[Cryptography] Implementations, attacks on DHTs, Mix Nets?

2013-08-25 Thread Perry E. Metzger
For some research on communications privacy I'm doing at the moment,
I'm interested in learning about the state of the art of DHT systems
and mix network systems. I'd like to know both which systems are
currently considered state of the art and what the state of the art
is on attacks against such systems.

Anyone care to shed some light? Pointers to literature are especially
welcome, but anything that is just in the folklore is also clearly
of use...

Perry E. Metzgerpe...@piermont.com
The cryptography mailing list

[Cryptography] Traffic Analysis (was Re: PRISM PROOF Email)

2013-08-25 Thread Perry E. Metzger
On Fri, 23 Aug 2013 09:38:21 -0700 Carl Ellison c...@acm.org wrote:
 Meanwhile PRISM was more about metadata than content, right? How
 are we going to prevent traffic analysis worldwide?

The best technology for that is mix networks.

At one point, early in the cypherpunks era, mix networks were
something of an expensive idea. Now, however, everyone in sight is
connected 24x7 to the internet. Similarly, at one point, bandwidthwas
scarce, but now, most traffic is video, and even if instant messages
and email equivalents took many hops through the network, the
bandwidth used (except for mobiles, which need not be interior mix
nodes per se) is negligible.

Perry E. Metzgerpe...@piermont.com
The cryptography mailing list

[Cryptography] Thoughts about keys

2013-08-25 Thread Perry E. Metzger
[Disclaimer: very little in this seems deeply new, I'm just
mixing it up in a slightly different way. The fairly simple idea I'm
about to discuss has germs in things like SPKI, Certificate
Transparency, the Perspectives project, SSH, and indeed dozens of
other things. I think I even suggested a version of this exact idea
several times in the past, and others may have as well. I'm not going
to pretend to make claims of real originality here, I'm more
interested in thinking about how to get such things quite widely
deployed, though it would be cool to hear about prior art just in case
I decide to publish a tech report.]

One element required to get essentially all messaging on the
Internet end to end encrypted is a good way to find out what people's
keys are.

If I meet someone at a reception at a security conference, they might
scrawl their email address (al...@example.org) for me on a cocktail

I'd like to be able to then write to them, say to discuss their
exciting new work on evading censorship of mass releases of stolen
government documents using genetically engineered fungal spores to
disseminate the information in the atmosphere worldwide.

However, in our new everything is always encrypted world, I'll be
needing their encryption key, and no one can remember something as
long as that.

So, how do I translate al...@example.org into a key?

Now, the PGP web-of-trust model, which I think is broken, would have
said check a key server, see if there's a reasonable trust path
between you and Alice.

I have an alternative suggestion.

Say that we have a bunch of (only vaguely) trustworthy organizations
out in the world. (They can use crypto based log protocols of various
kinds to make sure you don't _really_ need to trust them, but for the
moment that part doesn't matter.)

Say that Alice, at some point in the past, sent an email message,
signed in her own key, to such an organization's key server, saying in
effect this is al...@example.org's key.

At intervals, the trustworthy organization (and others like it) can
send out email messages to Alice, encrypted in said key, saying Hi
there! Please reply with a message containing this magic cookie,
encrypted in our key, signed in yours.

If a third party needing the key for al...@example.org queries the
vaguely trusted server, it will then give them information like For
the past six years, we've been sending al...@example.org emails every
couple of weeks asking her to reply to demonstrate she controls a
particular public key, and she always has -- new keys have always been
signed in the old one, too. Here's a log, including various sorts of
widely witnessed events and hash chains so that if we were lying about
this we had to be planning to lie about it for a very long time.

Now of course, in the real world, who wants to go through the effort
of hand replying to query messages to establish a key over time?
Instead, Alice has some actually trusted software running on her
computer at home.

She can either leave it to automatically do IMAP queries against her
mailbox (which could even be GMail or what have you) and reply on her
behalf, or it could ask her to unlock her key while she's at home in
the morning having her coffee. However, I think the former is actually
preferable. We'd rather have an imperfect system that is effortless to
use but can be bypassed by physically breaking in to someone's home.
(After all if you did that you probably can bug Alice's hardware

Alice probably also needs to make sure someone isn't spoofing her
replies by accessing her IMAP box and replying for her (using a key
known to the attacker but presumably not to Alice) and then deleting
the query, but the mere absence of periodic pings from the trusted
party may be enough to create suspicion, as might doing one's own
queries against the trusted parties and noticing that the key isn't
your own.

