[Clips] Paying Extra for Faster Airport Security

2005-06-02 Thread R.A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 20:40:26 -0400
To: Philodox Clips List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "R.A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Clips] Paying Extra for Faster Airport Security

Security needs identity like a fish needs... well, you get the idea...


The Wall Street Journal

 June 2, 2005

Paying Extra for Faster Airport Security
Orlando Kicks Off Program
 Offering Quicker Screenings
 To Holders of Special Cards

June 2, 2005; Page D3

Starting this month, air travelers in Orlando, Fla., can pay for a
high-tech card that promises to whisk them through the airport's security

Under the program, travelers who use Orlando International Airport and are
willing to pay a $79.95 annual fee will be able to register for a
government security screening, which includes fingerprints, iris scans, as
well as an application that asks for basic identity information. Travelers
who pass the screening -- and who will be subject to continuing checks
against government watch lists -- will then receive a special card that
permits them to use an express lane through airport security. That lane
expedites the screening process and frees cardholders from secondary

The program will be operated by New York-based Verified Identity Pass Inc.,
a private company run by Steven Brill, whose former ventures included Court
TV and The American Lawyer magazine. The program marks the first time a
private company has teamed up with the government to speed up airport
security lines. Yesterday, the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority board
awarded the contract for its new system to Verified Identity Pass's system,
opting for its prospectus over a proposal from Unisys Corp.

Enrollment will start June 21, and the company hopes to open a lane for
card holders as early as next month. The card will initially be good only
at the Orlando airport. The proposal says that in the second and third
years of the program, prices could climb by about $10 annually.

Orlando International is Florida's busiest airport, handling more than 31
million passengers last year.

Other airports and the Transportation Security Administration -- the
government office in charge of safeguarding transportation -- are watching
closely. After launching a similar, though smaller, test program for
frequent fliers in five airports last summer, the TSA is evaluating future
private-public partnerships depending on how the Orlando system works.
Other airports say they are studying the system and could submit their own
proposals to the TSA soon.

In its initial phase, the program in Orlando will accept as many as 30,000
travelers. Membership is open to anyone who clears the government watch
lists and is willing to pay. Most of the process of signing up takes place
online at www.Flyclear.com, but travelers still need to come into the
airport to get their iris images and fingerprints taken.

The TSA's own expedited checkpoint system, called the Registered Traveler
pilot program, is capped at 10,000 members and is available only to
frequent fliers who are invited by participating airlines. Signing up
requires thumb and index fingerprints, as well as paperwork and an iris
scan at the airports in Minneapolis, Houston, Boston, Washington's Reagan
airport and Los Angeles. The 10,000 people continue to be members for as
long as the program runs, and the TSA says it hasn't any plans to expand
the group of either passengers or participating airports in the near
future. Mr. Brill's program, though, expects to be able to synch up with
the five airports in the government's system in the fall.

Programs like these, as well as the TSA's Registered Traveler plan, have
been slow to get started. The Orlando program was initially expected to
launch in May, but got greenlighted yesterday. The rival Unisys proposal
had suggested linking up the card with a debit card for shopping, would
cost about $100 a year and said it would offer immediate use in the five
participating TSA airports.

The fast-lane system has been hampered by concerns about privacy and the
safety of personal information, as well as synchronized systems run by
different companies at different airports. Tim Sparapani, the legislative
counsel for privacy rights at the American Civil Liberties Union, says that
at least the government screeners are held accountable to privacy laws --
he takes issue with outsourcing the management of sensitive data such as
fingerprints to for-profit companies.

Mr. Brill says his system won on its pricing and privacy policies. It gives
customers guarantees about the safety of their personal information by
issuing a "warranty" for any breaches.

In addition, the card doesn't track movement -- it doesn't know where its
members are at any given time, or what their

Re: Citibank discloses private information to improve security

2005-06-02 Thread Ed Gerck

Ian G wrote:
 > This will change,.  I predict that the banks will end up

with the liability for phishing, for good or for bad, and
they will then find it in their hearts to finance the add-ons,
which will battle it out, thus leading to the 'best practices'
which will be incorporated into the browsers.

I think that the odds are better, historically, for the following

Banks will shift to the users the cost and liability for phishing,
for good or for bad, and they will not finance any add-ons
otherwise they would have the liability for those add-ons failing.
The solution for phishing will have to come from developers and
will be adopted by banks as long as (in this order): (1) the bank's
liability is zero, and (2) it works.

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Cell phone crypto aims to baffle eavesdroppers

2005-06-02 Thread Ian G

Cell phone crypto aims to baffle eavesdroppers
By Munir Kotadia, ZDNet Australia

Published on ZDNet News: May 31, 2005, 4:10 PM PT

An Australian company last week launched a security tool for GSM mobile
 phones that encrypts transmissions to avoid eavesdroppers.

GSM, or Global System for Mobile Communications, is one of the most popular
 mobile phone standards and is built to provide a basic level of security.
 However, for more than five years the security has been "cracked," and
 commercial scanners that can emulate GSM base stations are becoming more
 common. That prompted Melbourne-based SecureGSM to launch its encryption
 tool at the CeBit exhibition in Sydney last week.

Roman Korolik, managing director of SecureGSM, said that because GSM security
 was cracked so long ago, there was a lot of information and equipment
 available that could be used for intercepting GSM calls.

