Re: Test of BIOS Spyware

2003-10-16 Thread Dave Howe
Ralf-P. Weinmann wrote:
 This is *NOT* the interesting part. The interesting part is the
 payload it is to deliver. The claim This enables the software to spy
 on the user and remain hidden to the operating system. rather
 interests me. How do they achieve this in an OS-agnostic fashion?
They won't even try - I am under the impression this is for use as a
black bag job, possibly even remotely; they can target the machine with
a specific update for the currently running OS.

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Schneier gets the heebie-Brin-jeebies (was Re: CRYPTO-GRAM, October 15, 2003)

2003-10-16 Thread R. A. Hettinga
At 10:58 PM -0500 10/14/03, Bruce Schneier wrote:
The Future of Surveillance

At a gas station in Coquitlam, British Columbia, two employees 
installed a camera in the ceiling in front of an ATM machine.  They 
recorded thousands of people as they typed in their PIN 
numbers.  Combined with a false front on the ATM that recorded account 
numbers from the cards, the pair was able to steal millions before they 
were caught.

In at least 14 Kinko's copy shops in New York City, Juju Jiang 
installed keystroke loggers on the rentable computers.  For over a year 
he eavesdropped on people, capturing more than 450 user names and 
passwords, and using them to access and open bank accounts online.

A lot has been written about the dangers of increased government 
surveillance, but we also need to be aware of the potential for more 
pedestrian forms of surveillance.  A combination of forces -- the 
miniaturization of surveillance technologies, the falling price of 
digital storage, the increased power of computer programs to sort 
through all of this data -- means that surveillance abilities that used 
to be limited to governments are now, or soon will be, in the hands of 

Some uses of surveillance are benign.  Fine restaurants sometimes have 
cameras in their dining rooms so the chef can watch diners as they eat 
their creations.  Telephone help desks sometimes record customer 
conversations in order to help train their employees.

Other uses are less benign.  Some employers monitor the computer use of 
their employees, including use of company machines on personal time.  A 
company is selling an e-mail greeting card that serriptiously installs 
spyware on the recipient's computer.  Some libraries keep records of 
what books people check out, and Amazon keeps records of what books 
people browse on their website.

And, as we've seen, some uses are criminal.

This trend will continue in the years ahead, because technology will 
continue to improve.  Cameras will become even smaller and more 
inconspicuous.  Imaging technology will be able to pick up even smaller 
details, and will be increasingly able to see through walls and other 
barriers.  And computers will be able to process this information 
better.  Today, cameras are just mindlessly watching and recording, but 
eventually sensors will be able to identify people.  Photo IDs are just 
temporary; eventually no one will have to ask you for an ID because 
they'll already know who you are.  Walk into a store, and you'll be 
identified.  Sit down at a computer, and you'll be identified.  I don't 
know if the technology will be face recognition, DNA sniffing, or 
something else entirely.  I don't know if this future is ten or twenty 
years out -- but eventually it will work often enough and be cheap 
enough for mass-market use.  (Remember, in marketing, even a technology 
with a high error rate can be good enough.)

The upshot of this is that you should consider the possibility, albeit 
remote, that you are being observed whenever you're out in 
public.  Assume that all public Internet terminals are being 
eavesdropped on; either don't use them or don't care.  Assume that 
cameras are watching and recording you as you walk down the 
street.  (In some cities, they probably are.)  Assume that surveillance 
technologies that were science fiction ten years ago are now mass-market.

This loss of privacy is an important change to society.  It means that 
we will leave an even wider audit trail through our lives than we do 
now.  And it's not only a matter of making sure this audit trail is 
accessed only by legitimate parties: an employer, the government, 
etc.  Once data is collected, it can be compiled, cross-indexed, and 
sold; it can be used for all sorts of purposes.  (In the U.S., data 
about you is not owned by you.  It is owned by the person or company 
that collected it.)  It can be accessed both legitimately and 
illegitimately.  And it can persist for your entire life.  David Brin 
got a lot of things wrong in his book The Transparent Society.  But 
this part he got right.

Kinko's story:

ATM fraud story: 

Net spying:

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Re: NCipher Takes Hardware Security To Network Level

2003-10-16 Thread Peter Gutmann
Jerrold Leichter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

There was also an effort in England that produced a verified chip.  Quite
impressive, actually - but I don't know if anyone actually wanted the chip
they (designed and) verified.

The Viper.  Because it needed to be formally verifiable, they had to leave out
most of the things that people are used to in modern CPUs and that make
writing an OS easy, leading to a vaguely early-60s level of CPU architecture
that probably would have been unpleasant to program for for anyone used to
modern CPUs, and requiring expensive custom development of almost everything
from scratch (you can't run Linux on that one).  Eventually the project went
into a meltdown over what was actually done (for example is verifying a set of
4-bit slices the same as verifying a 32-bit CPU?) and the legal battles lead
to the demise of the company that was to exploit it commercially (there's a
lot more to it than that including a fair bit of politics, that's a cut-down
version to save space).

