Re: Ousourced Trust (was Re: Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card and something else before

2003-12-29 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
On Mon, 2003-12-29 at 10:16, Rich Salz wrote:
> Not sure what the guy meant by that.  But yes, SAML flows are "just 
> like" Kerberos flows.  And Liberty and WS-Federation look a lot like DCE 
> cross-cell (er, Kerberos inter-realm) flows. After all, there's only not 
> many ways to do secure online trusted third-party authentication.
>   /r$

talking to the guy after the presentation, i got the impression that
they probably exactly copied the kerberos flows ... didn't even try to
come up with something that turned out to be similar.

there were 30-40 people in the audience and I expected more people in
the audience to have participated in discussion about kerberos vis-a-vis

kerberos had come out of project athena that had been substantially
jointly funded by two corporations ... project athena had a director
from mit and two assistant directors, one from each of the funding
corporations. one of them i had worked with for a long time when at
science center at 545 tech sq. (random refs):

during the period we were doing hsdt & ha/cmp ... my wife and I also got
to go by and do audits of progress of various project athena activities
(including kerberos). 
One visit we had a lengthy overview and discussion of the recently
(then) developed cross-domain protocol.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler - 

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Re: Ousourced Trust (was Re: Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card and something else before

2003-12-29 Thread Rich Salz
I asked the guy making the presentation about the similarity to Kerberos 
message flows and he said something to the effect of ah yes, kerberos.
Not sure what the guy meant by that.  But yes, SAML flows are "just 
like" Kerberos flows.  And Liberty and WS-Federation look a lot like DCE 
cross-cell (er, Kerberos inter-realm) flows. After all, there's only not 
many ways to do secure online trusted third-party authentication.
Rich Salz, Chief Security Architect
DataPower Technology
XS40 XML Security Gateway
XML Security Overview

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Re: Ousourced Trust (was Re: Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card and something else before

2003-12-28 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 02:07 AM 12/28/2003 +1300, Peter Gutmann wrote:
That's my big gripe with OCSP, it's compromised in almost every way in order
to make it completely bug-compatible with CRLs.  It's really mostly an online
CRL query protocol rather than any kind of status protocol (in other words a
responder can give you an, uhh, "live" response from a week-old CRL via OCSP).
A recent update to the protocol even removes the use of nonces, to make replay
attacks possible.
in general, distributed cache/filesystem cache consistency algorithms 
aren't about trust or trust propogation but integrity and consistency.

I had done the initial distributed lock manager for ha/cmp. misc. past posts: Disk drive behavior KI-10 vs. IBM at Rutgers Block oriented I/O over IP OT - Internet Explorer V6.0 OT - Internet Explorer V6.0 Blade architectures Blade architectures Avoiding JCL Space Abends A few Z990 Gee-Wiz stats
issue with certficates as cache entries ... is that they are purely r/o, 
static entries ... and the cache consistency protocols (either CRLs or 
OCSP) is purely with respect to whether the information is still fresh or 
not. however, I still contend that the primary design point for these 
deployed certificates is to allow relying-parties to perform offline 
operations when they wouldn't nominally have access to the real data (from 
which the certificate is derived).

the issue with the CRLs is that the are an electronic version of the paper 
booklets of invalid numbers in the credit card industry before online 
transactions. the issue is that the switch to a real online paradigm in the 
credit card industry in the '70s pretty much obsoleted the need for offline 
credentials (they retained the same form factor but added the magstripe for 
online transactions) and any infrastructure support for offline paradigm 
(like CRLs). OCSP appears to acquire all the infrastructure costs of doing 
online transaction while retaining all the disadvantages of CRL paradigm 
... i.e. undergo the costs of doing an actual online transaction w/o having 
any of the advantages of actually having done an online transaction. a 
trivial example is there is none of the benefits of aggregation (credit 
limit, fraud use patterns, etc) that comes with having a real online 

the market niche for certificates are still the offline world (which is 
rapidly disappearing) or for extremely low value operations that don't 
justify the expense of online transaction. This issue in the later is 
two-fold 1) online transaction related costs continue to rapidly decline 
and 2) for low/no value operations it is difficult to justify the cost and 
complexity of PKI infrastructure.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Internet trivia 20th anv

