Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-03 Thread Alan Braggins

On 02/10/13 18:42, Arnold Reinhold wrote:

On 1 Oct 2013 23:48 Jerry Leichter wrote:

The larger the construction project, the tighter the limits on this stuff.  I used to work with a former structural 
engineer, and he repeated some of the "bad example" stories they are taught.  A famous case a number of years 
back involved a hotel in, I believe, Kansas City.  The hotel had a large, open atrium, with two levels of concrete 
"skyways" for walking above.  The "skyways" were hung from the roof.  As the structural engineer 
specified their attachment, a long threaded steel rod ran from the roof, through one skyway - with the skyway held on 
by a nut - and then down to the second skyway, also held on by a nut.  The builder, realizing that he would have to 
thread the nut for the upper skyway up many feet of rod, made a "minor" change:  He instead used two threaded 
rods, one from roof to upper skyway, one from upper skyway to lower skyway.  It's all the same, right?  Well, no:  In 
the original design, the upper nut holds the weight of just the upper skyway.  In the m



fied version, it holds the weight of *both* skyways.  The upper fastening 
failed, the structure collapsed, and as I recall several people on the skyways 
at the time were killed.  So ... not even a factor of two safety margin there.  
(The take-away from the story as delivered to future structural engineers was 
*not* that there wasn't a large enough safety margin - the calculations were 
accurate and well within the margins used in building such structures.  The 
issue was that no one checked that the structure was actually built as 

This would be the 1981 Kansas City Hyatt Regency walkway collapse 

Which says of the original design: "Investigators determined eventually 
that this design supported only 60 percent of the minimum load required 
by Kansas City building codes.[19]", though the reference seems to be a 
dead link. (And as built it supported 30% or the required minimum.)

So even if it had been built as designed, the safety margin would not
have been "well within the margins used in building such structures".

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] RSA recommends against use of its own products.

2013-09-25 Thread Alan Braggins
On 24 September 2013 17:01, Jerry Leichter  wrote:
> On Sep 23, 2013, at 4:20 AM, ianG  wrote:

>>> ...  But they made Dual EC DRBG the default ...
>> At the time this default was chosen (2005 or thereabouts), it was *not* a 
>> "mistake".
  "Problems with Dual_EC_DRBG were first described in early 2006"

With hindsight, it was definitely a mistake. The questions are whether
they could or should
have known it was a mistake at the time and whether the NSA played any
part in the mistake,
and whether they should have warned users and changed the default well
before now.

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] The hypothetical random number generator backdoor

2013-09-25 Thread Alan Braggins
On 23 September 2013 01:09, Phillip Hallam-Baker  wrote:
> So we think there is 'some kind' of backdoor in a random number generator.
> One question is how the EC math might make that possible. Another is how
> might the door be opened.

Are you talking about
or hypothetical RNGs in general, maybe not even EC based?

> I was thinking about this and it occurred to me that it is fairly easy to
> get a public SSL server to provide a client with a session key - just ask to
> start a session.

For an RSA key exchange without ephemeral DH, the _client_ generates
the premaster secret from which the session key is derived.

However, ClientHello and ServerHello both contain random numbers sent
before key exchange. If you are intercepting traffic, you have a nonce generated
shortly before the session key generation for every key exchange, even without
starting sessions of your own.

Possibly you can use the client nonces to reduce the search space for
the session
keys (and if it's an RC4 session key, maybe the biases in RC4 help?).
(Or, if using DHE, maybe it helps find DH private keys.)

And possibly if you have server nonces based on the same PRNG seed as was
used when the RSA key was generated, you can search for the RSA key.

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] What TLS ciphersuites are still OK?

2013-09-11 Thread Alan Braggins

On 10/09/13 15:58, james hughes wrote:

On Sep 9, 2013, at 9:10 PM, Tony Arcieri>> wrote:

On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Ben Laurie>> wrote:

And the brief summary is: there's only one ciphersuite left that's
good, and unfortunately its only available in TLS 1.2:


A lot of people don't like GCM either ;)

Yes, GCM does have implementation sensitivities particularly around the
IV generation. That being said, the algorithm is better than most and
the implementation sensitivity obvious (don't ever reuse an IV).

I think the difficulty of getting a fast constant time implementation on
platforms without AES-NI type hardware support are more of a concern.

The cryptography mailing list

Re: Lava lamp random number generator made useful?

