Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-26 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Let me raise a different issue: a PRNG might be better *in practice* 
because of higher assurance that it's actually working as designed at 
any given time.

Hardware random number generators are subject to all sorts of 
environmental issues, including stuck bits, independent oscillators 
that aren't independent, contamination by power line frequency noise, 
etc.  By contrast, a correct implementation of a cryptographic 
algorithm will always function correctly.  (Yes, there could be an 
undetected hardware fault.  Run it three times, on different chips)

To me, the interesting question about, say, Yarrow is not how well it 
mixes in entropy, but how well it performs when there's essentially no 
new entropy added.  Clearly, we need something to see a PRNG, but what 
are the guarantees we have against what sorts of threats if there are 
never any new true-random inputs?  (Remember the purported escrow key 
generation algorithm for Clipper?  See
for details.  The algorithm was later disavowed, but I've never been 
convinced that the disavowal was genuine.)

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: Simson Garfinkel analyses Skype - Open Society Institute

2005-01-26 Thread Adam Shostack
On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 08:33:41PM -0800, David Wagner wrote:
| In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
| >Voice Over Internet Protocol and Skype Security
| >Simson L. Garfinkel
| >Is Skype secure?
| The answer appears to be, "no one knows".  The report accurately reports
| that because the security mechanisms in Skype are secret, it is impossible
| to analyze meaningfully its security.  Most of the discussion of the
| potential risks and questions seems quite good to me.
| But in one or two places the report says things like "A conversation on
| Skype is vastly more private than a traditional analog or ISDN telephone"
| and "Skype is more secure than today's VoIP systems".  I don't see any
| basis for statements like this.  Unfortunately, I guess these sorts of
| statements have to be viewed as blind guesswork.  Those claims probably
| should have been omitted from the report, in my opinion -- there is
| really no evidence either way.  Fortunately, these statements are the
| exception and only appear in one or two places in the report.

The basis for these statements is what the other systems don't do.  My
Vonage VOIP phone has exactly zero security.  It uses the SIP-TLS
port, without encryption.  It doesn't encrypt anything.  So, its easy
to be more secure than that.  So, while it may be bad cryptography, it
is still better than the alternatives.  Unfortunately.


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Re: Simson Garfinkel analyses Skype - Open Society Institute

2005-01-26 Thread Peter Gutmann
David Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>Is Skype secure?
>The answer appears to be, "no one knows".  

There have been other posts about this in the past, even though they use known
algorithms the way they use them is completely homebrew and horribly insecure:
Raw, unpadded RSA, no message authentication, no key verification, no replay
protection, etc etc etc.  It's pretty much a textbook example of the problems
covered in the writeup I did on security issues in homebrew VPNs last year.

(Having said that, the P2P portion of Skype is quite nice, it's just the
 security area that's lacking.  Since the developers are P2P people, that's
 somewhat understandable).


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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-26 Thread Ian G
Ben Laurie wrote:
William Allen Simpson wrote:
Why then restrict it to non-communications usages?

Because we are starting from the postulate that observation of the
output could (however remotely) give away information about the
underlying state of the entropy generator(s).

Surely observation of /dev/urandom's output also gives away information?
Right.  So what we are looking at here is a requirement
such that we don't leak any internal state.  Traditionally,
the Unix people would do this by a) limiting access to the
resource to root and b) auditing the user of the resource
carefully.  But that's a bit OTT, IMHO.
Another way of doing this is to put in a requirement that
each read is separate and unlinked.  That is, if you do a
read of 1024 bits for some key operation, the contract with
the random device is that entropy might be mixed between
those bits, *but* it isn't mixed with any other read that
might be done.
Trivially, this could be met by throwing away all existing
entropy, locking the entropy for syncronised read, and
waiting until enough fresh stuff was built up.  That might
take a while, but hey, that's the contract that the coder
asked for.  And there are plenty of variants imaginable.
Either way, it seems that restriction is not the only way
to deal with the leakage problem, once we understand that
avoiding the leakage is the requirement.
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Re: Entropy and PRNGs

2005-01-26 Thread John Denker
Ed Gerck wrote:
Let me comment, John, that thermal noise is not random
When did you figure that out?  If you'd been paying attention,
you'd know that I figured that out a long time ago.
First of all, the phrase "not random" is ambiguous.  I said
Some people think “random” should denote 100% entropy density,
and anything less than that is “non-random” even if it
contains a great deal of unpredictability. Other folks think
that “random” refers to anything with an entropy density
greater than zero, and “non-random” means completely
Thermal noise, as it comes off the hardware, has an entropy
density greater than zero and less than 100%, as I said at
and elsewhere.
There are several quantities that can be estimated in thermal
noise, reducing its entropy according to what you seem to expect
today. See "photon bunching", as an example that is usually ignored.
Another, even though trivial, example is due to the observation that
thermal noise is not white noise. Yet another observation is that no
noise is really white, because of causality (in other words, it's
duration must be finite). The noise that is due to photon fluctuations
in thermal background radiation, for another example, depends
also on the number of detectors used to measure it, as well as
single- or multiple-mode illumination, and both internal and external
noise sources.
Stop wasting our time.  All that doesn't change the fact that
thermal noise, as it comes off the hardware, has a nonzero
entropy density.  And it is easy to arrange situations where
I can calculate a very useful lower bound on the entropy density.
Yes, it's entirely possible that someone in the future will know
more about your entropy source than you do today! Even thermal
That's tantamount to saying the second law of thermodynamics will
be repealed.  By that standard, it's "entirely possible" that the
sun will rise in the west tomorrow morning.  But I wouldn't bet
on it.
OTOH, why are nuclear decay processes considered safe as a source
of entropy? Because the range of energies preclude knowing or
tampering with the internal state. These processes are, however,
not free from correlations either.
Nuclear decay processes are not in any practical sense safer than
thermal noise.  As I discuss at
nuclear is in the same category as thermal:  entropy density
greater than zero and less than 100%.
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Simple snoop-proof email launched

2005-01-26 Thread R.A. Hettinga

New Scientist

Simple snoop-proof email launched
 16:04 11 January 2005 news service
 Will Knight

 Software that aims to make encrypted email communications simple enough
for even computer novices to use was released on Tuesday.

Encryption is the science of securing communications against eavesdropping
by converting the content of a message into a code, or cipher, which can
only be unlocked using a secret "key". But modern cryptography often
involves using complex mathematical algorithms and convoluted key exchanges
to protect messages against skilled code-crackers.

Ciphire, developed by Ciphire Labs in Munich, Germany, uses a technique
called "public key cryptography" to sign and encrypt email messages. Once
loaded on to a computer hard drive the software performs all of the complex
tasks involved behind the scenes. Ciphire also works with almost any email
software client - like Microsoft Outlook, for example - without requiring
prior configuration.

"The real benefit is the ease of use," says Laird Brown, chief strategist
at Ciphire. "Everything is automated, so it's much like a virus scanner. It
just sits quietly in the background."

Brown told New Scientist the security of the system has also undergone
rigorous testing. "From a security perspective, we've taken it as far as we
can," he says. The program is being offered free for non-commercial use and
can be used by companies for a licence fee.

Virtual invisibility

Once installed on a PC, Ciphire runs in the background in conjunction with
an email client program. It intercepts email after the "send" button is
pressed but before the email leaves the computer, and intercepts incoming
email before it is formally received by the email program, making it
virtually invisible to the user.

The program automatically manages the creation of a set of public and
private cryptographic keys, simply prompting the user for a password from
which the keys are generated. The public key is sent to Ciphire's servers
and the private one is stored safely on the user's machine.

The two keys are mathematically linked in such a way that two independent
parties can communicate securely without first exchanging secret keys. A
private key can be combined with another person's public key to create an
encrypted message that can be deciphered using the corresponding public and
private pair.

 Each time a message is sent Ciphire checks with its servers to see if the
recipient already has their own public key. If they do, the program uses
this to encrypt the message. At the other end of the exchange, the
recipient's version of the program should automatically retrieve the
sender's public key and perform the necessary decryption.

 If the recipient does not have a key pair the program simply "signs" a
message - this key allows the recipient to confirm an email's authenticity
but does not protect it from eavesdroppers.

Unique signatures

The keys kept on Ciphire's servers are also utilised to generate coded
signatures unique to the content of each email message sent using the
system. If the content of a message is intercepted and altered somewhere
between being sent and received - this signature will not be the same,
alerting users to the tampering. Brown says this makes it virtually
impossible for anyone - including Ciphire itself - to change keys without
users becoming aware.

Ciphire had several independent cryptography experts audit the software and
made modifications based on their recommendations. Russ Housley, of US
company Vigil Security, who performed a study of the software, says that it
stood up to scrutiny.

"The security provided by Ciphire is very robust," he told New Scientist.
"In every situation, the designers have chosen the strongest possible
cryptographic algorithms and the longest possible key sizes."

Housley notes that Ciphire combines several encryption algorithms. This
means messages should remain secure even if a fundamental flaw should
emerge in one of the algorithms.

"This is like holding your pants up with both a belt and suspenders," he
says. "If one fails, your pants still stay up."

But Housley adds that the main advantage of the software is its simplicity.
"If it is difficult to use, then it will not be used," he says.
"Transparency is vital for acceptance by users."

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-26 Thread Ian G
Ben Laurie wrote:
William Allen Simpson wrote:
Why then restrict it to non-communications usages?

Because we are starting from the postulate that observation of the
output could (however remotely) give away information about the
underlying state of the entropy generator(s).

Surely observation of /dev/urandom's output also gives away information?
Right.  I'd suggest the original statement of the
issue at hand might be better rephrased as:
The *requirement* is that the generator not leak
This requirement applies equally well to an entropy
collector as to a PRNG.
For an entropy collector there are a number of ways
of meeting the requirement.
1.  Constrain access to the device and audit all
users of the device.
2.  set the contract in the read() call such that
the bits returned may be internally entangled, but
must not be entangled with any other read().  This
can trivially be met by locking the device for
single read access, and resetting the pool after
every read.  Slow, but it's what the caller wanted!
Better variants can be experimented on...
We are still left with the notion as Bill suggested
that no entropy collector is truly clean, in that
the bits collected will have some small element of
leakage across the bits.  But I suggest we just
cop that one on the chin, and stick in the random(5)
page the description of how reliable the device
meets the requirement.
(This might be a resend, my net was dropping all
sorts of stuff today and I lost the original.)
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Re: Simson Garfinkel analyses Skype - Open Society Institute

2005-01-26 Thread Chris Palmer
People may already have seen this, but maybe not. Another Skype 

Chris Palmer
Technology Manager, Electronic Frontier Foundation
415 436 9333 x124 (desk), 415 305 5842 (cell)

81C0 E11D CE73 4390 B6C7  3415 B286 CD8F 68E4 09CD

Description: PGP signature

Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-26 Thread William Allen Simpson
Ben Laurie wrote:
William Allen Simpson wrote:
Why then restrict it to non-communications usages?
Because we are starting from the postulate that observation of the
output could (however remotely) give away information about the
underlying state of the entropy generator(s).
Surely observation of /dev/urandom's output also gives away information?
ummm, no, not by definition.
 blocks on insufficient estimate of stored entropy
 useful for indirect measurement of system characteristics
 (assumes no PRNG)
 blocks only when insufficient entropy for initialization of state
 computationally infeasible to determine underlying state
 (assumes robust PRNG)
These are the definitions we've been using around here for many years. 
It does help when everybody is talking about the same things.

