, but for some reason thought it was
insecure, so I came up with the more complicated one.

I suspect that there are the equivalent of chosen plaintext and ciphertext
attacks against the simpler scheme - that is, if Alice acts as an oracle
for computing a^(2^b), then Bob can find p and q. This would imply that
the more complicated technique is (marginally) more secure. There's no
obvious way of factoring n using the oracle though.

Other than that, they look about the same - there wouldn't be any
noticeable difference in performance between the two algorithms.

Mostly I just find the mess which the expansion of f(x)^2 - 2 becomes
after a few iterations very comforting.

-Bram Cohen

A recurrence relation question

2000-03-25 Thread Bram Cohen

This isn't obviously crypto-related, but I'll explain if there's a simple

Given that f(x+1) = f(x) * f(x) + c, does anybody know how to express f(x)
in closed form? 

-Bram Cohen

Re: A non-parellelizable form of hashcash

2000-03-25 Thread Bram Cohen

It turns out my memory of what it's difficult to find square roots modulo
was wrong. The fixed version is below.

Alice wants to force Bob to do w 'units' of computation in such a way that
he can't do the computation in parallel and she can verify the result
expending relatively little resources.

Alice first picks primes p and q, both congruent to 3 mod 4, and finds
their product, N. She will be able to reuse N any number of times so long
as she keeps p and q secret.

For a specific challenge, Alice picks secret value s, less than N. She
then computes 

s + 1/s (mod N)

and sends it and N to Bob. Bob can't compute s because that would involve
taking a square root modulo N, which is just as difficult as factoring N.

Alice's challenge to Bob is to compute f(w), where

f(n+1) = (f(n))^2 - 2 (mod N)


f(0) = s + 1/s (mod N)

She can compute f(w) quickly using the formula

f(n) = s^(2^n) + 1/(s^(2^n)) (mod N)

which can be easily verified using induction.

To compute s^(2^n) (mod N) quickly, Alice first finds it's value mod p and
mod q. To find s^(2^n) mod p, she first computes 

e = 2^n (mod p-1)

and then computes s^e (mod p), which is equal to s^(2^n) (mod p) because
of the basic number theory theorem

s^(p-1) = 1 (mod p)

Not only does this method prevent Bob from doing parallel computation, it
allows Alice to control very precisely the amount of work he must perform.

Public key techniques always feel guided by an unseen hand. There is
clearly an underlying theory we have yet to discover.

-Bram Cohen

Looking for a cryptographic primitive

2000-03-09 Thread bram

Does anybody know of a field in which a + b and a * b can be computed
quickly but (and this is important) it's computationally intractable to
compute the additive inverse of a?

I need it for a technique I'm working on.


[Bram: All fields of n elements are isomorphic to all other fields of
n elements, and in any of the fields I'm familiar with, it is trivial
to compute an additive (or multiplicative) inverse. Given this, I
suspect what you want to do is rather hard -- you would have to
conceal the isomorphism to, say, GF(n) somehow. Any readers have any
other insights here? --Perry]

Re: Looking for a cryptographic primitive

2000-03-09 Thread bram

On Thu, 9 Mar 2000, bram wrote:

 Does anybody know of a field in which a + b and a * b can be computed
 quickly but (and this is important) it's computationally intractable to
 compute the additive inverse of a?
 [Bram: All fields of n elements are isomorphic to all other fields of
 n elements

I'm not using the additive or multiplicative identity, maybe eleminating
the requirement for those increases the number of mathematical structures


Re: [PGP]: PGP 6.5.2 Random Number Generator (RNG) support

2000-02-05 Thread bram

[This is getting tiresome. Unless someone has something *new* to say,
this is the end of the thread. --pm]

On 3 Feb 2000, lcs Mixmaster Remailer wrote:

 On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Martin Minow wrote:
  The one problem I have with the RNG, based on my reading of the
  analysis, is that programmers cannot access the "raw" bitstream,
  only the stream after the "digital post-processing" that converts
  the bitstream into a stream of balanced 1 and 0 bits.
 Why do you want this?  The post-processing is a simple Von Neumann bias
 remover that looks for 0-1 and 1-0 transitions (actually slightly more
 complex, looking at triplets of bits rather than pairs, but the same

Call me a conspiracy theorist if you will, but a test which reveals some
internal structure to a system gives me a much more warm and fuzzy feeling
than one which simply concludes 'It seems to work perfectly.' It may be
silly, but I tend to think people are much less likely to fake the former
than the latter.