2008-09-24 Thread Alan
On Tue, 2008-09-23 at 00:09 -0700, Jon Callas wrote:
> >> A cheap USB camera would make a good source.
> >> The cheaper the better, too. Pull a frame off,
> >> hash it, and it's got entropy, even against a
> >> white background. No lava lamp needed.
> >
> > I sort of agree, but I feel cautious about recommending that people
> > use their holiday snaps.  And then post them on line...  if you see
> > where I am going :)
> >
> > But it is a good suggestion.
> That's not at all what I suggested. There are so many ways that one  
> can creatively screw up reasonable cryptographic advice that I don't  
> think it's worth bothering with.
> The point is that if you take a cheap 640x480 (or 320x240) webcam and  
> point it against a photographic grey card, there's going to be a lot  
> of noise in it, and this noise is at its bottom quantum in nature.  
> Thus, there's a lot of entropy in that noise. Photographic engineers  
> work *hard* to remove that noise, and you pay for a lack of noise.
> I'm willing to bet that if I give you hashes of frames, knowing this  
> process, you can't get pre-images. I'll bet that you can't get pre- 
> images even if I let you put a similar camera next to the one I'm  
> using. In short, I'm willing to bet that a cheap camera is a decent  
> random number source, even if you try to control the image source, to  
> the tune of 128-256 bits of entropy per frame.
> No lava lamps are needed, no weird hardware. Just use the noise in a  
> CCD.

Another option would be to use noise.  If you have a webcam, you also
have some sort of sound input usually.  Crappy microphones will give you
all sorts of hashable input.  (My non-webcam enabled laptop has two tiny
microphones above the screen.  It would be good to put them to some
use...)  And is it every truly quiet?  Not certain how long of a sample
you would need.  I suspect not that long.

"To generate a random seed, please scream at your computer for 30

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"usable security" at

2008-09-09 Thread Alan Barrett has launched a new password management service intended
to make it easy to login to participating web sites.  However, I don't
see any details of the protocols or algorithms.  In particular, I don't
see any mention of whether or not the system even attempts to prevent
people with access to the servers at from having the ability
to impersonate users of the service.

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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Re: Question on export issues

2008-01-03 Thread Alan

On Sun, 2007-12-30 at 08:30 -0500, Richard Salz wrote:
> In my personal experience, if you are developing a mass-market item with 
> conventional crypto (e.g., SSL, S/MIME, etc ) then it is fairly routine to 
> get a commodity export license which lets you sell globally.
> Disclaimers abound, including that I'm not a lawyer and certainly don't 
> speak for IBM.

My question was more on the lines of "what gets rejected", not "what
does it take to do it".

Is there some technology that they are so afraid of that they still
won't let it ship or does it just matter who you are, not what it is?

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Question on export issues

2007-12-29 Thread Alan
What are the rules these days on crypto exports.  Is a review still
required?  If so, what gets rejected?

Just wondering...  I have people at work ask me what the rules are and I
have not kept up with them.  If GnuPG can ship, what gets rejected?  Is
there some magic cryptotech I am not aware of?  (Or is it just theater at
this point?)

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Re: More on in-memory zeroisation

2007-12-14 Thread Alan Barrett
On Tue, 11 Dec 2007, Leichter, Jerry wrote:
> You can almost, but not quite, get the desired effect for memory zero-
> ization with "volatile".

I thought that this was guaranteed to work:

volatile char buf[SIZE];
/* ... do stuff with buf ... */
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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Re: using SRAM state as a source of randomness

2007-09-18 Thread alan

On Tue, 18 Sep 2007, James A. Donald wrote:

Using SRAM as a source of either randomness or unique
device ID is fragile.  It might well work, but one
cannot know with any great confidence that it is going
to work.  It might work fine for every device for a
year, and then next batch arrives, and it completely
fails.  Worse still, it might work fine on the test
batch, and then on the production run fail in ways that
are subtle and not immediately obvious.

And you might get better results from cheaper ram which may fail more 
often.  (Adding a different sort of randomness.)

I have a friend who is a hardware engineer who is preparing a talk on just 
this sort of issue with the state of DRAM chips.  It will be interesting 
to see what he says.  (For those people in Portland, OR, it will be given 
at the PLUG Advanced Topics meeting sometime early next year.)

Never trust a queue structure designed by a cryptographer.

