US Banks: Training the next generation of phishing victims

2005-10-12 Thread Peter Gutmann
Banks like Bank of America have taken some flak in the past for their awful
online banking security practices.  I was poking around their home page today
because I wanted some screenshots to use as examples of how not to do it and I
noticed the following incredible message, which appears when you click on the
tiny padlock icon next to the login dialog:

  Browser security indicators

  You may notice when you are on our home page that some familiar indicators
  do not appear in your browser to confirm the entire page is secure. Those
  indicators include the small lock icon in the bottom right corner of the
  browser frame and the s in the Web address bar (for example, https).

  To provide the fastest access to our home page for all of our millions of
  customers and other visitors, we have made signing in to Online Banking
  secure without making the entire page secure. Again, please be assured that
  your ID and passcode are secure and that only Bank of America has access to

Yep, no need to worry about those silly browser security indicators, just hand
over your banking logon details to anything capable of displaying a Bank of
America logo on a web page.

(Another thing I noticed is that if you indicate that your logon state is WA
or ID, you get sent to an HTTPS page which asks for your SSN alongside your
name and password.  Anyone know what legal requirement is behind that?)

Amex is another example of this type of user training:

  Security is important to everyone!

  Please be assured that, although the home page itself does not have an
  https URL, the login component of this page is secure. When you enter your
  User ID and password, your information is transmitted via a secure
  environment, and once the login is complete, you will be redirected to our
  secure area.

Wachovia has:

  Browser security indicators

  You may notice when you are on our home page that some familiar indicators
  do not appear in your browser to confirm the entire page is secure. Those
  indicators include the small lock icon in the bottom right corner of the
  browser frame and the s in the Web address bar (for example, https).

  To provide the fastest access to our home page, we have made signing in to
  Online Services secure without making the entire page secure. Again, please
  be assured that your ID and password are secure.

(hmm, their admins must have gone to the same security night school as the BoA
ones :-).

Can anyone who knows Javascript better than I do figure out what the mess of
script on those pages is doing?  It looks like it's taking the username and
password and posting it to an HTTPS URL, but it's rather spaghetti-ish code so
it's a bit hard to follow what's going where.


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EDP (entropy distribution protocol), userland PRNG design

2005-10-12 Thread Travis H.
I am thinking of making a userland entropy distribution system, so
that expensive HWRNGs may be shared securely amongst several machines.
 Here's the algorithm from generation to use:

1) Entropy harvested from HWRNG.

2) Entropy mixed with PRNG output to disguise any biases present in
source.  The Mersenne Twister suggests itself due to its extremely
long period.  (Is XOR sufficent and desirable?)

3) Entropy used as truly random input in an extractor to map
somewhat random input (interrupt timing, memory contents, disk head
settling times) into strongly random output.

4) Entropy passed through OWF to occlude state of previous systems in
this chain.

5?) Entropy ciphered with a randomly-generated key (taken from the
previous step), rotated periodically.

6) Entropy transmitted over the network.

7) Recipient ciphers the entropy with a randomly-generated key,
rotated periodically.  The randomly-generated key is taken from the
output of step 8 so that data on the wire is never used directly to
cipher future data sent over the wire (requiring an attacker to be
able to accurately model step 8).

8) Recipient repeats steps 2-4 locally.

9) Entropy is used in an application needing it.

Here's my claims:

1) There is no key distribution to worry about.

2) Eavesdropping only gets you known-ciphertext.  You still have no
idea about the plaintext, which is random, so you have no general way
to recognize a successful brute-force attempt on the
randomly-generated key used by the recipient.

3) You'd have to figure out how some part of the transmitted data was
used by the recipient, and work forward with each trial key to see if
the results match in order to recognize a successful guess at the key
used in step 7.  Would re-ordering data randomly on the recipient be
useful to thwart this, or is it unnecessary?

4) The most effective way to compromise such a distribution system
that I can think of would involve cracking the recipient system, and
if the enemy can do that, no crypto can help you.

I deliberately used the term cipher instead of en/decrypt because I am
not sure it matters which direction we go, as long as it doesn't
introduce any detectable statistical biases in the entropy (weakening
it).  What properties should I look for, and what level of assurances?

Can you see any weaknesses or unnecessary steps in this model?  I'm
not sure 5 is necessary (it was just suggested by symmetry).

Regarding the userland PRNG daemon, I was thinking of replacing  the
/dev/urandom functionality with a userland daemon, because:

(a) cryptographic operations can be slow, and putting them in the
kernel, which cannot block, is not desirable
(b) development is easier, this will encourage people to tinker with it more
(c) having the kernel perform HTTP requests to get random numbers from
web sites is inappropriate

What I want to do is:

1) Mix various sources of untrusted entropy in such a way as to make
a strong claim as to the mixture.  For example, these web sites offer
free random numbers:

Why shouldn't I download some numbers from these sites periodically,
and combine them with the pool?  I don't have to update the entropy
count (indeed, this is a PRNG and so tracking actual entropy is
somewhat irrelevant).  The way I see it, if I XOR numbers from these
sites with my PRNG output, even if an attacker eavesdrops on this
traffic, I'm no worse off than if I hadn't used them at all. 
Unpredictability XORed with predictability is still unpredictable.

Similarly, I also would like to use ID Quantique's HWRNG based on
optics, but their modules are sealed and opaque.  What I want to do is
explore what kind of assurances I can make about the output, based on
assumptions about the attacker's ability to control, predict, or
observe one of the sources.

2) Occlude common biases in the HWRNG, which is the main input to the daemon.

3) Combine PRNG components in novel ways.

4) Create a plug-in framework for PRNG components.