 The benefit you would gain from being able to see this biased data
 must be balanced against the harm that will result from some people
 accidentally using it in the belief that it is secure.

Don't tell the kids about contraception either. It'll make them fuck like

  The work on the studying the output of Intel's RNG has only had accessed
  to the post-processed output, plus I believe a file directly from Intel
  which was claimed to be unprocessed output. Yeah ... right.
 The post-processed output was processed via the Von Neumann bias remover,
 and that's the way the data comes off the chip. It is entirely appropriate
 to analyze such output in looking at the quality of the randomness
 produced by the chip.



For this review, Cryptography Research performed a series of tests and
evaluated the results of experiments performed by Intel. Raw data and
design specifications for the analysis were provided by Intel.


Does anybody know if Cryptography Research is re-running those tests on
data from an actual chip now? It's not like publishing a spec magically
makes all the tests which should be done with it happen, libertarian
precepts to the contrary.

  If Intel wants people to trust them, they should quit acting like they're
  covering for bad engineering.
 So, what would satisfy you?  Kocher has published the theory of the
 device, but that's not good enough.  What more do you need? 

I'd like for the theory to be published with Intel's name on it, not
Kocher's, which someone else pointed out hasn't happened yet.

 Short of this level of monitoring, it is impossible to be sure that the
 chip in your computer is free of backdoors (and even then you have to
 worry about somebody sneaking into your house and swapping CPU boards on
 you).  Face it: no matter what they do, people are going to bitch, just
 like they do at every other crypto or security company in the industry.
 There's no satisfying some people.

Ad hominen attacks and claims of unfalsifiability being reasonable aside,
there is something which would make me happy.

Chip manufacturers reverse-engineer each other's stuff all the time. I'd
like one of Intel's competitors to publically state 'We took apart a
Pentium III and it's RNG really works the way Intel says.'


Re: [PGP]: PGP 6.5.2 Random Number Generator (RNG) support

2000-02-02 Thread bram

On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Martin Minow wrote:
 The one problem I have with the RNG, based on my reading of the
 analysis, is that programmers cannot access the "raw" bitstream,
 only the stream after the "digital post-processing" that converts
 the bitstream into a stream of balanced 1 and 0 bits.

It not only does that, it hashes the thing using sha-1. For all we know,
the thing might be producing unacceptably small amounts of entropy for
crypto purposes but large enough amounts that it hardly ever repeats.

The work on the studying the output of Intel's RNG has only had accessed
to the post-processed output, plus I believe a file directly from Intel
which was claimed to be unprocessed output. Yeah ... right.

If Intel wants people to trust them, they should quit acting like they're
coving for bad engineering.


Re: legal status of RC4

2000-01-28 Thread bram

First off, anybody could make a cipher called 'RC7'. RC7 isn't
trademarked, and 'RC' as a prefix isn't either. It's the same reason why
we have an MP4 unrelated to MP3, and why Intel makes Pentiums instead of

I'm a little confused about what exactly constitutes 'causing customer
confusion' with regards to using the term RC4. If I publish something
clearly labelled 'Bram's crypto library' and list RC4 as one of the
ciphers supported, there's no implication of anything coming from RSA, it
comes from Bram. There's always the trademark dilution claim, although my
understanding is that only applies to 'famous' trademarks, which RC4
clearly isn't, and the proper legalese response to a claim of dilution can
be roughly translated into plain english as 'blow me'.


Re: Blue Spike and Digital Watermarking with Giovanni

2000-01-16 Thread bram

On Sat, 15 Jan 2000, Eugene Leitl wrote:

 Joe Sixpack also doesn't believe that color laser copiers leave an
 unique signature on each copy, allowing you to trace the copy to an
 individual device. Nevertheless these are there, and can be evaluated
 if need arises. (Just try distributing a few xeroxed $100 bills, and
 time how long it takes until the feds knock on your door).

Do you have a reference for that?