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Re: How the Greek cellphone network was tapped.

2007-07-10 Thread alan

On Mon, 9 Jul 2007, Florian Weimer wrote:

* Ian Farquhar:

Crypto has been an IP minefield for some years.  With the expiry of
certain patents, and the availability of other unencumbered crypto
primitives (eg. AES), we may see this change.  But John's other
points are well made, and still valid.  Downloadable MP3 ring tones
are a selling point.  E2E security isn't (although I've got to
wonder about certain teenage demographics... :)

It's also an open question whether network operators subject to
interception requirements can legally offer built-in E2E encryption
capabilities without backdoors.

Makes me wonder how this will effect the OpenMoko phone if someone builds 
an encryption layer for it. (OpenMoko is a totally open sourced phone.)

I am still trying to convince my wife to let me get a developers kit for 

"ANSI C says access to the padding fields of a struct is undefined.
ANSI C also says that struct assignment is a memcpy. Therefore struct
assignment in ANSI C is a violation of ANSI C..."
  - Alan Cox

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"Verified by VISA" looks phishy

2006-12-04 Thread Alan Barrett
I tried to renew a domain name registration and pay by credit card,
and encountered a nasty problem with (some implementations of?) a
service called "Verified by VISA", which is nominally intended to secure
Internet credit card transactions.

The domain name registrar asked what domains I wanted to renew, and
redirected my browser to a third party credit card payment service.  So
far so good: the domain name registrar told me "you will be redirected

The payment service confirmed the amount to be paid, asked
for my credit card number and a few other details, and told
me that I would be redirected to my bank to confirm my PIN
number.  But I was not redirected to my bank, I was redirected to
The web site claimed to be part of a system called
"Verified by VISA", and asked me for the PIN that I use for ATM
transactions with my credit card.

The problems with this include:

  1) Locating the verification web site at a domain name not associated
 with the bank looks phishy.

  2) Telling customers not to worry about (1) trains them to be more
 vulnerable to phishing.

  3) Providing both the ATM PIN and the card number to the verification
 web site enables fraud by insiders, is possibly a violation of the
 cardholder's contractual requirement to keep the PIN secret, and is
 a violation of the ordinary prudent desire to keep the PIN secret.

  4) Telling customers not to worry about (3) trains them to take less
 good care of their PIN.

I phoned my bank, and talked to somebody who could not understand
the problem: "See the lock icon?  That means its secure."  I have
subsequently tried to explain the problem to the bank via email.  I
asked them to: use the bank's domain name, not; use a
unique PIN instead of re-using the ATM PIN; use one time passwords
instead of PINs.  I haven't had a response to my suggestions.

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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Re: Hamiltonian path as protection against DOS.

2006-08-20 Thread alan

On Tue, 15 Aug 2006, Bill Stewart wrote:

Crypto is usually about economics and scalability.

If you're doing this for DOS/DDOS prevention,
you don't need the NP-completeness perfection you get from
Hamiltonian paths or similar problems - SHA is fine,
or any other hash that's quick to verify and
hard to reverse.  Even MD5 is probably still ok...
Calculating any of the hashes probably takes less time than
handling the packets does.

It's almost certainly better for you if they harass you by
sending you bogus SHA pieces that you can process quickly
than bogus DH pieces that take you a while,
and if it's not too distributed an attack,
you can also blacklist senders IP addresses.

But if the packets are forged, wouldn't that turn it into a different kind 
of DOS?

If I can get you to blacklist Alice by sending n forged attack packages, 
then my DOS succeeded, if my goal is to deny a connection between you and 

"I want to live just long enough to see them cut off Darl's head and
 stick it on a pike as a reminder to the next ten generations that some
 things come at too high a price. I would look up into his beady eyes and
 wave, like this... (*wave*!). Can your associates arrange that for me,
 Mr. McBride?"
  - Vir "Flounder" Kotto, Sr. VP, IBM Empire.

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Re: Crypto to defend chip IP: snake oil or good idea?

2006-07-26 Thread alan

On Tue, 25 Jul 2006, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

EE Times is carrying the following story:

It is about attempts to use cryptography to protect chip designs from
untrustworthy fabrication facilities, including a technology from

Unlike ordinary DRM, which I think can largely work in so far as it
merely provides a (low) barrier to stop otherwise honest people from
copying something they find inexpensive in the first place, it seems
to me that efforts like this are doomed.

