Re: Power analysis of AES candidates

1999-09-15 Thread Eugene Leitl

Eli Brandt writes:

  If so, doubling the cap size halves the cutoff frequency (right?),
  halving the leaked power.  Integrating runs gives signal voltage
  linear in n and noise voltage sqrt(n); voltage ratio is sqrt; power
  ratio is linear.  So leaked-signal power is
  Theta( (attacker's number of runs) / (capacitor size) ).
  No asymptotic edge either way; attacker wins against bounded cap size.

I don't quite understand your handwave analysis: if we use
supercapacitors we can power the embedded unit for hours straight. A
typical encryption round completes in milliseconds at best, I don't
see how microsecond spike demands can ever leak out regardless whether
we measure till the Big Crunch or the day after tomorrow.

Apart from such crude-but-effective countermeasures we haven't even
begun tackling lunatic fringe stuff like reversible computation.

Re: Power analysis of AES candidates

1999-09-15 Thread Markus Kuhn

Andreas Bogk wrote on 1999-09-15 00:04 UTC:
 The usual setup for DPA involves a 10 Ohm resistor which sits in the
 power supply and measuring the voltage across that resistor. The
 countermeasure we're talking about is an on-chip capacitor that
 smoothes the power consumption, or a power supply inside an
 tamper-resistant package such as the Dallas iButton, which essentially
 serves the same purpose.

The battery in the Dallas iButton is *NOT* there to power CPU
operations. This battery acts only to provide the around 1 nA data
retention current needed by the SRAM to keep its data reliably when
external power is removed. As soon as external power is supplied, the
internal Li battery is disconnected by the CPU power supply management

The iButton does however have a power supply buffer capacitor on board.
Its primary function is to maintain power in communications mode. The
iButton can operate in two modes: communication and calculation. In
communication mode, only a large shift register is operated that is
connected to the serial port. Power is drawn from the interface pull-up
resistor during the transmitted 1 bits. While a 0 bit is transmitted,
the shift register draws its energy from the internal capacitor. In
calculating mode, the interface shorts the pull-up resistor, such that
the iButton CPU is now directly connected to the full power supply, but
it can't communicate any more.

By the way, one rather simple yet effective power analysis
countermeasure is described in

Adding a random bit stream generator into the internal clock line that
switches between genuine CPU cycles and realistic dummy loads at a
clock-cycle level can help to add sufficient amounts of timing variation
to make DPA infeasible. While software-based random-delay loops can
usually be rather easily spotted with single-shot cross-correlation
techniques and therefore be compensated by the power analyser before
applying the usual algorithms, the time intervals between two clock
cycles does usually not provide enough information to reliably
resynchronize externally with the program flow.

Another approach is to use asynchronous processors, which do not depend
on an external clock at all, and whose power consumption spectrum tends
to smooth itself out very nicely. Designing attacks and defenses against
asynchronous smartcard processors promises to become a highly
interesting area of work. (By the way, if you are seriously interested
in working in this field, we have just received a substantial grant to
develop invasive and non-invasive attacks on upcoming asynchronous
high-security smartcard CPU technologies, and we will be offering very
soon 2-3 research PhD student and post-doc positions for people with a
strong interest in microelectronics, tamper resistance, digital signal
processing and hardware security. Contact us me for details if you are

At typical smartcard frequencies, the information leaking in the power
signal is spread across the entire HF and VHF band. It does not seem to
be too practical to place sufficiently good passive RC or LC filters
onto a chip given the current CMOS processes commonly used for 8-bit
microcontrollers. Another approach is to add a broadband OpAmp that
implements a current regulator. Make the CPU draw a constant current and
dissipate any power not needed by the CPU temporarily in an on-chip
resistor. This works nicely for low frequencies, but is also rather
difficult to do with normal CMOS processes in the VHF bands. It would be
possible to add such an opamp as a separate second chip, but many
customers are not likely to pay two dollars more for the entire
smartcard just for power-analysis protection. The challenge is to get a
really cheap countermeasure.


Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Email: mkuhn at,  WWW:

Re: Power analysis of AES candidates

1999-09-15 Thread Eli Brandt

Eugene Leitl wrote:
 I don't quite understand your handwave analysis: if we use
 supercapacitors we can power the embedded unit for hours straight.

Okay, so you charge and then disconnect from the power source to
execute.  I got the impression we were talking about using the cap as
you would in a power supply.

 Eli Brandt  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |

Re: Power analysis of AES candidates

1999-09-15 Thread Arnold Reinhold

At 1:35 PM -0700 9/14/99, John Gilmore wrote:
  At 10:32 AM -0700 9/13/99, Eugene Leitl wrote:
  Why don't you just erase flash when a pressure change (hull breach) is
  detected. Using double-walled hull, to look for shortcuts.  You can
  also couple this to light detection, and whatnot.