[There have been SO many articles on this recently, including a long
thread on RISKS: the summary being that it is absolutely
true. --Perry]


Re: DeCSS Court Hearing Report

2000-01-04 Thread bram

On Tue, 4 Jan 2000, Ray Hirschfeld wrote:

  Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 18:43:52 -0800 (PST)
  From: bram [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I'm a little confused. Are you saying that as of October it will be legal
  to do any amount of reverse-engineering, publishing, and writing to APIs
  you want without violating the original author's copyright? Does that mean
  that, say, Bsafe will have the rug yanked out from under it by allowing
  alternate non-infringing implementations?
 No, October 28, 2000 is when the act of circumventing an effective
 technological measure becomes a violation (with exceptions for fair
 use, crypto research, reverse engineering, law enforcement, etc.).
 Until then it is legal under the new copyright law.
 Circumvention for interoperability purposes is already permitted, but
 not as broadly as you state.

Specifically, is it, and will it be, legal to create an alternate
implementation of an API you didn't write?

This may be re-opening an old can of worms, but I couldn't help but notice
the extreme looseness of the encryption research exemption - 

(1) Definitions. - For purposes of this subsection - 

(A) the term ''encryption research'' means activities necessary to
identify and analyze flaws and vulnerabilities of encryption technologies
applied to copyrighted works, if these activities are conducted to advance
the state of knowledge in the field of encryption technology or to assist
in the development of encryption products; and

(B) the term ''encryption technology'' means the scrambling and
descrambling of information using mathematical formulas or algorithms.

Does breaking a proprietary algorithm 'advance the state of knowledge in
the field of encryption technology'? Is breaking protocols, with no
breaking of algorithms (as happened to ICQ) covered under (B)? Is it
illegal to point out that a product sends a challenge/response of some
trivial secret message before sending everything cleartext, since that
neither deals with the scrambling of information using mathematical
formulas or advances the state of encryption technology?


Re: DeCSS Court Hearing Report

2000-01-03 Thread bram

On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Ray Hirschfeld wrote:

  Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 20:06:32 -0800
  From: Lucky Green [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  but it appears that an argument based on copyright would have been
  a better approach.
 I conjecture they did it this way because the prohibition against
 circumventing effective technological measures that was added to
 U.S. copyright law in October 1998 (as part of the Digital Millennium
 Copyright Act, which implemented the WIPO Copyright Treaty) does not
 take effect until October 28, 2000.  Cf. Title 17, Chapter 12.  The
 section against trafficking in devices seems like it might apply,
 though, and doesn't seem to be subject to the two-year delay.  But
 reverse engineering for interoperability purposes is explicitly
 permitted, and making information so obtained available to others for
 interoperability purposes also does not constitute infringement under
 the new law (cf. Sec. 1201 (f) (3)).

I'm a little confused. Are you saying that as of October it will be legal
to do any amount of reverse-engineering, publishing, and writing to APIs
you want without violating the original author's copyright? Does that mean
that, say, Bsafe will have the rug yanked out from under it by allowing
alternate non-infringing implementations?

(Doesn't the RSA patent expire in October as well? That's a mighty funny
coincidence ... for anyone other than RSA, anyhow.)


Re: PGP on an e-commerce site

2000-01-03 Thread bram

On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Dave Del Torto wrote:

 Here the plot thickens: If the only two sigs on the key at CDNOW are
 the key-owner's sig and David's, then the ability of any CDNOW
 customer to trust the key's security is based on David's "trustability
 quotient" as well as the ability of CDNOW to prevent spoofing of its
 webpages. Giving CDNOW the benefit of the doubt in this case, this
 means that David has become the defacto PGP Certificate Authority for
 CDNOW, which implies more liability than he's probably willing to take
 on personally, so it may be that he's a CDNOW employee and therefore
 has some legal protections (one hopes it's in his contract).

Does it? I'm skeptical as to whether there's ever been a strong legal
opinion written on this matter, so it's unclear what a court would say if
someone tried to sue someone else who's PGP signature they relied on. I
would hope that a court would rule that with the absence of clear legal
wording in a 'signature' which is really just a technical artifact, it
should be treated as rumor.

Lack of clear legal meaning is a definite weakness of current public key
systems. It may seem boring and tedious to work out detailed legal
meanings of what all the public key technical artifacts mean, but unless
those artifacts refer to specific meanings themselves, a court will make
them up later, and will probably make them up in a way which the original
authors (meaning you) aren't happy with.


Re: Semantic Forests, from CWD (fwd)

1999-12-02 Thread bram

Maybe I'm just dense, but what's with the emphasis on phone
conversations? Voice processing is flaky at best, and computationally
expensive regardless. Faxes, on the other hand, can be OCR'ed easily, and
email is in plaintext to begin with.