It is one thing if you're just trying to keep most people honest about
something that doesn't cost much money, and another if you're trying
to protect something worth millions of dollars from people with
extremely sophisticated reverse engineering equipment. In particular,
people who operate fabs are also in possession of exquisitely good
equipment for analyzing the chips they've made so they can figure out
process problems, and the "key injection" equipment Certicom is making
could easily be suborned as well.

I'd be interested in other people's thoughts on this. Can you use DRM
to protect something worth not eight dollars but eight million?

This has already been attempted with video game machines back in the 80s 
and with consoles like the X-Box more recently.  In both cases, the 
encryption made it more difficult, but not impossible.

There seems to be this idea that if we just use enough DRM, or enough 
encryption, we can overcome its weaknesses.  It is like saying if we wish 
for something hard enough we can overcome the laws of nature.  (And if it 
didn't happen, we did not wish hard enough.)

But enough about US foreign policy...

"I want to live just long enough to see them cut off Darl's head and
 stick it on a pike as a reminder to the next ten generations that some
 things come at too high a price. I would look up into his beady eyes and
 wave, like this... (*wave*!). Can your associates arrange that for me,
 Mr. McBride?"
  - Vir "Flounder" Kotto, Sr. VP, IBM Empire.

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Re: NSA knows who you've called.

2006-05-13 Thread alan

On Fri, 12 May 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

"Perry E. Metzger" writes:
| And a personal note to you all:
| Let me again remind people that if you do not inform your elected
| representatives of your displeasure with this sort of thing,
| eventually you will not be in a position to inform them of your
| displeasure with this sort of thing.


While I agree with you, the public does not,
so far as I can tell, find itself willing to
risk insecurity for the benefit of preserving
privacy, as this article in today's Boston
Globe would tend to confirm.

  Most put security ahead of privacy
  (By Bruce Mohl, Globe Staff)
  Mark Jellison, a Verizon customer in Quincy, isn't fazed that his
  phone company may have turned over his calling records and those of
  millions of others to the National Security Agency as part of an
  effort to thwart terrorism.


Probably because most Americans believe they are being spied on anyways. 
(And have for a very long time.)

I find it interesting that the question is always about "fighting 
terrorism".  I am willing to bet you would get different answers if the 
question was phrased as "Should a president be allowed to carry out 
massive wiretaps to spy on his political enemies?"

I have seen NO proof that this spying was limited, or even directed 
towards, "terrorists".  (Unless Democrats, peace activists, eco-freaks, 
hackers, and the like are now considered "Terrorists".) Since there is no 
oversight allowed, we must assume that this effort has more to do with 
rooting out and destroying threats to the President than it does to actual 
threats to the security of the country.

"Waiter! This lambchop tastes like an old sock!" - Sheri Lewis

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Re: NSA knows who you've called.

2006-05-13 Thread alan

On Fri, 12 May 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

alan writes:
| Probably because most Americans believe they are being spied on
| anyways.  (And have for a very long time.)

Au contraire', it is precisely what, for example,
my spouse would say: "I live a decent life and have
nothing to hide."

I ask people who say they have nothing to hide for their credit card 

Everyone has something to hide.

The point is that you do not have to have done *anything* to be worried. 
How do you know that your name is not a known alias of some evil nasty 
terrorist who buggers FBI agents in his spare time?

As this and all security-related lists are composed
of people who are off-center when it comes to risk,
it is us what be the outliers in the distribution
and in no way are our various paranoias widely shared.

The question is "should they be?".

"Waiter! This lambchop tastes like an old sock!" - Sheri Lewis

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Re: ID "theft" -- so what?

2005-07-25 Thread Alan Barrett
On Fri, 22 Jul 2005, Jerrold Leichter wrote:
> The banks, operating through the clearing agents, could if they wished
> impose a requirement on the way names appear in billing statements,
> regardless of how the names appear on contracts.  Alternatively,
> they could at least require that an end-user-familiar name be made
> available in whatever database records all merchants, which the banks
> obviously have access to.