Arnold Reinhold said:
  in several places) that would monitor on-chip supply voltage and keep
  the program from executing sensitive code for some period if dV/dt
  were too high.  If the cap or Li battery were disconnected, the

What are you guys talking about?  Differential power analysis doesn't
require any physical attack, nor does it deal with voltage
variations.  (You are probably thinking of Shamir's fault-injection
attacks.)  Differential power analysis measures the current
consumption of the part as it operates, completely outside the device.

OK a recap of where we are:

A suggestion was made that a large capacitor or Lithium battery be 
used to reduce the power fluctuations that DPA depends on. That was 
countered by pointing out that an attacker could physically 
disconnect the battery or cap (Maybe x-ray the package, find the 
relatively fat connection and drill it out).  Mr. Leitl suggested 
pressure and light sensors to detect the drilling, which I find 
dubious, even if each smart card has a different pressure. I 
suggested that a simple  on-chip circuit could inform on-board CPU 
that a disconnect may have occurred. This circuit would measure 
fluctuations in the supply voltage. Mr. Ohm has demonstrated that 
current variations usually imply voltage variations.

Mr. Brandt now questions whether a cap can be large enough to defeat 
DPA, since the attacker can increase the number of runs and the 
required N varies linearly with C. I would like to point out that 
using one or more RC stages changes the equation considerably, and, 
in the extreme, the CPU could be powered entirely by a capacitor or 
battery during the sensitive computations, with all connection to the 
outside temporarily broken.

Arnold Reinhold

Re: Power analysis of AES candidates

1999-09-14 Thread Arnold Reinhold

At 10:32 AM -0700 9/13/99, Eugene Leitl wrote:
Why don't you just erase flash when a pressure change (hull breach) is
detected. Using double-walled hull, to look for shortcuts.  You can
also couple this to light detection, and whatnot.

Andreas Bogk writes:
  Russell Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 There's some question about how hard it will be to design
 hardware that will be DPA-resistant for different
   Big on-chip caps.  Lithium batteries.  Tamper-resistant housings.

A sophisticated attacker could measure the pressure in each 
compartment and work in a pressurized, darkened room.

One thought I had is to include a circuit on chip (perhaps duplicated 
in several places) that would monitor on-chip supply voltage and keep 
the program from executing sensitive code for some period if dV/dt 
were too high.  If the cap or Li battery were disconnected, the 
circuit would see continuous fluctuations and shut the processor 
down. A accidental power glitch would only cause a short delay in 

If an attacker can get to the chip and disable these power monitor 
circuits, he can probably also put a logic analyzer on the memory 
lines and extract the key that way.

Arnold Reinhold

Re: Power analysis of AES candidates

1999-09-14 Thread Eugene Leitl

John Gilmore writes:

  What are you guys talking about?  Differential power analysis doesn't
  require any physical attack, nor does it deal with voltage
  variations.  (You are probably thinking of Shamir's fault-injection

You can't do differential power analysis if you supply power
photonically to an encapsulated unit. Power dissipated gets averaged
out over time so you can't just monitor the temperature.

  attacks.)  Differential power analysis measures the current
  consumption of the part as it operates, completely outside the device.

1) A self contained, sealed unit is immune to this
2) What prevents us from measuring the power  fill out lacunes a la
resistance heating? The unit would then show constant dissipation
regardless of which computation it performs.

  It uses statistical techniques to confirm or reject hypotheses about
  the key values being operated on in the final rounds of encryption
  algorithms.  Paul Kocher's team has developed some countermeasures,
  see the end of the technical discussion linked from:

Re: Power analysis of AES candidates

1999-09-14 Thread David Honig

At 01:35 PM 9/14/99 -0700, John Gilmore wrote:

What are you guys talking about?  Differential power analysis doesn't

The power analysis thread mutated into a tamper-react thread 
without changing the Subject line.

 At 10:32 AM -0700 9/13/99, Eugene Leitl wrote:
 Why don't you just erase flash when a pressure change (hull breach) is

Arnold Reinhold said:
 in several places) that would monitor on-chip supply voltage 


Re: Power analysis of AES candidates

1999-09-14 Thread Eli Brandt

Andreas Bogk wrote:
 The usual setup for DPA involves a 10 Ohm resistor which sits in the
 power supply and measuring the voltage across that resistor. The
 countermeasure we're talking about is an on-chip capacitor that
 smoothes the power consumption, [...]

Has this been analyzed?  It's got to take the high-freqency
information the attacker's looking for so far below the thermal noise
floor that it can't recovered by averaging multiple runs.  I do DSP,
not EE, but I'd think this smoothing capacitor would effect a one-pole
lowpass filter.

If so, doubling the cap size halves the cutoff frequency (right?),
halving the leaked power.  Integrating runs gives signal voltage
linear in n and noise voltage sqrt(n); voltage ratio is sqrt; power
ratio is linear.  So leaked-signal power is
Theta( (attacker's number of runs) / (capacitor size) ).
No asymptotic edge either way; attacker wins against bounded cap size.