1999-11-16 Thread bram

On 16 Nov 1999, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

 ACLU today launched a new web site, which is designed 
 to focus public attention on the threats to civil liberties which are 
 posed by the massive international communications surveillance program 
 sometimes known by the code name ECHELON. The attached release gives more 
 details on the site.

I find the phrasing of this site curious - the impression that I got from
the last cypherpunks meeting is that echelon is mostly used for
industrial/government espionage - the number of reports it generates (two
a day if my memory servers) are just too small to say much about

Besides, violating individual rights is the FBI's job.


Re: Flannery on Cayley-Purser/RSA

1999-11-11 Thread bram

On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Jim Gillogly wrote:

 Wei Dai writes:
  Is CP completely broken, or is there some variant of it that
  is still unbroken?
 It's completely broken. 

So what on earth was that claim of mathematically showing it was as strong
as RSA about? If breaking it doesn't result in a break of RSA, it must
have been of the typical voodoo hand-waving flavor.

 That's not to denigrate Flannery's work: she started from the
 assumption that the algorithm she'd been handed to work on was
 O.K. and did some good work optimizing its implementation.

That doesn't make the algorithm any more useful.


Re: Almost-Everywhere Superiority for Quantum Computing

1999-10-17 Thread bram

On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, Russell Nelson wrote:

 Okay, then can I ask a silly question (I prefer to contribute good
 answers, but in this case hopefully the question is good enough)?  If
 quantum computers make brute-force cryptanalysis tasks easier, don't
 they also make brute-force cryptographic tasks easier as well?  Put
 another way, is there something special about quantum computers that
 is different from Intel's next process shrink?  That is, apart from
 the havoc it plays with key lifetime expectations?

I very strongly suspect that if the encrypter and decrypter are given the
same oracle, then the encrypter can always force the decrypter to have to
use vastly more operation of the oracle to do break a cipher than are
required to encrypt it, even with essentially normal key lengths.

I don't know of any attempts to create ciphers which rely on quantum
computation for efficient encryption which are strong against quantum
decryption techniques, although I'll bet you could get the right people to
speculate about it.


Re: Ecash without a mint, or - making anonymous payments practical

1999-09-27 Thread bram

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 One small final comment:  physical cash is not really anonymous (bills have
 serial numbers, and certainly coins may contain secret marks. Why?

I believe at least part of the reason is to make heists difficult - Places
which have loads of nice new bills almost always have them with sequential
serial numbers. There have been many cases of a huge heist getting pulled
off successfully and then the robbers were unable to dispose of the cash
they got because it was too easy to trace.


Re: Ecash without a mint

1999-09-20 Thread bram

On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, Adam Back wrote:

 - is the ZK proof interactive?  If so this would place communication
   restrictions on spending -- payer and payee would need to be
   simultaneously online.

Interactive ZK proofs can be made non-interactive by generating an
encoding of the information offered by the prover, and using the bits of
the secure hash of that as the challenges by the provee.


Re: Summary re: /dev/random

1999-08-04 Thread bram

On Mon, 2 Aug 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Linux's /dev/random uses a very different design, in that it uses a
 large pool to store the entropy.  As long as you have enough entropy
 (i.e., you don't overdraw on the pool's entropy), /dev/random isn't
 relying on the cryptographic properties as much as Yarrow does.

The problem is that the one bit of entropy for one bit of output rule
creates the potential for lots of denial of service attacks where the
entropy gets used up. There is no application which needs that amount of
entropy. John Kelsey put it pretty well earlier this thread:

  Suppose God, in a fit of budget-consciouness, decides to get
  rid of all this wasteful hardware for generating random
  numbers that are necessary for quantum mechanics, and
  instead replaces them with a PRNG with a 256-bit seed.  In
  this case, all hardware noise sources are ultimately tapping
  into this same seed and PRNG. How will you, or anyone, tell
  the difference?

Most people don't know the fine-grained distinction between /dev/random
and /dev/urandom. In fact, I'll bet most developers don't even know that
/dev/urandom exists. As a result, lots of programs which require very
large amounts of random numbers suck data out of /dev/random, creating a
very large potential for unknown numbers of present and future problems.
This entire class of problems can be eliminated completely by altering
/dev/random to only block at bootup until it has enough entropy (or not at
all if there was some stored on disk) and thereafter to spit out data as
soon as it's requested.