I'll note that many systems (including the MacOSX that I'm using to
write this) have made /dev/random and /dev/urandom the same
William Allen Simpson
   Key fingerprint =  17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26  DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32
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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-26 Thread William Allen Simpson
Ian G wrote:
The *requirement* is that the generator not leak
This requirement applies equally well to an entropy
collector as to a PRNG.
Now here we disagree.  It was long my understanding
that the reason the entropy device (/dev/random)
could be used for both output and input, and blocked
awaiting more entropy collection, was the desire to
be able to quantify the result. 

Otherwise, there's no need to block.
For an entropy collector there are a number of ways
of meeting the requirement.
1.  Constrain access to the device and audit all
users of the device.
2.  set the contract in the read() call such that
the bits returned may be internally entangled, but
must not be entangled with any other read().  This
can trivially be met by locking the device for
single read access, and resetting the pool after
every read.  Slow, but it's what the caller wanted!
Better variants can be experimented on...
Now I don't remember anybody suggesting that before!  Perfect,
except that an attacker knows when to begin watching, and is assured
that anything before s/he began watching was tossed.
In my various key generation designs using MD5, I've always used
MD-strengthening to minimize the entanglement between keys. 

There was MD5 code floating around for many many years that I wrote
with a NULL argument to force the MD-strengthening phase between
uses.  I never liked designs with bits for multiple keys extracted
from the same digest iteration output.
And of course, my IPsec authentication RFCs all did the same.  See
my IP-MAC design at RFC-1852 and RFC-2841.
We are still left with the notion as Bill suggested
that no entropy collector is truly clean, in that
the bits collected will have some small element of
leakage across the bits.  But I suggest we just
cop that one on the chin, and stick in the random(5)
page the description of how reliable the device
meets the requirement.
(This might be a resend, my net was dropping all
sorts of stuff today and I lost the original.)
That's OK, the writing was clearer the second time around.
William Allen Simpson
   Key fingerprint =  17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26  DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32
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Re: OpenVPN and "SSL VPNs"

2005-01-26 Thread James Yonan
>* Stefan Mink:
>> a) It would be good to hear from this community if there
>> are any negative aspects of OpenVPN (vs. IPsec VPNs).

>It's not standardized, and it only interoperates with itself (but this
>is true for many IPsec implementations as well).  This is more than
>compensated by its portability.  OpenVPN has a very interesting
>feature set, including hybrid authentication and a HMAC-based
>integrity check before TLS processing for the paranoid.  (Static key
>mode is also possible and doesn't require TLS at all.)

While it's true that OpenVPN's protocol is not yet standardized,
I would argue that an important niche in network security, namely
the forwarding of entire virtual network interfaces (and not merely
ports), and doing this all from userspace, was not being
addressed by existing protocols.

SSL/TLS does a good job of tunneling reliable transport protocols
such as TCP from userspace.  IPSec does a good job of tunneling
protocols which use unreliable semantics, such as IP, from kernel
space.  ssh is great for forwarding TCP ports.  But no protocol
existed at the time of OpenVPN's inception to tunnel unreliable
protocols from user space (because VPNs tunnel protocols which
are designed to operate at the physical layer, it is important
for VPNs to use a security layer which operates at the datagram
semantics level -- this means you want something like a TLS protocol
which can tunnel UDP).

This void has been recognized by others, and led to the development
of Datagram TLS (DTLS) by Negendra Modadugu and Eric Rescorla.

This approach of developing a variant of TLS for securing a UDP
stream is similar to that taken by OpenVPN.  DTLS can be
implemented inside the OpenSSL library as a variation to TLS.
OpenVPN takes a different approach and uses standard TLS,
but encapsulates it inside a reliability layer, not unlike the
way that TLS over TCP accomplishes the same objective.

I expect that future versions of OpenVPN will gravitate towards
using DTLS as the security layer, as this is in line with OpenVPN's
modular approach to security where as much as possible, encryption
and authentication functions are offloaded to an independently
developed crypto library such as OpenSSL.

Another reason why OpenVPN was forced to implement its own
TLS-based VPN protocol is that it uses a user-space daemon execution

Why tunnel from user-space?  For the same reason that ssh or
apache + modssl runs in userspace:  portability and security.

Portability: Why write a complex piece of code only to have to
reimplement it for every OS in existence?  A major reason why OSes
exist in the first place is to provide a platform for the development
of portable code.  Unless code requires the special execution
environment of kernel mode, i.e. access to privileged CPU
instructions, direct hardware I/O, extreme performance requirements,
or the ability to disable preemption, why not implement in user-space
and get all of the advantages of portability and stability?

Security: Implementing network security code in the kernel disobeys
a cardinal rule of security: never design a security model so that
a single failure causes a catastrophic security breach.  Kernel mode
code is never further than one buffer overflow away from root
compromise.  Implementing security in userspace provides the
additional security buffer that exists between user and kernel space:
a daemon can setuid/gid to nobody and chroot to an empty jail.
Now a buffer overflow in the userspace daemon doesn't mean an
automatic root compromise.  It makes a root exploit much more
challenging to develop because you first must compromise the daemon,
then install a secondary exploit which takes advantage of a local
root exploit in the OS.  Essentially you need to simultaneously exploit
two vulnerabilities in unrelated code in order to gain root access.

Flexibility:  I think about OpenVPN as being a kind of ssh which
allows a more flexible port forwarding model:  a very useful feature
of ssh is that it can do secure TCP port forwarding.  But that's just
a special case of the more general problem of securely forwarding
an entire virtual network interface.  OpenVPN tries to solve this
problem by letting you create a virtual ethernet or point-to-point
IP interface on system A and securely connect it with a similar
interface on system B.

You could think of ssh as being a TCP port forwarder while OpenVPN
can forward an entire virtual network interface.  Forwarding a virtual
interface means that all TCP and UDP ports are forwarded, all IP
protocols are forwarded, etc.  The routing table and firewall config
are used to decide which applications get routed over the VPN or

>Unfortunately, the protocol would have to be reverse-engineered from
>the source code before it can be reviewed.  You've already mentioned
>important aspects of the protocl (TSL on the control plane, ESP for
>the payload).

Writing a compre

Re: Simson Garfinkel analyses Skype - Open Society Institute

2005-01-26 Thread Joseph Ashwood
- Original Message - 
From: "David Wagner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Simson Garfinkel analyses Skype - Open Society Institute

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
Is Skype secure?
The answer appears to be, "no one knows".  The report accurately reports
that because the security mechanisms in Skype are secret, it is impossible
to analyze meaningfully its security.
Actually that is not entirely true. While Skype has been getting more than 
it's fair share of publicity lately surrounding it's security the truth is 
that shortly after it's first release I personally had a discussion in their 
forums (should still be there if you find something by holomntn that's the 
correct one, I haven't discussed anything since). In that discussion it was 
shown that they clearly did not have a solid grasp on security, nor 
apparently had anyone of them read the SIP specification. During that 
conversation, and some future private ones, it has been revealed to me that 
Skype's security is questionable at best, and that they are in fact 
basically relying on security through obscurity. It is likely that this will 
work for quite some time simply because most IM conversations, and most 
phone conversations for that matter are simply not worth listening to.

With that said, in their favor they do have substantial qualities. Because 
they effectively form a routed network an intermediate evesdropping attempt 
will have to sort through a substantial amount of undesired traffic (see 
Rivest on Wheat and Chaff for explaination of the security offered), this is 
possible because although there are security holes, the end stream is 
difficult to determine from random (AES/CBC). This creates a substantial 
boost in the amount of effort required to acquire a stream of significance 
unless the endpoints are known. The other big thing in their favor is that 
apparently very few people want to be bothered by analysing the security, 
basically if no one is looking it is secure. Additionally, in version 1.1 
Skype appears to have begun providing a moving target for a break, between 
version 1.0 and 1.1 Skype performed some changes to the protocol, while I do 
not know the exact nature of these, even a simple investigation of the GUI 
shows some changes (IM someone with a different version you will be 
cautioned about protocol changes even though security is not listed), this 
moving target creates the possibility to generate some security through 
obscurity, and the ability to upgrade the security at a moments notice.

Working against them. The biggest thing working against them is that a 
growing number of teenagers are using Skype (a significant portion of 
Gunderson High School in San Jose, Ca actually uses Skype during class, and 
has been busted by me for it). This poses a substantial risk for common 
hacking to occur. This is something that I am unclear on whether or not 
Skype has prepared. As the general populus begins to use Skype more the 
security question becomes of greater importance (reference the attacks on 
Windows that go on every day).

With all that said it is important to note that I have no access to the 
current Skype protocol and I only briefly had limited access to an early 
one, so my analysis may be substantially off.

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Call for Papers 2005

2005-01-26 Thread Alexandre Dulaunoy
== Call for Papers 2005 ==

The purpose  of the convention  is to give  an open  and free
playground   where  people   can  discuss   the  implication   of  new
technologies  in the  society.  is a  balanced  mix convention
where  technical and  non-technical people  can meet  each  others and
share freely all  kind of information. The convention  will be held in
the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg in  August or September 2005 (soon to be
defined). The convention is open to everyone.

=== Scope ===

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to :

* Software Engineering
* Honeypots/Honeynets
* Electronic/Digital Privacy
* Wireless Network and Security
* Attacks on Information Systems and/or Digital Information Storage
* Electronic Voting
* Free Software and Security
* Assessment of Computer, Electronic Devices and Information Systems
* Standards for Information Security
* Legal and Social Aspect of Information Security
* Software Engineering and Security

=== Deadlines ===

Abstract submission : 1 March 2005

Full paper submission : 15 May 2005

=== Submission guideline ===

Authors should  submit a  paper in English/French  up to  5.000 words,
using  a  non-proprietary  and  open electronic  format.  The  program
committee will review all papers and  the author of each paper will be
notified of  the result,  by electronic means.  Abstract is up  to 400
words. Submissions must be sent to : hack2005-paper(AT)

Submissions should also include the following:

# Presenter,  and geographical  location (country  of origin/passport)
  and contact info. 
# Employer and/or affiliations. 
# Brief biography, list of publications or papers. 
# Any  significant   presentation  and/or  educational
# Reason  why  this  material  is  innovative  or  significant  or  an
  important tutorial. 
# Optionally, any samples of prepared material or outlines ready.

The information will be used only  for the sole purpose of the
convention including the information on the public website.

If you want to remain anonymous, you have the right to use a nickname.

=== Publication and rights ===

Authors keep the  full rights on their publication/papers  but give an
unrestricted  right  to  redistribute  their papers  for  the

=== Sponsoring ===

If  you  want  to  support  the  initiative  and  gain  visibility  by
sponsoring,   please   contact   usby   writing   an   e-mail   to

=== Web site and wiki ===

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DIMACS Workshop on Security of Web Services and E-Commerce

2005-01-26 Thread Linda Casals
Call for Participation Deadline January 17, 2005

DIMACS Workshop on Security of Web Services and E-Commerce

 May 5 - 6, 2005 
 DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ


  Brian LaMacchia, Microsoft, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Communication
Security and Information Privacy.

 The growth of Web Services, and in particular electronic commerce
activities based on them, is quickly being followed by work on Web
Services security protocols. While core XML security standards like
XMLDSIG, XMLENC and WS-Security have been completed, they only provide
the basic building blocks of authentication, integrity protection and
confidentiality for Web Services. Additional Web Services standards
and protocols are required to provide higher-order operations such as
trust management, delegation, and federation. At the same time, the
sharp rise in "phishing" attacks and other forms of on-line fraud
simply confirms that all our work on security protocols is for naught
if we cannot make it both possible and easy for the average user to
discover when a security property has failed during a
transaction. This workshop aims to explore these areas as well as
other current and future security and privacy challenges for Web
Services applications and e-commerce.


The workshop will be open to the public (no submission is necessary to
attend). If you'd like to give a presentation please send a title and
abstract to:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] by January 17, 2005. 

