Re: Encryption and authentication modes

2010-07-14 Thread dj
> What's the current state of affairs regarding combined encryption and
> authentication modes?
> I've implemented draft-mcgrew-aead-aes-cbc-hmac-sha1-01 (I think, I
> couldn't find test vectors), but I later came across CCM and EAX.  CCM
> has the advantage of being NIST-reviewed.  EAX can do streaming (but
> that's less useful when doing authentication).  Neither seems to be
> widely implemented.  But both offer a considerable reduction in
> per-message overhead when compared to the HMAC-SHA1/AES combination.
> Are there any other alternatives to consider?  Are there any traps I
> should be aware of when implementing CCM?
> --
> Florian Weimer
> BFK edv-consulting GmbH
> Kriegsstraße 100  tel: +49-721-96201-1
> D-76133 Karlsruhe fax: +49-721-96201-99
> -
> The Cryptography Mailing List
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CCM is widely implemented. It's a matter of where you look.

Down at the MAC layer, AES-CCM has proved popular in wireless packet
communication because it is well adapted for separating the treatment of
the header as plaintext AAD from the packet body as ciphertext. Also it is
relatively efficient to implement in hardware since it relies only on a
single AES encrypt block cipher and the birthday resistance of the
ciphertext MAC reduces on-air per packet overhead. This is the why for
example that you see AES-CCM in wireles USB, 802.11, 802.16 and WiMAX
management protocols.

A couple of years after 802 went for AES-CCM, AES-GCM became the
802.3/ethernet choice since it is more parallelizable and so can be
implemented for 10Gbps+ links where CCM becomes trickier. The per packet
overhead is higher, but bandwidth on wires is cheap.

I don't think you can really implement CCM except in the context of a more
detailed specification for a protocol. CCM is a flexible specification and
protocols that use it must nail down a number of parameters and field
sizes in order to be interoperable. It's not so easy to just plug it in
which makes is less convenient for the more pluggable software based
protocols higher up the stack.

Some technically good candidates for standards adoption, E.G. OCB met
resistance due to licensing issues.


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Re: questions about RNGs and FIPS 140

2010-08-26 Thread dj

> 3) Is determinism a good idea?
> See Debian OpenSSL fiasco.  I have heard Nevada gaming commission
> regulations require non-determinism for obvious reasons.

The Nevada rules don't convincingly demand non determinism. They do say
things that probably unintentionally exclude non determinism.

"4. The random number generator and random selection process must be
impervious to influences from outside the device, including, but not
limited to, electro-magnetic interference, electro-static interference,
and radio frequency interference. A gaming device must use
appropriate communication protocols to protect the random number generator
and random selection process from influence by associated equipment which
is conducting data communications with the gaming device.
(Adopted: 9/89. Amended: 11/05; 11/17/05.)

An impossible requirement for a TRNG based on physical processes. This
requirement pretty much demands determinism and in practice is untestable.

Some definitions..

"23. “Randomness” is the observed unpredictability and absence of pattern
in a set of elements or events that have definite probabilities of


"20. “Random Number Generator” is a hardware, software, or combination
hardware and software device for generating number values that exhibit
characteristics of randomness."

Definitions that both a TRNG and a PRNG can meet. They don't get down to
the nitty gritty of what the observer might know, like the internal state
of a PRNG, that would impact whether the data has 'observed

"14.040 Minimum standards for gaming devices..
2. Must use a random selection process to determine the game outcome of
each play of a game. The random selection process must meet 95 percent
confidence limits using a standard chi-squared test for goodness of fit.
(a) Each possible permutation or combination of game elements which
produce winning or losing game outcomes must be available for random
selection at the initiation of each play.
(b) For gaming devices that are representative of live gambling games, the
mathematical probability of a symbol or other element appearing in a game
outcome must be equal to the mathematical probability of that symbol or
element occurring in the live gambling game. For other gaming devices, the
mathematical probability of a symbol appearing in a position in any game
outcome must be constant. (c) The selection process must not produce
detectable patterns of game elements or detectable dependency upon any
previous game outcome, the amount wagered, or upon the style or method of

Again, a PRNG would meet these requirements. The only specific test
proposed is the Chi-square GOF.