The complete threat model for RNG's, admittedly, has a number of attacks
which seem very impractical under current circumstances, but since those
attacks can be completely eliminated now prudence indicates doing so. That
way, when circumstances arise in which one of those attacks is practical,
we can make a little academic note which nobody cares about for it, rather
than having to deal with a disaster.

The other reason for changing the way /dev/random currently works is that
the long output version of RIPEMD160 would make it just plain faster,
since it would halve the amount of hashing done per byte of output.

The goal is to make it so that any time someone wants random numbers they
can go to /dev/random, with no required studying of entropy and threat
models and all that yadda yadda yadda which most developers will
rightfully recoil from getting into when all they want is a few random


Re: Proposal (was Summary re: /dev/random)

1999-08-02 Thread bram

On Sun, 1 Aug 1999, Sandy Harris wrote:

 The question, then is how best to make it into
 a two-stage design. Mainly, choose a block cipher
 and modify the hashing to suit. 

No, block ciphers are weak against related-key attacks, which happen all
over the place in the threat model on SRNGs.

The only real problem with the algorithm Yarrow uses is that it doesn't
rehash the internal state after every chunk of output, which is sort of
like using a hash algorithm as an encryption algorithm. The way to fix
that completely is to rehash the internal pool state after every output
and use different hash algorithms for the internal hashing and the output
derivation. Since RIPEMD-160 has a version with an output twice as long,
it would make sense to use that for output derivation (a significant
performance win, since it halves the amount of hashing which has to be
done.) and SHA-1 for internal mixing.

I think the 160 bit safety involved in both SHA-1 and RIPEMD-160 will
continue to be excessive for many years to come, so there's no reason to
worry about it being 'too small'.


Re: Summary re: /dev/random

1999-08-02 Thread bram

On Mon, 2 Aug 1999, Anonymous wrote:

 Disagree.  /dev/random in cryptographic mode should be adequate as long
 as the machine is secured.  If the machine is attacked to grab PRNG
 state the attacker can probably weaken the code.

No, /dev/random's propensity to block can be unacceptable, especially for
machines which don't have a source of entropy available.

 If the gateway machine is vulnerable to attacks which get root access,
 that is a serious weakness, but no work on the RNG can fix it.  If not,
 then any decent cryptographically strong PRNG is fully adequate.
 No one has shown any value whatsoever for large entropy pools in this

Right now, everything which collects entropy has to be run as root or in
the kernal, which is uncomfortable from a security standpoint.

I disagree that bad entropy attacks are unrealistic - if a machine is
running several different sources of entropy, getting information from god
knows what source, it's quite possible one of them could be made by
external forces to start spewing controlled data into the pool, and if you
have a machine which, for example, is running a web server which isn't
being hit by anyone but the attacker, and that web server is the only
thing reading data out of /dev/random, suddenly an attack looks quite

This is especially true for possible future sources of entropy where, for
example, some sysadmin might figure 'I'll just spew the traffic logs into
/dev/random, it's the only source of randomness I have, and it's pretty
random.' As things stand, that would leave the system much more wide-open
than it would have to be.

 Yarrow does not use a block cipher.  In PRNG mode, it is simply an
 iterated SHA-1 hash, with the hash output provided as the RNG output.
 It hashes a 20-byte seed, then hashes the previous 20 bytes of output
 to get the new 20 bytes of output.  Every so often it updates the seed
 to be a new hash output value.

That isn't quite accurate, but the basic point is that Yarrow is based on
a hash algorithm as a primitive, and any hash algorithm could be
substituted in there. Further work on figuring out what core trickery
should be at the heart of the randomness source is unnecessary, especially
since other work on the same problem has come up with essentially the same

  Continue discussions on cryptography list,
  focussing on the hardest problem: acquiring and
  estimating entropy.
 This may be the hardest problem, but it is not the most important one,
 especially not for FreeS/WAN use.  Mis-estimates of entropy are not crucial
 for this purpose.  FreeS/WAN does not need "true" entropy and the current
 design of /dev/random does a soft fallback from true RNG to pseudo RNG,
 which is perfect for FreeS/WAN.

