See: http://www.cybercrime.gov/searchmanual.htm


    The Feds'll Come A-Snoopin'
    by Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

    2:00 a.m. Jan. 12, 2001 PST
    WASHINGTON -- Ever wonder how much leeway federal agents have when
    snooping through your e-mail or computer files?

    The short answer: a lot.

    The U.S. Department of Justice this week published new guidelines for
    police and prosecutors in cases involving computer crimes.

    The 500 KB document includes a bevy of recent court cases and covers
    new topics such as encryption, PDAs and secret searches.

    It updates a 1994 manual, which the Electronic Privacy Information
    Center had to file a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain. No
    need to take such drastic steps this time: The Justice Department has
    placed the report on its cybercrime.gov site.


    SECRET SEARCHES: Call it the latest trend in law enforcement:
    Surreptitious breaking-and-entering of homes and offices.

    In one recent secret-search case related to computers, the feds
    sneaked into the office of Nicodemo S. Scarfo, the son of
    Philadelphia's former mob boss, who allegedly ran a loan shark
    operation in north New Jersey. Once there, they secretly installed
    software to sniff Scarfo's PGP passphrase so they could decrypt his

    Civil libertarians argue secret searches are unconstitutional.

    "Sneak-and-peek searches may prove useful in searches for intangible
    computer data. For example, agents executing a sneak-and-peek warrant
    to search a computer may be able to enter a business after hours,
    search the computer, and then exit the business without leaving any
    sign that the search occurred," the Justice Department says.

    The DOJ argues that secret searches are permissible, despite rule
    41(d) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, which requires
    agents to notify the person whose home or office has been broken into.
    But the document admits that courts have "struggled" to reconcile this
    idea with the U.S. Constitution's privacy guarantees.

    To clear up any doubt, in mid-1999 the Justice Department proposed
    legislation that would let police obtain surreptitious warrants and
    "postpone" notifying the person whose property they entered for 30

    After vocal objections from civil liberties groups, the administration
    backed away from the controversial bill. In the final draft of the
    Cyberspace Electronic Security Act submitted to Congress, the
    secret-search portions had disappeared.


    ENCRYPTION: The manual doesn't address whether a criminal defendant
    can be compelled to give up his passphrase to allow prosecutors to
    decrypt his files.

    But it does give one good reason to use useful software like PGPdisk
    (available for free at pgpi.com) that can create an encrypted hard
    drive partition that requires a passphrase to access.

    Under current law, anyone with access to the computer you use --
    including your spouse -- can allow the feds to search it without a
    warrant. (Unless your files are stored on a remote computer on a
    network, in which case it gets more complicated.)

    But if your files are encrypted, you might be better off. "It appears
    likely that encryption and password-protection would in most cases
    indicate the absence of common authority to consent to a search among
    co-users who do not know the password or possess the encryption key,"
    the Justice Department says.


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