Re: full-disk subversion standards released

2009-02-01 Thread David G. Koontz
Peter Gutmann wrote:
 John Gilmore writes:
 The theory that we should build good and useful tools capable of monopoly
 and totalitarianism, but use social mechanisms to prevent them from being
 used for that purpose, strikes me as naive.
 There's another problem with this theory and that's the practical
 implementation issue.  I've read through... well, at least skimmed through the
 elephantine bulk of the TCG specs, and also read related papers and
 publications and talked to people who've worked with the technology, to see
 how I could use it as a crypto plugin for my software (which already supports
 some pretty diverse stuff, smart cards, HSMs, the VIA Padlock engine, ARM
 security cores, Fortezza cards (I even have my own USG-allocated Fortezza ID
 :-), and in general pretty much anything out there that does crypto in any
 way, shape, or form).  However after detailed study of the TCG specs and
 discussions with users I found that the only thing you can really do with
 this, or at least the bits likely to be implemented and supported and not full
 of bugs and incompatibilities, is DRM.

You could note a certain overlap between the promoters of Digital Content
Protection and the Trusted Computing Group:
Nearly 400 leading companies license the technology, including the following:
Semiconductor: PC Companies:Consumer Electronics:

AMD HP  Panasonic
Analog Devices  Microsoft   Samsung
Intel   Lenovo  Sony
Silicon Image   Toshiba
Full List of Licensees: Click here  
(Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.)

Current Members
  Promoter  Contributor

Fujitsu Limited Panasonic
IBM Samsung Electronics Co.
Infineon   ...
Intel Corporation   Sony Corporation
Lenovo Holdings Limited...
Microsoft   Toshiba Corporation
Seagate Technology
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Wave Systems

The costs and economy of scale say at some point all the disk drives will be
capable of FDE, whether or not it is enabled (whether or not you pay for the
'extra' feature).  The distinction is the added cost of testing the
encryption versus the cost of two different testing regimes, when silicon is
typically pin bound defining area and cost.   The same integration cost
advantages makes the like of HDMI close to zero cost to the television media

Enterprise 'platform owners' have the capability of assuming control of the
attestation chain, while 'personal computing' might have few opportunities
other than to allow the likes of an operating system vendor to provide
control 'in loco parentis' for the naive consumer.  Loss of control of
personal computing would come about by seduction - the offer of benefits in
exchange for more of the camel edging under the tent skirt.  More's the pity
if it offers competitive advantage excluding open source.  You'd think video
content providers would be anxious for a way to provide secure delivery of
content via download.  Being able to stick video onto a disk protected by a
plus thirteen Mage DMCA spell would be a definite benefit.

I'd also imagine we'll see vulnerabilities that will allow content recovery.
Getting 'secure' computing requires a secure operating system.  Building a
computer secure against end user tampering would incur high adoption costs
that wouldn't be supportable in the marketplace.  To borrow and mutilate a
turn of phrase from Bruce, what we get is Kabuki security theater with the
commiserate tendency toward prostitution.

All that said and done, people may still well end up with better security -
data encrypted at rest.  I'd think fighting DRM would be a separate battle
from opposing FDE.  It may be worthwhile to show systemic vulnerabilities
that despite the encryption endanger threaten 'content protection', because
while DRM's proponents like to provide a stylized threat model the real
world doesn't match up.   The enterprise is able to leverage further
behavioral limits on users actions during platform operation and the Trusted
Computing threat model allows users within the cryptographic boundary
(undoubtedly due to the cost of exclusion).  Additional behavioral limits
aren't available for the DRM usage model, and there is nothing stopping the
malevolent end user from monitoring unencrypted data from a drive for example.

Trusted Computing may never be suitable for DRM either.  I'd expect an
enterprise would field a careful selected configuration that they could
manage to make work for their purposes.   DRM has to work for any

RE: UCE - a simpler approach using just digital signing?