"There are devices available for interception and decoding (GSM calls) in
 real time...Although they are, strictly speaking, illegal in most countries,
 you can buy them," said Korolik, who believes that these scanners are
 already being used to intercept sensitive calls. "You can imagine that in
 places like the stock exchange, where the traders are on their mobile
 phones...there could be a few scanners there."

As far back as 1999, the security used by GSM has been questioned. In a paper
 published by Lauri Pesonen from the Department of Computer Science and
 Engineering at Helsinki University of Technology, the GSM model was said to
 have been "broken on many levels."

"The GSM security model is broken on many levels and is thus vulnerable to
 numerous attacks targeted at different parts of an operator's network...If
 somebody wants to intercept a GSM call, he can do so. It cannot be assumed
 that the GSM security model provides any kind of security against a
 dedicated attacker," Pesonen wrote in the paper.

However, additional GSM security is unlikely to be used by the masses,
 according to Neil Campbell, national security manager of IT services company
 Dimension Data, who said companies are likely to have higher priorities.

"This is a security control like any other control--like a firewall or a
 policy. An organization needs to believe it is appropriate for their risks
 to implement this control. Obviously the military is one that you would
 expect to have a need for secure communications, but I wouldn't expect there
 to be too many organizations in this country that would think it necessary
 to encrypt their mobile phone conversations," said Campbell.

SecureGSM requires Windows Mobile Phone Edition
 with an ARM or
 compatible processor running at 200MHz or better. It also requires 6Mb of
 RAM (random access memory) and 2MB of storage space.

The SecureGSM application uses 256-bit, triple cipher, layered encryption
 based on AES, Twofish and Serpent ciphers. According to SecureGSM, all of
 these algorithms are considered "unbreakable" and the triple layer ensures
 that "encrypted data is future proof." The product costs $188 (AU$249) for a
 single-user license, and each "secure" device requires a license.

Dimension Data's Campbell said that companies thinking about implementing
 such a solution will need to calculate how much they could lose if their
 communications were intercepted.

"Share traders may need it, but this is for an organization that communicates
 by mobile telephone and understands that the risk of interception is
 generally extremely low, but that risk is completely unacceptable," Campbell

Munir Kotadia of ZDNet Australia reported from Sydney

Copyright ©2005 CNET Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Re: [Clips] Storm Brews Over Encryption 'Safe Harbor' in Data Breach Bills

2005-06-02 Thread Ian G
On Thursday 02 June 2005 19:28, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
> Storm Brews Over Encryption 'Safe Harbor' in Data Breach Bills
> May 31, 2005

Just to make it more interesting, the AG of New York, Elliot Spitzer
has introduced a  package of legislation intended to "rein in identity theft"

  Facilitating prosecutions against computer hackers by creating
  specific criminal penalties for the use of encryption to conceal
  a crime, to conceal the identity of another person who commits
  a crime, or to disrupt the normal operation of a computer;

Full PR is here:

I'm hoping this was a trial balloon.

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[Clips] Storm Brews Over Encryption 'Safe Harbor' in Data Breach Bills

2005-06-02 Thread R.A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 14:18:42 -0400
To: Philodox Clips List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "R.A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Clips] Storm Brews Over Encryption 'Safe Harbor' in Data Breach


Storm Brews Over Encryption 'Safe Harbor' in Data Breach Bills
May 31, 2005
 By   Caron Carlson

Spurred by the ongoing flood of sensitive data breaches this spring, nearly
a dozen states may have breach notification laws on their books by summer.
In turn, makers of security software and companies in several other
industries are pressuring Capitol Hill for a federal law pre-empting the
states' measures.

In Congress, more than a half-dozen bills requiring a range of data
security measures and breach notification rules are pending, and at least
two more are slated for introduction in coming months.

These measures-including one under consideration by Rep. Cliff Stearns,
R-Fla., and one in the draft stages by Rep. Deborah Pryce,
R-Ohio-illustrate one of the most contentious questions in the debate:
Should there be a notification exemption for businesses that encrypt their

Not surprisingly, industries for the most part are pushing for an
encryption exemption to notification, a safe harbor that is included in
California SB (Senate Bill) 1386, a notification law that went into effect
in July 2003. The growing security software industry, a major ally in this
effort, is trying to convince lawmakers that when encrypted data is stolen,
the theft poses no meaningful harm to consumers.

"If the data is encrypted, it's gibberish. They don't know what it is. They
can't use it," said Dan Burton, vice president of government affairs for
Entrust Inc.

Read more here about the theft of MCI data and its effect on the debate
over encryption.

Some data security experts contend, however, that an encryption safe harbor
could reduce data holders' incentives to implement strong protective
measures in the first place. Criticizing the California notification law,
Bruce Schneier, chief technology officer at Counterpane Internet Security
Inc., of Mountain View, Calif., said it lets data holders bypass disclosure
without necessarily protecting the data.

"You can encrypt the data with a trivial algorithm and get around [the
law]," Schneier said. "If you can get around a law by doing something
stupid, it's a badly written law."

Entrust supports an encryption exemption to notification but not without
other security requirements, said Chris Voice, CTO at the Addison, Texas,
company. "Like any technological approach, it's going to require more than
just encrypting the data," Voice said. "I think security controls will have
to be in place regardless."

Click here to read about anti-spyware bills moving to the Senate.