Submissions may describe ongoing or planned work related to the
security of Web Services and electronic commerce, or they may discuss
important research problems or propose a research agenda in this
area. Also, we intend this to be a participatory and interactive
meeting so we hope you will be able to contribute to the meeting even
without giving an announced talk.


Pre-registration deadline: April 28, 2005

Please see website for complete registration information:


Information on participation, registration, accomodations, and travel 
can be found at:


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Effort to Speed Airport Security Is Going Private

2005-01-26 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The Wall Street Journal

  January 12, 2005

Effort to Speed
 Airport Security
 Is Going Private
Move Aims to Expand Program
 That Preregisters People
 Who Travel Frequently

January 12, 2005; Page D1

The Homeland Security Department, under pressure to jump-start a program
allowing select preregistered travelers to speed through airport security,
is turning to the private sector for help.

The Registered Traveler program gives frequent air passengers access to
special security lines, provided they first voluntarily undergo criminal
and terrorist background checks. In exchange, they get a biometric
identification card -- containing a fingerprint and other personal data --
and access to the shorter lines. The program has generally received
favorable reviews from volunteers and the three-month trial has been
extended indefinitely.

There is just one problem: The pilot program, currently administered by the
department's Transportation Security Administration, is offered at only
five airports for just 10,000 volunteers. This means that Registered
Travelers can use their cards only at their home airports and nowhere else.
TSA's pace at expanding the test into a national program has, so far, been
the biggest complaint.

The slow introduction has prompted interest from some businesses, who
believe that travelers would be willing to pay to participate in the
program. Interested entrepreneurs include Steven Brill, who started
American Lawyer magazine and Court TV and, after writing a book on Sept.
11, decided to get into the homeland-security business.

In a plan set to be unveiled in coming weeks, TSA officials will lay out
some details of a privately operated Registered Traveler pilot program at
Orlando International Airport. The success of the pilot, expected to begin
by the end of March, could determine the future of the Registered Traveler
program and be a model for expanding it nationally.

Mr. Brill and others have been pushing for TSA to privatize the program,
saying that businesses are better equipped than the government to market
and expand it, especially because some travelers have indicated that they
would pay annual fees -- as much as $100 -- for faster screening.

TSA officials agree, believing that passengers, not taxpayers, should fund
Registered Traveler, because it is likely to be used by business people
rather than leisure travelers. Homeland Security officials are eager to see
it move forward. TSA has had some false starts in other initiatives, and it
has taken knocks for long lines and intrusive pat-down searches.

But privacy advocates, who have already voiced concern about the
government-run pilot programs, are even more worried now that TSA is
turning to the private sector.

EXPRESS LINE How expedited security works in five pilot programs:

Who's eligible: 10,000 frequent- flier club members; enrollment closed

What they provide: Fingerprint, iris scan, personal data

What they get: Biometric ID card

What they have to do at airport: Open laptop, remove keys, coins.

What they don't have to do: Join leisure travelers for random screening.

They complain that Homeland Security officials routinely publish privacy
guidelines too vague to give the public a real understanding of how
personal data are handled. A privatized system could exacerbate the
problem, says Marcia Hoffman, staff counsel of the Electronic Privacy
Information Center, a Washington nonprofit organization.

TSA sees private-sector involvement as a route to faster growth. "We're
trying to encourage as much private sector participation as possible," says
Justin Oberman, a TSA official in charge of both Registered Traveler and
its more controversial sister-project, Secure Flight, a computerized
prescreening system that will replace a system currently run by the

Plans to run the privatized pilot in Orlando were publicly disclosed in
October, when AirTran Airways, a unit of Orlando-based AirTran Holdings
Inc., said it would participate in the program. But efforts between TSA and
the airport to reach terms on the pilot have dragged on.

One reason: TSA officials haven't decided whether to compile a master list
of Registered Travelers, which could be used to check passengers at all
participating airports, or allow private companies to maintain passenger
data in a universal format easily accessed by competitors.

The Orlando airport hasn't yet chosen a vendor to run its test, although
airport officials say they are in talks with Mr. Brill's New York-based
company, Verified Identity Pass Inc. Verified Identity would essentially
assume marketing responsibilities while its partners -- possibly including
Lockheed Martin Corp. -- would install scanners, process applications and
manufacture ID cards. TSA screeners, who are government employees, would
continue to staff the security lines.

Orlando offic

Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-26 Thread Ben Laurie
William Allen Simpson wrote:
Ben Laurie wrote:
William Allen Simpson wrote:
Why then restrict it to non-communications usages?

Because we are starting from the postulate that observation of the
output could (however remotely) give away information about the
underlying state of the entropy generator(s).

Surely observation of /dev/urandom's output also gives away information?
ummm, no, not by definition.
 blocks on insufficient estimate of stored entropy
 useful for indirect measurement of system characteristics
 (assumes no PRNG)
 blocks only when insufficient entropy for initialization of state
 computationally infeasible to determine underlying state
 (assumes robust PRNG)
These are the definitions we've been using around here for many years. 
It does help when everybody is talking about the same things.
Around where? I've never heard of a /dev/random that doesn't include a 
PRNG. But I'll admit its entirely possible I just haven't been paying 
attention. Can you give examples?

In any case, if the postulate is that observing the output could give 
away information about the underlying state, then I cannot see how 
/dev/urandom gets around this problem.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [fc-announce] FC'05 - Registration Now Open]

2005-01-26 Thread R. Hirschfeld
From: "Stuart E. Schechter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [fc-announce] FC'05 - Registration Now Open
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 21:29:22 -0500

Registration now open at

 Call for Participation

Financial Cryptography and Data Security
  February 28 -> March 3, 2005
   Roseau, Dominica
  * Registration is now open *

   Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC'05) is the premier
international forum for research, advanced development, education,
exploration, and debate regarding security in the context of finance and
commerce.  We have augmented our conference title and expanded our scope
to cover all aspects of securing transactions and systems. These aspects
include a range of technical areas such as: cryptography, payment
systems, secure transaction architectures, software systems and tools,
user and operator interfaces, fraud prevention, secure IT
infrastructure, and analysis methodologies.

   FC'05 brings together top cryptographers, data-security specialists,
and scientists with economists, bankers, implementers, and policy
makers. Intimate and colorful by tradition, the FC'05 program will
features invited talks (to be announced), academic presentations,
technical demonstrations, and panel discussions. This conference is
organized annually by the International Financial Cryptography
Association (IFCA).

Keynote Speakers

Lynne Coventry (NCR)
   Usable Security: A conundrum?
Bezalel Gavish (Southern Methodist University)
   Trust and Swindling on the Internet
Panel Sessions

Financial Technology in the Developing World
Allan Friedman (Harvard) - Organizer
Alessandro Acquisti (CMU)
H William Burdett, Jr. (Foley & Lardner, LLP)
Jon Peha (CMU)

Steve Myers (Indiana University) - Organizer
Drew Dean (SRI)
Stuart Stubblebine (Stubblebine Research Labs)
Richard Clayton (Cambridge, UK)
Markus Jakobsson (Indiana University CACR)

Research Papers

Fraud within Asymmetric Multi-Hop Cellular Networks
Gildas Avoine (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)

Information-Theoretic Security Analysis of Physical Uncloneable Functions
P. Tuyls
B. Skoric
S. Stallinga
A.H. Akkermans
W. Ophey (Philips Research Laboratories, The Netherlands)

Views, Reactions and Impact of Digitally-Signed Mail in e-Commerce.
Simson L. Garfinkel
Jeffrey I. Schiller
Erik Nordlander (MIT)
David Margrave (
Robert C. Miller (MIT)

Identity-based Partial Message Recovery Signatures
(or How to Shorten ID-based Signatures)
Fangguo Zhang (Sun Yat Sen University, P.R.China)
Yi Mu
Willy Susilo (University of Wollongong, Australia)

How to Non-Interactively Update a Secret
Eujin Goh (Stanford University)
Philippe Golle (Palo Alto Research Center)

Interactive Diffie-Hellman Assumptions with Applications
to Password-Based Authentication
Michel Abdalla
David Pointcheval (Ecole Normale Superieure)

Achieving Fairness in Private Contract Negotiation
Keith Frikken
Mikhail Atallah (Purdue University)

Protecting Secret Data from Insider Attacks
David Dagon
Wenke Lee
Richard Lipton (Georgia Tech)

RFID Traceability A Multilayer Problem
Gildas Avoine
Philippe Oechslin (EPFL Lausanne Switzerland)

A User-Friendly Approach to Human Authentication of Messages
Jeff King
Andre dos Santos (Georgia Tech)

Countering Identity Theft through Digital Uniqueness,
Location Cross-Checking, and Funneling
P.C. van Oorschot (Carleton University)
S. Stubblebine (Stubblebine Research Labs)

Policy-Based Cryptography and Applications
Walid Bagga
Refik Molva (Eurecom)

A Privacy Protecting Coupon System
Liqun Chen (HP Laboratories)
Matthias Enzmann (Fraunhofer SIT)
Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (University of Bochum)
Markus Schneider (Fraunhofer SIT)
Michael Steiner (IBM T.J. Watson)

Analysis of a Multi-Party Fair Exchange Protocol and Formal
Proof of Correctness in the Strand Space model
Steve Kremer
Aybek Mukhamedov
Eike Ritter (University of Birmingham, UK)

Secure Biometric Authentication for Weak Computational Devices
Mikhail J. Atallah
Keith B. Frikken (Purdue)
Michael T. Goodrich (UC Irvine)
Roberto Tamassia (Brown)

Small Coalitions Cannot Manipulate Voting
Edith Elkind (Princeton University)
Helger Lipmaa (Helsinki University of Technology)

Efficient Privacy-Preserving Protocols for Multi-Unit Auctions
Felix Brandt (Stanford)
Tuomas Sandholm (Carnegie Mellon University)

Risk Assurance for Hedge Funds using Zero Knowledge Proofs
Michael Szydlo (RSA S

Network World: NIST dubious about 802.11 TKIP; wants AES

2005-01-26 Thread John Gilmore
NIST mulls new WLAN security guidelines
By Ellen Messmer

The National Institute of Standards and Technology, the federal 
agency responsible for defining security standards and practices 
for the government, plans to issue new guidelines pertaining to 
wireless LANs in the near future.

The decisions NIST reaches, possibly as early as this month, 
will broadly affect federal agency purchases of WLAN equipment, 
because federal agencies are required to follow NIST 
recommendations. According to William Burr, manager of NIST's 
security technology group, the agency is focusing on whether to 
approve the IEEE's 802.11i WLAN security standard for encryption 
and authentication as a government standard. The IEEE approved 
802.11i last July, but Burr says NIST is not keen on some 
aspects of it.

Specifically, NIST has reservations about the so-called Temporal 
Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), which is the key management 
protocol in 802.11i that uses the same encryption engine and RC4 
algorithm that was defined for the Wired Equivalent Privacy 
protocol (WEP).

The 40-bit WEP, used in many early WLAN products, was criticized 
widely in the past two years as having too short a key length 
and a poor key management scheme for encryption. TKIP is a 
"wrapper" that goes around WEP encryption and ensures that TKIP 
encryption is 128 bits long.

TKIP was designed to ensure it could operate on WLAN hardware 
that used WEP. In contrast, the 128-bit Advanced Encryption 
Standard (AES), which NIST already has approved, requires a 
hardware change for most older WLAN equipment.

"We just don't feel that the TKIP protocol cuts the grade for 
government encryption," Burr says. He adds that the RC4 
encryption algorithm is not a Federal Information Processing 
(FIPS) standard and probably won't ever be because network 
professionals see RC4 as rather weak in terms of message 
authentication and integrity.

NIST is more inclined to approve AES for WLAN security, and in 
fact Burr pointed to the NIST document 800-38C, published last 
summer, for encryption that includes the AES algorithm.