Presumably, of course, there should be a bunch of such servers out
there -- not so many that the traffic becomes overwhelming, but not so
few that it is particularly feasible to take the system off the
air. (One can speculate about distributed versions of such systems as
well -- that's not today's topic.)

So, this system has a bunch of advantages:

1) It doesn't require that someone associated with administrators of
the domain name you're using for email has to cooperate with deploying
your key distribution solution. Alice doesn't need her managers to agree
to let her use the system -- her organization doesn't even need to
know she's turned it on. Yet, it also doesn't allow just anyone to
claim to be al...@example.org -- to put in a key, you have to show you
can receive and reply to emails sent to the mailbox.

2) You know that, if anyone is impersonating Alice, they had to have
been planning it for a while. In general, this is probably good
enough for a very large number of purposes, and much better than a
perfect system that no one ever uses.

You can always trade a key hash 

Re: [Cryptography] PRISM PROOF Email

2013-08-25 Thread Ray Dillinger

On 08/22/2013 02:36 AM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

Thanks to Snowden we now have a new term of art 'Prism-Proof', i.e. a
security scheme that is proof against state interception. Having had

 an attack by the Iranians, I am not just worried about US interception.
 Chinese and Russian intercepts should also be a concern.

We have two end to end security solutions yet Snowden used neither. If
PGP and S/MIME are too hard to use for the likes of Snowden, they are
too hard to use. The problem Snowden faced was that even if he could
grok PGP, the people sending him emails probably couldn't.

Observation:  Silent Circle and Lavabit both ran encrypted email services.
Lavabit shut down a few days ago rather than become complicit in crimes
against the American People.  I would say that's about as close as you can
skate to We're facing a court order that we're not allowed to tell you
about.  Maybe even closer; we'll be forbidden to know whether anyone
prosecutes them for violating the presumed gag order.  Silent Circle shut
down soon after, saying, We always knew the USG would come after us.
Which perhaps a little less clearly indicates a court oder they can't talk
about, but that's certainly one interpretation.

Egypt, Oman, and India refused to allow Blackberry to operate with their
end-to-end encrypted devices.  In cases where Blackberry is now allowed to
operate in those jurisdictions it is not at all clear that they are not
doing so using compromised devices whose keys shared with those governments.

Chinese military teams spent so much effort hacking at gmail and facebook
accounts, in order to ferret out dissidents, that Google was eventually
forced to cease doing business in China, and now gmail and facebook both
have some end-to-end encrypted clients.

My point I guess is that we have some evidence that Governments across the
world are directly hostile to email privacy.  Therefore any centralized server,
CA, or company providing same may expect persecution, prosecution or subversion
depending on the jurisdiction.

And it can never, ever, not in a billion years, be clear to users which if
any of those centralized servers or companies are trustworthy.  Google now
implements some end-to-end encryption for gmail but we also know that google
is among those specifically mentioned as providing metadata access to the
US government.  The exact details of Blackberry's keys in Oman, UAE,  India
are now subject to largely unknown deals and settlements.

Therefore, IMO, any possible solution to email privacy, if it is to be trusted
at all, must be pure P2P with no centralized points of failure/control and no
specialized routers etc.  And it can have no built-in gateways to SMTP.  Sure,
someone will set one up, but there simply cannot be any dependence on SMTP or
the whole thing is borked before it begins.  It is time to simply walk away
from that flaming wreckage and consider how to do email properly. S/Mime and
PGP email-body encryption both fail to protect from traffic analysis because
of underlying dependence on SMTP.  Onion routing fails to protect due to timing

So I say you must design your easy-to-use client completely replacing the
protocol layer.  No additional effort to install because this is the only
protocol it handles.

The traditional approach to making a system intercept proof is to eliminate
the intermediaries. PGP attempts to eliminate the CA but it has the unfortunate
effect on scalability. Due to the Moore bound on a minimum diameter graph, it is
only possible to have large graphs with a small diameter if you have nodes of
high degree. If every PGP key signer signs ten other people then we have to 
key chains of 6 steps to support even a million users and nine to support a
global solution of a billion users.

 My solution is to combine my 'Omnibroker' proposal currently an internet 
draft and Ben Laurie's Certificate Transparency concept.

I would start from a design in which mail is a global distributed database, with
globs that can be decrypted by use of one or more of each user's set of keys, 
all globs have expiry dates after which they cease to exist.  Routing becomes a
nonissue because routing, like old USENET, is global.  Except instead of 
message ID's, we just use dates (because timestamps are too precise) and message
hashes (because message IDs contain too much originating information).