A bank once told me that it was impossible for them to convert from an
unintelligible name on a credit card statement into any other kind of
name whatsoever (and certainly not into an end-user-familiar name),
and impossible for them to show me a copy of any document whatsoever
that might be related to the charge; however, they said that if I
repudiated the charge, then they could get a copy of the voucher
or other documents.  So I repudiated the charge, but the bank was
still unable or unwilling to show me the promised copies of relevant
documents.  The merchant eventually contacted me about the repudiated

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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RE: Researchers Combat Terrorists by Rooting Out Hidden Messages

2005-02-02 Thread Alan
On Tue, 2005-02-01 at 23:21 -0800, Steve Schear wrote:
> At 02:07 PM 2/1/2005, Tyler Durden wrote:
> >Counter-stego detection.
> >
> >Seems to me a main tool will be a 2-D Fourier analysis...Stego will 
> >certainly have a certain "thumbprint", depending on the algorithm. Are 
> >there certain images that can hide stego more effectively? IN other words, 
> >these images should have a lot of spectral energy in the same frequency 
> >bands where Stego would normally show.
> Images that ideal for hiding secret messages using stego are those that by 
> default contain stego with no particular hidden content.  A sort of Crowds 
> approach to stego.

If you really want to send secret messages, just send it in the chaff in
spam.  Everyone is programmed to ignore it or filter it out.

"When a student reads in a math book that there are no absolutes,
suddenly every value he's been taught is destroyed. And the next thing
you know, the student turns to crime and drugs." - Mel Gabler - Censor

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Re: Financial identity is *dangerous*? (was re: Fake companies, real money)

2004-10-25 Thread Alan Barrett
On Sat, 23 Oct 2004, Aaron Whitehouse wrote:
> >Oh, and make it small enough to fit in the pocket,
> >put a display *and* a keypad on it, and tell the
> >user not to lose it.
> How much difference is there, practically, between this and using a 
> smartcard credit card in an external reader with a keypad? Aside from 
> the weight of the 'computer' in your pocket...

The risks of using *somebody else's keypad* to type passwords or
instructions to your smartcard, or using *somebody else's display* to
view output that is intended to be private, should be obvious.

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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Re: [camram-spam] Re: Microsoft publicly announces Penny Black PoW postage project

2004-01-02 Thread Alan Brown
On Tue, 30 Dec 2003, Bill Stewart wrote:

> The reason it's partly a cryptographic problem is forgeries.
> Once everybody starts whitelisting, spammers are going to
> start forging headers to pretend to come from big mailing lists
> and popular machines and authors, so now you'll not only
> need to whitelist Dave Farber or Declan McCullough if you read their lists,
> or Bob Hettinga if you're Tim (:-), you'll need to verify the
> signature so that you can discard the forgeries that
> pretend to be from them.
> You'll also see spammers increasingly _joining_ large mailing lists,
> so that they can get around members-only features.

This has already happened:

Krazy Kevin pulled this stunt 5 years ago on at least one list I was on,
joining the list to harvest the most common posters, then spamming using
them as sender envelopes after he'd been kicked off.

> At least one large mailing list farm on which I've joined a list
> used a Turing-test GIF to make automated list joining difficult,

...discrimination against blind users - this is legally actionable in
several countries. There is a blind group in the UK taking action
against a number of companies for this and the Australian Olympic
committee ended up being fined several million AU$ for the same offence
in 1999.

> and Yahoo limits the number of Yahoogroups you can join in a day,
> but that's the kind of job which you hire groups of Indians
> or other English-speaking third-world-wagers to do for you.

To underscore that point, I've _watched_ cybercafes full of SE asians(*)
doing exactly this kind of thing for the princely sum of US$5/day -
twice the average wage of the area, even after the cafe fees were

(*) Philippines and east Malaysia.


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Re: [camram-spam] Re: Microsoft publicly announces Penny Black PoW postage project

2003-12-30 Thread Alan Brown
On Tue, 30 Dec 2003, Eric S. Johansson wrote:

>  But using your spam size, , the slowdown factor becomes roughly
> 73 times.  So they would need 73 machines running full tilt all the time
> to regain their old throughput.

Believe me, the professionals have enough 0wned machines that this is

On the flipside, it means the machines are "burned" faster.

> unfortunately, I think you making some assumptions that are not fully
> warranted.  I will try to do some research and figure out the number of
> machines compromised.  The best No. I had seen to date was about 350,000.

It's at least an order of magnitude higher than this, possibly 2 orders,
thanks to rampaging worms with spamware installation payloads
compromising cablemodem- and adsl- connected Windows machines worldwide.


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