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Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 13:34:55 -0500
Subject: IP: Latest in computer security revealed

Source:  EurekAlert!


  Contact: Arlie Corday
  Worcester Polytechnic Institute

  Latest in computer security revealed at WPI international workshop

  More than 180 computer security experts, half of whom traveled from
outside the United States, converged on Worcester Polytechnic Institute for
the 1999 Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES),
Aug. 12-13. The popular workshop provided a forum for real-world system and
design issues.

  Conference organizers Cetin Koc of Oregon State University and Christof
Paar of WPI point out that many consumer products are gaining computer-like
capabilities. E-commerce and other electronic communications demand that
sensitive data, such as credit card numbers, must be protected from prying
eyes. The tool for protecting information, called cryptography, will be
required in these products, using embedded systems that offer relatively
little computational power.

  The challenge of adding cryptography to hardware devices and embedded
systems led to the development of the WPI workshop. In its inaugural year,
international experts presented new results on efficient implementation of
cryptographic algorithms and attacks, as well as other practical issues in
system design such as random number generation.

  Among the highlights of the conference was a talk by Adi Shamir, a
co-inventor of the RSA code used to protect e-commerce. Shamir called the
security of the world's leading web browsers into question with a new fast
factoring attack.

  The most eagerly awaited contribution to CHES involved not only a fast way
to make a code, but also a fast way to break one. The RSA public-key
cryptosystem, which is widely used in web browsers such as Netscape
Communicator and Microsoft Internet Explorer, is based on the problem of
factoring large numbers. It is an acronym based on its inventors

  Fortunately for consumers and businesses, up until now, factoring
algorithms have been slow and memory intensive processes. But at the
workshop, Shamir, from Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science, shed light
on an ingenious way to speed up part of a factoring computation known as
sieving. A sieve procedure consists of repeatedly running through a long
list of numbers and finding which small integers divide those in the list.
Using optoelectronics, Shamir's new device, called TWINKLE, offers a
500-1000 times speedup over the fastest workstations on the market in this
crucial stage of factoring. This development has grave implications for
electronic commerce: Due to U.S. export laws, the strongest exportable
public-key systems are restricted to 512 bits. If and when the device is
actually built, these systems can be easily broken. The systems, Shamir
pointed out, "protect 95 percent of today's e-commerce on the Internet,"
and thus render them "very vulnerable."

  Brian Snow of the U.S. National Security Agency emphasized the need for
more research in assurance technolgy.

  "The scene I see is products and services sufficiently robust to counter
many, but not all, of the 'hacker' attacks we hear so much about today, but
not adequate against the more serious but real attacks mounted by economic
adversaries and nation states," Snow noted. "We will be in a truly
dangerous stance: We will think we are secure, and act accordingly, when in
fact we are not secure."

  Experts continue to search for answers to computer security. Another
development at CHES involved improved methods for generating random
numbers. Nearly all real-world cryptosystems need random numbers.
Unfortunately, this is an extremely difficult problem, since computers are
designed to be completely predictable.

  At CHES, scientists from Italy's Ugo Bordoni Foundation offered a
cost-effective idea based on sampling noisy semiconductor junctions.
Normally in circuit design, engineers try to reduce noise. However, by
building noisy circuits on purpose, one can use the noise as a source of
random numbers. In addition, researchers from Bell Labs Innovations
provided a variety of new, practical techniques including one based on
chaos theory, which appears to be particularly cost-efficient.

  Of course, efficiency of performance is just as crucial as cost. Sandia
National Labs researchers presented a design for a new computer chip that
can encrypt up to 10 gigabits of data per second, satisfying all but the
most demanding of applications. In addition, one can use three of the chips
together to handle Triple-DES encryption with no loss of performance. The
DES, or Data Encryption Standard, algorithm is the most widely used bulk
encryption method, having been a U.S. government standard since 1977. Since
DES itself is now considered inadequate to protect against attackers,
Triple-DES is gaining in popularity.

  CHES provided a vital forum for scientists and engineers working in
practical cryptography to meet and share ideas. As time passes, more and
more consumer products will handle sensitive data, making the need for
practical cryptography even more critical. Therefore, CHES will become an
annual event, with next year's event to be held at Oregon State University.

  For more information on CHES, contact Paar at 508-831-5061 or 831-5840;
e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; or visit the CHES Web site at
http://ee.wpi.edu/Research/crypt/ches/ .

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Robert A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
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