No certificate, no broker, no routing information unless the node that first 
about the new glob has been compromised.  Each message (decrypted glob) 
contains one or more replyable addresses (public keys).

If we need more 'scalability' we could set up channels discriminated by some
nine bit or so substring of the message hash, and require senders to solve 
until they get a hash with the right nine bits to put it in the desired 
Still no routing information as such. Now Eve can tell what channel/s a user is
listening to, but the user has 

[Cryptography] Hey! You! Get off of the cloud!

2013-08-25 Thread Perry E. Metzger
[Second in a series of several posts about what is needed to make all
Internet messaging go encrypted. Again, if the contents of this post
sound unoriginal, that's because it isn't original thinking. It does
strike me as part of a larger puzzle, however, and some people may not
be familiar with all the arguments.]

I have a lot of friends who work in offices where the sysadmins are,
somewhat reasonably, hostile to the idea of their users installing or
configuring applications on their company machines.

Users in such offices have gotten quite used to using their browsers
to access web mail and chat systems -- de facto GMail and GTalk -- as
well as things like facebook messaging etc. This, and one's smart
phone, is many people's interface to the world outside work. Companies
still let you do https: to Google even if they won't let you install a
chat client locally, so that's what everyone does. (Well, lots of
people do http: but never mind that).

In any new world where everyone's messages are end to end secure and
probably transiting mix networks to prevent traffic analysis, such
users are going to have to be accommodated.

That means that their end-to-end encryption endpoint is going to have
to be on the web server they're talking to. Keys are going to have to
be on that machine, because you're not going to be able to install
software to use them on your work machine, and even if you could do
everything in javascript, you probably have relatively limited trust
for the local box and certainly not enough to leave long lived high
entropy keys on it.

Now, it is relatively easy for such a user to check that the cert for
their web mail provider doesn't come from a Bluecoat box -- no one
does, but it is kind of feasible. It is relatively difficult for
someone to bug your local machine -- hardly impossible, but not
something that is supposed to happen without the local system
administrator doing something to your machine or a remote bad guy
using malware.

On the other hand, a company that's hosting your email and chats
almost certainly will hand over encryption keys you store with them if
the government forces them to, and it is absolutely impossible to know
if this has happened. You just have to assume it has in your threat

It strikes me that the only real solution to handle this for people to
replace their router (really NAT) boxes on their cable modems with
tiny cheap servers that host their email and chats and such. Luckily,
the cost of such things has gotten very low -- a Raspberry Pi class
machine with a USB thumb drive larger than a GMail quota costs less
than a carton of cigarettes or the cheapest monthly Cable TV bill, and
such devices will only get cheaper and cheaper in the near term. It is
also feasible to make such machines insanely reliable, especially if
there's no mechanical disk involved.

(I'm of course not the first person by far to make this observation --
the FreedomBox people, among others, have been saying it for several
years. The idea is far from original.)

Sure, a bad guy can of course break into your apartment, but that's a
lot more expensive than simply getting Google or Facebook to hand over
all your communications, and hard to do on a vacuum it all basis.

With appropriate software and a friendly UI, one's Email, IM, remote
file storage and similar needs could be easily managed on such a
device with no greater difficulty than one faces in using GMail,
GTalk, Dropbox etc. That's just a question of keeping the user
interface easy.

Note that, however, this is not merely a requirement and stumbling
block -- it is also an opportunity. If everyone has such a box at
home, they've got a server, and the kinds of protocols they can
participate in to enhance their own security can be a lot more

Some additional notes:

a) Certainly, the security of a home server device is no greater than
that of the underlying software -- mass surveillance through malware
is possible. However, I presume that even there, doing so _en masse_
is dangerous to an attacker, since it leaves lots of traces. Also,
just as attackers have been improving their game, there are methods
that defenders can employ to improve security on such devices with
time -- malware is not a foregone conclusion forever, and is in some
sense a higher quality problem.

b) I'm aware that many ISPs prohibit the use of servers on their
home customer's networks, but loads of people ignore this. They also
used to prohibit (de facto) sharing connections with lots of machines,
and the arrival of commercial NAT boxes named routers made that
policy fade away as though by magic. I think they mostly don't want to
have to re-engineer their networks overnight, but in practice I doubt
a device hosting your email and some baby pictures is going to alter
traffic patterns enough to cause that anyway.

c) Even if people are happy using their smart phone to read their home
mail instead of their desktop at work, and could be persuaded 

Re: [Cryptography] PRISM PROOF Email

2013-08-25 Thread Perry E. Metzger
On Sun, 25 Aug 2013 10:37:52 -0700 Ray Dillinger b...@sonic.net
 Therefore, IMO, any possible solution to email privacy, if it is to
 be trusted at all, must be pure P2P with no centralized points of
 failure/control and no specialized routers etc.