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Re: Ousourced Trust (was Re: Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card and something else before

2003-12-28 Thread Peter Gutmann
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>the IETF OCSP standards work seems to be all about a real-time protocol that
>a relying party can use to check with a (LDAP?) database about whether the
>information that might be in a specific certificate can still be relied on.
>It has some of the flavor of a distributed filesystem/database cache entry
>invalidation protocol  All of the CRL and OCSP stuff isn't about using the
>certificate for authenticating to an x.500 directory  but whether the
>stale, static copy of information in the certificate is still good.

That's my big gripe with OCSP, it's compromised in almost every way in order
to make it completely bug-compatible with CRLs.  It's really mostly an online
CRL query protocol rather than any kind of status protocol (in other words a
responder can give you an, uhh, "live" response from a week-old CRL via OCSP).
A recent update to the protocol even removes the use of nonces, to make replay
attacks possible.


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Re: Ousourced Trust (was Re: Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card and something else before

2003-12-28 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 02:29 PM 12/25/2003 +1300, Peter Gutmann wrote:
X.509 certs were designed to solve the problem of authenticating users to the
global X.500 directory.  So they're good at what they were designed for
(solving a problem that doesn't exist [0]), and bad at everything else
(solving any other sort of problem).
disclaimer: I never actually worked on either X.500 or X.509 standards 
...  however, I do remember an acm sigmod meeting circa  '90 where somebody 
did characterize x.500 as a bunch of networking engineers trying to 
re-invent 1960s database technology. minor past refs: Why did OSI fail compared with 
TCP-IP? Why did OSI fail compared with 
TCP-IP? Invisible Ink, E-signatures slow 
to broadly catch on (addenda) OCSP and LDAP

also, (not knowing about original intent of x.509) ... the PKI 
infrastructures I saw in the early to mid 90s ... had x.509 identity 
certificates that appeared to be populated with stale, static (and possibly 
subset) of information from a database entry  targeted for use by 
relying parties in lieu of the relying parties actually being able to 
contact the real database (contained some piece of a x.500 directory entry 
that a relying-party could presumably use if they didn't have direct access 
to the x.500 directory).

the relying-party-only certificates of mid ot late 90s appeared to be much 
more of something that would authenticated an entity to a operational 
service  having thrown out nearly all of the information that might be 
found in a database (especially anything that might possibly represent a 
privacy and/or liability issue) . However,  relying-party-only certificates 
could still be shown to be redundant and superfluous ... aka if i'm sending 
a digitally signed transaction containing an account number (or other 
database indexing value) to a relying party having the database  then 
appending any kind of certificate that contains a small subset of the 
complete information from the database entry (including any public key or 
authentication material) is redundant and superfluous.

the IETF OCSP standards work seems to be all about a real-time protocol 
that a relying party can use to check with a (LDAP?) database about whether 
the information that might be in a specific certificate can still be relied 
on. It has some of the flavor of a distributed filesystem/database cache 
entry invalidation protocol  All of the CRL and OCSP stuff isn't about 
using the certificate for authenticating to an x.500 directory  but 
whether the stale, static copy of information in the certificate is still good.

one of the PKI related efforts from the mid-90s specified adding a digital 
signature and a relying-party-only certificate to a iso8583 oriented 
financial transaction. It turns out that the typical iso8583 financial 
transaction eventually gets packaged as something like 60-80 bytes  
while the typically implemented relying-party-only certificate for this 
effort was between 4k bytes and 12k bytes. In this case, not only was the 
relying-party-only certificate redundant and superfluous but also 
represented a two orders of magnitude payload bloat.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Internet trivia 20th anv

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Re: Ousourced Trust (was Re: Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card and something else before

2003-12-28 Thread Peter Gutmann
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>1) x.509 certificates broadcast all over the world attacked to every
>transaction were in serious violation of all sorts of privacy issues
>2) certificates were fundamentally designed to address a trust issue in
>offline environments where a modicum of static, stale data was better than
>3) offline, certificate oriented static stale processing was a major step
>backward compared to online, timely, dynamic processing.