Very few real efforts were made to actually produce a provably correct OS.

There were actually quite a few efforts, starting in the 1970s, some of which
went on much longer than the 9-year VAX VMM effort.  PSOS - SAT - LOCK -
SMG (it may be called something else again now) has been going for about 25
years.  However, this is a really complex topic (way too much to cover here),
so I'll cheat a bit and refer anyone who's really that interested in the
problems that people ran into to Chapter 4 of Cryptographic Security
Architecture Design and Verification to save me having to paraphrase 40 pages
of text here.

The point of my post wasn't to start yet another round of formal-methods
bashing, but to point to an example of measuring what we know how to measure
even if there are strong indicators that this isn't the best way to do it.


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2003-10-16 Thread Ian Grigg
Jon Snader wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 13, 2003 at 06:49:30PM -0400, Ian Grigg wrote:
  Yet others say to be sure we are talking
  to the merchant.  Sorry, that's not a good
  answer either because in my email box today
  there are about 10 different attacks on the
  secure sites that I care about.  And mostly,
  they don't care about ... certs.  But they
  care enough to keep doing it.  Why is that?
 I don't understand this.  Let's suppose, for the
 sake of argument, that MitM is impossible.  It's
 still trivially easy to make a fake site and harvest
 sensitive information.

Yes.  This is the attack that is going on.  This
is today's threat.  (In that it is a new threat.
The old threat still exists - hack the node.)

 If we assume (perhaps erroneously)
 that all but the most naive user will check that they
 are talking to a ``secure site'' before they type in
 that credit card number, doesn't the cert provide assurance
 that you're talking to whom you think you are?

Nope.  It would seem that only the more sophisticated
users can be relied upon to correctly check that they
are at the correct secure site.  In practice almost
all of these attacks bypass any cert altogether and
do not use an SSL protected HTTPS site.

They use a variety of techniques to distract the
attention of the user, some highly imaginative.

For example, if you target the right browser, then it
is possible to popup a box that covers the appropriate
parts.  Or to put a display inside the window that
duplicates the browser display.  Or the URL is one
of those with strange features in there or funny
letters that look like something else.

In practice, these attacks are all statistical,
they look close enough, and the fool some of the
people some of the time.

Finally, just in the last month, they have also
started doing actual cert spoofs.  This was quite
exciting to me to see a spoof site using a cert,
so I went in and followed it.  Hey presto, it
showed me the cert, as it said it was wrong!  So
I clicked on the links and tried to see what was

Here's the interesting thing:  I couldn't easily
tell, and my first diagnosis was wrong.  So then
I realised that *even* if the spoof is using a
cert, the victim falls to a confusion attack (see
Tom Weinstein's comments on bad GUIs).

(But, for the most part, 95% or so ignore the cert,
and the user may or may not notice.)

Now, we have no statistics on how many of these
attacks work, other than the following:  they keep
happening, and with increasing frequency over time.

From this I conclude they are working, enough to
justify the cost of the attack at least.

I guess the best thing to say is that the raw
claim that the cert ensures that you are talking
to the merchant is not 100% true.  It will help
a sophisticated user.  An attack will bypass some
of the users a lot.  It might fool many of the
users only occasionally.

 If the argument is that Verisign and the others don't do
 enough checking before issuing the cert, I don't see
 how that somehow means that SSL is flawed.

SSL isn't flawed, per se.  It's just not appropriately
being used in the secure browser application.  It's
fair to say that its use is misaligned to requirements,
and a lot of things could be done to improve matters.

But, one of the perceptions that exist in the browser
world is that SSL secures ecommerce.  Until that view
is rectified, we can't really build the consensus to
have efforts like Ye  Smith, and Close, and others,
be treated as serious and desirable.

(In practice, I don't think it matters how Verisign
and others check the cert.  This is shown by the
fact that almost all of these attacks have bypassed
the cert altogether.)


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2003-10-16 Thread Bryce O'Whielacronx

Hopefully everyone realizes this, but just for the record, I didn't write the 
lines apparently attributed to me below -- I was quoting Bruce Schneier.

By the way, I strongly agree with David Honig's point that the wrong entities 
are doing the signing.


Bryce O'Whielacronx

 David Honig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At 01:51 PM 10/16/03 -0400, Bryce O'Whielacronx wrote:
   I doubt it.  It's true that VeriSign has certified this
attack, but no one cares.  
 Indeed, it would make sense for the original vendor website (eg Palm)
 to have signed the MITM site's cert (,
 not for Verisign to do so.  Even better, for Mastercard to have signed
 both Palm and as well.  And Mastercard to
 have printed its key's signature in my monthly paper bill.
 (This is aside your main point about it being Mastercard et al. 
 doing the checking/backup for the customer, not certs.)

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