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[Cryptography] /dev/random is not robust

2013-10-14 Thread dj

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Re: Privacy Concerns for UWB technology?

2004-04-03 Thread dj

The answer to the question "Is UWB secure" depends entirely on the
assumptions you make. UWB is after all a physical layer radio/modulation
technology that is only peripherally related to the layers above that may
provide security in a number of forms, say link security, VPNs, SSL etc.

Here are a couple of assumptions I am throwing in:
1) You are referring to one of the two significant adopters of UWB in a
standardized context, namely IEEE 802.15.3a and Wireless USB.

2) The actual UWB technology being considered is the MBOA (Multi Band OFDM
Alliance) flavor.

3) The UWB technology provides and underlying bit rate of 1 Gbps. This is

As an 802.15.3a standard (when or if they finish it) there are two places
that security specific to the technology will come from. The first is
802.1X/ae/af (EAP conduit, link ciphers and authenticated key exchange).
These standards are works in progress (.1X is currently withdrawn awaiting
necessary undercarriage work). The second is from native 802.15 link
security that the 802.15 working group may choose to supply. Above the
link layer, it is not the IEEE's problem. 802.15 is an IEEE link layer
spec and upper layer methods that might apply are more generic E.G. those
from the IETF.

If we are talking about its application in Wireless USB then it is the job
of the writers of the Wireless USB standard to provide the appropriate
security mechanisms. They have a bigger problem to solve, since they are
having to secure a set of higher layer functions that are outside the
scope of IEEE 802. Beyond observing thats its not written yet, there's not
much to go on other than low expectations set by a long and sorry history
of wireless security mechanisms.

Getting down to specifics, if its 1 Gbps, then the currently in vogue IEEE
802 link cipher (AES-CCM) will do fine in terms of implementation
constraints. However 802.1ae has chosen GCM as its link cipher and this
holds the promise of linearly scalable implementability up to much higher

The short range of UWB technology may provide security from some attack
models (the guy next door), but don't count on it and you can be sure that
by the nature of networks, remote attacks will be possible unless
anticipated and secured against. I remember reading recently about a
succesful bluetooth fishing expedition at a trade show. The short range
didn't help there.

The pessimistic view of IEEE 802 link security mechanisms is that first
time publications of standards will always come with broken security
because they never get the attention they deserve from the crypto
community until the flaws are identified and need fixing. In support of
that allegation, I offer you 802.11 WEP, 802.16 PKM, The 802.16 link
cipher, and 802.1X. All are broken and currently being overhauled.

The optimistic view of IEEE 802 link security is that 802.1X/ae/af is the
second go around, it is getting the attention it deserves and may deliver
an appropriate result in terms of security. However its meeting the needs
of wireline standards (802.3, 802.17) and is too high in the stack to
support the needs of mobile wireless links.

Just to complicate matters and to lower your expectations further, the use
of UWB in media centric home networks leads to new usage models and
unsophisticated users, tied in with the horrors of DRM on the media side.
This presents problems that arguably are not solved in a practical,
deployable sense today. Your example of the neighbour watching your TV is
a fine example.