X.509 certs were designed to solve the problem of authenticating users to the
global X.500 directory.  So they're good at what they were designed for
(solving a problem that doesn't exist [0]), and bad at everything else
(solving any other sort of problem).


[0] Actually they're adequate at what they were designed for.  The original
directory authentication work was really just a bunch of suggestions as to
how you'd do it, ranging from passwords through to certs, and a lot of the
cert stuff was more a set of suggestions than any firm guideline.

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Re: Ousourced Trust (was Re: Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card and something else before

2003-12-28 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 02:01 PM 12/23/2003 -0500, Rich Salz wrote:
How many years have you been saying this, now? :)  How do those modern 
online environments achieve end-to-end content integrity and privacy? My 
guess is that they don't; their use of private value-add networks made it 
unnecessary.  If my guess is/was correct, than as more valuable 
transactions (or regulated data) flow over the commodity Internet, then 
those things will become important.  Make sense?  Am I right?
in days before the internet  it was there was a lot more lo-tech 
attacks on financial transactions ... and when things like the credit card 
master file got harvested  it was uaually pretty obviously an insider 
job. with the advent of the internet ... not only was it a open, insecure, 
commodity network  but a lot of the attached systems were never 
designed to operate in effectively a hostile environment  because of a lot 
of contributing factors  there was significant ambiguity when a 
merchant master file got harvested ... where the attack originated (insider 
or outsider). minor side thread regarding security proportional to risk 
with regard to attacks on the merchant master file:

during the past ten years there have been some number of technologies for 
attempting to compensate for just the transport of the "shared-secret" 
account number in a transaction on an open, hostile network  aka 
primarily ssl, minor reference with regard to emerging ssl and the original 
payment gateway:

there has been a lot of threads about how much fraud SSL actually prevented 
 since the major consumer retail financial related fraud ... both 
non-internet, pre-internet, and internet has been bulk harvesting of 
repositories like a merchant master transaction file (for possibly the same 
effort to evesdrop packets in flight and extract a single account number 
 it might be possible to harvest a merchant transaction file with tens 
of thousands of account numbers.

so the x9a10 working group was given the requirement for preserving the 
integrity of the financial infrastructure for all electronic retail 
transactions. To meet that, the x9.59 standard was defined which basically 
requires end-to-end authenticated transactions between the consumer and the 
consumer's financial infrastructure and that account numbers used in 
authenticated transactions can't be used in non-authenticated transactions. 
With strong, end-to-end authentication, it is possible to evesdrop a x9.59 
transaction, extract the account number and still not be able to execute a 
fraudulent financial transaction. It is also possible to harvest x9.59 
account numbers from merchant transaction files and still not be able to 
execute fraudulent financial transaction.

Hiding account numbers has been associated with identity theft, since in 
environment where the transactions aren't authenticated  the account 
numbers have to be effectively treated as shared-secrets. The downside is 
that numerous business processes all along the processing chain require 
access and use of the account number. Just hiding the account number with 
SSL did little to address the major vulnerabilities and threats.  In 
effect, the analysis shows that it is effectively impossible to provide 
necessarily protection for a shared-secret account number, nobody of how 
deep the earth was blanketed with cryptographic technology. The solution 
was to change the business process, require end-to-end strong 
authentication and eliminate the account number as a shared-secret (i.e. 
knowing the account number is not sufficient for performing a fraudulent 
transaction). misc. x9.59 standard refs:

There was actually a couple other issues differentiating internet-based 
transactions and the VPN environment. The VPN environment was circuit 
based, it is possible to get service level agreements and utilized 
technology like modem loop-back diagnostics as part of a bootstrap problem 
determination procedure.  Such an environment has a trouble desk and 
expects to finish first level problem determination in something like 5 

One of the last projects my wife and I had done before taking the early out 
(and doing some consulting for the payment gateway and ec-commerce stuff) 
was the HA/CMP product  i.e. high availability/cluster multi-processing.
There is a slight reference in one of the above aadsm5.htm archive posting to
because some of the people in the above meeting had left and joined a 
client/server startup and were responsible for this thing called a commerce 
server  who we then working with on this thing called a payment server 
for this thing that would be called e-commerce.

