--- begin forwarded text

Date:         Wed, 12 May 1999 21:10:24 -0500
Reply-To: Digital Signature discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sender: Digital Signature discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Richard Hornbeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      [Fwd: That spooky PECSENC]


Gant Redmon wrote:
> Richard:
> As a member of PECSENC, I'm responding to you but CC the list to get a
> little info out about PECSENC.  It isn't as clandestine a bunch as we are
> portrayed.  Actually, our closed door briefing on the latest national
> security threats have been rather mind numbing and devoid of substance.
> Instead, we gather to represent different interests and sit down and have a
> dialogue.  It's tough because no one camp controls.  We have industry
> representative like myself, law enforcement representative, usually a strong
> BXA and NSA contingent and a smattering of DOJ and Treasury folks that drift
> in and out.  The real fun starts when the general public takes the time to
> show up.  The venting going on in meeting in California was a blast.  I
> think our value add is the feedback we are able to give the folks that draft
> the laws that make our lives such a treat.  I'd say PECSENC played a role in
> the relaxation of controls last December and who knows what will be next.
> John Gilmore and I have spoken about what this is worth before.  It's true
> we aren't making any radical overnight changes occur, but we are trying to
> work towards some solutions (or maybe some realizations) that should result
> in encryption becoming more fundamental in everyone's lives.
> As for notice, we meet the second Friday every other months.  Pretty simple
> formula.  So far, all meetings have been at BXA headquarters except for one
> in California.  Just park at the Ronald Reagan building to get off at Metro
> Center.  See you there.
> Gant Redmon
> AXENT Technologies, Inc.
> P.S. Richard: can you get this back to Cyberpunks for me?

Also, in response to a private inquiry, Gant provided the following:

> People shouldn't feel slighted.  Even WE don't have a final agenda yet.  A
> lot of times, we don't get it until the night before.  But it will be from
> 10:00 to 3:00 in room 4832 at DOC.  There always seems to be chairs
> available.  It's no rock concert. :)

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Richard Hornbeck [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 9:32 AM
> > Subject:      [Fwd: May 14 President's Export Council Subcommittee on
> > Encryption Agenda]
> >
> > FYI (forwarded from Cypherpunks) - apologies for cross-posting.
> >
> > John Young wrote:
> > >
> > > An updated agenda for the May 14 meeting in DC of the
> > > President's Export Council Subcommittee on Encryption
> > > (PECSENC) has been provided by Lisa Ann Carpenter,
> > > Committee Liaison Officer (202-482-2583):
> > >
> > >  Opening remarks by the new chairman, William Crowell
> > >  (ex-Deputy DIRNSA)
> > >
> > >  Encryption initiatives of the Bureau of Export Administration,
> > >  by William Reinsch
> > >
> > >  Overview of the Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office (CIAO)
> > >  by Jeffrey Hunker, Director
> > >
> > >  1:30 Presentation by the office of Senator McCain on his crypto bill
> > >
> > >  2:00 Report on Congressional activities
> > >
> > >  2:30 Presentations on Bernstein by the two sides, Cindy Cohn and
> > >  Department of Justice
> > >
> > >  3:00 Adjourn (cut back from 5:00 as the FR announced)
> > >
> > > Also, a list of PECSENC members was promised but has not yet arrived.
> > > This information is hard to come by so it will be most welcomed.
> > > Minutes of past meetings and policy recommendations are elusive too.
> > > See the one public statement:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > It's shameful and maybe illegal to hide PECSENC information. Recent
> > > scutbutt was that acting PECSENC chair Stewart Baker (ex-NSA) was
> > > going to help John Gilmore set up a public web site for PECSENC
> > > affairs. That accountability initiative appears to have died with
> > > Crowell's appointment, or to be fair, is more likely being studied
> > > to slow death to cozzen natsec grizzes -- which fits NSA's MO to
> > > SIDA misfit crypto naifs.

--- end forwarded text

Robert A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Philodox Financial Technology Evangelism <http://www.philodox.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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