Quite agreed. I have a long message in draft that I'll hopefully be
sending out later today on this topic.

 And it can have no built-in gateways to SMTP.  Sure, someone will
 set one up, but there simply cannot be any dependence on SMTP or
 the whole thing is borked before it begins.  It is time to simply
 walk away from that flaming wreckage and consider how to do email
 properly. S/Mime and PGP email-body encryption both fail to protect
 from traffic analysis because of underlying dependence on SMTP.

That said, as I shall propose, it is not necessary to get rid of all
our email infrastructure. In particular, RFC-2822 remains an entirely
viable thing, and I think IMAP based clients can continue to be used,
with at most small changes.

 Onion routing fails to protect due to timing attacks.

Mix networks are not onion routing, though. If you're pure peer to
peer, traffic analysis is possible. Real mix networks are now quite
feasible, however, and unlike the Tor model where one is trying to
make real time TCP connections secure, there is no need to be real
time for IM and Email -- a delay of a couple of seconds is just

 So I say you must design your easy-to-use client completely
 replacing the protocol layer.  No additional effort to install
 because this is the only protocol it handles.

I see this as a reasonable observation.

As I said, I'll be explaining the rest of my proposal (of which I've
put up the first two parts, which are reasonably independent) later.

Perry E. Metzgerpe...@piermont.com
The cryptography mailing list

[Cryptography] Email and IM are ideal candidates for mix networks

2013-08-25 Thread Perry E. Metzger
[Third in an ongoing series. Disclaimer yet again: I make few claims
of the contents here being specifically original to me. Mix networks
and the like have been discussed forever, and I'm sure others have
been having similar thoughts to this of late.]

The aim of the Tor network (which, it should be noted, is an onion
network and not a mix network in the original sense) is to provide
people with reasonably responsive end to end untraceable TCP
connections. This is a big strength when dealing with going to
arbitrary existing web sites and accessing existing services.

It is also a bit of a weakness, in that it imposes fairly strict
latency limits on what people will (de facto) put up with, and it
means that the effective limit on the system is exit node
availability. Exit node operators need a strong stomach.

However, we can note that the requirements for instant messaging and
electronic mail are somewhat distinct. Latency can't be infinite, but
several seconds is totally acceptable even for IM, and longer
(sometimes much longer) is often just fine for email.

End to end virtual streams are not necessary, either, and there is no
reason that real mix networks, complete with slicing of traffic to
uniform lengths, variable delays, cover traffic, far more hops than
Tor can afford, etc., are all quite feasible. Compared to video
traffic, IM and Email are quite trivial loads for the network -- this
also makes longer mixing paths and cover traffic quite feasible even
where they might not have been in the days when the Cypherpunks list
was young.

There is also no need per se for exit nodes. All participants in a
system can be internal nodes, since the system isn't being used for
surfing arbitrary web sites etc. Thus, the rare exit node problem
is not an issue.

So, imagine that we have the situation described by part 1 (some
universal system for mapping name@domain type identifiers into keys
with reasonable trust) and part 2 (most users having some sort of
long lived $40 device attached to their home network to act as a
home server.)

All the server nodes we postulated in part 2 could easily participate
in a mix network for exchanging instant messages and RFC-2822 style
bodies. We will presume some end to end encapsulating encryption for
these messages, and the use of standard mix network techniques for
moving the (often sliced up) bodies of these objects around the
network. The endpoints for communications are typically people's home
servers themselves (see part 2), accessed through some sort of clients
(see below).

Spam might be a terrible, terrible problem in such a network since it
could not easily be traced to a sender and thus not easily blocked,
but there's an obvious solution to that. I've been using Jabber,
Facebook and other services where all or essentially all
communications require a bi-directional decision to enable messages
for years now, and there is virtually no spam in such systems because
of it. So, require such bi-directional friending within our
postulated new messaging network -- authentication is handled by the
public keys of course. (If you want to contact someone you haven't
talked to before, you'll need an introduction or to use SMTP email,
which you probably need to keep around to handle your keys as
described in part 1 anyway.)