No, this is actually the biggest gaping hole in the entire system - if the
randomness source starts spewing after only getting 40 bits of entropy
then it's wide open to attack, regardless of how much whitening it does on
the output.

 The iterative guessing attack is being overstated here in terms of its
 practical significance.  The root privileges which are necessary to snoop
 the RNG state will also allow for more malicious actions that completely
 compromise security.

The way to diddle with RNG state is to mess with it's sources, not by
directly looking inside the state. Attacks of that form, even if they
aren't 'practical' now, could easily become practical in the future.


Re: depleting the random number generator

1999-07-26 Thread bram

On Sun, 25 Jul 1999, John Kelsey wrote:

 Has anyone looked at this from a cryptanalytic point of
 view?  I think there are chosen-input attacks available if
 you do this in the straightforward way.  That is, if I get
 control over some of your inputs, I may be able to alternate
 looking at your outputs and sending in new inputs, and mount
 an attack that isn't possible at all against RC4 as it's
 normally used.  (This comes out of conversations with Jon
 Callas, Dave Wagner, and Niels Ferguson, from a time when I
 considered designing a Yarrow-variant using RC4 as the
 underlying engine.)

I thought about building SRNG's from several different cryptographic
primitives, and came to the conclusion that the chosen-entropy attacks
force it to be based on a secure hash. Since the design I figured out
looks very much like yarrow, we probably had thoughts along the same

 This isn't a bad idea, but I'd be careful about assuming
 that those times hold much entropy.  After all, a given
 piece of code which has thirty calls to the PRNG probably
 runs in about the same amount of time every time, barring
 disk or network I/O.

A lot of things include less entropy than one might assume. For example,
keystrokes contain essentially no entropy based on what letter was hit,
and the number of bits of entropy their timing includes is approximately
the logarithm of the number of time ticks since the last keystroke. (which
means, interestingly enough, that you can get faster entropy harvesting by
having a more precise clock.)


Re: depleting the random number generator

1999-07-26 Thread bram

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, James A. Donald wrote:

  Oh dear!  This suggestion worries me.
  Is it reasonable to expect this arrangement to be secure
  against e.g. chosen-entropy attacks?
 Yes:  If the attacker knows exactly when the packets arrive (which he
 cannot) this cannot give him any additional knowledge about the state.

The threat model for yarrow and other SRNG's is that the attacker can not
only tell when entropy is coming in, but control it's contents as well.
The idea is to build something which only fails if the attacker both knows
the state of the pool at some point and manages to control all attempted


Re: depleting the random number generator

1999-07-19 Thread bram

On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, Ben Laurie wrote:

  The brief summary of the above is that it's possible to simply replace
  /dev/random with something which doesn't deplete entropy and the problem
  will go away. And yes, it is possible to do that in a secure manner.
 So what you are saying is that you'd be happy to run your server forever
 on an inital charge of 128 bits of entropy and no more randomness ever?

Well, I simplified a bit - it's a good idea to mix in more entropy
whenever it's available just for good measure, and pool it to be
introduced in large enough chunks to prevent continuation attacks, but the
short answer is yes.


Re: depleting the random number generator

1999-07-18 Thread bram

On Sat, 17 Jul 1999, Eugene Leitl wrote:

 Does anybody know how cellular automata perform re cryptographically
 solid random number generators? They can crank out a lot of integers
 with a minimum investment in instructions executed.

Most of the fancy reseedable PRNG schemes people have come up with are
based on using secure hashes.


Re: depleting the random number generator

1999-07-18 Thread bram

On Sun, 18 Jul 1999, Bill Stewart wrote:

 /dev/urandom will give you pseudo-random bits if it's run out of entropy,
 so you've got the security risks inherent in that.  
 As David Honig points out, you can't avoid those alternatives,

Yes you can, if there's a 'pool' of entropy in memory which contains a
cryptographycally large number of bits and it's both mixed and extracted
from in a cryptographically secure way then the need for constant
reseeding is eliminated, although it's still helpful. The paper on Yarrow
explains the threat model pretty well -

 so if you need the high quality randomness, you need hardware randomizers.

Those are helpful as well, but should still never be used in the raw -
their entropy output should be estimated conservatively and fed into a
reseedable PRNG.