Even strong encryption theoretically can be broken, but it requires
resources and effort that thieves are highly unlikely to expend, advocates
of the safe harbor argue.

That argument does not appease consumer representatives. "We may not be
comfortable having our information out there, even in gibberish format,"
said Susanna Montezemolo, policy analyst at the Consumers Union, in
Washington. "Encryption shouldn't be the issue. We shouldn't have to define
potential harm and risk."

Acknowledging the political influence of the industries lobbying for the
safe harbor, however, Montezemolo said that a breach notification law with
a safe harbor is better than no law at all but that the safe harbor must be
narrowly tailored so as not to be an excuse for shoddy security.

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'
Clips mailing list

--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Re: "SSL stops credit card sniffing" is a correlation/causality myth

2005-06-02 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

Adam Shostack wrote:

So, that may be the case when you're dealing with an SSL accelerator,
but there are lots of other cases, say, implementing daabase security
rules, or ensuring that non-transactional lookups are logged, which
are harder to argue for, take more time and energy to implement, and
may well entail not implementing customer-visible features to get them
in on budget. 

Choicepoint and Lexis Nexis seemingly, had neither.  Nor are they
representational.   We lack good data, and while there are a few
hundred folks who have the experience, chops, and savvy to help their
customers make good decisions, there are tens of thousands of
companies, many of whom choose not to pay rates for that sort of
advice, and hire an MCSE, instead.  People who slap the label "best
practice" on log truncation.

I think that we need to promulgate the idea that Choicepoint is
creating a shift, that it will be ok to talk about breaches, with the
intent of getting better data over time.

we got brought in to work on some word smithing for both the cal. state 
and the fed. digital signature legislation (we somewhat concentrated on 
the distinction between digital signature authentication and that human 
signature implies read, understands, agrees, approves, authorizes, etc 
 which isn't present in simple authentication).

one of the industry groups that was active in the effort had done some 
extensive surveys on driving factors behind various kinds of regulatory 
and legislative actions. with regard to privacy regulatory/legislative 
actions ... the two main driving factors were 1) identity theft and 2) 
effectively institutional (gov, commercial, etc) denial of service.

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Re: Citibank discloses private information to improve security

2005-06-02 Thread Ian G
On Wednesday 01 June 2005 23:38, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
> in theory, the KISS part of SSL's countermeasure for MITM-attack ... is
> does the URL you entered match the URL in the provided certificate. An
> attack is inducing a fraudulent URL to be entered for which the
> attackers have a valid certificates.

Firefox have added a cert domain into the status bar
on the bottom of the browser.  This is part way to what
you suggest and a very welcome improvement to
browser security.

It falls short for (IMHO) 3 reasons:  1. the domain that
is shown isn't the certificate domain, but is something
amalgamated from the URL and the cert;  which then
breaks the independent check you are hoping for above.

2., the CA should be listed so as to complete the
security statement.  Something like "ThisCA signed the
This.Domain.Com cert".  This is done in the Mouseover,
but not displayed all the time, and it is possible to get a
Mouseover that shows a statement that is strictly false
because of 1. above.  (Bugs filed and all the rest...)

3. Another issue is that it is not big enough nor loud enough
in the Trustbar sense to break through the current user
teachings that they can ignore everything as its all safe.

> Rather than complex defense in depth ... all with cracks and
> vulnerabilities that attackers can wiggle around ... a better approach
> would be KISS solution that had integrated approach to existing systemic
> vulnerabilities. For instance, some sort of clear, un-obfuscated
> indications integrated with URL selection that can leverage the existing
> SSL MITM-attack countermeasures.

Yes, this would be a much better way forward.  Now,
bear in mind that the people writing the plugins would
give their left legs to get the attention and respect of
the browser manufacturers so as to create this
integrated solution.  See various other rants...

> The downside of a KISS integrated solution that eliminates existing
> systemic problems (and avoids creating complex layers, each with their
> individual cracks that the attackers can wiggle thru) ... is that the
> only current special interest for such a solution seems to be the
> victims. Some sort of fix that allows naive users to relate and enter
> specific trusted URLs associated with specific tasks could fix many of
> the existing infrastructure vulnerabilities. The issue is what
> institutions have financial interest in designing, implementing, and
> marketing such a likely "free" add-on to existing mostly "free" based
> infrastructure. It appears to be much easier justify the design,
> implementation and marketing of a totally new feature that can be
> separately charge for.

This will change,.  I predict that the banks will end up
with the liability for phishing, for good or for bad, and
they will then find it in their hearts to finance the add-ons,
which will battle it out, thus leading to the 'best practices'
which will be incorporated into the browsers.

(Seeing as this is prediction time, I'll stick my neck
out another several kms and say it will be in about 6
months that the banks are asked to take on the liability.)

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Collisions for hash functions: how to exlain them to your boss

2005-06-02 Thread Stefan Lucks

Magnus Daum and myself have generated MD5-collisons for PostScript files:


This work is somewhat similar to the work from Mikle and Kaminsky, except 
that our colliding files are not executables, but real documents. 

We hope to demonstrate how serious hash function collisions should be 
taken -- even for people without much technical background. And to help 
you, to explain these issues 

  - to your boss or your management,
  - to your customers,
  - to your children ...

