Re: Is cryptography where security took the wrong branch?

2003-09-04 Thread D. K. Smetters

> Eric Rescorla wrote:
Ian Grigg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I'm almost convinced that WEP is a failure, but
I think it retains some residual value.
I agree. After all, I occasionally come upon a network I'd
like to use and WEP stops me cause I'm too lazy. On the other
hand, MAC restrictions would have done just as well for that.
I find WEP very useful for one thing -- given the habit of
many wireless clients to opportunistically jump onto any
network they happen to find, turning on WEP keeps users
from accidentally "falling" onto networks by mistake. This
saves a lot of confusion if you have the occaisional research
network with say, different firewalling properties than a user
might expect, or one that doesn't actually route to the outside
world. And it's easier to manage than MAC filtering.

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Re: question re practical use of secret sharing

2007-06-22 Thread D. K. Smetters

Peter Gutmann wrote:

"Charles Jackson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


Is anyone aware of a commercial product that implements secret sharing? If
so, can I get a pointer to some product literature?

I believe at least some versions of PGP might have supported secret
sharing for key backup.
Secret sharing is also  fundamentally less interesting than full-bore
threshold cryptography (using the fragments of a key without reassembling
them first). We built a threshold crypto-based certification authority at
CertCo a number of years ago, which was used for some very high
security root CAs. However, given the difficulty people have in managing
keys in general, building effective systems that allow them to manage
key fragments is beyond the range of most current commercial products.
It is something we use regularly in research systems, but only with a very
careful eye to both our motivation (there has to be, as Peter points out,
some good user reason for it), and ultimate system usability.


It's available as part of other products (e.g. nCipher do it for keying their
HSMs), but I don't know of any product that just does... secret sharing.  What
would be the user interface for such an application?  What would be the target
audience?  (I mean a real target audience, not some hypothesised scenario).

(This is actually a serious question.  I talked with some crypto guys a few
years ago about doing a standard for secret sharing, but to do that we had to
come up with some general usage model for it rather than just one particular
application-specific solution, and couldn't).

Besides that, user demand for it was practically nonexistent... no, it was
completely nonexistent, apart from a few highly specialised custom uses we
couldn't even find someone to use as a guinea pig for testing, and the
existing specialised users already had specialised solutions of their own
for handling it.


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Re: once more, with feeling.

2008-09-24 Thread D. K. Smetters

Peter Gutmann wrote:

For existing apps with habituated users, so am I.  So how about the following
strawman: Take an existing browser (say Firefox), brand it as some special-
case secure online banking browser, and use the "new developments" solution
above, i.e. it only talks mutual-auth challenge-response crypto and nothing
else.  At that point you've reduced "Reformat user and reinstall browsing
habits" to "Train users to only use safe-browser when they do their banking,
i.e. 'Never enter banking details using anything other than safe-browser'".
Even if you only get a subset of users doing this, it's still a massive attack
surface reduction because you've raised the bar from any idiot who buys a
phishing kit to having to perform a man-in-the-browser attack.

We did a version of this for CEAS this year (paper here:

I agree, I think it's not hard to come up with an 
architecture that increases user security, while reducing 
the amount they have to learn. Though, as per Perry's 
comment, you do need to be able to say that *some* (not 
all) of the software on your machine is not totally 
borked... (an interesting question is: how much, and what).


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Re: Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?

2010-08-02 Thread D. K. Smetters

Jonathan Katz wrote:

On Sat, 31 Jul 2010, Jakob Schlyter wrote:

On 31 jul 2010, at 08.44, Peter Gutmann wrote:

Apparently the DNS root key is protected by what sounds like a 
threshold scheme, but the description is a bit unclear.  Does anyone 


The DNS root key is stored in HSMs. The key backups (maintained by 
ICANN) are encrypted with a storage master key (SMK), created inside 
the HSM and then split among 7 people (aka "Recovery Key Share 
Holders"). To recover the SMK in case of all 4 HSMs going bad, 5 of 7 
key shares are required. ( 
section 5.2.4)

According to the FIPS 140-2 Security Policy of the HSM, an AEP Keyper, 
the M-of-N key split is done using a La Grange interpolating Polynomial.

I'd be happy to answer any additional questions,

jakob (part of the team who designed and implemented this)

This is "just" Shamir secret sharing, not "real" threshold cryptography. 
(In a threshold cryptosystem, the shares would be used in a protocol to 
perform the desired cryptographic operation [e.g., signing] without ever 
reconstructing the real secret.) Has real threshold cryptography never 
been used anywhere?

CertCo (RIP) built a Certification Authority software product that used 
"real" threshold cryptography. Key shares for a k of n scheme (where k 
and n were chosen at key split time) were stored in hardware crypto 
tokens, and signatures were generated by having k tokens generate 
partial signatures and then combining them into a "regular" RSA sig. The 
system was deployed as the SET root CA for some time; we did try to sell 
it as a regular software product, but (corporate) political issues made 
that somewhat challenging. I honestly don't remember whether it was 
deployed by anyone else for anything other than SET, but it may be that 
one of the (many) other CertCo alumni on this list might.

The original CertCo CA software used pretty simple threshold crypto (I 
can provide paper refs for the particular schemes we used if anyone 
really wants them), but by the time I left we had worked on verifiable 
schemes (where you can verify the partial sigs independently), 
proactivization (re-sharing to change k or n, or remove bad players), 
and so on. The deployed system did not implement distributed key 
generation, which had just appeared in the literature at that time -- 
the key was generated on one token, and then split; the key generation 
token was then intended to be destroyed.

Although the system was designed to be used in a globally distributed 
fashion, with automated systems for sending work (things to sign) to 
sites holding key shares (where each signing request was signed by an RA 
to authorize it), and then collecting and recombining the partial sigs, 
it turned out to be way too hard to use that way. I don't know if it was 
ever deployed in a truly geographically distributed configuration, 
rather than having all the shares (except for backups) kept at one site. 
(And as a result, I started working on usability of security :-).

Shortly after the last CertCo CA, Victor Shoup published a new threshold 
RSA scheme that made them much simpler to incorporate into deployable 
systems; building a system that uses "real" threshold crypto would be 
pretty easy these days if one wanted to. If nothing else, it's a great 
example for cryptographers of how small changes in the algebraic 
formulation of something can have large impact on how easy it is to 
build into systems.

--Diana Smetters

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