RE: On Digital Cash-like Payment Systems

2005-11-14 Thread Whyte, William
> > Don't ever encrypt the same message twice that way, or you're likely to
> > fall to a common modulus attack, I believe.
> Looks like it (common modulus attack involves same n, 
> different (e,d) pairs).
> However, you're likely to be picking a random symmetric key as the
> "message", and Schneier even suggests picking a random r in Z_n and
> encrypting hash(r) as the symmetric key.
> More generally, I wonder about salting all operations to prevent using
> the same value more than once.  It seems like it's generally a bad
> idea to reuse values, as a heuristic, and applying some kind of
> uniquification operation to everything, just as it's a good idea to
> pad/frame values in such a way that the output of one stage cannot be
> used in another stage of the same protocol.

I forget the beginning of this conversation... but if you're
salting all public-key encryption operations you may as well
just use a standard RSA encryption scheme, such as OAEP or
RSA-KEM. OAEP is specified in PKCS#1, available from; it's well-
studied and has a proof of security, and should certainly be
used in preference to any home-grown system.

If you were talking about salting something other than public
key operations, accept my apologies...


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Re: On Digital Cash-like Payment Systems

2005-11-14 Thread Travis H.
> Don't ever encrypt the same message twice that way, or you're likely to
> fall to a common modulus attack, I believe.

Looks like it (common modulus attack involves same n, different (e,d) pairs).

However, you're likely to be picking a random symmetric key as the
"message", and Schneier even suggests picking a random r in Z_n and
encrypting hash(r) as the symmetric key.

More generally, I wonder about salting all operations to prevent using
the same value more than once.  It seems like it's generally a bad
idea to reuse values, as a heuristic, and applying some kind of
uniquification operation to everything, just as it's a good idea to
pad/frame values in such a way that the output of one stage cannot be
used in another stage of the same protocol.

> > Since I'm on the topic, does doing exponentiation in a finite field
> > make taking discrete logarithms more difficult (I suspect so), and if
> > so, by how much?
> This doesn't make sense. The discrete log operation is the inverse of
> exponentiation. Doing exponentiation is a prerequisite for even
> considering discrete log operations. Hence it cannot make them "more
> difficult".

What I really meant was, if it wasn't computed in a finite field, how
difficult would it be to compute the logarithm?  I'm just curious
about how much work factor is involved in reducing modulo n.

I also wonder about some of the implications of choosing a message or
exponent such that not enough reductions take place during

> I'm not sure conventional covert-channel analysis is going to be that
> useful here, because the bandwidths we are looking at in this attack
> model are so much greater (kilobytes to megabytes per second).

Well, it depends on how you define the attack, which wasn't defined. 
If the attack is to smuggle out a key using a covert channel, it may
apply.  If the attack is to download the key on a conventional
network, it wouldn't make much difference.

Unless, of course, you're auditing network flows over a certain size
or lasting a certain amount of time.
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"We already have enough fast, insecure systems." -- Schneier & Ferguson
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Re: Fermat's primality test vs. Miller-Rabin

2005-11-14 Thread Alexander Klimov
On Fri, 11 Nov 2005, Joseph Ashwood wrote:
> From: "Charlie Kaufman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >I've heard but not confirmed a figure of one failure in 20 million. I've
> >never heard an estimate of the probability that two runs would fail to
> >detect the composite. It couldn't be better than one failure is 20 million
> >squared or worse than one in 80 million.
> I can confirm that that number of completely wrong. I just implemented a
> small Java program to test exactly that. Each number was vetted by a single
> pass of Miller-Rabin (iterations = 1). With 512-bit numbers the first 52
> random guesses that pass the first test resulted in 26 numbers that failed
> to pass 128 iterations. I find it rather odd that this is exactly half, and
> I also notice that of those that failed they almost all seem to have failed
> at least half of them.

The general consensus is that for 500-bit numbers one needs only 6 MR
tests for 2^{-80} error probability [1]:

  number of Miller-Rabin iterations for an error rate of less
  than 2^-80 for random 'b'-bit input, b >= 100 (taken from table
  4.4 in the Handbook of Applied Cryptography [Menezes, van
  Oorschot, Vanstone; CRC Press 1996]; original paper: Damgaard,
  Landrock, Pomerance: Average case error estimates for the
  strong probable prime test. -- Math. Comp. 61 (1993) 177-194)

  #define BN_prime_checks(b) ((b) >= 1300 ?  2 : \
  (b) >=  850 ?  3 : \
  (b) >=  650 ?  4 : \
  (b) >=  550 ?  5 : \
  (b) >=  450 ?  6 : \
  (b) >=  400 ?  7 : \
  (b) >=  350 ?  8 : \
  (b) >=  300 ?  9 : \
  (b) >=  250 ? 12 : \
  (b) >=  200 ? 15 : \
  (b) >=  150 ? 18 : \
  /* b >= 100 */ 27)

and thus a single test gives ~2^{-13}.



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Re: Fermat's primality test vs. Miller-Rabin

2005-11-14 Thread Travis H.
> > Although the Carmichael numbers fool the Fermat test
> > (that is, $a^{n-1} = 1 (n)$) for *all* a,

I thought it would work properly if a shares a factor with n.

> Yes I guess the difference is that with MR you are trying to find a
> number that is *likely* a prime, whereas with Fermat you are testing
> primality. But MR will still fail when given a Carmichael number,
> since elsewhere MR is defined as iterated application of the Fermat
> test [1].

I hate to jump on the bandwagon about this, but these statements fail
a basic consistency test.  Iterating a deterministic test will not
generate a probabilistic one.  And since the Fermat test fails for
Carmichael numbers, I wouldn't say that it's testing primality.   Both
tests are probabilistic, and return answers of "composite" or "answer
unclear" for a chosen basis.

MR does appear to save some exponentiations, but it also appears to
check that the last (temporally) non-1 square root of 1 we used was
-1, which it must be if n is prime, making it a stronger test than
Fermat's.  Wikipedia concurs that MR is preferred over Fermat,
primarily (pun intended) because of Carmichael numbers.
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"We already have enough fast, insecure systems." -- Schneier & Ferguson
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