We probably don't want any sort of central service running this
network that could be easily disrupted, so identifier to IP address
information should probably be stored in some big honking DHT, signed
in the ID's key. Access to the DHT probably should happen in some
privacy preserving way, possibly through the mix network itself or a
PIR protocol.

It would be unpleasant, and probably the kiss of death to deployment,
if everyone had to abandon Mail.app and iMessage and Pidgin and
Outlook and all the other user interfaces of the world in order to use
this system. Do we need to re-write all the world's user interfaces to
handle this?


There's no real reason that your home server can't present you with a
SSL'ed web and SSL'ed IMAP interface to your RFC-2822 messages. You
run the box, and it has your keys anyway, so you can likely trust it.
Similarly, you can do a Web interface for instant messages, or, if
you have an existing Jabber client, you can run the Jabber client
protocol over SSL to your home server.

Additional notes:

There are probably lots of interesting denial of service modalities
available in such a network. Figuring out very clever ways to stop
them is probably a priority. Note that distinguishing cover traffic
from denial of service may get quite interesting indeed.

Similar techniques may be useful for voice traffic, but that has
interesting latency requirements, and they're hard to fulfill with a
mix network that might take arbitrary time. There's been some
interesting work by a number of people (including one of my doctoral
brothers) on this topic. It probably would require a bunch of
experimentation to get it right. On the other hand, 

Re: [Cryptography] Email and IM are ideal candidates for mix networks

2013-08-25 Thread Christian Huitema
I think we can agree that the first step is to deploy home servers, and that
the first application there would  to host communication applications. Just
doing that without much other change would already provide protection
against the silent spying that goes on in big cloud servers.

Initial deployment of anything must provide an immediate reward to the early
adopters. You cannot rely on a network effect, and that means you can
certainly not request third parties to adopt a new protocol. So better pinch
our noses and say that, of course, we will accept SMTP mail. Probably SIP as
well, and XMPP. We just need at first to make sure that the home server is
easy to deploy and maintain. Then the adopters get the immediate reward,
nobody can go through my mail archives without asking me.

The various P2P enhancements come next, once there already is a network of
home servers. The obvious one is a communication application that beats
traffic analysis by embedding its own shuffling or onion routing. I
don't think we can run anything like that directly on a phone, it would
drain the battery way too quickly.

-- Christian Huitema

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Implementations, attacks on DHTs, Mix Nets?

2013-08-25 Thread Ralph Holz
On 08/25/2013 09:12 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
 For some research on communications privacy I'm doing at the moment,
 I'm interested in learning about the state of the art of DHT systems
 and mix network systems. I'd like to know both which systems are

Can you rephrase whether you want info about DHT systems that are
related to some kind of mix system (e.g. GNUnet), or whether you simply
want to know about common DHT systems. If the latter, what kind of
attacks are you after? Eclipse?


Ralph Holz
I8 - Network Architectures and Services
Technische Universität München
Phone +
PGP: A805 D19C E23E 6BBB E0C4  86DC 520E 0C83 69B0 03EF
The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Email and IM are ideal candidates for mix networks

2013-08-25 Thread Perry E. Metzger
On Sun, 25 Aug 2013 16:04:59 -0700 Christian Huitema
huit...@huitema.net wrote:
 I think we can agree that the first step is to deploy home servers,
 and that the first application there would  to host communication
 applications. Just doing that without much other change would
 already provide protection against the silent spying that goes on
 in big cloud servers.
 Initial deployment of anything must provide an immediate reward to
 the early adopters. You cannot rely on a network effect, and that
 means you can certainly not request third parties to adopt a new
 protocol. So better pinch our noses and say that, of course, we
 will accept SMTP mail. Probably SIP as well, and XMPP. We just need
 at first to make sure that the home server is easy to deploy and
 maintain. Then the adopters get the immediate reward, nobody can
 go through my mail archives without asking me.

I do not disagree, and given a home server, supporting whatever
protocols are popular is merely a matter of software. One reason I
split that proposal (more to come!) into multiple messages was
because I think the issues are somewhat distinct, and home servers
would be of use regardless. 

That said, I personally don't need much of a network effect to make
things like secure IM useful to me. I exchange instant messages all
day long, but only with about a dozen people for the most part.
I don't need the whole world to switch to a new IM system for me to be
much happier, just that dozen people.