Have fun


Stefan Lucks  Th. Informatik, Univ. Mannheim, 68131 Mannheim, Germany
home: http://th.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/people/lucks/
--  I  love  the  taste  of  Cryptanalysis  in  the  morning!  --

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RE: Citibank discloses private information to improve security

2005-06-02 Thread Peter Gutmann
"Heyman, Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>The false positive I was referring to is the "something is telling me
>something unimportant" positive. I didn't mean to infer that the users
>likely went through a thought process centered around the possible causes of
>the certificate failure, specifically the likelihood of an active man-in-the-
>middle vs. software bug, vs. setup error, vs. etc..

Oh, I see.  So we were actually in violent agreement :-).

>I've probably seen hundreds of signature validation warnings from various
>web-sites for certificates and Active-X and possibly other signed content. I
>can't recall needing to heed even one of the warnings. We are trying to
>detect man-in-the-middle or outright spoofing with signatures and our false
>positive rate is through the roof. The false positive rate must be zero or
>nearly zero to work as a useful detector in real world situations.

It's not just passive false-positive acceptance, users are actively encouraged
by software vendors to accept verification-failed content.  For example every
other hardware device you install, as part of it's connect-the-dots sequence
of screen shots in the install guide, shows a shot of some sort of signature-
warning dialog, along with an arrow pointing to the "Ignore this warning"
button to click and text telling users to, well, do what the button says. Even
things like WHQL-certified drivers, which should have all the correct
credentials, end up being installed in non-certified ways because the vendors
submit a safe-but-slow configuration to get certified and then ship the
unsafe-but-fast one to be installed (this is standard practice for any
hardware where performance is the main selling point, i.e. video drivers, RAID
drivers, network drivers, etc etc).  Alternatively, the latest bugfix drivers
are several steps ahead of the certified WHQL'd ones, so you get the same

For non-Windows users who haven't seen this sort of user-conditioning in
documentation, here's the first half-dozen online examples of this (to save me
having to scan install guides to demonstrate it):


Note also that the warnings for valid and invalid signed content are extremely
similar, and both contain lots of text, jargon, and incomprehensible (to the
average user) information.  Both in effect state "Mumble mutter fnord fnord,
do you want to go ahead", with the fnord-level for the valid-signature dialog
being at least as high as the invalid-signature one.  It'd be interesting to
see if users can tell the difference between the two.

This one is particularly cool: "Don't get worried by the JPilot Security
Warning! Just click "YES" to install & run applet. If you don't, you can't


(Don't worry about those nasty warnings, just close your eyes and click your
heels tog^H^H^H^Hclick OK).

Just to show that it's not just ActiveX signing under Windows that's training
users in this manner, here's a Unix one too:



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Re: Papers about "Algorithm hiding" ?

2005-06-02 Thread Steve Furlong
On 5/31/05, Ian G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't agree with your conclusion that hiding algorithms
> is a requirement.  I think there is a much better direction:
> spread more algorithms.  If everyone is using crypto then
> how can that be "relevant" to the case?

This is so, in the ideal. But "if everyone would only..." never seems
to work out in practice. Better to rely on what you can on your own or
with a small group.

In response to Hadmut's question, for instance, I'd hide the crypto
app by renaming the executable. This wouldn't work for a complex app
like PGP Suite but would suffice for a simple app. Rename the
encrypted files as well and you're fairly safe. (I've consulted with
firms that do disk drive analysis. From what I've seen, unless the
application name or the data file extensions are in a known list, they
won't be seen. But my work has been in the realm of civil suits,
contract disputes, SEC claims, and the like; the investigators might
be more thorough when trying to nail someone for kiddie porn.)

Or use another app which by the way has crypto. Winzip apparently has
some implementation flaws
(http://www.cse.ucsd.edu/users/tkohno/papers/WinZip/ ) but a quick
google doesn't show anything but brute force and dictionary attacks
against WinRar.

There are no bad teachers, only defective children.

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Re: "SSL stops credit card sniffing" is a correlation/causality myth

2005-06-02 Thread Ian G
On Thursday 02 June 2005 11:33, Birger Tödtmann wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, den 01.06.2005, 15:23 +0100 schrieb Ian G:
> [...]
> > For an example of the latter, look at Netcraft.  This is
> > quite serious - they are putting out a tool that totally
> > bypasses PKI/SSL in securing browsing.  Is it insecure?
> > Yes of course, and "it leaks my data like a seive" as
> > one PKI guy said.
> [...]
> What I currently fail see is the link to SSL.  Or, to its PKI model.

That's the point.  There is no link to SSL or PKI.
The only thing in common is the objective - to
protect the user when browsing.  Secure browsing
is now being offered by centralised database sans

> Netcraft bypasses it, but I won't use Netcraft exclusively because I'm
> happy to use the crypto in SSL.  Netcraft and Trustbar are really nice
> add-ons to improve my security *with SSL*.  So where is the point?

Sure, I think it is a piece of junk, myself.  But I
am not important, I'm not an "average user."
The only thing that is important is what the user
thinks and does.

When Netcraft announced their plugin had been
ported from IE to Firefox last week, they also
revealed that they had "60,000 downloads in
hours."  That tells us a few things.

Firstly, users want protection from phishing.

Secondly, Netcraft have succeeded enough
in the IE world in creating a user base for their
solution that it easily jumped across to the
Firefox userbase and scored impressive numbers
straight away.  Which tells us that it actually
delivers something useful (which may or may
not be security).  So we cannot discount that
the centralised database concept works "well
enough" by some measure or other.

