Re: More problems with hash functions

2004-08-26 Thread bear

On Wed, 25 Aug 2004, Hal Finney wrote:

Dan Carosone writes:
 My immediate (and not yet further considered) reaction to the
 description of Joux' method was that it might be defeated by something
 as simple as adding a block counter to the input each time.

Right after the talk, Scott Fluhrer (I think it was) spoke up with
several quick ideas for avoiding the attacks, some along these lines,
some involving overlapping blocks, and so on.  There was some rapid
back-and-forth between him and Joux which I could not follow, Joux
saying that these things could be dealt with, and Fluhrer finally seemed
to agree.  Nobody I spoke with afterwards had a simple fix.

It seems like, for every obvious thing you can do to get around
it, it can be rearranged and applied in a different way.  And the
less obvious things, which actually do work, are all CPU-expensive.

One interesting idea which I came up with and haven't seen a way
past yet is to XOR each block with a value computed from its
sequence number, then compute the hash function on the blocks in
a nonsequential order based on the plaintext of the blocks.

In concrete terms, you have a message of n blocks, p1 through pn.
you xor each block with a value computed by a nonlinear function
from its sequence number to get q1 through qn.  Now rearrange
q1 through qn by imposing a total ordering on p1 through pn: for
example if p4 sorted before p7, you put q4 in front of q7.
Finally, you compute the hash value on the blocks q1 through qn
in their new order.

Now the attack doesn't work; collisions against individual blocks
don't combine to produce a collision on the sequence because the
colliding values wouldn't have been fed into the hash function
in the same order as the actual blocks.


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Re: More problems with hash functions

2004-08-26 Thread Hal Finney
Bear writes:
 One interesting idea which I came up with and haven't seen a way
 past yet is to XOR each block with a value computed from its
 sequence number, then compute the hash function on the blocks in
 a nonsequential order based on the plaintext of the blocks.

 In concrete terms, you have a message of n blocks, p1 through pn.
 you xor each block with a value computed by a nonlinear function
 from its sequence number to get q1 through qn.  Now rearrange
 q1 through qn by imposing a total ordering on p1 through pn: for
 example if p4 sorted before p7, you put q4 in front of q7.
 Finally, you compute the hash value on the blocks q1 through qn
 in their new order.

This is an interesting idea, but it does not fully prevent the Joux
attack.  This is seen most obviously in the two block case, where
your method can at most increase the attacker's work by a factor of 2.
Joux shows how to find a 4-collision using 2*2^(n/2) work, while it should
take 2^(3n/4) work.  In the case of a 160 bit hash this is the difference
between 2^81 and 2^120.  Doubling the work to find the 4-collision will
not do much to address this discrepency.

Even in the more general case, where Joux puts k blocks together to
generate 2^k multicollisions, I can see a way to attack your method,
with an increase in the work by only a factor of k^2.

The attacker could choose an ordering of the blocks ahead of time, and
find collisions which preserve that order.  Specifically, he can start
searching for collisions in the first one, which WOLOG we will call q1.
He can continue to search until he finds a collision which puts p1 into
the first 1/k of block address space, which will guarantee that this
block will sort first.  This will increase his work by a factor of k^2
(because only 1/k of the time will he get lucky, for each of the two
blocks in the collision).  Then he can find a collision in q2 which
puts p2 into the 2nd 1/k of block-address space, guaranteeing that p2
will sort as the second block.  Again this increases the work by k^2.
Proceeding down the line he produces a collision which leaves the blocks
in his pre-chosen order, at a cost of k^2 more work.

Joux shows that finding an 2^k collision takes k times the work to
find a single block collision.  Among other things he shows how this
reduces the work to find a collision in the output of two independent
n-bit hashes from 2^n to n*2^(n/2).  Your approach effectively makes
this (n^3)*2^(n/2) which is an improvement, but still not attaining
the exponential security increase expected from ideal hash functions.

Hal Finney

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Re: More problems with hash functions

2004-08-26 Thread bear

On Wed, 25 Aug 2004, Hal Finney wrote:

Bear writes:
 One interesting idea which I came up with and haven't seen a way
 past yet is to XOR each block with a value computed from its
 sequence number, then compute the hash function on the blocks in
 a nonsequential order based on the plaintext of the blocks.

This is an interesting idea, but it does not fully prevent the Joux
The attacker could choose an ordering of the blocks ahead of time, and
find collisions which preserve that order.

Joux shows that finding an 2^k collision takes k times the work to
find a single block collision.  Among other things he shows how this
reduces the work to find a collision in the output of two independent
n-bit hashes from 2^n to n*2^(n/2).  Your approach effectively makes
this (n^3)*2^(n/2) which is an improvement, but still not attaining
the exponential security increase expected from ideal hash functions.

You are correct.  Thank you for your quick and clear thought
regarding the proposal.  Increasing the attacker's work by
a factor of n^2 where n is the number of blocks preserves the
strength only where n^2 = (2^k)/2 where k is the block size.

