btw. I had a go at reverse engineering Lotus Notes a few months back
to get the NSA's key out of it.  I found the key, and the DN
(Distinguished Name -- the name attatched to the key) was 'Big
Brother'.  Spooky huh?  Someone at IBM had a sense of humor, or a
sense of resentment about having to implement GAK.

I did not however reverse engineer in sufficient detail to work out
the big number representation to extract the actual the modulus and
exponent with good confidence.

Still on my 'to do' list.

If anyone wants to give it a go -- I'll be happy to share notes.

(Lotus Notes was the application which was in the news a while back
when the Swedish(?) government adopted Lotus Notes for their email
solution and only realised it had key escrow with the NSA able to
decrypt mail with a work factor of only 2^40.  (IBM's key escrow
technique is to have 24 bits escrowed with NSA, 40 not escrowed; which
makes 64 bits to everyone else, but only 40 for the NSA).


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