So now we wait to see which model wins in
protecting the user from spoofing.

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2005-06-02 Thread Eric Rescorla
ANNOUNCE: PureTLS version 0.9b5
Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Claymore Systems, Inc.


PureTLS is a free Java-only implementation of the SSLv3 and TLSv1
(RFC2246) protocols. PureTLS was developed by Eric Rescorla for
Claymore Systems, Inc, but is being distributed for free because we
believe that basic network security is a public good and should be a
commodity. PureTLS is licensed under a Berkeley-style license, which
basically means that you can do anything you want with it, provided
that you give us credit.

This is a beta release of PureTLS. Although it has undergone a fair
amount of testing and is believed to operate correctly, it no doubt contains 
significant bugs, which this release is intended to shake out. Please
send any bug reports to the author at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

* SECURITY: Zero OPTIONAL values before parsing. This prevents 
  bleedthrough of those values from previously parsed certificates
  into certificates where they are missing. This is a workaround for a 
  bug in the Cryptix ASN.1 kit.

  The only relevant values are Extensions and Algorithm.Parameters.
  In practice this should not be a problem with Algorithm.Parameters
  Since they're NULL in RSA certificates and always present in real 
  DSA certificates. If you rely on Extensions you should upgrade
  as soon as possible.

  Note: extensions processing is still only partially tested (see

* Trim all leading zeros from DH shared keys. This fixes a rare
  compatibility problem.

* Fix handling of pathLen constraints. We were off by one, causing
  some valid certificates to be rejected.

We believe that this is the best version of PureTLS available.  Users
are advised to upgrade as soon as possible. In particular, if you rely
on X.509 extension processing you should upgrade as soon as possible.

This will most likely be the last release of PureTLS distributed 
as a standalone package by Claymore Systems. We have given
the BouncyCastle (http://www.bouncycastle.org) permission to
integrate the PureTLS source code with their library and
we expect them to deliver an integrated system in the future.

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Re: "SSL stops credit card sniffing" is a correlation/causality myth

2005-06-02 Thread Ian G
Ahh-oops!  That particular reply was scrappily written
late at night and wasn't meant to be sent!  Apologies
belatedly, I'd since actually come to the conclusion
that Steve's statement was strictly correct, in that
we won't ever *see* sniffing because SSL is in place,
whereas I interpreted this incorrectly perhaps as
SSL *stopped* sniffing.  Subtle distinctions can
sometimes matter.

So please ignore the previous email, unless a cruel
and unusual punishment is demanded...


On Wednesday 01 June 2005 16:24, Ian G wrote:
> On Tuesday 31 May 2005 19:38, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> > In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ian G writes:
> > >On Tuesday 31 May 2005 02:17, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> > >> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "James A. Donald" 
> > >> >--
> > >> >PKI was designed to defeat man in the middle attacks
> > >> >based on network sniffing, or DNS hijacking, which
> > >> >turned out to be less of a threat than expected.
> > >>
> > >> First, you mean "the Web PKI", not PKI in general.
> > >>
> > >> The next part of this is circular reasoning.  We don't see network
> > >> sniffing for credit card numbers *because* we have SSL.
> > >
> > >I think you meant to write that James' reasoning is
> > >circular, but strangely, your reasoning is at least as
> > >unfounded - correlation not causality.  And I think
> > >the evidence is pretty much against any causality,
> > >although this will be something that is hard to show,
> > >in the absence.
> >
> > Given the prevalance of password sniffers as early as 1993, and given
> > that credit card number sniffing is technically easier -- credit card
> > numbers will tend to be in a single packet, and comprise a
> > self-checking string, I stand by my statement.
> Well, I'm not arguing it is technically hard.  It's just
> un-economic.  In the same sense that it is not technically
> difficult for us to get in a car and go run someone
> over;  but we still don't do it.  And we don't ban the
> roads nor insist on our butlers walking with a red
> flag in front of the car, either.  Well, not any more.
> So I stand by my statement - correlation is not causality.
> > > * AFAICS, a non-trivial proportion of credit
> > >card traffic occurs over totally unprotected
> > >traffic, and that has never been sniffed as far as
> > >anyone has ever reported.  (By this I mean lots of
> > >small merchants with MOTO accounts that don't
> > >bother to set up "proper" SSL servers.)
> >
> > Given what a small percentage of ecommerce goes to those sites, I don't
> > think it's really noticeable.
> Exactly my point.  Sniffing isn't noticeable.  Neither
> in the cases we know it could happen, nor in the
> areas.  The one place where it has been noticed is
> with passwords and what we know from that experience
> is that even the slightest security works to overcome
> that threat.  SSH is overkill, compared to the passwords
> mailouts that successfully protect online password sites.
> > > * We know that from our experiences
> > >of the wireless 802.11 crypto - even though we've
> > >got repeated breaks and the FBI even demonstrating
> > >how to break it, and the majority of people don't even
> > >bother to turn on the crypto, there remains practically
> > >zero evidence that anyone is listening.
> > >
> > >  FBI tells you how to do it:
> > >  https://www.financialcryptography.com/mt/archives/000476.
> >
> > Sure -- but setting up WEP is a nuisance.  SSL (mostly) just works.
> SSH just works - and it worked directly against the
> threat you listed above (password sniffing).  But it
> has no "PKI" to speak of, and this discussion is about
> whether PKI protects people, because it is PKI that is
> supposed to protect against spoofing - a.k.a. phishing.
> And it is PKI that makes SSL "just doesn't set up."
> Anyone who's ever had to set up an Apache web
> server for SSL has to have asked themselves the
> question ... "why doesn't this just work" ?
> > As
> > for your assertion that no one is listening, I'm not sure what kind of
> > evidence you'd seek.  There's plenty of evidence that people abuse
> > unprotected access points to gain connectivity.
> Simply, evidence that people are listening.  Sniffing
> by means of the wire.
> Evidence that people abuse to gain unprotected
> access is nothing to do with sniffing traffic to steal
> information.  That's theft of access, which is a fairly
> minor issue, especially as it doesn't have any
> economic damages worth speaking of.  In fact,
> many cases seem to be more accidental access
> where neighbours end up using each other's access
> points because the software doesn't know where the
> property lines are.
> > >> Since many of
> > >> the worm-spread pieces of spyware incorporate sniffers, I'd say that
> > >> part of the threat model is correct.
> > >
> > >But this is totally incorrect!  The spyware installs on the
> > >users' machines, and thus does not need to sniff the
> > >wire.  The assumption of SSL is (as w