As far as the key management scheme for key exchange and setup 
is concerned, NIST might introduce a new key-management 
technology that's been jointly developed with the National 
Security Agency.
Senior Editor Ellen Messmer covers security for Network World. 
Contact her at .

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Ridge Wants Fingerprints in Passports

2005-01-26 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The New York Times
January 13, 2005

Ridge Wants Fingerprints in Passports

WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 - The United States should issue passports that include
a full set of the bearer's fingerprints, Tom Ridge, the departing secretary
of homeland security, said Wednesday. Mr. Ridge said the change would
induce foreign governments to do the same on the passports they issue.

Privacy advocates promised to fight the Ridge suggestion, in part because
it would deliver the prints of American travelers to foreign governments,
and the State Department has been cool to it as well.

Mr. Ridge, speaking at the Center for Strategic and International Studies,
a research group here, cast his comments as advice to Michael Chertoff,
chosen by President Bush on Tuesday to succeed him.

"Be aggressive, go after 10 fingerprints on the passports," Mr. Ridge said,
adding that it was "a lot easier to negotiate with your allies if you've
already done what you're asking them to do."

 Applicants for visas to visit the United States must already submit to
finger scans of both index fingers. Experts call them scans, not prints,
because the images are taken on a scanner screen, without ink.

Later this year, a 2002 law will require people whose nationality allows
them to enter this country without a visa to present machine-readable
passports that incorporate a digital photograph as biometric data.

 A spokeswoman for the State Department, Kelly Shannon, said that the
machine-readable passports the United States issues would have a computer
chip with 64 kilobytes of memory, far more than is needed for the
traveler's name, date and place of birth, passport number and a single
photo. The chip could be used for other biometric data in the future,
including an additional photo, Ms. Shannon said, adding that "the globally
interoperable, chosen biometric for travel documents" was photos.

 At the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a nonprofit group here, Marc
Rotenberg, the president, said that providing foreign governments with the
fingerprints of each American visitor would "make it easier for those
foreign governments to conduct their own investigations of U.S. citizens in
that foreign country."

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
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experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-26 Thread Ian G
William Allen Simpson wrote:
Ian G wrote:
The *requirement* is that the generator not leak
This requirement applies equally well to an entropy
collector as to a PRNG.
Now here we disagree.  It was long my understanding
that the reason the entropy device (/dev/random)
could be used for both output and input, and blocked
awaiting more entropy collection, was the desire to
be able to quantify the result.
Otherwise, there's no need to block.

I'm sorry, I don't see the relationship
between the requirement to not leak,
and the requirement to deliver a quantifiable
For an entropy collector there are a number of ways
of meeting the requirement.
1.  Constrain access to the device and audit all
users of the device.
2.  set the contract in the read() call such that
the bits returned may be internally entangled, but
must not be entangled with any other read().  This
can trivially be met by locking the device for
single read access, and resetting the pool after
every read.  Slow, but it's what the caller wanted!
Better variants can be experimented on...
Now I don't remember anybody suggesting that before!  Perfect,
except that an attacker knows when to begin watching, and is assured
that anything before s/he began watching was tossed.

That seems to address the "trivial implementation"
rather than the requirement?
(In practice, I'd be inclined to not so much reset the
pool after every read, but flush or discard a certain
amount that is calculated to reduce any cross read
leakage.  But yes, the requirement may prove to
present some interesting challenges to the implementor.)

In my various key generation designs using MD5, I've always used
MD-strengthening to minimize the entanglement between keys.
There was MD5 code floating around for many many years that I wrote
with a NULL argument to force the MD-strengthening phase between
uses.  I never liked designs with bits for multiple keys extracted
from the same digest iteration output.
And of course, my IPsec authentication RFCs all did the same.  See
my IP-MAC design at RFC-1852 and RFC-2841.

Zooko and I struck this issue in our recent SDP1.
As a datagram secret key layout, it uses a lot of
secret keying material.  The way we resolved it was
to set a requirement for quality in the key exchange
phase, which derived from a requirement to reduce
the complexities of the datagram encryption phase
(for programming reasons, not crypto reasons);  in
effect we punted the problem upstairs and put all
the load on the key exchange phase.
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Sun creates worlds smallest SSL Web server

2005-01-26 Thread R.A. Hettinga

- Computer Business Review

Sun creates world's smallest SSL Web server

Sun Microsystems Inc has created what can truly be called a microsystem.
The tiny server, nicknamed "Sizzle" (from Slim SSL), is the size and shape
of a quarter. It was created by Sun's engineers as a proof-of-concept
machine for embedded applications and will be presented at the Pervasive
Computing and Communications show in March.

14 Jan 2005, 10:47 GMT -
 Sizzle is a wireless Web server and is based on an 8-bit microprocessor
designed by Crossbow Technology Inc. The server has 8Kb of main memory,
which implements a stripped-down operating system plus a Web server and an
SSL server. Crossbow has created its own operating system, called TinyOS,
for these remote computers, often referred to as motes.

The mote that Sun is using in Sizzle is called the MICA2DOT, and it is
powered by a three-volt button battery, like the kind in your motherboard
to keep your BIOS settings alive. It is unclear if Sun is using TinyOS or a
stripped-down version of Solaris or Linux to create its micro Web server.

Sun is adding 128Kb of flash memory to the mote, and it is implementing a
version of SSL based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) that Sun says
makes public key cryptography suitable on a very tiny machine with
extremely limited capabilities.

Sizzle can complete an SSL handshake in under four seconds, and can do it
in under two seconds with sessions that are reused; the Web server can
transfer about 450 bytes per second. While you may not be able to run Yahoo
on it, you can build vast arrays of sensors with ad hoc networking, which
is what motes are for.

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Hanging the Pirates

2005-01-26 Thread R.A. Hettinga


Hanging the Pirates

Paul Kocher has a way to save Hollywood from illegal copying.

Over the past few months top brass from Hollywood and Japan's consumer
electronics giants have been hashing out their futures in hotel meeting
rooms in Tokyo and Los Angeles. Topic A is the politically charged debate
over the standard for the new high-definition DVDs, which the film industry
hopes will swell the current $24 billion DVD market, as hi-def becomes the
norm. Most of the players want to get something decided on within a year.

But, as big as the stakes are in those discussions, the movie studios are
even more keen on the outcome of the talks on the 39th floor of Toshiba's
Tokyo headquarters.

By the Numbers

Price of Piracy

Illegal file-sharing hits music far harder than film--for now.

 $21 billion n DVD sales in U.S. in 2004, a 200% increase since 2000.

 $12 billion CD sales in U.S., a 17% decline since 2000.

 $3 billion Amount movie studios lose to piracy each year.

 $4 billion Amount music publishers lose to piracy each year.

 Sources: Adams Media Research; RIAA; MPAA.
 There, a select security committee representing both hardware and film
makers has an extremely rare opportunity to stop digital piracy from doing
to movies what it did to music. Napster and its ilk have helped knock 17%
off of record label sales in the past three years. With DVD's basic
encryption already cracked and one-quarter of American homes now capable of
broadband-speed downloads, it's inevitable that one day the latest Harry
Potter film will be swapped as easily as U2's new hit.

"This is the number one priority at the highest levels," says Thomas
Lesinski, president of Paramount Home Entertainment. "The studios want to
have more control over protecting our content."

One of the most important people involved in that discussion is Paul
Kocher, the 31-year-old president of Cryptography Research, a tiny San
Francisco consulting and licensing firm that brought in $6 million last
year. Kocher is soft-spoken, young and obscure, but his credibility in the
encryption business is sterling. Eight years ago, fresh out of Stanford,
Kocher cowrote Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), the protocol that secures the
vast majority of commerce on the Internet.

What Kocher is pushing is the concept of renewable security. Any attempt to
erect a one-time, rigid barrier between thieves and content, he says, is
useless, including the current method pushed through by the Japanese
consumer electronics companies. "With very few exceptions, all the major
security systems being used by the studios today are either broken and
can't be fixed, or they're not deployed widely enough to be worth hacking,"
says Kocher.

Under the existing Content Scrambling System, electronics makers install
the exact same encryption code into nearly every DVD player. But that was
broken by European hackers in 1999 and the trick disseminated widely on the
Internet. Even the least sophisticated user can now download a program that
easily copies protected movies.

Kocher's alternative is to allow for constant change. His system, called
self-protecting digital content, places the security on the disc instead of
in the player. A software "recipe" running into the millions of steps is
burned onto every new movie disc. Each DVD player would contain a small
chip costing only a few extra cents that would follow the recipe
faithfully. If the DVD player decides the disc is secure, it will decode it
and play the movie. But each film could have a different recipe. So if a
pirate breaks the code on Spider-Man 2, he wouldn't necessarily be able to
break the code on Elf. The studios would always be one step ahead of the
thieves; at the very least it would take pirates more time to break each
film. Not a big deal: Studios make most of their money from DVDs in the
first three months, anyway.

"A lot of security systems are hard and brittle," says Robert Baldwin, head
of the security firm Plus Five Consulting. "Paul's is more like a willow
tree. It bends and recovers."

No studio executive contacted would comment on Kocher's scheme on the
record, but it looks likely to be the backbone of any eventual security
standard. A group including IBM, Toshiba, Time Warner and Microsoft is also
angling to get a complementary encryption scheme called AACS into every
future player. It will likely be written to work with Kocher's idea.

Consumer electronics firms, which dictated the last encryption format,
never had much to lose from security leaks. Film executives like the fact
that Kocher's scheme gives them a stronger hand. Now they will be able to
decide how much security they want on each disc and when it needs to be

Kocher, son of a physics professor at Oregon State University in Corvallis,
says he learned about computing because he stayed home a lot, too lazy to
bike the two miles into town. He initially wanted to 

[Fwd: Call for Papers: Virtual Goods 2005]

2005-01-26 Thread Ed Gerck

Dear Virtual Goods Community,
here is the link to the cfp:
Please feel free to distrubute it.
Best regards
Here is the text:
 C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S
  The 3rd International Workshop for
   Technology, Economy, Social and Legal Aspects of
Virtual Goods
including the new
  Virtual Goods Tutorial
 Organized by the GI Working Group ECOM
   and in parallel with
 IFIP Working Group 6.11
   Communication Systems in Electronic Commerce
   June 2 - 4, 2005, Ilmenau, Germany
Full version:
Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to, the following
* Digital rights management
* Peer-to-Peer systems
* Payment systems
* New business models
* Solution architectures
* Legal aspects
* Inter-cultural aspects
* Security and privacy
* Content protection
* Watermarking
* Cryptographic mechanisms
Important Dates:

 March 1, 2005  Full papers submitted
 April 5, 2005  Notification of acceptance
 May 1, 2004Web-ready papers due
Technical Committee:

General chair: Ruediger Grimm:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Program Chair: Juergen Nuetzel: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Local chair:   Thomas Boehme: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please freely distribute this call for papers.
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Re: [PATCH 1/2] CryptoAPI: prepare for processing multiple buffers at a time (fwd from [EMAIL PROTECTED])

2005-01-26 Thread Eugen Leitl
From: Fruhwirth Clemens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/2] CryptoAPI: prepare for processing multiple buffers
at a time
To: Michal Ludvig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Andrew Morton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, James Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2005 13:45:37 +0100

On Fri, 2005-01-14 at 17:40 +0100, Michal Ludvig wrote: 
> > Is there any connection to Evgeniy Polyakov's acrypto work? It appears,
> > that there are two project for one objective. Would be nice to see both
> > parties pulling on one string.
> These projects do not compete at all. Evgeniy's work is a complete 
> replacement for current cryptoapi and brings the asynchronous 
> operations at the first place. My patches are simple and straightforward 
> extensions to current cryptoapi that enable offloading the chaining to 
> hardware where possible.

