
                        Irish, UK Crypto Regs Far Apart
                        by Karlin Lillington ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

                        3:00 a.m. 16.Feb.2000 PST
                        DUBLIN, Ireland -- Britain is likely to
                        become the first country in the world to
                        make imprisonment a possible
                        consequence of refusing to surrender, or
                        even losing, one's private encryption

                        At the same time, neighboring Ireland is
                        preparing legislation that would make it
                        the first country to prohibit law
                        enforcement from forcing encryption
                        users to hand over their private keys.

                        The new British law also would compel
                        Internet service providers to build in
                        "reasonable interception capabilities" to
                        networks and could force ISPs to hand
                        over data traffic information -- email
                        destinations, Web site visits, IP names --
                        to law enforcement without a search
                        warrant. It includes provisions for
                        listening in on mobile and satellite phone
                        calls, intercepting pager messages, and
                        bugging office switchboards.

                        The topsy-turvy state of affairs is
                        emblematic of the approach of the two
                        countries to electronic commerce


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