2009-02-01 Thread Jennifer Bayuk

On Saturday, January 31, 2009 6:36 AM, Sascha Silbe wrote:

 Another scheme (that could be combined with the above one to solve only
 CC party problem) would be accepting only PGP mail and use a manually
 whitelist / web of trust of PGP keys. Unfortunately, PGP still isn't
 enough to reject non-PGP mails and the ones not using it are often far
 susceptible to address harvesting malware, limiting the usefulness of such
a filter.

On Saturday, January 31, 2009 2:56 PM, John Levin wrote:

 This has the same fundamental problem as Zoemail and any other white list
 It's really easy to implement a white list.  Unless your name is Paypal,
the amount 
 of mail forging your address is vanishingly small, and the utterly
insecure From: line 
 address works just fine for practical purposes.  I use that to manage my
12 year old 
 daughter's mail.

On Saturday, January 30, 2009 6:17 PM, John Levin wrote:

 This is the wrong place to go into detail about its limitations, although
it should be 
 self-evident that if it were effective, sometime in the past 13 years we'd
have started 
 using it.

Though John's January 30th note was about Zoemail, I am reacting to the
words PGP still isn't widespread in Sascha's post about PGP. I also was
once under the assumption that I should always have PGP installed. I was
able to verify signatures, and I thought that one day, most people would
gravitate to PGP in some form. However, losing a fight with PGP Support over
whether the enterprise plug-ins I was requesting for a corporation would
reduce the security level of their product (long story about trying to
integrate it with single sign on), and also spending many hours over three
months trying to install the commercial version on Vista, only to have the
PGP engineers tell me that I would have to uninstall all my other Outlook
plug-ins for them to continue working on the problem (e.g. card scanner), I
realize that it will never be the solution of choice for either commercial
enterprise or home office given its current support model. I have not used
it since July and have not missed it a bit.

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Re: full-disk subversion standards released

2009-02-01 Thread Ben Laurie

Peter Gutmann wrote:

John Gilmore writes:

The theory that we should build good and useful tools capable of monopoly
and totalitarianism, but use social mechanisms to prevent them from being
used for that purpose, strikes me as naive.

There's another problem with this theory and that's the practical
implementation issue.  I've read through... well, at least skimmed through the
elephantine bulk of the TCG specs, and also read related papers and
publications and talked to people who've worked with the technology, to see
how I could use it as a crypto plugin for my software (which already supports
some pretty diverse stuff, smart cards, HSMs, the VIA Padlock engine, ARM
security cores, Fortezza cards (I even have my own USG-allocated Fortezza ID
:-), and in general pretty much anything out there that does crypto in any
way, shape, or form).  However after detailed study of the TCG specs and
discussions with users I found that the only thing you can really do with
this, or at least the bits likely to be implemented and supported and not full
of bugs and incompatibilities, is DRM.

Apart from the obvious fact that if the TPM is good for DRM then it is 
also good for protecting servers and the data on them, Mark Ryan 
presented a plausible use case that is not DRM:

I wrote it up briefly here:

As for John's original point, isn't the world full of such tools (guns, 
TV cameras, telephone networks, jet engines, blah blah)?

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Re: UCE - a simpler approach using just digital signing?

2009-02-01 Thread John Levine
One idea I have not seen mentioned here (and which I have not yet
encountered in RL, but only weird people send me email these days) is
for the sending MTA to use pgp to encrypt mail using the recipient's
public key, available on one of the key servers near you.

I don't understand what problem this is intended to solve.  Bad guys
can look up PGP keys just like good guys, so all this would accomplish
would be to fill your inbox with signed spam.

Perhaps it would be useful to make a section of the ASRG wiki in which
we describe the difference between the spam problem and the other
problems that people confuse with the spam problem, such as the
introduction problem and (more familiar to cryptographers) the
authentication problem, the interception problem, the non-repudiation
problem, and doubtless others that I can't think of just now.


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