Fine, I just saw in Evgeniy's reply, that he took your padlock
implementation. I thought both of you have been working on different

But actually both aim for the same goal. Hardware crypto-offloading.
With padlock the need for a async interface isn't that big, because it's
not "off-loading" as it's done on the same chip and in the same thread. 

However, developing two different APIs isn't particular efficient. I
know, at the moment there isn't much choice, as J.Morris hasn't commited
to acrypto in anyway. But I think it would be good to replace the
synchronized CryptoAPI implementation altogether, put the missing
internals of CryptoAPI into acrypto, and back the interfaces of
CryptoAPI with small stubs, that do like

somereturnvalue synchronized_interface(..) {
return fetch_result(acrypto_struct);

The other way round, a asynchron interface using a synchronized
interface doesn't seem natural to me.
(That doesn't mean I oppose your patches, merely that we should start to
think in different directions)

> > > + void (*cia_ecb)(void *ctx, u8 *dst, const u8 *src, u8 *iv,
> > > + size_t nbytes, int encdec, int inplace);
> > > + void (*cia_cbc)(void *ctx, u8 *dst, const u8 *src, u8 *iv,
> > > + size_t nbytes, int encdec, int inplace);
> > > + void (*cia_cfb)(void *ctx, u8 *dst, const u8 *src, u8 *iv,
> > > + size_t nbytes, int encdec, int inplace);
> > > + void (*cia_ofb)(void *ctx, u8 *dst, const u8 *src, u8 *iv,
> > > + size_t nbytes, int encdec, int inplace);
> > > + void (*cia_ctr)(void *ctx, u8 *dst, const u8 *src, u8 *iv,
> > > + size_t nbytes, int encdec, int inplace);
> > 
> > What's the use of adding mode specific functions to the tfm struct? And
> > why do they all have the same function type? For instance, the "iv" or
> > "inplace" argument is meaningless for ECB.
> The prototypes must be the same in my implementation, because in crypt() 
> only a pointer to the appropriate mode function is taken and further used 
> as "(func*)(arg, arg, ...)".
> BTW these functions are not added to "struct crypto_tfm", but to "struct 
> crypto_alg" which describes what a particular module supports (i.e. along 
> with the block size, algorithm name, etc). In this case it can say that 
> e.g. padlock.ko supports encryption in CBC mode in addition to a common 
> single-block processing.

Err, right. I overlooked that it's cia and not cit. However, I don't
like the idea of extending structs when there is a new cipher mode. I
think the API should not have to be extended for every addition, but
should be designed for such extension right from the start.

What about a "selector" function, which returns the appropriate
encryption function for a mode?

typedef void (procfn_t)(struct crypto_tfm *, u8 *,
u8*, cryptfn_t, int enc, void *, int);

procfn_t (*cia_modesel)(u32 function, int iface, int encdec);
into struct crypto_alg;

then in crypto_init_cipher_ops, instead of

switch (tfm->crt_cipher.cit_mode) {
ops->cit_encrypt = cfb_encrypt;
ops->cit_decrypt = cfb_decrypt;
we do,
struct cipher_alg *cia = &tfm->__crt_alg->cra_cipher;

switch (tfm->crt_cipher.cit_mode) {
ops->cit_encrypt = cia->cia_modesel(cit_mode, 0, 
ops->cit_decrypt = cia->cia_modesel(cit_mode, 1, 
ops->cit_encrypt_iv = cia->cia_modesel(cit_mode, 0, 
ops->cit_decrypt_iv = cia->cia_modesel(cit_mode, 1, 

Alternatively, we could also add a lookup table. But I like this better,
since this is much easier to read for people, and tfm's aren't alloced
that often.

Probably, we can add a wrapper for c

Driver's license scandals raise national security worries

2005-01-26 Thread R.A. Hettinga

Driver's license scandals raise national security worries

 Associated Press Writer

 January 15, 2005, 5:30 PM EST

 BRIDGEPORT, Conn. --  Tracy Lucas-Stevenson earned $40,000 as a state
motor vehicle employee, so she raised investiators' eyebrows when an
acquaintance said she bragged about buying a Lincoln Navigator, a pool and
a new kitchen within a year.

What authorities uncovered was a web of illegal immigrants, shady middlemen
with names like "Chile" and "El Gordo" and motor vehicle examiners like
Lucas-Stevenson who are accused of issuing illegal driver's licenses.

Connecticut had developed a reputation from as far away as Florida as a
place where people could buy fraudulent driver's licenses for as much as
$3,500 without having to produce any identification. DMV workers also took
payoffs for stealing the identities of legitimate license holders, police

Investigators suspect hundreds of licenses were fraudulently issued,
sparking worries about illegal immigration, identity theft and even threats
to national security.

"It's an alarming number, frankly," said prosecutor John H. Malone. "If we
find that many so soon in the investigation, I'd be surprised if there
weren't more as the investigation progresses."

Similar scams have occurred around the country:

_ In New Jersey, nine state motor vehicle employees pleaded guilty to a
scheme that involved payoffs for bogus licenses.

_ In Illinois, a federal investigation into the trading of bribes for
driver's licenses led to dozens of convictions and the indictment of former
Gov. George Ryan on racketeering and other charges.

_ In Virginia, more than 200 people are losing their licenses because of
suspected fraud by a former Department of Motor Vehicles worker who
allegedly sold licenses for as much as $2,500 each.

The federal intelligence overhaul law signed by President Bush last month
imposes new standards on information that driver's licenses must contain.
Many states, meanwhile, are cracking down by implementing extra measures to
get licenses.

In North Carolina, new driver's license photos are compared to mug shots of
suspected terrorists, while Minnesota is starting to use new technology
designed to thwart counterfeiters.

The fraud alarms officials amid fears of identity theft and terrorism. Fake
ID cards made it possible for the Sept. 11 terrorists to board commercial

"The clear and present danger that fraudulent licenses are in the hands of
terrorists or anyone who would harm our country requires the strongest
possible action," said Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal.

Investigators are working with federal authorities to compare the names on
questionable Connecticut licenses with terrorist databases. There have been
no matches so far, officials said.

State and local authorities have made 10 arrests, including three employees
at the Department of Motor Vehicles. More arrests are expected as
investigators try to determine if higher ranking DMV employees were

"Presumably a superior would have some knowledge of what the subordinates
are doing," Malone said.

Lucas-Stevenson, who faces forgery charges, declined comment. She has been
placed on administrative leave with pay. The other two DMV employees face
bribery charges.

Investigators also have uncovered the first identity theft cases.

A $4,000 line of credit was taken out in the name of Patrick Milling, an
assistant principal in Farmington, to buy an expensive watch and diamonds.
Another fake ID card was used to withdraw $11,500 from the bank account of
a Bristol man.

A DMV employee allegedly received an envelope containing $700 for issuing
one of the fake ID cards.

Authorities also are investigating more than 200 registrations and 18
driver's licenses traced to a business in Danbury that caters to immigrants
from Ecuador.

Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton said the Fairfield County city is struggling
with a wave of illegal immigration.

"We're literally being overrun," Boughton said.

The scandal prompted Gov. M. Jodi Rell to order the DMV to examine all
aspects of licensing. The agency last week announced a plan that includes a
reorganization, new technology to prevent fraud and measures designed to
tighten internal oversight of how the DMV issues drivers' licenses.

"While I know that the vast majority of our employees are honest and
committed to integrity, a few abused that public trust," DMV Commissioner
Gary DeFilippo wrote in a letter to employees. "However, the severity of
the matter has caused us to look at how this problem started and what might
be done to prevent reocurrences."

Henry William Pardo, a Florida businessman, warned DMV about the problem
after he learned that several Brazilians he hired obtained phony licenses
in Connecticut.

"Every illegal Brazilian person in this country kn

Texas Instruments to Deliver RFID Solution for MasterCard PayPass

2005-01-26 Thread R.A. Hettinga

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Press Release
Source: Texas Instruments

Texas Instruments to Deliver RFID Solution for MasterCard PayPass
Monday January 17, 10:00 am ET

DALLAS, Jan. 17 /PRNewswire/ -- Texas Instruments today announced plans to
deliver ISO/IEC 14443 compliant radio frequency identification (RFID) chips
designed to meet the stringent security requirements for MasterCard
International's PayPass(TM) line of RFID payment cards and tokens. TI
expects to submit this product for MasterCard certification in the second
quarter of 2005. Full production is planned to start in the second half of
this year

TI's new 13.56 MHz RFID chip is the latest to be introduced in a series of
solutions based on the company's ISO/IEC 14443 technology platform. This
proven platform features products with universally accepted and
standardized cryptography, using National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) approved crypto algorithms, including Triple DES and

The ISO/IEC 14443 standard allows for this increased level of security
because it supports significantly faster rates of data exchange (up to 848
kbits per second), enabling more complex security information to be passed
between an RFID card and reader without affecting the user's experience. As
an added feature, read ranges for products based on the ISO/IEC 14443
platform are also limited to 4 centimeters (roughly 1.5 inches), further
increasing the security of the transaction.

As credit and bank card issuers expand pilots throughout the United States
and into other countries, the opportunity for TI to serve this market with
its secure ISO/IEC 14443 solutions is significant. The December 2004 Nilson
Report indicates that payment card manufacturers shipped 4.38 billion units
to card issuers (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover,
JCB, and ATM cards) and retailers (both credit and pre-paid cards) in 2003.
In the first half of 2004, MasterCard's customer financial institutions
worldwide had issued more than 627.5 million MasterCard-branded cards, a
6.6% increase over the same period in 2003, according to an August 2004
MasterCard press release.

"The financial services industry recognizes that ISO/IEC 14443-based RFID
solutions provide the stringent levels of security required for conducting
payment transactions," said Shawn Rogers, director, wireless commerce and
Tag- it(TM) products, Texas Instruments RFid Systems. "With our heritage in
pioneering technologies in new markets, we're working with leading bank
card issuers and credit card companies to bring these highly reliable and
secure RFID solutions to this market."

About Texas Instruments

Texas Instruments is the world's largest integrated manufacturer of radio
frequency identification (RFID) transponders and reader systems.
Capitalizing on its competencies in high-volume semiconductor manufacturing
and microelectronics packaging, TI is a visionary leader and at the
forefront of establishing new markets and international standards for RFID
applications. For more information, contact TI-RFid Systems at
1-888-937-6536 (North America) or +1 972-575-4364 (International), or visit
the Web site at

Texas Instruments Incorporated provides innovative DSP and analog
technologies to meet our customers' real world signal processing
requirements. In addition to Semiconductor, the company's businesses
include Sensors & Controls, and Educational & Productivity Solutions. TI is
headquartered in Dallas, Texas and has manufacturing, design or sales
operations in more than 25 countries. Texas Instruments is traded on the
New York Stock Exchange under the symbol TXN. More information is located
on the World Wide Web at

 Source: Texas Instruments

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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[i2p] Tunnel cryptography for I2P 0.5 (corrected typo) (fwd from [EMAIL PROTECTED])

2005-01-26 Thread Eugen Leitl
Subject: [i2p] Tunnel cryptography for I2P 0.5 (corrected typo)
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 22:15:33 -0800

Citizens of I2P,

The following is a discussion of tunnel cryptography plans for
I2P 0.5.  There are two options; one will be chosen.

[1] and [2] offer more complete discussion of these plans.  Note that
the cryptographic methods discussed in [2] are incomplete.  They are
complete in this message.

 - Connelly

Tunnel cryptography for I2P 0.5

Currently when I2P 0.4.x passes an (end-to-end encrypted) message M
down a tunnel, it is easy for two attackers in different locations of
the tunnel to observe the same message M.  This makes I2P highly
vulnerable to the predecessor attack.