In any case, packet-based internet not only 

Re: Ousourced Trust (was Re: Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card and something else before

2003-12-26 Thread Rich Salz
2) certificates were fundamentally designed to address a trust issue in 
offline environments where a modicum of static, stale data was better 
than nothing
How many years have you been saying this, now? :)  How do those modern 
online environments achieve end-to-end content integrity and privacy? 
My guess is that they don't; their use of private value-add networks 
made it unnecessary.  If my guess is/was correct, than as more valuable 
transactions (or regulated data) flow over the commodity Internet, then 
those things will become important.  Make sense?  Am I right?

If so, then I believe that we need a federated identity and management 
infrastructure. The difference is that the third-party PKI enrollment 
model still doesn't make sense, and organizations will take over their 
own identity issues, as with SAML and Liberty.  Once you do that, adding 
"publicKey" as just another attribute is no big deal.  With any luck, 
the new year will bring the analogy SOAP::other middleware as SAML::x.509 :)

Rich Salz, Chief Security Architect
DataPower Technology
XS40 XML Security Gateway
XML Security Overview
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Re: Ousourced Trust (was Re: Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card and something else before

2003-12-26 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 02:01 PM 12/23/2003 -0500, Rich Salz wrote:
If so, then I believe that we need a federated identity and management 
infrastructure. The difference is that the third-party PKI enrollment 
model still doesn't make sense, and organizations will take over their own 
identity issues, as with SAML and Liberty.  Once you do that, adding 
"publicKey" as just another attribute is no big deal.  With any luck, the 
new year will bring the analogy SOAP::other middleware as SAML::x.509 :)
the one detailed presentation that I've so far seen of a SAML based product 
 looked like it had exactly the same message flows description that I 
sat thru in a Kerberos project audit in the '80s. I asked the guy making 
the presentation about the similarity to Kerberos message flows and he said 
something to the effect of ah yes, kerberos.

random kerberos refs:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Internet trivia 20th anv

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Re: Ousourced Trust (was Re: Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card and something else before

2003-12-23 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 07:34 PM 12/22/2003 -0700, Ed Reed wrote:
Of course they do.  Examples:

D&B and other credit reporting agencies.
SEC for fair reporting of financial results.
International Banking Letters of Credit when no shared root of trust
Errors and Ommissions Professional Liability insurance for consultants
you don't know.
Workman's Compensation insurance for independent contractors you don't
I don't think that trust checking was so much of the question  a not 
uncommon scenario was

1) institution set up an account possibly that included checking with 3rd 
party trust agencies
2) did various kinds of online transactions where the actual transaction 
included account-only information
3) got an offer from a certification authority to move into the "modern world"
a) send the CA a copy of the institutions account database
b) the ca would convert the information in each account record into a 
c) each certificate would be digitally signed by the CA
d) the CA would returned each digitally signed transformed account 
record back to the
institution and only charge a $100/certificate
4) the institution was to convert from modern online transactions to 
archaic offline transactions based on information in the certificate
5) the certificate would be a x.509 identity certificate that contain all 
of the account entity's identification information which would flow around 
attached to every transaction


1) x.509 certificates broadcast all over the world attacked to every 
transaction were in serious violation of all sorts of privacy issues
2) certificates were fundamentally designed to address a trust issue in 
offline environments where a modicum of static, stale data was better than 
3) offline, certificate oriented static stale processing was a major step 
backward compared to online, timely, dynamic processing.
4) the traditional outsourced trust has the relying-party contracted with 
the trust agency so that there is some form of legal obligation, the 
traditional CA model has no such legal obligation existing between the 
relying-party and the trust/certifying agency (the contract is frequently 
between the trust agency and the key owner, not the relying-party).