Re: Word needed for Entropy

1999-06-28 Thread bram

On Sat, 26 Jun 1999, Carl Ellison wrote:

 I've been guilty of sloppy use of English, occasionally, and one such
 sloppiness that I run into occasionally is with the word "entropy"
 for cryptographic purposes.
 What we need is a word or very short phrase to capture the full
 "the conditional entropy of a measurement given all the information about the
 measurement that an attacker is expected to acquire, under the threat model for
 which the present use is being designed."

I just say 'entropy' - it's generally obvious that I mean it in a
cryptographic sense, rather than a physics sense.


Re: obtaining FIPS-140a

1999-05-17 Thread bram

On Fri, 14 May 1999, Adam Back wrote:

 Anyone who has done this have a feel for how much work and cost is
 involved in obtaining FIPS-140a?  Are there samples of successful
 applicant's submitted documentation available?

Is this what you mean?


(altavista is your friend)

Re: Using crypto to solve a part of the DNS/TM mess

1999-03-02 Thread bram

On Tue, 2 Mar 1999, Bill Stewart wrote:

 You can trivially run a namespace under a 2nd-level domain name, e.g.  - to cite a real example
 without having to disrupt the worldwide naming system.

Is there some way you could gaurantee for the world that you wouldn't
change your mind about the rules of such a thing and become dictator?

 Some of the small-country name registries have used ambiguity-resolving
 name-spaces, which had forms like
 where multiple participants who wanted
 each got a number, and the page
 had some indication of which company named interesting-name was which.


I agree with the person who made comments about .to that there's no
particular reason why trademark law should apply to domain names - there's
no particular expectation on the part of the general public that
will correspond to the company foo, and putting up a web site at
which claims to be from company foo is no different from impersonating foo
from another domain name. ( seems relevant here)

I was told recently that if you have access to domain name servers you can
in practice create temporary domains using unclaimed domain names -
there's no particular punishment process for doing so, sites of that kind
are just removed eventually.

Does anybody know if/how it's possible to get domain names in the now
defunct .su ? Do you have to be grandfathered in? Is there a chance that
just unilaterally grabbing one might work?


(Thinking he should get a domain in .to - that WIPO DNS paper looked kinda

Re: quantum cryptanalysis

1999-02-05 Thread bram

On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, John Kelsey wrote:

 Anyway, there's a fair amount of crypto that would keep
 working even if all public-key methods became breakable.
 Not only symmetric cryptography, but variations on Merkle's
 puzzles (Bob Jenkins was discussing a bunch of mechanisms
 for this a couple years ago on sci.crypt; I think Maurer had
 a paper on a bunch of these methods in the last few years,
 as well.)  There's also quantum key distribution.  In place
 of signatures, there are a bunch of one-time signature
 schemes, using Merkle's hash tree idea to great effect to
 basically give you the ability to sign many documents
 (hundreds or thousands) from one `public key,' based only on
 using a collision-resistant hash function.

I have a theory that no matter what computing machine is available, as
long as the same machine is available to both the encrypter and the
cracker, the cracker wins (barring non-turing complete machinery, of

For example, say that there was an oracle which you could ask 'Does this
turing machine ever halt?' (quantum cryptography can't do that.) A cracker
with such a machine could trivially crack any code encrypted using
standard methods with a published algorithm. If, however, the encrypter
also had such a machine, he could devise an encryption algorithm which
required queries to the oracle to work, and as long as the algorithm
required, say, quadratically many queries to the oracle to encrypt but
exponentially many queries to the oracle to crack, the encrypter wins.

No, I don't have any clue how an algorithm like that might work.


Re: quantum cryptanalysis

1999-02-05 Thread bram

On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, bram wrote:

 I have a theory that no matter what computing machine is available, as
 long as the same machine is available to both the encrypter and the
 cracker, the cracker wins (barring non-turing complete machinery, of

Jim Gillogly pointed out that I misspoke - I meant to say 'the encrypter


Re: FBI secret police

1999-01-17 Thread bram

On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Robert Hettinga wrote:

 William Allen Simpson wrote:
   "Sources whose identities are concealed herein have furnished
   reliable information in the past except when otherwise noted."
 Gentlefolk, we have a stool pigeon in the roost, whose interests are
 contrary to the interests of the IETF and the Internet as a whole.  It
 is a male.  And he is regularly reporting IETF member activities for
 secret investigation.  Beware.

Or maybe it's just someone who reads published IETF literature. It's not
like the IETF keeps it's activities all that secret.