Can this situation be improved?

The best implementations we currently know of fit in two categories,
and use symmetric cryptography.  The categories are:

1. The inbound tunnel gateway knows all symmetric private keys used by
   other hops in the tunnel.  The outbound tunnel endpoint knows only
   its own symmetric private key.  Messages are checksummed to prevent

   Pros: Tagging attacks are defeated.
   Cons: Attacking an N-length inbound tunnel won't be much harder
 than attacking a 2-length inbound tunnel.  If the gateway is
 malicious, then the gateway can collude with a malicious hop
 at any other position in the tunnel; thus the two can
 identify that they are in the same tunnel.
 => Predecessor attack.

   This was one plan by jrandom.  A proposed implementation is given
   [1].  This implementation could be subject to tagging attacks in
   certain cases.  I have a revised scheme in mind that may be safe
   from these attacks.

2. The inbound tunnel gateway has only its own symmetric private key.
   Likewise for the outbound tunnel endpoint.  No messages are
   checksummed in the tunnel.  All messages have the same size in
   the tunnel to prevent tagging.  Synchronized PRNGs may be used as
   described at [2] to help prevent tunnel loops (where an attacker
   DoSes several peers by placing them a "looped" tunnel).

   Pros: Attacking an N-length inbound tunnel is not easy (one must do
 timing or message counting analysis).
   Cons: Tagging (this can be done, but not detected), tunnel loops
 can be created, extra packets can be generated within the

   This plan was originally drafted in [2] based on a discussion by
   jrandom and ???.  However, this document has pending modifications
   because it is not a complete cryptosystem.  A full implementation
   plan is appended to the end of this document, based on a discussion
   by jrandom and Connelly.

One of these options will (presumably) be used in I2P 0.5.  If you
discover a flaw or improvement for either implementation, let us
know.  If you have other useful input, drop by IRC or post a message
to this maillist.

We have not found a complete cryptographic analysis for either option.
We are using standard cryptographic primitives and methods when

Option 2 is known as a "non-checksummed tunnel."

Proposed Implementation (non-checksummed tunnels)

Leaving out the PRNGs.

As part of a tunnel, we receive and send messages which contain
{preIV, payload}.  Here preIV is a single block from which the
initialization vector (IV) is derived, and payload is a sequence of
blocks containing the message which is being delivered down the
tunnel.  Here 'block' is any string which the symmetric block cipher
can operate on.  The preIV and the payload are successively wrapped
in layers of encryption as a message travels down an inbound tunnel,
and messages are successively unwrapped for outbound tunnels.

Encryption at hop i:
1. Drop packet (with warning) if we've seen preIV before
   for a previous message in this tunnel [3].
2. IV := hash(preIV + hop i's secret key 1)
3. preIV  := ecb_encrypt(preIV, hop i's secret key2)
4. payload:= cbc_encrypt(payload, hop i's secret key3, IV)
5. Return {preIV, payload}.

Decryption at hop i:
1. preIV  := ecb_decrypt(preIV, hop i's secret key2)
2. IV := hash(preIV + hop i's secret key1)
3. payload:= cbc_decrypt(payload, hop i's secret key3, IV)
4. Return {preIV, payload}.

Inbound tunnel:
 * Message M arrives at the inbound gateway, aka hop 1.
 * Hops 1, 2, ..., N successively encrypt.
 * We are the tunnel endpoint, and we have everyone's secret keys,
   so we can use decrypt(N), decrypt(N-1), ...decrypt(1) to unwrap
   the encryption made by others.  We recover message M.

Outbound tunnel:
 * We have a message M we want to send.
 * We are the tunnel creator, so we hav

Re: [i2p] Tunnel cryptography for I2P 0.5 (corrected typo)

2005-01-26 Thread jrandom
Thanks Connelly for the writeup and the discussion,

> The following is a discussion of tunnel cryptography plans for
> I2P 0.5.  There are two options; one will be chosen.

A few key changes were missed in this draft, and I've incorporated
all of the suggestions from yesterday into [1].  The explanation of
the overall rationale for the two different strategies is largely
correct.  This is still a work in progress, and will be improved as
we get both more feedback and clarify some issues.


An implementation of the crypto for first strategy [2] has been
created [3], but as there are some weaknesses in inbound tunnels
when dealing with colluding attackers who also control the gateway,
the second strategy seems more appealing.  Next up I'd like to get
that implemented into code so that any further issues can be fleshed
out, as well as to make concrete what it is that is being specified.


Of course, none of those html docs are a finished spec for I2P
overall as they assume familiarity with the other non-tunnel-related
parts of I2P and do not include the relevent references to where we
snagged our ideas ;)  This is just a state-of-the-design view into
the 0.5 tunnel revamp.

Anyway, thanks again for the updates Connelly, and if anyone is
looking for the details currently planned for, please see [1].
Suggestions/comments/criticisms always welcome, or if you want to
get involved, please get in touch!  We're in #i2p on
and on pretty much all the time.

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Webpay system open to voucher fraud

2005-01-26 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The Register

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Webpay system open to voucher fraud
By Jan Libbenga (libbenga at
Published Monday 17th January 2005 16:46 GMT

Webpay International AG, the market leading payment system for digital
content and services in Europe, doesn't offer a flawless micro payment
service, at least in the Netherlands, according to Dutch consumer watchdog
tv show Kassa and computer weekly Computer Idee. It is relatively easy to
manipulate user data required for the Dutch MSN music download site (TV
item in Dutch over here

The payments for that site are handled by Webpay under its original name
Firstgate. Firstgate users can buy online vouchers and decide which songs
they want to purchase later. Kassa and Computer Idee discovered that these
vouchers can be easily purchased by filling in someone else's name and bank
details. Users can even add money to their prepaid account, again using
details from other users. None of this information is verified by
Firstgate. Even though upgrading the account requires a pin code, it isn't
necessary to enter the code straight away. The song or album to be
purchased can be downloaded immediately.

Firstgate, which offers the same service for cable operator Chello, doesn't
deny that this kind of fraud is possible, but stresses that that fraudsters
can be traced and will be prosecuted. However, the company wasn't too
thrilled with the publicity and originally threatened to sue broadcaster

Webpay International licenses its micropayment click&buy service also to
British Telecom, and to Swisscom, which launched Swisscom click&buy in Q4

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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DIMACS Workshop on Theft in E-Commerce: Content, Identity, and Service

2005-01-26 Thread Linda Casals


DIMACS Workshop on Theft in E-Commerce: Content, Identity, and Service 
  April 14 - 15, 2005
  DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ

   Drew Dean, SRI International, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
   Markus Jakobsson, Indiana University, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Communication
Security and Information Privacy.

On April 14-15, 2005, we will hold a DIMACS workshop at Rutgers University, 
NJ, on the topic of Theft in E-Commerce. This will include but not be 
limited to theft of content, of identity, and of service. While theft 
is an old problem, the automated nature of e-commerce introduces new 
opportunities for traditional forms of theft, as well as entirely new 
forms of theft.  The centrality of computation makes these threats a 
part of computer security.  This is an area of research where we are 
seeing a lot of activity, and where we believe there is a great 
potential for valuable research contributions. While our primary 
interest is in defenses against theft, we are also interested in novel 
attacks and real data about attacks, as the defenders need to know what 
to defend against. For more information about the workshop location, 
organization, and the program (once finalized), please see:

We are soliciting contributions in these areas, for both long and short 
presentations (approx 30 minutes vs 10 minutes.) There are no 
proceedings, but we request that presentation material is submitted to 
the organizers at the time of the workshop, allowing it to be posted on 
the DIMACS webpage. In order to propose a talk, please contact one of 
the organizers, Markus Jakobsson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or Drew Dean 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with a title and a short abstract by February 28,
2005 that allows us to determine whether your proposed talk will fit 
within the scope of the workshop.

Please refer to the information on the webpage above for workshop 
registration, hotel reservation and travel information, and information 
on how to apply for financial support for those in need of this. There 
will be a limited number of scholarships to defray travel costs, with 
priority given to students and speakers who can not receive funding to 

The workshop is sponsored by RSA Security. 


Pre-registration deadline: April 7, 2005

Please see website for registration information.

Information on participation, registration, accomodations, and travel 
can be found at:


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Word and Excel have RC4 flaw, claim

2005-01-26 Thread R.A. Hettinga

Word and Excel have RC4 flaw, claim

Cryptic cross words

By:  Nick Farrell  Wednesday 19 January 2005, 07:50

SECURITY EXPERT Bruce Schneier claims that Microsoft's Word and Excel
security protection systems have amateurish flaws which makes them easy to

 On his blog here, the writer of 'Applied Cryptography' said that VoleWare
breaks one of the most important rules of stream ciphers. That is that you
don't use the same keystream to encrypt two different documents.

 "If someone does, you can break the encryption by XORing the two
ciphertext streams together. The keystream drops out, and you end up with
plaintext XORed with plaintext -- and you can easily recover the two
plaintexts using letter frequency analysis and other basic techniques," he

 Word and Excel both use this "amateur crypto mistake" Apparently Microsoft
made the same mistake in 1999 with RC4 in WinNT Syskey. Five years later,
Microsoft has the same flaw in other products, Schneier claims. µ


R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Schneier on Security: Microsoft RC4 Flaw

2005-01-26 Thread R.A. Hettinga


Bruce Schneier

Schneier on Security

A weblog covering security and security technology.

January 18, 2005

Microsoft RC4 Flaw

One of the most important rules of stream ciphers is to never use the same
keystream to encrypt two different documents. If someone does, you can
break the encryption by XORing the two ciphertext streams together. The
keystream drops out, and you end up with plaintext XORed with plaintext --
and you can easily recover the two plaintexts using letter frequency
analysis and other basic techniques.

It's an amateur crypto mistake. The easy way to prevent this attack is to
use a unique initialization vector (IV) in addition to the key whenever you
encrypt a document.

Microsoft uses the RC4 stream cipher in both Word and Excel. And they make
this mistake. Hongjun Wu has details (link is a PDF).
In this report, we point out a serious security flaw in Microsoft Word and
Excel. The stream cipher RC4 [9] with key length up to 128 bits is used in
Microsoft Word and Excel to protect the documents. But when an encrypted
document gets modified and saved, the initialization vector remains the
same and thus the same keystream generated from RC4 is applied to encrypt
the different versions of that document. The consequence is disastrous
since a lot of information of the document could be recovered easily.

This isn't new. Microsoft made the same mistake in 1999 with RC4 in WinNT
Syskey. Five years later, Microsoft has the same flaw in other products.

Posted on January 18, 2005 at 09:00 AM

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Consumer-Electronics Firms Join To Develop Antipiracy Software

2005-01-26 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The Wall Street Journal

  January 19, 2005

Consumer-Electronics Firms Join
 To Develop Antipiracy Software

January 19, 2005; Page D5

Some of the biggest consumer-electronics companies are jointly developing
new technology to control how consumers use digital content in the home.

The companies -- Sony Corp., Samsung Electronics Co., Philips Electronics
NV and Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., maker of Panasonic-brand
products -- today are announcing what they are calling the Marlin Joint
Development Association. The group, which includes a Silicon Valley company
called Intertrust Technologies Corp., plans to develop standard
specifications for software that can prevent digital movies and music from
being improperly copied. It also intends to enforce rules about how such
content can be played and shared.