> Hi,
> I was at a talk last night on Ultra Wideband (UWB) technology which is
> sometimes referred to as "Bluetooth on Steroids".
> An example of what a UWB home might look like was given and it mainly
> consisted of everything that a normal
> home has today except without the wires.  So you have your plasma TV
> connected to your DVD player using
> UWB and you can hook up a camcorder to it as well etc.
> UWB offers rates of about 100Mb/s which is comparable with the 802.11n
> standard.  I asked the speaker what
> was the general thoughts on privacy concerns with this technology and he
> basically said there wasn't any concerns
> but I don't think it was something he had thought about before.  UWB works
> over a very large bandwidth (the  FCC
> allocated something like 7GHz of the spectrum for it) however it uses very
> low power.  Its range is very limited (about
> 10m or so).  I don't know much about the technology itself but he
> mentioned
> that is was something like spread
> spectrum so I assume it uses some kind of pseudorandom code to allow
> successful requisition of signals.
> I am curious about the privacy issue however.  The speaker said that
> encryption would be used and that that would
> protect a persons privacy but at these high data rates would e

Re: AES Modes

2004-10-19 Thread dj
On the IEEE 802 standards track, CCM and GCM have traction. CCM has been
in 802.11 for a while and the 802.16-2004 was published last week,
supplanting the broken DES-CBC mode with AES-CCM. For wireless systems, we
know and like CCM and it's going to take a lot to oust it.

I'm aware of a handful of other wireless protocols in development that
appear to be all headed the CCM way.

GCM proposed for 802.1ae linksec. This is the 'fast' mode for wired ethernet.

For packetised traffic below 1Gbps, CCM works just great. The CTR and CBC
parts of CCM run in parallel in hardware, making the basic latency = 1 AES
(which is 11 clocks in a simple implementation). With a bit of HW loop
unrolling and pipelining, I can do CCM upto several gigabits.

CCM nicely matches the structure of packets. Namely
1) Get header -> Process additional authenticated data
2) Get payload -> Process MAC and encryption in parallel.
So it is not a bear to implement in a typical communications datapath IC,
where things are presented to you in this order.

GCM allows block level parallelism up to a point. Hence enabling me to put
lots of parallel AES blocks on a chip and go at multi gigabits without
breaking a sweat. It does however have all that Galois arithmetic to do
per block, which increases the path depth a bit.

There is however a fundamental speed problem with packet oriented AES
based modes. The parallelism you can achieve on things like GCM requires
that you have multiple blocks to run in parallel. If I get a large number
of small packets, each < 128 bits long, then there's nothing to do in
parallel at the block level and so my speed limit is determined by how
fast I can run 11 rounds of AES.

This may come to bite us in the future and when we start having to protect
data pushing the terabits, we either need larger packets or something
different in the crypto. One way is to protect over large packet
aggregates, but no 802 level protocol is set up to support it. Stream
ciphers look attractive here, we can make them go *really* fast in

Another frustrating aspect of the current crop of modes is frame
expansion. Throwing in an 8 byte nonce and an 8 byte ICV per packet is a
heavy overhead. Deriving nonces from the protocol state is generally not
wise since the frame counts are either non existant (802.3, 802.11) or not
secured (802.16).

In the coming years, I would like to see link protocols (I.E. 802.*) move
link security down to the PHY, to protect management and data traffic
equally, to secure the protocol state as well as data and so to reduce
packet overhead. I would also like to see the standardized crypto and
protocols be structured to work over larger aggregates of packets,
protecting the structure of transmission as well as the content and
allowing much greater levels of parallelism in the HW implementations.

Obviously, none of this is very relevant above layer 2.


>>From: Ian Grigg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Oct 10, 2004 11:11 AM
>>To: Metzdowd Crypto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: AES Modes
>>I'm looking for basic mode to encrypt blocks (using AES)
>>of about 1k in length, +/- an order of magnitude.  Looking
>>at the above table (2nd link) there are oodles of proposed
>>It would be nice to have a mode that didn't also require
>>a separate MAC operation - I get the impression that
>>this is behind some of the proposals?
> I think CCM is just about perfect for this goal.  The MAC isn't free, but
> it's integrated into the chaining mode.  There are also some patented
> modes that provide a MAC for almost no extra computation(OCB, IACBC), and
> some proposed modes that combine an efficient, parallelizeable MAC with
> encryption in a secure way (CWC,GCM), though none of these are standards
> yet.
> --John
> -
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