Re: Digital signatures have a big problem with meaning

2005-06-02 Thread Rich Salz

On the one hand a digital signature should matter more
the bigger the transaction that it protects.  On the
other hand, the bigger the transaction the lower the
probability that it is between strangers who have no
other leverage for recourse.

I think signatures are increasingly being used for technical reasons, 
not legal.  That is, sign and verify just to prove that all the layers 
of middleware and Internet and general bugaboos didn't screw with it. 
People seem to be building systems that assume proper operation, and use 
signatures as an application-level way to check, and also as a line of 
defense to screen out outsiders, rather than hold insiders liable.

Loosly coupled, tightly contracted.


Rich Salz, Chief Security Architect
DataPower Technology   http://www.datapower.com
XS40 XML Security Gateway   http://www.datapower.com/products/xs40.html

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Re: Citibank discloses private information to improve security

2005-06-02 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

Heyman, Michael wrote:

Defense in depth can help against spoofing - this includes valid
certificates, personalization (even if it is the less-than-optimal
Citibank-like solution), PetName, etc. Man-in-the-middle is harder given
that we have such a high false positive rate on our best weapon.

i would claim that SSL-like protocol with both countermeasure for 
MITM-attack and eavesdropping attacks should be adequate.

many of the current problems is that browsers and email clients have 
tended to added multiple layers of obfuscation around the URL process 
... so it may be difficult for even experience users to realize what is 

a semi-counter argument for defense-in-depth is KISS ... lots of complex 
 layers tend to create all sorts of cracks for the attackers to get thru.

in theory, the KISS part of SSL's countermeasure for MITM-attack ... is 
does the URL you entered match the URL in the provided certificate. An 
attack is inducing a fraudulent URL to be entered for which the 
attackers have a valid certificates.

so some of the recent internet phishing countermeasures are trying to 
rely on clear, un-obfuscated indications recognizable by even naive 
users. however, the tend to be add-ons, non-integrated with existing 
countermeasures (like SSL MITM-attack countermeasures) and leave 
existing systemic vulnerabilities in place. When purely static data 
un-obfuscated recognizable indications are used independently of MITM 
countermeasures  a MITM can create active channels between 
themselves and the end-user and themselves and the website and 
transparently pass information between the two end-points.

Rather than complex defense in depth ... all with cracks and 
vulnerabilities that attackers can wiggle around ... a better approach 
would be KISS solution that had integrated approach to existing systemic 
vulnerabilities. For instance, some sort of clear, un-obfuscated 
indications integrated with URL selection that can leverage the existing 
SSL MITM-attack countermeasures.

The downside of a KISS integrated solution that eliminates existing 
systemic problems (and avoids creating complex layers, each with their 
individual cracks that the attackers can wiggle thru) ... is that the 
only current special interest for such a solution seems to be the 
victims. Some sort of fix that allows naive users to relate and enter 
specific trusted URLs associated with specific tasks could fix many of 
the existing infrastructure vulnerabilities. The issue is what 
institutions have financial interest in designing, implementing, and 
marketing such a likely "free" add-on to existing mostly "free" based 
infrastructure. It appears to be much easier justify the design, 
implementation and marketing of a totally new feature that can be 
separately charge for.

some some topic drift ... one person's history of priced software:

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Re: Digital signatures have a big problem with meaning

2005-06-02 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler


On the one hand a digital signature should matter more
the bigger the transaction that it protects.  On the
other hand, the bigger the transaction the lower the
probability that it is between strangers who have no
other leverage for recourse.