My email network is somewhat wider, but even there, I'd get
incremental benefit from a new protocol. The trick is to make it easy
to do the old and the new at the same time. Most IMAP and Jabber
clients will happily handle multiple accounts, however, so I don't
even have to choose if the client access protocol remains the same.

 The various P2P enhancements come next, once there already is a
 network of home servers. The obvious one is a communication
 application that beats traffic analysis by embedding its own
 shuffling or onion routing. I don't think we can run anything
 like that directly on a phone, it would drain the battery way too

It might not if the total traffic was quite low (even if my IM
traffic in bytes or packets was 10x larger because of a mix network
participation, it would still be tiny compared to even a couple of
phone calls a day). Still, I tend to agree that home nodes make
better mix participants.

Perry E. Metzgerpe...@piermont.com
The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Implementations, attacks on DHTs, Mix Nets?

2013-08-25 Thread Perry E. Metzger
On Sun, 25 Aug 2013 21:33:42 +0200 Ralph Holz
ralph-cryptometz...@ralphholz.de wrote:
 On 08/25/2013 09:12 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
  For some research on communications privacy I'm doing at the
  moment, I'm interested in learning about the state of the art of
  DHT systems and mix network systems. I'd like to know both which
  systems are
 Can you rephrase whether you want info about DHT systems that are
 related to some kind of mix system (e.g. GNUnet), or whether you
 simply want to know about common DHT systems. If the latter, what
 kind of attacks are you after? Eclipse?

My knowledge of the field is pretty spotty in general as I've never
paid much attention up until now -- mostly I know about how people
have built DHTs in non-hostile environments. I'm close enough to
starting from scratch that I don't know yet what I don't know.

Perry E. Metzgerpe...@piermont.com
The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Implementations, attacks on DHTs, Mix Nets?

2013-08-25 Thread Christian Huitema
 My knowledge of the field is pretty spotty in general as I've never paid
 attention up until now -- mostly I know about how people have built DHTs
 non-hostile environments. I'm close enough to starting from scratch that I
 know yet what I don't know.

I studied such systems intensely, and designed some
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer_Name_Resolution_Protocol). Using a
distributed hash table securely is really hard. The basic idea of DHT is
that information is spread on the network based on matches between the hash
of a resource identifier and the hash of a node identifier. All nodes are
effectively relying on every other node. In an open network, that is pretty
much equivalent to relying on the goodness of strangers. You can be sure
that if our buddies at the NSA set up to watch the content of a DHT, they
will succeed.

-- Christian Huitema

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Implementations, attacks on DHTs, Mix Nets?

2013-08-25 Thread Perry E. Metzger
On Sun, 25 Aug 2013 16:42:57 -0700 Christian Huitema
huit...@huitema.net wrote:
 I studied such systems intensely, and designed some
 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer_Name_Resolution_Protocol). Using
 a distributed hash table securely is really hard. The basic idea of
 DHT is that information is spread on the network based on matches
 between the hash of a resource identifier and the hash of a node
 identifier. All nodes are effectively relying on every other node.
 In an open network, that is pretty much equivalent to relying on
 the goodness of strangers. You can be sure that if our buddies at
 the NSA set up to watch the content of a DHT, they will succeed.

That is not my worry. Signing the data posted to the DHT can prevent
spoofing, querying it over a mix network or using a PIR protocol can
prevent eavesdropping. I'm more worried about various sorts of denial
of service attacks, or service being shut down by inadvertent

Perry E. Metzgerpe...@piermont.com
The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Implementations, attacks on DHTs, Mix Nets?

2013-08-25 Thread Christian Huitema
 That is not my worry. Signing the data posted to the DHT can prevent
 querying it over a mix network or using a PIR protocol can prevent
 eavesdropping. I'm more worried about various sorts of denial of service
 attacks, or service being shut down by inadvertent behavior.

Of course the data can be signed, encrypted, etc. But the rule of the game
is that the adversary can manufacture as many peers as they want --
something known as the Sybil attack. They can then perform various forms of

For example, the connectivity of the DHT generally relies on connectivity
between nodes of similar indices. The attackers can research hashes that
fall very near the hash of the target node, add the corresponding nodes in
the DHT, and effectively place themselves in the path of DHT traffic meant
for the target node. This enables passive traffic analysis, and active
denial of service.

Another potential attack is to get node indices close to that of a popular
resource, effectively becoming the repository of record for that resource.
Again, that enables passive traffic analysis, e.g. finding who accesses a
specific resource, and also active denial of service attacks.

