Fwd: Protection mail at rest

2008-06-02 Thread Adam Aviv
I recently implemented SSARES directly in python and also added
parallelism to the searching. We can now search the a large inbox
(1000+) messages in about 2-4 minutes. Technically, this could be done
on a large scale and be practical, since my implementation is not
fully optimized nor free of bugs.

The implementation is available on my web site,
as well as some current benchmarks.

I am not a cryptographer (so implementation may not be perfect), nor
do I guarantee that the code doesn't have bugs. This is grad-ware and
for research purposes only. Yet, as a proof of concept, feel free to
play around with it and let me know what you think. I can supply more
python scripts for searching and what not if anyone wants.



On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 8:09 PM, Angelos D. Keromytis
> A more recent version, which appeared at ACSAC in December 2007 can be found
> at:
> http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~angelos/Papers/2007/SSARES_ACSAC.pdf
> Since then, the student primarily working on this(*) has improved
> performance to the point of being able to search a couple of email messages
> per minute or so, with further scope for improvement. The very large storage
> overhead remains, but can probably be reduced by half or so.
> (*) Adam Aviv; he was an undergrad at Columbia, now pursuing his Phd with
> Matt Blaze at UPenn...
> -Angelos
> On Jun 1, 2008, at 8:53 AM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
>> "Leichter, Jerry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> Does anyone know of existing work in this area?
>> "SSARES: Secure Searchable Automated Remote Email Storage"
>> by Keromytis et al,
>> http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~angelos/Papers/2006/SSARES_short.pdf
>> There is probably other work out there. In some small part, this also
>> looks like the problem that Matt Blaze's CFS addressed, though in that
>> case it was to deal with untrusted remote file servers rather than
>> email servers.
>> Perry
> -
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Adam Aviv
Ph. D. Candidate
Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania

Adam Aviv
Ph. D. Candidate
Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania

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Re: Fwd: Protection mail at rest

2008-06-03 Thread Adam Aviv
I agree with you, that this is not nearly fast enough.

However, this is 10 times faster then our original results, where we
were searching 100 emails in about the same amount of time. With
production code, some more optimization, esp. client side
optimizations (i.e. message caching when possible), and increased
parallelism, it may just be possible to reach the 4x faster searches a
heavy user like yourself would need. I am just not a good enough coder
to write it myself, but I believe that it can be done.


On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 10:42 PM, Greg Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2008-06-02, Adam Aviv wrote:
>> I recently implemented SSARES directly in python and also added
>> parallelism to the searching. We can now search the a large inbox
>> (1000+) messages in about 2-4 minutes.
> Not to rain on your parade, but 1,000 messages is *not* a large inbox
> and 2 to 4 minutes is a very long time to wait.  You'd need to make this
> two orders of magnitude faster before it would have a hope of being
> interesting.  (And for me, it would have to be at least four orders of
> magnitude faster before I could consider it to be useful.)
> Greg

Adam Aviv
Ph. D. Candidate
Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Fwd: Protection mail at rest

2008-06-03 Thread Adam Aviv
[Moderator's note: Please don't top post. --Perry]

Depending on the level of protection you want, you could just add a
script to your .forward to encrypt your email before delivery using
PGP/GPG. However, this will leave the headers in the clear, so you
will likely want to create an entirely new envelope for the message
with the original message encrypted as the body or an attachment. But
then you will need a thunderbird extension to unwrap the encrypted
original email out of the body, and store the message locally
unencrypted so that you can search.

The problem comes when you start accessing your email from multiple
locations. At one place you have built up a large cache of unencrypted
messages and you can use them in the normal way, but when you access
from another machine or a blackberry, the lack of cache will greatly
hinder your performance. This is the reason we wanted to not only have
the client cache capability to searching, but also a server side
mechanism to compensate when accessing from multiple locations.