So, for a 160-bit hash, (2^k)/2 is 2^159, and that means the
proposed method preserves nominal strength only for messages
longer than 2^80 blocks.  Which in practical terms will not
happen; I don't think 2^80 bits of storage have yet been
manufactured by all the computer hardware makers on earth.

I guess I momentarily forgot that with a hash function the
attacker has access to the plaintext and can therefore tell
unambiguously the result of the permutation of the blocks.
I'll continue to think about it.  Maybe I'll come up with
something better.


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2004-08-26 Thread Ben Laurie
Amir Herzberg wrote:
Perry E. Metzger wrote:
So the question now arises, is HMAC using any of the broken hash
functions vulnerable?
Considering that HMAC goal is `only` a MAC (shared key authentication), 
the existence of any collision is not very relevant to its use. But 
furthermore, what HMAC needs from the hash function is only that it will 
be hard to find collision when using an unknown, random key; clearly the 
current collisions are far off from this situation.

So, finding specific collisions in the hash function should not cause 
too much worry about its use in HMAC. Of course, if this would lead to 
finding many collisions easily, including to messages with random 
prefixes, this could be more worrying...
Hmmm ... if you could persuade your victim to use a key that was known 
to be a suitable prefix for finding collisions...

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2004-08-26 Thread John Kelsey
From: Ben Laurie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Aug 26, 2004 7:41 AM
To: Amir Herzberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: HMAC?

Amir Herzberg wrote:

 So, finding specific collisions in the hash function should not cause 
 too much worry about its use in HMAC. Of course, if this would lead to 
 finding many collisions easily, including to messages with random 
 prefixes, this could be more worrying...

Hmmm ... if you could persuade your victim to use a key that was known 
to be a suitable prefix for finding collisions...

The big question is what the probability is of getting a successful
colliding message pair when you have complete control over the
message, but don't know the IV.  For repeated queries, you can know
it's always the *same* IV, if that helps, just not what it is.  I
don't think we can know that until we've seen the full explanation in
the Wang, et. al. paper, which hasn't been released yet.

--John Kelsey

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Re: How thorough are the hash breaks, anyway?

2004-08-26 Thread Jason Holt

On Thu, 26 Aug 2004, Trei, Peter wrote:
 While any weakness is a concern, and I'm not
 going to use any of the compromised algorithms
 in new systems, this type of break seems to be
 of limited utility. 
 It allows you (if you're fortunate) to modify a signed
 message and have the signature still check out. 
 However, if you don't know the original plaintext
 it does not seem to allow you construct a second
 message with the same hash.

The Wikipedia article on hashes is pretty good on this topic:

So far, we know that the affected hashes are not collision resistant.  They
may still be at least somewhat one way and second preimage resistant, in which
case systems which only require those properties might still be safe.  But any
system which specifies a secure hash in the general sense would have to come
under very close scrutiny to see if it makes any assumptions at all about
collision resistance.


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Re: titles

2004-08-26 Thread David Honig
At 12:34 AM 8/27/04 +0100, Ian Grigg wrote:

David Honig wrote:
  Security Engineer, according to Schneier...

I don't like that term for 3 reasons:  firstly, when we
build stuff, security should be top-to-bottom, integrated
in, and not seen as an add-on, an after-thought.  That
is, the overall engineer should build in the security as
required from the beginning, so it is a skill that all
need, and not something thrown over the wall to the guy
with security in his title.

It should be, but usually isn't.  In fact, the security
dude often has to make recommendations out of his
prescribed niche, to others.  Often on a project which
is already under way.

E.g., I recently contracted to implement a crypto protocol.
When I suggested that, if a pad of paper be provided for
folks to write their passphrases down, it be a single 
glass-backed sheet (lest impressions be taken), much
laughter ensued.  But if its worth encrypting, it must
be interesting, right?   

Secondly, anything to do with security has a very strong
hype-to-value ratio, so much so that it's quite hard to
find a security company selling good security stuff.

Security is much more than crypto, I've learned, so 
I don't have a problem with the word.  Security includes
human and physical security, and although they're not
cool comp sci or math, they are vital.  Crypto being
fairly refined, its not the weakest link any more.  And a 'security'
mindset (being able to think like the adversary, much
like in tic-tac-toe or chess) is important, but not
so common.

Its not like things titled crypto aren't often marianated in snake oil...

Thirdly, good security engineering, as it should be done,
doesn't necessarily involve crypto.  The art is in using
as little crypto as possible - in precise and well placed
doses.  IMHO.  


Applications can't be any more secure than their
operating system. -Bram Cohen

Oftentimes, however, security engineers
start from the pov that crypto is a hammer, and their
job is to go find a nail to encrypt.

I'll admit to this tunnel vision when I started my interest,
over a decade ago when I learned how the IP worked and
got into dissecting crypto algorithms to find the magic.
Since then I've learned that other things are more 
important to understand; crypto components are just black 
boxes to an engineer, like a sorting routine or the like.

Cryptoplumber is cute, in a self-depreciating way, but
its all engineering, albeit less mature than say civil
engineering, which stopped building bridges that collapse
some time ago.

The ultimate in paranoia is not when everyone is against you but when
everything is against you. --PKD

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