In the mid to late 90s ... some financial institutions attempted to salvage 
some of the paradigm (because of the severe privacy and liability issues) 
by going to relying-party-only, certificates for online transactions. 
However, it is trivial to show that the static, stale information in the 
relying-party-only certificate was a trivial subset of the information that 
would be accessed in the real account record for the online transactions 
... and therefor it was trivial to show that static, stale certificates 
were redundant and superfulous. misc. past posts regarding 
relying-party-only scenario:

I think that the current federal gov.PKI tries to address the legal 
obligation issue ... by creating a legal situation where essentially all 
the authorized CA operators are effectively agents of the federal PKI ... 
and all the relying parties have contracts with the federal PKI ... which 
simulates a legal obligation between the issuer of the certificate and the 

In something like the D&B scenario ... the relying party contracts for some 
information with D&B about the entity that the relying party is interested 
in. In many of the traditional 3rd party CA-PKIs, there may be absolutely 
no legal relationship between the CA issuing the certificate (trust 
information) and any of the relying parties that are relying on the trust 
information i.e. the contract is between the CA issuing the certificate ... 
and the entity that the certificate is about. Since the entity (that the 
trust information is about) may be the party paying for the trust 
information ... they may have some motivation to shop around and get the 
most favorable report. Lets say I was applying for a loan and the loan 
institution needed a credit report. Rather than the loan institution 
contracting for the credit report, they rely on one supplied by the loan 
applicate. The loan applicant is free to choose from all the credit 
reporting agencies which credit report that they will buy for supplying to 
the loan institution.

random past threads on trust propagation: An attack on paypal Keyservers and Spam An attack on paypal SSL, client certs, and MITM (was 
WYTM?) VS: On-line signature standards VS: On-line signature standards VS: On-line signature standards PKI/KRB Self-S

Ousourced Trust (was Re: Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card and something else before

2003-12-23 Thread Ed Reed
>>> Ian Grigg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 12/20/2003 12:15:51 PM >>>

>One of the (many) reasons that PKI failed is
>that businesses simply don't outsource trust.

Of course they do.  Examples:
D&B and other credit reporting agencies.
SEC for fair reporting of financial results.
International Banking Letters of Credit when no shared root of trust
Errors and Ommissions Professional Liability insurance for consultants
you don't know.
Workman's Compensation insurance for independent contractors you don't
The point is that the "real world" has monitized risk.  But the
crytpo-elite have concentrated too hard on eliminating environmental
factors from proofs of correctness of algorithms, protocols, and most
importantly, business processes.
Crypto is not business-critical.  It's the processes its supposed to be
protecting that are, and those are the ones that are insured.
Legal and regulatory frameworks define how and where liability can be
assigned, and that allows insurance companies to factor in stop-loss
estimates for their exposure.  Without that, everything is a crap
Watching how regulation is evolving right now, we may not see explicit
liability assignments to software vendors for their vulnerabilities,
whether for operating systems or for S/MIME email clients.  Those are
all far too limited in what they could offer, anyway.
What's happening, instead, is that consumers of those products are
themselves facing regulatory pressure to assure their customers and
regulators that they're providing adequate systematic security through
technology as well as business policies, procedures and (ultimately)
controls (ie, auditable tests for control failures and adequacy).  When
customers can no longer say "gee, we collected all this information, and
who knew our web server wouldn't keep it from being published on the
NYTimes classified pages?", then vendors will be compelled to deliver
pieces of the solution that allow THE CUSTOMER (product consumer) to
secure their environments.
Get ready.  Trusted Third Party evaluations, like FIPS 140 is for
Crypto, will be the thing insurance companies look to for guidance in
factoring their risk exposure when asked to provide warranty coverage to
businesses using technology - just like they did to Underwriters
Laboratories for electrical appliances, just like they do to D&B for
commercial credit processing, just like they do to MasterCard and VISA
for consumer credit processing.
And before you say "well, that doesn't apply to internal company
security", ask yourself how many companies outsource physical security
to Brinks or some other security-guard employeement agency.  They can do
that, too, because of other insurance (personal bonds) that help them
lay off the exposure to misplaced trust.
Trust is heavily outsourced.  Only the very large or very foolish think
they can "go it alone".  And the very large generally have governments
in their pockets to  help provide the stop-loss limits for their

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