Fears of piracy have discouraged content owners from allowing some
high-definition video and other digital programming from being distributed
in the home. Makers of devices such as digital recorders and DVD players,
meanwhile, are worried about adopting incompatible antipiracy technologies,
which could mean a protected movie or song might play on one gadget but not

Such technology is known by the acronym DRM, for digital rights management.
Microsoft Corp. has been trying to get hardware makers to use its
proprietary DRM software. Other companies, such as Apple Computer Inc.,
have developed such technology for their own products. A confusing array of
joint DRM projects have also popped up, addressing specific problems such
as video on a new-generation of disks that are expected to succeed DVDs.

What makes Marlin different, backers say, is mainly that it is emanating
from some of the biggest brands in consumer electronics. "The CE industry
has been pretty quiet," said Talal Shamoon, Intertrust's chief executive.
Now, they are "detonating their DRM," he said.

But Michael McGuire, an analyst at Gartner Inc., noted that the new effort
has yet to show it will win support from content holders, such as movie
studios. The proliferation of DRM efforts also could confuse consumers. "If
I'm a user, I'm wondering, is this going to make things more complicated
for me?" Mr. McGuire said.

Some of Marlin's current members also are likely to consider multiple DRM
options. Sony, for example, said it is too early to say whether it will
favor Marlin over its proprietary DRM technologies. "We are actively
evaluating opportunities to use Marlin," said Mack Araki, a Sony spokesman.
But "I can't comment on specific plans today."

Marlin comes on the heels of an earlier joint effort, called the Coral
Consortium, that had some common members with Marlin. Coral, however, was
designed to let different DRM programs work together, rather than establish
a specific piece of software as a standard for hardware companies to adopt,
Mr. Shamoon said. Both efforts were partly based on technology developed by
Intertrust, a company that was jointly purchased in 2003 by Sony, Philips
and other investors.

Success of earlier such efforts has been mixed. While DRM systems usually
make piracy more difficult, hackers have successfully cracked some
high-profile protection schemes, including FairPlay, the copy-protection
software Apple uses for music it sells through its iTunes Music Store.

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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DIMACS Workshop on Bounded Rationality

2005-01-26 Thread Linda Casals

Registration Deadline: January 24, 2005**
DIMACS Workshop on Bounded Rationality
 January 31 - February 1, 2005
 DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ

 Lance Fortnow, University of Chicago, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Richard McLean, Rutgers University, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Daijiro Okada, Rutgers University, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Computation and
the Socio-Economic Sciences.


Traditionally, economists and game theorists have assumed that
strategic agents are fully rational but in the last few decades a
number of game theorists have argued that human players do not behave
in a way consistent with theoretical predictions. Questions have been
raised regarding the postulate of full rationality and some have
proposed formalizations of partially or boundedly rational players and
games played by such players. If one takes the view that a process of
decision-making in economic or other social situations constitutes
computation in a formal sense of theoretical computer science, then
one is naturally led to some notion of bounded computational power as
a formal expression of bounded rationality. Two important and
complementary questions in this line of inquiry are (1) What is the
computational power required in order to play a game in a way
consistent with full rationality? (2) If players are limited in their
computational power, how different will equilibrium outcomes be from
the fully rational case? This workshop will bring together economists
and game theorists interested in bounded rationality, as well as
theoretical computer scientists with experience in limited
computational models.

Topics of interest include:

* Bounded recall and bounded complexity in repeated games
* Strategic aspects of machine learning
* Game theoretic applications of cryptography 


This is a preliminary program.

Monday, January 31, 2005

 8:15 -  8:50 Breakfast and Registration

 8:50 -  9:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks
  Fred Roberts, DIMACS Director

 9:00 - 10:00 Correlation, Communication, Complexity and Competition
  Abraham Neyman, Hebrew University

10:00 - 10:30 Break

10:30 - 11:30 Olivier Gossner, TBA

11:30 - 12:30 Players as Serial or Parallel Random Access Machines
  Timothy Van Zandt, INSEAD

12:30 -  2:00 Lunch

 2:00 -  3:00 Michael Kearns, University of Pennsylvania, TBA

 3:00 -  3:30 Break

 3:30 -  4:30 Deterministic Calibration and Nash Equilibrium
  Sham Kakade, University of Pennsylvania

 4:30 -  5:30 For Bayesian Wannabees, Are Disagreements not About Information?
  Robin Hanson, George Mason University 

 6:00 Dinner - DIMACS Lounge

Tuesday, February 1, 2005

 8:30 -  9:00 Breakfast and Registration

 9:00 - 10:00 Algorithms for Graphical Games
  Luis Ortiz, MIT

10:00 - 10:30 Break

10:30 - 11:30 Deterministic Calibration with Simpler Checking Rules
  Dean Foster, University of Pennsylvania

11:30 -  1:00 Lunch

 1:00 -  2:00 Mechanism Design and Deliberative Agents
  Kate Larsen, University of Waterloo

 2:00 -  2:30 Break

 2:30 -  3:30 Vahab Mirrokni, MIT, Convergence Issues in Competitive Games

 3:30  - 4:30 Efficient Equilibrium Algorithms for Compact Repeated Games
  Michael Littman, Rutgers University 

Registration Fees:

(Pre-registration deadline: January 24, 2005)

Please see website for additional registration information.

Information on participation, registration, accomodations, and travel 
can be found at:



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Internet 'Phishing' Scams Getting More Devious

2005-01-26 Thread Ian G
Financial Cryptography Update: Internet 'Phishing' Scams Getting More 

   January 21, 2005

There are about 10 articles a day on phishing, so I don't read them. 
What else is there to say that hasn't been said since years ago? 
Including the fact that it gets better and better, it's enough to drive
a security guy to drink.  Anyway, here's a good summary article to set
a flag on the date, and an even briefer summary paragraph:
57 million americans, 122 "brands", organised crime, DNS redirection
attacks,  half based on spyware, convergance, get a hardware token, and
this corker of a closing argument:
"Internet engineers should also figure out a way to authenticate Web
addresses, much as they are currently figuring out how to make sure
e-mail addresses are legitimate, he said."
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Microsoft reuses RC4 keys in Office

2005-01-26 Thread Steven M. Bellovin 

When you encrypt a file in MS Office, the program hashes the 
user-supplied password and an IV to produce an RC4 key.  However, if 
you create a second version of the document, it doesn't generate a new 
IV.  The consequences are obvious to readers of this list

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

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DIMACS Workshop on Information Markets, NJ Feb 2-4 2005

2005-01-26 Thread Linda Casals

*Registration Deadline January 26, 2005***


DIMACS Workshop on Information Markets

  February 2-4, 2005
  DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ


  Robin Hanson, George Mason University, rhanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  John Ledyard, California Institute of Technology, jledyard [EMAIL 
  David Pennock, Yahoo! Research Labs, pennockd [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Computation and
the Socio-Economic Sciences


A market designed for information gathering and forecasting is called
an information market. Information markets can be used to elicit a
collective estimate of the expected value or probability of a random
variable, reflecting information dispersed across a population of
traders. The degree to which market forecasts approach optimality in
practice, or at least surpass other known methods of forecasting, is
remarkable. Supporting evidence can be found in empirical studies of
options markets, commodity futures markets, political stock markets,
sports betting markets, horse racing markets, market games, laboratory
investigations of experimental markets, and field tests. In nearly all
these cases, market prices reveal a reliable forecast about the likely
unfolding of future events, often beating expert opinions or polls.

Despite a growing theoretical and experimental literature, many
questions remain regarding how best to design, deploy, analyze, and
understand information markets, including both technical challenges
and social challenges.

This workshop will include talks on information markets by a number of
distinguished invited speakers. Speakers will cover a range of topics
including mechanism design, experiments, analysis, policy, and
industry experience. Speakers will include representatives from
academia, industry, and government. The workshop will feature research
talks, opinions, reports of industry experience, and discussion of
government policy from the perspective of a number of fields,
including economics, business, finance, computer science,
gambling/gaming, and policy. See the workshop program for more

The workshop will feature a tutorial session on Wednesday afternoon
(Feb. 2, 2005) to help those new to the field get up to speed. The
workshop will include a panel discussion on the Policy Analysis Market
(a.k.a., "Terror Futures") and a "rump" session where anyone who
requests time can have the floor for five minutes to speak on any
relevant topic. To participate in the rump session, please email David
Pennock: pennockd [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Workshop Program:

tentative schedule, subject to change

Wednesday, February 2, 2005 

Tutorial Session I  

12:00 -  1:30  Lunch and Registration - 4th Floor, Lounge, CoRE Building
   Registration for the tutorial will be 
   limited to the first 60 registrations.   

 1:30 -  3:00  Information Markets I: Examples, Rules, History, Mechanics, 
   Studies, Participants, Ambiguity, Laws
   Joyce Berg, Accounting, University of Iowa

 3:00 -  3:30  break

Tutorial Session II 

 3:30 -  5:00  Information Markets II: Theory, Outputs, Inputs, Foul Play, 
   Combinatorics, Applications
   Robin Hanson, Economics, George Mason University 

Thursday, February 3, 2005  

 8:15 -  8:45  Registration and Breakfast - 4th Floor, Lounge, CoRE Building

 8:45 -  9:00  Welcome and Opening Remarks
   Fred Roberts, DIMACS Director and
   David Pennock, Yahoo! Research Labs

Session: Policy, Politics, & Open Questions 

 9:00 -  9:30  Michael Gorham, Business, Illinois Institute of Technology   
 9:30 -  9:55  Robert Hahn, AEI-Brookings Institute 
 9:55 - 10:20  Information Markets and Politics
   Adam Meirowitz, Politics, Princeton University and 
   Joshua Tucker, Public and International Affairs, Princeton 
10:20 - 10:45  Five open questions about prediction markets
   Justin Wolfers, Business, University of Pennsylvania 

10:45 - 11:15  break

Session: Experimental Economics 

11:15 - 11:40  An Experimental Test of Combinatorial Information Markets
   John Ledyard, Humanities and Social Sciences, 
   California Institute of Tech

Tor is out (fwd from [EMAIL PROTECTED])

2005-01-26 Thread R.A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2005 10:01:46 +0100
From: Eugen Leitl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Tor is out (fwd from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
User-Agent: Mutt/1.4i

From: Roger Dingledine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Tor is out
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2005 01:54:42 -0500

Tor improves cpu usage, works better when the network was recently
offline and you try to use Tor, and makes hidden services less unbearable.

  o Bugfixes on 0.0.9:
- Backport the cpu use fixes from main branch, so busy servers won't
  need as much processor time.
- Work better when we go offline and then come back, or when we
  run Tor at boot before the network is up. We do this by
  optimistically trying to fetch a new directory whenever an
  application request comes in and we think we're offline -- the
  human is hopefully a good measure of when the network is back.
- Backport some minimal hidserv bugfixes: keep rend circuits open as
  long as you keep using them; actually publish hidserv descriptors
  shortly after they change, rather than waiting 20-40 minutes.
- Enable Mac startup script by default.
- Fix duplicate dns_cancel_pending_resolve reported by Giorgos Pallas.
- When you update AllowUnverifiedNodes or FirewallPorts via the
  controller's setconf feature, we were always appending, never
- When you update HiddenServiceDir via setconf, it was screwing up
  the order of reading the lines, making it fail.
- Do not rewrite a cached directory back to the cache; otherwise we
  will think it is recent and not fetch a newer one on startup.
- Workaround for webservers that lie about Content-Encoding: Tor
  now tries to autodetect compressed directories and compression
  itself. This lets us Proxypass dir fetches through apache.


Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07078, 11.61144
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature]

--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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New Scientist article: Wireless boom is hackers' heaven

2005-01-26 Thread Jim Cheesman

Setting up a wireless computer network at home has never been easier or
cheaper. But the freedom to access the internet from anywhere in or around
the house comes at a cost: Wi-Fi networks leave home computer users open to
unprecedented levels of security breaches.