 Eli Brandt  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |

Re: Power analysis of AES candidates

1999-09-14 Thread David Honig

At 02:58 PM 9/14/99 -0700, Eugene Leitl wrote:

You can't do differential power analysis if you supply power
photonically to an encapsulated unit. 

Interesting.  Such supplies have been proposed for medical gear, where you
need absolute isolation.  Intense light, reflector,
Si cells.  A few cm of air.  Baroque and inefficient, yes..


Re: Power analysis of AES candidates

1999-08-31 Thread John Kelsey


[ To: Perry's Crypto List ## Date: 08/30/99 ##
  Subject: Re: Power analysis of AES candidates ]

From: "William Whyte" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Cryptography@C2. Net" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Power analysis of AES candidates
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 19:53:39 +0100

[ Discussion of vulnerability to power analysis of the
finalists, claiming Serpent and Twofish to be the most
resistant. ]

These results look a little odd to me.  On conventional
hardware, every cipher I have heard of is vulnerable to DPA.
(Essentially, that means do lots of encryptions under one
unknown key, guess part of the key that would reveal some
internal state, and look for power measurements correlated
to that internal state taken during those encryptions.)  A
few people have worked on clever ways to resist DPA,
especially Cryptography Research (Paul Kocher's company),
which holds patents on some of them.  I think several
smartcard companies had considered less sophisticated
power-consumption attacks and designed defenses to them
before that.  (I know *I* had considered much less
sophisticated attacks, but not DPA, before hearing about
Paul's work.)

There's some question about how hard it will be to design
hardware that will be DPA-resistant for different
algorithms.  My impression (but I am not a circuit designer
or anything, so take it with a grain of salt) is that it's
going to be easier to secure simpler hardware designs than
more complex ones.  This probably means Rijndael and Serpent
are the easiest to secure (XORs, table lookups, and bit
permutations only), while Twofish is somewhere in the middle
(we use 32-bit adds) and MARS and RC6 are somewhat harder to
secure (because they use multiplications and data-dependent
rotations, as well as 32-bit adds.)

It's important to emphasize that all the AES candidates are
susceptible to DPA if they're implemented on normal
hardware.  DES (with nothing but XORs, table-lookups, and
bit permutations) in normal hardware is very easy to attack.


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Re: Power analysis of AES candidates

1999-08-31 Thread Russell Nelson

John Kelsey writes:
  There's some question about how hard it will be to design
  hardware that will be DPA-resistant for different

Big on-chip caps.  Lithium batteries.  Tamper-resistant housings.
That's what Dallas Semiconductor uses for its 1-Wire devices,
including the famous Java ring.  It works to protect data, but not
algorithms, because once you extract the algorithm, you've got it.
With data, you have only to make extraction more expensive than the
data is worth.

You could also superglue the chip to something very hard, so that you
can't probe the chip without getting the cover off, and if you try,
you destroy the chip trying.

-russ nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Power analysis of AES candidates

1999-08-13 Thread William Whyte


As readers of sci.crypt and the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list will know, I
was struck by an apparent discrepancy between the NIST report on
the AES first round and one of the papers it refers to. I sent the
following mail to the AES list:

 There seems to be a discrepancy between Biham and Shamir's paper on
 Power Consumption Analysis from the second AES conference, and the
 discussion of that paper in NIST's Round 1 report (currently available
 Biham and Shamir's paper (available from, among other places,
 seems to state that, of the five finalists, Rijndael is more
 vulnerable than the others to their attack, and the other four
 are about as vulnerable as each other (it even explicitly says,
 of Serpent, "Thus, it is expected that (as in the case of Mars and 
 RC6), it will not be easy to derive useful information on the key 
 from the Hamming weights of the results."). But in NIST's
 discussion (section, they classify Rijndael, MARS and RC6 
 as having "lesser implicit weaknesses" and Serpent and Twofish
 as having "no weakness", with no reference given other than
 Biham and Shamir's paper.
 Can anyone shed any light on this?

Today I received the following reply from Jim Nechvatal of NIST:

Thanks for your comments (8/10) about the discussion of the Biham/Shamir
 power analysis paper in the NIST report. You make a good point. The
 classification of Serpent and Twofish as having "no weakness" and MARS,
 RC6, Rijndael as having some weakness was based on the fact that in the
 discussion of MARS, they refer to the possibility of gaining 2.54 bits of
 information per byte. This seems to apply to RC6 and Rijndael as well,
 although the discussion is vague. The discussions of Serpent and Twofish
 omit any reference to gaining any knowledge of key bits. However, the
 discussion is so vague that it may have been unwarranted to assume that no
 knowledge of key bits can be gained for Serpent and Twofish. In any case,
 the Biham/Shamir paper played no role in determining promotion to round 2.
 If it is to play a role in round 2, it will have to made more concrete.
 E.g., statements such as "the derivation ... is expected to be easier" in
 Section 2.12 will have to be instantiated before a candidate such as
 Rijndael is  regarded as having any real weakness in this context. Even if
 this is the case, there is considerable debate about whether such attacks
 are a real concern.