On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Nate Lawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greg Black wrote:
>> On 2008-06-02, Adam Aviv wrote:
>>> I recently implemented SSARES directly in python and also added
>>> parallelism to the searching. We can now search the a large inbox
>>> (1000+) messages in about 2-4 minutes.
>> Not to rain on your parade, but 1,000 messages is *not* a large inbox
>> and 2 to 4 minutes is a very long time to wait.  You'd need to make this
>> two orders of magnitude faster before it would have a hope of being
>> interesting.  (And for me, it would have to be at least four orders of
>> magnitude faster before I could consider it to be useful.)
> Thunderbird, at least, downloads imap mail locally for searching.  So all I
> need is the automatic public key encryption on the server side (no
> searching).  Is there such an application already?
> --
> Nate

Adam Aviv
Ph. D. Candidate
Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Protection mail at rest

2008-06-04 Thread Adam Aviv
On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 4:37 PM, Eric Cronin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 3, 2008, at 11:51 AM, Adam Aviv wrote:
>> Depending on the level of protection you want, you could just add a
>> script to your .forward to encrypt your email before delivery using
>> PGP/GPG. However, this will leave the headers in the clear, so you
>> will likely want to create an entirely new envelope for the message
>> with the original message encrypted as the body or an attachment.
> Does anybody have a recipe for this first mode handy?  plain text e-mails
> seem simple enough, but there needs to be a bit of MIME unwrapping and
> rewrapping to correctly handle attachments so that the client sees/decrypts
> them correctly I think.  I've searched from time to time and never found a
> good HowTo...
> Thanks,
> Eric

I have written a script that does that in python, as part of the email
handling for the project. It encrypts each message part separately and
then construct a new email with each encrypted part as the payload of
a new MIME multipart message. Contained within is also the encrypted
session key, and necessary info to reconstruct. On the client side,
the message can then be unwrap, decrypted, and the original email
reconstructed. Or the client can request just the headers, the body,
or any attachment (becomes iffy with a combination of 'text/plain' and
'text/html' content type) instead of the entire message.

Depending on how you want to do the wrapping (if you want to meet some
optimization like headers can be requested before the rest of the
message), then the simplest approach is, if a MIME multipart message,
to work with each part individually and encrypt. I decided to encrypt
the headers for each part separatly from the payload, so that the
client can see what the message contains before actually decrypting
it. But, different approaches can be taken depending on the end goal
(i.e. just encrypt the whole thing into a glob, and download the glob
and decrypt it on the client directly into a mbox or maildir that is
locally served).


Adam Aviv
Ph. D. Candidate
Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Teaching Cryptography to 5th graders

2010-03-23 Thread Adam Aviv
I saw this post on Avi Rubin's blog today about his preparation for
teaching a class of 5th graders cryptographic principles.


It is a nice post, and I thought the list would be interested despite
the lack of eliptic curve cryptography in the lesson plan.
I am at least excited to hear how it went.


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Fwd: Re: new tech report on easy-to-use IPsec

2010-08-11 Thread Adam Aviv
I think the list may get a kick out of this.

The tech-report was actually posted on the list previously, which is
where I found it. Link included for completeness.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: new tech report on easy-to-use IPsec
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 21:36:47 -0400
From: Steven Bellovin 
To: Adam Aviv 

On Jul 28, 2010, at 9:29 51PM, Adam Aviv wrote:
> I couldn't help but notice this nugget of wisdom in your report:
> [quote]
> Public key infrastructures (PKIs) are surrounded by a great
> mystique. Organizations are regularly told that they are complex,
> require ultra-high security, and perhaps are best outsourced to
> competent parties. Setting up a certifcate authority (CA) requires a
> "ceremony", a term with a technical meaning [13] but nevertheless
> redolent of high priests in robes, acolytes with censers, and
> more. This may or may not be true in general; for most IPsec uses,
> however, little of this is accurate. (High priests and censers are
> defnitely not needed; we are uncertain about the need for acolytes
> ...)

Peter Gutmann told me privately that he thinks the alternate model
involves human sacrifices and perhaps a goat...

--Steve Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb

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