Wi-Fi's radio signals carry up to 100 metres, and anyone within range can
pick them up. That is good news if you want to take your laptop into the
garden and connect to the net from there. But radio waves are no respecters
of household boundaries, and that can leave the network wide open to an
intruder operating a Wi-Fi PC from a neighbouring house, or sitting in a car

Most Wi-Fi networks come with security features to prevent this. But they
are not always easy to implement, so many users do not bother. And with
Wi-Fi sales rocketing (see graph), this carefree approach is worrying
security experts.

For an example of what could go wrong, consider the case of a man who was
arrested in Toronto 12 months ago after committing a minor traffic offence.
It turned out he had been driving around looking for unsecured domestic
networks that he then used to access paedophile websites via his Wi-Fi
laptop. If he had not been caught in the act, the trail of evidence would
have led instead to the people whose networks he had hijacked.

Firewall software
Domestic Wi-Fi networks are centred on a box called a wireless router, which
is usually connected directly to a broadband modem to give access to the
internet. The router uses a low-power radio signal to transmit and receive
data through Wi-Fi transceiver cards installed in computers anywhere in the

Wireless routers come with a battery of built-in security features. To
prevent people hacking in from the net they run firewall software that
blocks off attempts to gain access via the modem. On the Wi-Fi network side,
encryption can be used to scramble the radio dialogue between the router and
the computers. This should prevent eavesdroppers reading emails, documents
or any other material as it passes round the network. The router can also be
set up to ensure that only computers authorised by the user are able to use
the network.

At least, that is the theory. In reality many Wi-Fi users are not bothering
to activate these features after completing the daunting process of getting
Wi-Fi up and running, says Ollie Whitehouse of Symantec Antivirus in London,
UK. Others are failing to change the default passwords set by
manufacturers - passwords that all hackers know.

Ross Anderson of the University of Cambridge, UK, says it is simpler for the
home user to run a Wi-Fi network on the security defaults that are set when
it comes out of the box. The software that comes with Wi-Fi cards and
routers is often complicated to configure, and turning on the encryption can
stop the network working unless people know what they are doing.

Wi-Fi cellphones
And it is not just home users who are leaving themselves wide open.
Consultancy firm KPMG says that around 70% of the Wi-Fi networks on
commercial premises it polled in 2002 were not encrypted, leaving companies
vulnerable to email snooping, password pilfering and data theft.

Phone calls could also be vulnerable to eavesdropping. People are
increasingly using voice over IP (VOIP) software to make phone calls over
the internet via their computer headsets. The danger can only increase when
Wi-Fi enabled mobile phones - which can be used to make free VOIP calls when
in range of a Wi-Fi network - come onto the market this year.

Security experts say that the solution lies in educating people about the
risks involved in going wireless, and making the software to protect them
easier to use. "Blaming the consumer is wrong. Computers are too complex for
the average person to secure. It's the fault of the network, the operating
system and the software vendors," says California-based cryptographer Bruce
Schneier in the US. "Products need to be secure out of the box," he says.

Unless security is improved, new breeds of computer virus that target the
multiple devices connected to Wi-Fi networks are likely to emerge, says
Mikko Hypponen of Finnish security firm F-Secure. A virus picked up via
email could, for instance, disable a Wi-Fi cellphone or perhaps divert calls
to others on its owner's contacts list.

Schneier is pessimistic. "When convenience and features are in opposition to
security, security generally loses. As wireless networks become more common,
security will get worse."

Jim Cheesman

The Cryptography Mailing List
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PET 2005 Submission deadline approaching (7 Feb) and PET Award (21 Feb)

2005-01-26 Thread R.A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

To: sec-lists: ;, anonymity researchers: ;,
David Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 15:05:55 +
From: George Danezis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PET 2005 Submission deadline approaching (7 Feb) and PET Award (21

Dear Colleagues,

The submission deadline for the Privacy Enhancing Technologies workshop (PET
2005) is on the 7th February 2005. The latest CfP is appended.

We also solicit nominations for the "Award for Outstanding Research in Privacy
Enhancing Technologies" by February 21. For more information about suggesting
a paper for the award:


George Danezis

5th Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Dubrovnik, CroatiaMay 30 - June 1, 2005

C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

Important Dates:
Paper submission: February 7, 2005
Notification of acceptance: April 4, 2005
Camera-ready copy for preproceedings: May 6, 2005
Camera-ready copy for proceedings: July 1, 2005

Award for Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Nomination period: March 4, 2004 through March 7, 2005
Nomination instructions:


Privacy and anonymity are increasingly important in the online world.
Corporations, governments, and other organizations are realizing and
exploiting their power to track users and their behavior, and restrict
the ability to publish or retrieve documents. Approaches to
protecting individuals, groups, but also companies and governments
from such profiling and censorship include decentralization,
encryption, distributed trust, and automated policy disclosure.

This 5th workshop addresses the design and realization of such privacy
and anti-censorship services for the Internet and other communication
networks by bringing together anonymity and privacy experts from
around the world to discuss recent advances and new perspectives.

The workshop seeks submissions from academia and industry presenting
novel research on all theoretical and practical aspects of privacy
technologies, as well as experimental studies of fielded systems.  We
encourage submissions from other communities such as law and business
that present their perspectives on technological issues.  As in past
years, we will publish proceedings after the workshop in the Springer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.

Suggested topics include but are not restricted to:

* Anonymous communications and publishing systems
* Censorship resistance
* Pseudonyms, identity management, linkability, and reputation
* Data protection technologies
* Location privacy
* Policy, law, and human rights relating to privacy
* Privacy and anonymity in peer-to-peer architectures
* Economics of privacy
* Fielded systems and techniques for enhancing privacy in existing systems
* Protocols that preserve anonymity/privacy
* Privacy-enhanced access control or authentication/certification
* Privacy threat models
* Models for anonymity and unobservability
* Attacks on anonymity systems
* Traffic analysis
* Profiling and data mining
* Privacy vulnerabilities and their impact on phishing and identity theft
* Deployment models for privacy infrastructures
* Novel relations of payment mechanisms and anonymity
* Usability issues and user interfaces for PETs
* Reliability, robustness and abuse prevention in privacy systems

Stipends to attend the workshop will be made available, on the basis
of need, to cover travel expenses, hotel, or conference fees.  You do
not need to submit a technical paper and you do not need to be a
student to apply for a stipend.  For more information, see

General Chair:
Damir Gojmerac ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Fina Corporation, Croatia

Program Chairs:
George Danezis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), University of Cambridge, UK
David Martin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), University of Massachusetts at Lowell, USA

Program Committee:

Martin Abadi, University of California at Santa Cruz, USA
Alessandro Acquisti, Heinz School, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Caspar Bowden, Microsoft EMEA, UK
Jean Camp, Indiana University at Bloomington, USA
Richard Clayton, University of Cambridge, UK
Lorrie Cranor, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Roger Dingledine, The Free Haven Project, USA
Hannes Federrath, University of Regensburg, Germany
Ian Goldberg, Zero Knowledge Systems, Canada
Philippe Golle, Palo Alto Research Center, USA
Marit Hansen, Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein,
Markus Jakobsson, Indiana University at Bloomington, USA
Dogan Kesdogan, Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Germany
Brian Levine, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA
Andreas Pfitzmann, Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Matthias Schunter, IBM Zurich Research Lab, Switzerland
Andrei Serjantov, The Free

Sleuthing Spyware--And Its Corporate Sponsors

2005-01-26 Thread R.A. Hettinga


Sleuthing Spyware--And Its Corporate Sponsors
Penelope Patsuris,   01.19.05, 5:34 PM ET

 Benjamin Edelman became a spyware expert before most of us had any idea
what was even clogging our computers.

 He's currently a candidate for a doctorate in economics at Harvard
University and a Harvard Law student, but his work is hardly academic.
Edelman, 24, has built a cottage industry documenting the nefarious ways of
the spyware and adware industries, which he contends are one and the same.
His extensive Web site is packed with the kind of hard
evidence--screenshots and videos--that's required to combat the deception
he says has been employed by companies like Claria, 180solutions, WhenU and
DirectRevenue to make a buck.

 Each of these companies denies any wrongdoing, except DirectRevenue, whose
spokesman had no comment. Many of Edelman's opponents say his accusations
are self-serving, since he has at times worked for companies suing adware

 Edelman has lots of litigation experience despite his young age, having
consulted for and testified on behalf of organizations like the ACLU, the
National Association of Broadcasters and the National Football League. In
2002 he testified on behalf of a group of media outfits, including The New
York Times Co. (nyse:  NYT -  news  -  people  ), The Washington Post's
(nyse:  WPO -  news  -  people  ) interactive unit and Dow Jones (nyse:  DJ
-  news  -  people  ), in their lawsuit against adware outfit Gator--now
named Claria. The suit claimed, among other things, that Gator's pop-up ads
were unlawfully obscuring the media companies' own online content. The suit
was settled under confidential terms in February 2003.

 Edelman doesn't just take on the makers of spyware--he outs the big-name
companies that support them. In June 2004, he posted a list of WhenU
advertisers, including J.P. Morgan Chase (nyse:  JPM -  news  -  people  ),
Verizon Communications (nyse: VZ -  news  -  people  ), Merck (nyse:  MRK -
news  -  people  ) and T-Mobile.

 Advertisers react to the finger-pointing with varying degrees of concern.
Verizon says that it "no longer uses WhenU," while a spokesman for T-Mobile
says that he hasn't received any complaints about the WhenU ads and that
"WhenU is opt-in and it can be removed easily." Repeated calls to Merck and
J.P. Morgan Chase were not returned.

 Edelman's Web page also accuses WhenU of transmitting the browsing
activity of its users back to the company, a practice that he says WhenU's
privacy policy specifically promises not to engage in. He also writes that
WhenU has spammed search giant Google (nasdaq:  GOOG -  news  -  people  ).

 WhenU President Avi Naider says Edelman is wrong. "In the past Mr. Edelman
has made statements about WhenU that drew incorrect conclusions about WhenU
and were legally inappropriate," says Naider. "We take our privacy
protection very seriously."

 He adds that WhenU's privacy policy has been audited by Microsoft's
(nasdaq:  MSFT -  news  -  people  ) former chief privacy officer, Richard
Purcell, who is chairman of TRUSTe, a nonprofit online-privacy organization.

 Perhaps what's most interesting on Edelman's Web site is a video dated
Nov. 18, 2004, which depicts roughly 25 different adware programs,
including 180solutions, that download via security holes onto his browser.
Todd Sawicki, 180's director of marketing, says that his company is taking
various steps to prevent this kind of thing from happening, but that
"unfortunately, where there is money, the bad guys will follow."

 Edelman's biggest beef with Claria: "Their license fails to prominently
disclose the fact that they are collecting and storing information about
what users do online," he says. "But when you read the Claria installer, it
never tells you, 'We collect information.' Instead it says, 'We show you
ads that are based on where you visit.' "

 Claria Chief Marketing Officer Scott Eagle says the company's updated user
agreement clarifies that point, but admits that the update isn't presented
to many users that get Claria when they download free software like Kazaa.
Indeed, Claria said in an S-1 filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission--since withdrawn--that it gets most of its users via Kazaa.

 Still, Eagle questions Edelman's motives, saying he's worked for companies
that are suing Claria. (Edelman did work for Teleflora, which has a case
against Claria, but he no longer does.)

 Edelman counters, "My clients don't hire me to help them with litigation
against Claria because I'm a big fan."

 The Harvard student also takes Claria advertisers to task, posting a
screen shot of a British ad for Dell (nasdaq:  DELL -  news  -  people  )
that appeared on his PC via Claria when he was browsing IBM's  (nyse:  IBM
-  news  -  people  ) Web site. Edelman notes the irony that Dell has been
quite vocal about the burden that the spyware boom has placed