If the attackers can manufacture enough virtual nodes, they obtain control
of the network. They can use that passively for global traffic analysis.
They can also engineer selective disruption, inject traffic to DOS specific
nodes, and other fun games.

Bottom line, anonymous DHT are fragile.

If we want something robust, we have to forgo the mathematical elegance of
the DHT, and adopt a network structure in which nodes only connect to peers
that they trust. You could call that networks of friends. That removes the
nice O(log N) properties of the DHT, and it becomes hard to guarantee that
all queries will converge. But the network becomes much harder to penetrate.
The old Freenet had a structure like that.

-- Christian Huitema

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Implementations, attacks on DHTs, Mix Nets?

2013-08-25 Thread James A. Donald

On 2013-08-26 11:04 AM, Christian Huitema wrote:

Of course the data can be signed, encrypted, etc. But the rule of the game
is that the adversary can manufacture as many peers as they want --
something known as the Sybil attack. They can then perform various forms of

We need, and have not designed, a good distributed reputation system, 
resting on Zooko's triangle and a large global hash tree that provides 
an unfalsifiable past history of the past conduct of key holders.

Such a global hash tree requires, like bitcoin, a solution to the 
Byzantine Generals Problem - a known hard problem that is nonetheless 

A distributed reputation system can also provide things like debt based 
money that provides an incentive for seeding - for providing storage of 
interesting content as well as an incentive for upload bandwidth of 
interesting content.  Bittorrent provides an upload bandwidth incentive, 
but no storage incentive.

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Email and IM are ideal candidates for mix networks

2013-08-25 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Aug 25, 2013, at 6:28 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
[Commenting on just one minor piece]
 ...Similar techniques may be useful for voice traffic, but that has
 interesting latency requirements, and they're hard to fulfill with a
 mix network that might take arbitrary time. There's been some
 interesting work by a number of people (including one of my doctoral
 brothers) on this topic. It probably would require a bunch of
 experimentation to get it right. On the other hand, anything might be
 better than what we have now for voice traffic, which is essentially
 zero privacy from the operators of most of the services.
There's another problem with voice:  People have come to expect services beyond 
the old point-to-point conversations that the traditional phone network 
provided.  Group conferences are now very much an expected part of on-line 
voice services.  These actually require fairly sophisticated processing of the 
audio to balance levels, avoid or suppress echoes, and so on.  The only 
implementation techniques available today require a central server with access 
to cleartext voice streams.  Not only does the server need to be trusted to 
handle the cleartext voice streams, it has to be trusted to do all the 
authentication - what comes out of the system doesn't usually match what went 
in from any one endpoint.

Multi-way chat has similar, if much simpler, problems.

On the rare occasions these problems (or even multi-party video conferencing) 
get mentioned, someone usually suggests using homomorphic cryptography.  
Besides being way too expensive to be practical at the moment, it's not even 
clear to me that it provides a useful kind of security.  What kind of 
authentication model could such a system implement?  Without it, what's to 
prevent a rogue server from inserting its own voice into the conversation?

There are probably a couple of nice PhD dissertations in here

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Email and IM are ideal candidates for mix networks

2013-08-25 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Aug 25, 2013, at 7:04 PM, Christian Huitema wrote:

 I think we can agree that the first step is to deploy home servers, and that
 the first application there would  to host communication applications. Just
 doing that without much other change would already provide protection
 against the silent spying that goes on in big cloud servers.
 Initial deployment of anything must provide an immediate reward to the early
 adopters. You cannot rely on a network effect, and that means you can
 certainly not request third parties to adopt a new protocol. So better pinch
 our noses and say that, of course, we will accept SMTP mail. Probably SIP as
 well, and XMPP. We just need at first to make sure that the home server is
 easy to deploy and maintain. Then the adopters get the immediate reward,
 nobody can go through my mail archives without asking me.
I agree, and have suggested this as the right next step for a couple of 
years.  (For services like mail, it's the right next step *even without the 
security considerations*.  At one time, everyone who wanted to run use mail ran 
his own mail server.  This was a pain to do, and didn't work well in a world of 
intermittent network connectivity and small disks.  Letting someone else figure 
out how to keep sendmail working, provide a continuous on-line presence, back 
up the disks, and so on, was a clear win.

Today, however, pretty much everyone (well, at least in the first world; but 
the problems elsewhere are of an entirely different nature anyway) has a 
continuous, immensely fast (relative to the demands of mail) internet 
connection, disk is too cheap to meter, machines run of years with no 
maintenance, and you can back everything up using readily-available tools to 
encrypted copies in the cloud, or on friend's system.  What's been missing is 
the ability to configure your local mail server as easily as you set up an 
email address at Google or Yahoo or at any other provider.  But that's a 
solvable problem.

