Poor password management may have led to bank meltdown

2008-02-06 Thread Arshad Noor

Do business people get it?  Do security professionals get it?
Apparently not.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Huge losses reported by Société Générale were apparently enabled
by forgotten low-level IT chores such as password management.


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Re: Poor password management may have led to bank meltdown

2008-02-06 Thread Jon Callas

On Feb 4, 2008, at 1:55 PM, Arshad Noor wrote:

Do business people get it?  Do security professionals get it?
Apparently not.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Huge losses reported by Société Générale were apparently enabled
by forgotten low-level IT chores such as password management.


Yes, but get what? "It" is a vague noun.

The reporter showed some wit by using the word "may."

This was an attack by an evil (or crazy) insider. Evil insider attacks  
are the hardest to protect against. If the insider decided that he was  
going to start making trades for whatever reason, then he'd find a  
weak point that would allow him to make trades, and use it, no matter  
what it is. (My personal hypothesis is a variant of a mad-scientist  
attacker -- "They laughed at me when I told them my trading theories!  
Laughed! But I'll show them! I'll show them ALL!!!")

If this person had worked for 1000 hours to get a hardware token, he  
would have just done the work. The result may have been an order of  
magnitude more. High-security procedures tend to be more brittle for  
psychological reasons. If you have the magic dingus, then you are  
authorized, and no one ever questions the dingus.

Also, one must look at the economics and psychology of the situation.  
Traders are prima-donna adrenaline junkies who trade vast sums of  
money all the time and are not shy about expressing their  
frustrations. Looking at the sheer economics first:

* A trader trades C units of currency every hour, with an average  
profit of P (for example 5% profit is P=1.05).

* There are T traders in the organization.

* The extra authentication produces a productivity drop of D. For  
example, let us suppose a trader has to authenticate once per hour,  
and it takes 10 seconds to authenticate. This gives us a D of .9972 or  

So the operational cost of your authentication is (1-D)*T*C*P per  
hour. Divide €4.9G by that, and you get the number of hours for the  
raw break-even time on this.

Add to this the probability that the hassle will convince a trader to  
jump ship to another firm (J), times the number hours of trading lost  
until you find a replacement (H). We'll assume the replacement needs  
no spinup time to become as productive as the previous trader. That's  
an additional cost of J*H*T*C*P. This is the psychological factor. As  
I said, traders are prima donnas who are used to getting their own way.

People have criticized post-9/11 airline security on similar grounds.  
They observe that some number of people drive rather than fly, and  
calculate out the difference in deaths-per-passenger-mile. I've seen  
numbers that work out to a handful of 9/11s per year caused by traffic  
displacement. They also observe that large numbers of people spend  
extra time in lines, which works out to a "lost life" number. For  
example, if you assume that passengers spend 10 extra minutes clearing  
security and a life is 70 years, then roughly 6 million passengers  
represents one lost life.

There's always much to criticize in these models. I could write a  
reply to this message with criticisms, and so can you. Nonetheless,  
the models show that there's more than just the raw security to think  


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Re: Poor password management may have led to bank meltdown

2008-02-06 Thread Arshad Noor

"It" is a number of things that I will elucidate, Jon; but "it" is
definitely not raw security.

"It" is:

* a recognition that a company in business using other people's
  money has a fiduciary responsibility for managing it with prudence;
* an awareness that computerized trading has the potential to
  dramatically reduce visibility of those who have the responsibility
  to protect shareholders' and customers' assets;
* an understanding that computers and networks are far less safe than
  they were 30 years ago when they operated from "glass houses";
* knowledge of the debacles at LTCM, Enron, Global Crossing, Barings,
  Adelphia, etc. and how a lack of controls destroyed so many human
  lives (literally, financially and psychologically);
* an appreciation that a failure of controls designed to protect
  financial markets can lead to losses of confidence, market-runs,
  depressions and potentially, social upheaval;
* an acknowledgment that while it is impossible to stop a determined
  rogue trader, trading systems can be easily programmed to trigger
  alerts to higher and higher levels of management as trades exceed
  preset limits, so they may exercise over-riding controls on the
  trades if needed;

This is "it"; if business people truly got this, we wouldn't see what
we're seeing in the marketplace today.

You have defined some very clever formulae showing the opportunity
cost of using too much security and would have us believe that
decision-makers at such companies actually do something like this when
making decisions on how much risk-mitigation to put in place.

If they were endowed with so much intelligence, I would argue that they
might also have calculated the probability of a rogue within the ranks,
the probability of losses resulting from rogue-trades, the probability
of a loss of confidence in the company, the resulting opportunity cost
of lost business,  the increased cost of implementing new controls
across the industry (and the opportunity cost of those investments),
the resulting opportunity cost of lost economic value as people pull
back from financial markets, the resulting opportunity cost of
legitimate companies being unable to raise capital in markets to invent
that new life-saving drug or the new carbon-free energy source or  
you get the picture.

I would, but I won't because you and I know they do nothing like this
when making these security decisions.  It is mostly a "gut feeling",
made-up ROI numbers that are mostly meaningless, what the rest of the
lemmings are doing in the industry, what the press is screaming about
this year and who just got burned and for what.

One hopes that as society evolves, with better levels of education,
better tools, technologies and standards of living, we would recognize
the need to invest "ounces of prevention" to avoid the "pounds of cure".
Sadly, I find that the "Las Vegas" mentality has permeated businesses
to the point that we're taking bigger and bigger risks without really
doing the analysis - going on just "gut feel" - resulting in situations
like at Societe' Generale.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Jon Callas wrote:

On Feb 4, 2008, at 1:55 PM, Arshad Noor wrote:

Do business people get it?  Do security professionals get it?
Apparently not.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Huge losses reported by Société Générale were apparently enabled
by forgotten low-level IT chores such as password management.


Yes, but get what? "It" is a vague noun.

The reporter showed some wit by using the word "may."

This was an attack by an evil (or crazy) insider. Evil insider attacks 
are the hardest to protect against. If the insider decided that he was 
going to start making trades for whatever reason, then he'd find a weak 
point that would allow him to make trades, and use it, no matter what it 
is. (My personal hypothesis is a variant of a mad-scientist attacker -- 
"They laughed at me when I told them my trading theories! Laughed! But 
I'll show them! I'll show them ALL!!!")

If this person had worked for 1000 hours to get a hardware token, he 
would have just done the work. The result may have been an order of 
magnitude more. High-security procedures tend to be more brittle for 
psychological reasons. If you have the magic dingus, then you are 
authorized, and no one ever questions the dingus.

Also, one must look at the economics and psychology of the situation. 
Traders are prima-donna adrenaline junkies who trade vast sums of money 
all the time and are not shy about expressing their frustrations. 
Looking at the sheer economics first:

* A trader trades C units of currency every hour, with an average profit 
of P (for example 5% profit is P=1.05).

* There are T traders in the organization.

* The extra authentication produces a productivity drop of D. For 
example, let us suppose a trader has to authenticate once per hour, and 