And, of course, proving anything by way of dueling 
experts doesn't provide much predictability in a jury

system, e.g., OJ Simpson.

the bigger the transaction that the digital signature verifies  the 
more the relying party is going to be interested in fundamental 
integrity issues surrounding the digital signature generation

from 3-factor authentication paradigm

* something you have
* something you know
* something you are

simple digital signature verification is basically "something you have" 
authentication ... implying that the originator has access to and use of 
the corresponding private key (in addition to the transaction not having 
been modified in transit).

fundamental issues surrounding digital signature can be the integrity 
level of the infrastructure preventing compromise of the private key aka 
is the private key protected in a software file, is the private key in a 
hardware token, was the private key generated in a hardware token and 
can never leave the hardare token. also if it is a hardware token, is a 
pin/password also required to make the token operate correctly i.e. 
knowing characteristics of the hardware token, the relying party might 
be able to infer two-factor authentication and assess the risk/threats 

also what is the integrity level of the infrastructure in which the 
digital signature was generated ... for instance some of the EU finread


which try and specify the minimum constraints for generation of a 
digital signature on a financial transaction.

this isn't so much proving anything ... this is risk management ... what 
is the likelyhood/exposure of a compromise for the relying party ... or 
security proportional to risk


standard types of things that you would find at financial institutions 
and/or insurance institutions.

part of the confusion possibly is because of the extensive deployment of 
PKI literature ... which tends to focus the attention on the 
certification process ... as opposed to the integrity of the 
authentication process. the issue is that for the majority of business 
operations ... the PKI certificate process tends to be duplication of 
extensive relationship management business process that they already 
have in use (and therefor is redundant and superfluous) ... and there is 
much less focus on the basic risk, threat and vulnerability issues 
related directly to the authentcation.

and as i've frequently postulated ... that same may have an interest in 
creating semantic confusion ... implying that because the term "digital 
signature" includes the word "signature" ... that it somehow bears some 
relationship to human signatures.

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Re: Trojan horse attack involving many major Israeli companies, executives

2005-06-02 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

Amir Herzberg wrote:
Nicely put, but I think not quite fair. From friends in financial and 
other companies in the states and otherwise, I hear that Trojans are 
very common there as well. In fact, based on my biased judgement and 
limited exposure, my impression is that security practice is much better 
in Israeli companies - both providers and users of IT - than in 
comparable companies in most countries. For example, in my `hall of 
shame` (link below) you'll find many US and multinational companies 
which don't protect their login pages properly with SSL (PayPal, Chase, 
MS, ...). I've found very few Israeli companies, and of the few I've 
found, two actually acted quickly to fix the problem - which is rare! 
Most ignored my warning, and few sent me coupons :-) [seriously]

Could it be that such problems are more often covered-up in other 
countries? Or maybe that the stronger awareness in Israel also implies 
more attackers? I think both conclusions are likely. I also think that 
this exposure will further increase awareness among Israeli IT managers 
and developers, and hence improve the security of their systems.

there is the story of the (state side) financial institution that was 
outsourcing some of its y2k remediation and failed to perform due 
diligence on the (state side) lowest bidder ... until it was too late 
and they were faced with having to deploy the software anyway.

one of the spoofs of SSL ... was originally it was supposed to be used 
for the whole shopping experience from the URL the enduser entered, thru 
shopping, checkout and payment. webservers found that with SSL they took 
a 80-90% performance hit on their thruput ... so they saved the use of 
SSL until checkout and payment. the SSL countermeasure to MITM-attack is 
that the URL the user entered is checked against the URL in the 
webserver certificate. However, the URL the users were entering weren't 
SSL/HTTPS ... they were just standard stuff ... and so there wasn't any 
countermeasure to MITM-attack.

If the user had gotten to a spoofed MITM site ... they could have done 
all their shopping and then clicked the checkout button ... which might 
provide HTTPS/SSL. however, if it was a spoofed site, it is highly 
probable that the HTTPS URL provided by the (spoofed site) checkout 
button was going to match the URL in any transmitted digital 
certificate. So for all, intents and purposes .. most sites make very 
little use of https/ssl as countermeasure for MITM-attacks ... simply 
encryption as countermeasure for skimming/harvesting (evesdropping).

in general, if the naive user is clicking on something that obfuscates 
the real URL (in some case they don't even have to obfuscate the real 
URL) ... then the crooks can still utilize https/ssl ... making sure 
that they have a valid digital certificate that matches the URL that 
they are providing.

the low-hanging fruit of fraud ROI ... says that the crooks are going to 
go after the easiest target, with the lowest risk, and the biggest 
bang-for-the buck. that has mostly been the data-at-rest transaction 
files. then it is other attacks on either of the end-points. attacking 
generalized internet channels for harvesting/skimming appears to be one 
of the lowest paybacks for the effort. in other domains, there have been 
harvesting/skimming attacks ... but again mostly on end-points ... and 
these are dedicated/concentrated environments where the only traffic ... 
is traffic of interest (any extraneous/uninteresting stuff has already 
been filtered out).

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Re: Digital signatures have a big problem with meaning

2005-06-02 Thread Ian G
On Wednesday 01 June 2005 15:07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Ian G writes:
>  | In the end, the digital signature was just crypto
>  | candy...
> On the one hand a digital signature should matter more
> the bigger the transaction that it protects.  On the
> other hand, the bigger the transaction the lower the
> probability that it is between strangers who have no
> other leverage for recourse.

Yes, indeed!  The thing about a signature is that
*it* itself - the mark on paper or the digital result
of some formula - isn't the essence of signing.

The essence of the process is something that
lawyers call "intent" (I'm definately not clear on
these words so if there are any real lawyers in
the house...).  And, when the dispute comes to
court, the process is not one of "proving the
signature" but of showing intent.

And as the transaction gets bigger, the process
of making and showing intent gets more involved,
more complex.  So it is naturally ramped up to the
transaction, in a way that digsigs just totally miss
out on.