On the flip side, mail systems like gMail or Yahoo mail are complex and 
difficult to run *exactly because they are immense*.  But what are they getting 
for that size?  There are no economies of scale here - in fact, there are clear 

Even without the recent uproar over email privacy, at some point, someone was 
going to come up with a product along the following lines:  Buy a cheap, 
preconfigured box with an absurd amount of space (relative to the huge 
amounts of space, like 10GB, the current services give you); then sign up for a 
service that provides your MX record and on-line, encrypted backup space for a 
small monthly fee.  (Presumably free services to do the same would also appear, 
perhaps from some of the dynamic DNS providers.)  What's the value add of one 
of the giant providers?

 The various P2P enhancements come next, once there already is a network of
 home servers. The obvious one is a communication application that beats
 traffic analysis by embedding its own shuffling or onion routing.
A single-purpose appliance - a box that has exactly two open ports on the 
Internet, one for SMTP and one for IMAP, with management over a physically 
separate interface, would have a tiny attack surface and could be very secure.  
The more interfaces you put on the box, the less secure it gets.

Maybe you can play games with virtualization - not the kind of virtualization 
that's used today, with all kinds of hooks for efficient sharing, but 
virtualization specifically for security, with as little sharing as possible 
(e.g., completely separate virtual disks; so what if you duplicate stuff, 
programs and such are tiny relative to disk sizes today).

*The* biggest headache is HTTP support.  Even the simplest modern HTTP server 
is so complex you can never be reasonably sure it's secure (though, granted, 
it's simpler than a browser!)  You'd want to stay simple and primitive.

Probably the biggest threat to such a device is a rogue update that installs 
malware.  You can try to mitigate that risk by requiring that all updates be 
signed by multiple independent parties who vet the patch, but there are 
difficult tradeoffs:  Too few checkers, and a rogue patch can get through; too 
many, and if a severe problem develops, you can't get a patch out quickly.

I think the goal to aim for is no patches!  Keep the device and its interfaces 
simple enough that you can get a decent formal proof of correctness, along with 
a ton of careful review and testing (per Don Knuth's comment somewhere to Be 
careful of the following code, I've only proved it correct, not tested it) and 
then *leave it alone*.  If you don't think you can do without patches for the 
whole thing, maybe you can have a non-patched security kernel, with patches 
only to portions that cannot break your security guarantees.  (Yes, this is 
also a hard problem.)

An important element of a secure design is some sort of obliviousness.  A mail 
server doesn't, on its own, need to 

Re: [Cryptography] Traffic Analysis (was Re: PRISM PROOF Email)

2013-08-25 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
There has to be a layered approach.

Traffic analysis is probably going to demand steganography and that is
almost by definition outside standards work.

The part of Prism that I consider to be blatantly unconstitutional is that
they keep all the emails so that they can search them years later should
the need arise. Strikes me that is the type of sophistry that John Yoo used
when he wrote those memos claiming that torture isn't torture.

There will be a reckoning in the end. Takes about twenty to thirty years
before the point is reached that nobody in the establishment has a reason
to protect the war criminals of years past.

I have a little theory about the reason the CIA engineered coups were so
successful from 53 to 73 and then suddenly stopped working. Seems to me
that the CIA would have been nuts to try operation Ajax without some very
powerful intel like being able to break the Persian codes. CIa stopped
being able to mount those exercises after electronic ciphers were

Given how the NSA used their powers last time round to topple democracies
and install dictators I don't think they deserve a second chance.

On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 3:34 PM, Perry E. Metzger pe...@piermont.comwrote:

 On Fri, 23 Aug 2013 09:38:21 -0700 Carl Ellison c...@acm.org wrote:
  Meanwhile PRISM was more about metadata than content, right? How
  are we going to prevent traffic analysis worldwide?

 The best technology for that is mix networks.

 At one point, early in the cypherpunks era, mix networks were
 something of an expensive idea. Now, however, everyone in sight is
 connected 24x7 to the internet. Similarly, at one point, bandwidthwas
 scarce, but now, most traffic is video, and even if instant messages
 and email equivalents took many hops through the network, the
 bandwidth used (except for mobiles, which need not be interior mix
 nodes per se) is negligible.

 Perry E. Metzgerpe...@piermont.com
 The cryptography mailing list

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