5) Do it in a language not as prone to security-relevant errors as C
and containing support for large numbers and bitstrings as first-class
objects.  I'm leaning towards python, heard good things about ruby,
and open to suggestions that something very different like ocaml might
be better.

Stumbling blocks that I can see:

1) Lack of standardization in the naming or semantics of kernel
facilities, such as the names of devices in /dev.

2) Lack of support for sockets in the target language.

3) The use of ioctls for interfacing to sources of entropy in the kernel.

4) The use of tty devices to interface to HWRNGs

5) Multiple clients petitioning the daemon for random bits at once. 
However, this is also a good thing; two consecutive values used by a
client may not be consecutive outputs from the PRNG subsystem.

--  --
We already have enough fast, insecure systems. -- Schneier  

Re: US Banks: Training the next generation of phishing victims

2005-10-12 Thread Adam Shostack
On Wed, Oct 12, 2005 at 09:36:58PM +1300, Peter Gutmann wrote:
| Can anyone who knows Javascript better than I do figure out what the mess of
| script on those pages is doing?  It looks like it's taking the username and
| password and posting it to an HTTPS URL, but it's rather spaghetti-ish code so
| it's a bit hard to follow what's going where.

The phishers sure can, but they don't share. 

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Re: EDP (entropy distribution protocol), userland PRNG design

2005-10-12 Thread Jack Lloyd
On Wed, Oct 12, 2005 at 04:49:43AM -0500, Travis H. wrote:
 I am thinking of making a userland entropy distribution system, so
 that expensive HWRNGs may be shared securely amongst several machines.
 --  --
 We already have enough fast, insecure systems. -- Schneier  Ferguson

I can't say I a fan of the idea of having multiple ways of mixing entropy into
the system. In particular, the idea of producing output by XORing your PRNGs
output with the output of a semi-public RNG seems like a bad idea to me,
because an attacker can easily control those values by taking over the web
server or modifying packets in the network, and if they can somehow predict
your PRNG outputs then they will be able to actually control the final output.
The difference between knowing and controlling the PRNG output is a big deal
when you're using it for something like DSA.

I prefer a multi-stage design, as described by various people smarter than I

  source(s) -- mixer -- pool -- extractor -- X9.31

Take the sources, mix it into an entropy pool and then use an extraction
function to derive values from the pool. Then use the values of that to seed a
X9.31 PRNG and produce the final output with that (with the DT values also
being generated by the extractor function). That helps make sure that even if
you make a mistake with the extractor and/or mixer function you still have some
level of protection. For example, even if an attacker can correctly guess every
16th bit of your extractor function, it will still be very difficult for them
to guess the final PRNG outputs. I've found that it is much easier to think
about the two functions as distinct, so you can reason about what specific
properties you want or need the mixer and extractor to have, and it also makes
it simpler to replace one or the other to make different security/speed

I believe most common hardware RNGs produce data at fairly high rates, often
over 100 kbytes per second. If you have one of those you'll be able to get much
more entropy from that than you will out of regular system sources, especially
as the entropy of those samples usually decreases pretty strongly after the
first sample or two, while the HWRNG keeps producing entropy at the same rate.
Instead of treating the two entropy sources as somehow different in your mixing
strategy, just use the HWRNG for most of the inputs, but every tenth sample (or
whatever), instead use the hash of all the random-looking system data you can
get ahold of. Only doing it occasionally means there is a reasonable chance
that sufficient changes have happend to the system since the sample worthwhile
in terms of entropy gained, and doing a large block of it all at once prevents
iterative guessing attacks if an attacker can control your HWRNG outputs but
not your system statistics.

Encrypting the output using keys generated by the PRNG is a good idea, but you
presented it in a somewhat confusing way, in that it sounded almost like you
were doing message transfer. Then I realized you're not actually doing that at
all, just a postprocessing (or preprocessing, in the case of the recipient)
operation using a randomly keyed block cipher (which the X9.31 RNG would also
provide nicely). At not point do the two sides actually exchange messages, so
in this situation, your mention of key distribution is somewhat misleading. If
you want to try to keep the entropy values sent from the box with the HWRNG to
the client a secret from people on the network, just open up a TLS session. TLS
is cheap if you use session resumption, and with self-signed certificates or
anonymous DH there is no key distribution. It makes bootstrapping a little more
difficult, but presumably the client can get at least some entropy via the
traditional means currently available on common platforms.

You could also just solve the problem you mention directly, and try to find a
cheaper HWRNG design. I know people who have built them for a few dollars worth
of stuff at Radio Shack, and apparently VIA, Intel, and AMD have all found them
cheap enough at various times to ship them included in components they've built
at little or no extra cost. You can buy a PCI board with a low-end Hifn crypto
chip on it for less than $80 online.


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Re: US Banks: Training the next generation of phishing victims

2005-10-12 Thread Nick Owen
Peter Gutmann wrote:
 Can anyone who knows Javascript better than I do figure out what the mess of
 script on those pages is doing?  It looks like it's taking the username and
 password and posting it to an HTTPS URL, but it's rather spaghetti-ish code so
 it's a bit hard to follow what's going where.

Why have the log on your homepage at all? Why not just a link to the
https login???  If the goal is to not have SSL overhead on the homepage,
don't.  Or is there some extra overhead for login processing that I
don't know about?  Is there some user dissatisfaction with an extra
click to login?

I suppose if you really wanted non-SSL logins, you could use a one-time
passcodes system with variable length passcodes to prevent race attacks.

Nick Owen
WiKID Systems, Inc.
404.962.8983 (desk)
404.542.9453 (cell)
At last, two-factor authentication, without the hassle factor

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