Which means that the digital signature school
got it completely wrong.  A digital signature is
only "just one more" element in a process that
is quite complex, involved, and goes back into
history more years than we can count.  It is
therefore completely unlikely that a digsig will
ever replace all that;  however it is quite possible
that a digsig could comfortably add a new element
to that process.

(Speaking here of common law, which is not
universally applicable...)

> And, of course, proving anything by way of dueling
> experts doesn't provide much predictability in a jury
> system, e.g., OJ Simpson.

And this is where we found for example the OpenPGP
cleartext digital signature to be the only one that
has any merit.  Because it can be printed on paper,
and that piece of paper can be presented to the
jury of an O.J.Simpson style case, or even a Homer
Simpson style case, this carries weight.

An OpenPGP clear text signature carries weight
because it is there, in black and white, and no
side would dare to deny that because they know
it would be a simple matter to go to the next level.

But any other form of non-printable digital signature
is not "presentable" to a jury.  What are you going
to do? Throw a number in front of a jury and say its a
signature on another number?  It's a mental leap of
orders of magnitude more effort, and there are many
ways the "other side" could sidestep that.


PS: To get this in x.509, we coded up cleartext
sigs into the x.509 format.
Advances in Financial Cryptography:

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analysis of the Witty worm

2005-06-02 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Readers of this list may be interested in an analysis of the Witty 
worm's spread by Kumark, Paxson, and Weaver.  An article summarizing 
the paper is at 
A tentative conclusion is that the worm was probably written by an 
insider at ISS

The paper itself (there's a link in the article) has several more items 
of interest to this list.  Especially interesting is the effective 
cryptanalysis of the PRNG used by the worm.  Implicit in many of the 
analyses, though not a focus of the paper, is the amount of information 
that the authors could gather about network configurations at different 
sites: as we all know, traffic analysis is a powerful technique.

--Steven M. Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb

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Re: "SSL stops credit card sniffing" is a correlation/causality myth

2005-06-02 Thread Adam Shostack
On Tue, May 31, 2005 at 06:43:56PM -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
| Ian G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| >> Perhaps you are unaware of it because no one has chosen to make you
| >> aware of it. However, sniffing is used quite frequently in cases where
| >> information is not properly protected. I've personally dealt with
| >> several such situations.
| >
| > This leads to a big issue.  If there are no reliable reports,
| > what are we to believe in?  Are we to believe that the
| > problem doesn't exist because there is no scientific data,
| > or are we to believe those that say "I assure you it is a
| > big problem?"
| [...]
| > The only way we can overcome this issue is data.
| You aren't going to get it. The companies that get victimized have a
| very strong incentive not to share incident information very
| widely. However, those of us who actually make our living in the field
| generally have a pretty strong sense of what is going wrong out there.

I believe that this is changing, and that Choicepoint is the wedge.
Organizations that are under no legal obligation to report breaches
are doing so, some quite rapidly, to avoid the PR disaster that hit

That shift may lead to a change in public perceptions from breaches
are rare to the reality, which is that breaches are common.  If that
shift takes place, then companies may be more willing to share data,
and thats a good.

[...] much deleted

| Statistics and the sort of economic analysis you speak of depends on
| assumptions like statistical independence and the ability to do
| calculations. If you have no basis for calculation and statistical
| independence doesn't hold because your actors are not random processes
| but intelligent actors, the method is worthless.
| In most cases, by the way, the raw cost of attempting a cost benefit
| analysis will cost far more than just implementing a safeguard. A
| couple thou for encrypting a link or buying an SSL card is a lot
| cheaper than the consulting hours, and the output of the hours would
| be an utterly worthless analysis anyway.

So, that may be the case when you're dealing with an SSL accelerator,
but there are lots of other cases, say, implementing daabase security
rules, or ensuring that non-transactional lookups are logged, which
are harder to argue for, take more time and energy to implement, and
may well entail not implementing customer-visible features to get them
in on budget. 

Choicepoint and Lexis Nexis seemingly, had neither.  Nor are they
representational.   We lack good data, and while there are a few
hundred folks who have the experience, chops, and savvy to help their
customers make good decisions, there are tens of thousands of
companies, many of whom choose not to pay rates for that sort of
advice, and hire an MCSE, instead.  People who slap the label "best
practice" on log truncation.

I think that we need to promulgate the idea that Choicepoint is
creating a shift, that it will be ok to talk about breaches, with the
intent of getting better data over time.


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Re: "SSL stops credit card sniffing" is a correlation/causality myth

2005-06-02 Thread Tom Weinstein

Ian G wrote:

But don't get me wrong - I am not saying that we should
carry out a world wide pogrom on SSL/PKI.  What I am
saying is that once we accept that listening right now
is not an issue - not a threat that is being actively
dedended against - this allows us the wiggle room to
deploy that infrastructure against phishing.

Does that make sense?

No, not really. Until you can show me an Internet Draft for a solution 
to phishing that requires that we give up SSL, I don't see any reason to 
do so. As a consumer, I'd be very reluctant to give up SSL for credit 
card transactions because I use it all the time and it makes me feel safer.

What matters is now:  what attacks are happening
now.  Does phishing exist, and does it take a lot of
money?  What can we do about it?

If you don't know what we can do about phishing, why do you think that 
getting rid of SSL is a necessary first step? You seem to be putting the 
cart in front of the horse.

Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set | Tom Weinstein
him on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.| [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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