Re: RSA SecurID SID800 Token vulnerable by design

2006-09-17 Thread Paul Zuefeldt
I wouldn't dispute any of the arguments made in the original or subsequent 
posts on this topic pointing out that the programmatic interface to the 
device opens a security hole. But I think it needs to be said that this is 
only in the environment where trojans, etc., can infiltrate the machine. 
Acknowledged... this is probably in 99.99% of the applications.

But in defense of the product, there are server-to-server type applications 
that don't involve a human which wouldn't be able to provide this style of 
two-factor authentication without a programmatic interface. And without 
hardward-based security solutions for these types of systems, they are 
vulnerable to compromise of keys and secrets by administrators. With a 
little physical security and isolation from the types of use that put them 
at risk for trojans, etc., the security hole under fire doesn't really 
exist. These systems do gain more security... by providing a device that 
doesn't allow an administrator to walk away with the secrets.

Maybe server-to-server applications weren't really the intended market for 
this particular product, but the point is that you need to be careful with 
blanket criticisms.

Paul Zufeldt 

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Re: RSA SecurID SID800 Token vulnerable by design

2006-09-17 Thread Travis H.

On 9/15/06, Daniel Carosone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But let's not also forget that these criticisms apply approximately
equally to smart card deployments with readers that lack a dedicated
pinpad and signing display.

This looks mildly interesting:
I guess it uses an autorun file on Windows; I wonder whether most systems
allow you to effectively launch X.  The docs say it connects via ethernet
over USB, so you're effectively a thin X client.  Nice that it's open-source.

Good idea, still vulnerable to software surveillance and host OS.
No display.

This looks more interesting:

This has a display, a fingerprint reader, runs Linux, has many common apps
(office-compatible suite), IM, etc.  More relevant to the list, it has a OTP
generator, so this is effectively a security token.


Unfortunately, it looks like you can't reimage it without wiping
everything, and then you lose the OS.  I hope you can get a modifiable
OS image and install it just as one would save data to the USB drive,
but it could be impossible.

The worst cost for these more advanced methods may be in user
acceptance: having to type one or more things into the token, and then
the response into the computer.  A USB connected token could improve
on this by transporting the challenge and response, displaying the
challenge while leaving the pinpad for authentication and approval.

I wonder if the ubiquitous fingerprint reader could replace the need
for lots of buttons; controls tend to be the most expensive and fragile
part of electronic devices.

I wonder why nobody has an open-source cell phone that does voice
recognition yet.  That would seem to be the ideal solution, wouldn't
it?  You're already carrying one around, and you have a keypad for
dialing (can be used for PIN), LCD panel for output, and if you have
a fingerprint reader, enough juice to perform some crypto, and a USB
or bluetooth connector (for storage and communication) it'd be perfect.
On the Internet noone knows you're a dog - except Bruce Schneier.
Unix guru for rent or hire --
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Re: RSA SecurID SID800 Token vulnerable by design

2006-09-15 Thread Daniel Carosone
On Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 02:48:54PM -0400, Leichter, Jerry wrote:
 | The problem is that _because there is an interface to poll the token for
 | a code across the USB bus_, malicious software can *repeatedly* steal new
 | token codes *any time it wants to*.  This means that it can steal codes
 | when the user is not even attempting to authenticate

 I think this summarizes things nicely.

Me too.  While less emphatic, my reaction to Vin's post was similar to
Thor's.. that it seemed to at least miss, if not bury, this point.

But let's not also forget that these criticisms apply approximately
equally to smart card deployments with readers that lack a dedicated
pinpad and signing display.  For better or worse, people use those to
unlock the token with a pin entered on the host keyboard, and allow
any authentication by any application during a 'session', too.

 Pressing the button supplies exactly the confirmation of intent that
 was lost.

And further, a token that includes more buttons (specifically, a
pinpad for secure entry of the 'know' factor) is vulnerable to fewer
attacks, and one that permits a challenge-response factor for specific
transaction approval is vulnerable to fewer again (both at a cost).
Several vendors have useful offerings of these types.

The worst cost for these more advanced methods may be in user
acceptance: having to type one or more things into the token, and then
the response into the computer.  A USB connected token could improve
on this by transporting the challenge and response, displaying the
challenge while leaving the pinpad for authentication and approval.

But the best attribute of tokens is they neither use nor need *any*
interface other than a user interface. Therefore:

 * it works anywhere with any client device, like my phone. I choose
   my token model and balance user overhead according to my needs.

 * it is simple to analyse.  How would you ensure the above ideal
   hypothetical USB token really couldn't be subverted over the bus?

By the time you've given up that benefit, and done all that analysis,
and dealt with platform issues, perhaps you might as well get the
proper pinpad smartcard it's starting to sound like, and get proper
signatures as well, rather than using a shared-key with the server.


Description: PGP signature

Re: RSA SecurID SID800 Token vulnerable by design

2006-09-14 Thread Vin McLellan

On Cryptography, and in several other online forums, Hadmut Danisch 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], a respected German information security analyst, 
recently published a harsh critique of one optional feature in the 
SID800, one of the newest of the six SecurID authentication tokens -- 
some with slightly different form-factors, others with additional 
security functions -- sold by RSA.  It's raised quite a stir, and I'd 
like to respond.

A personal authentication token, by classical definition, must be 
physical, personal, and difficult to counterfeit.  The most popular 
implementations in computer security move the calculation of a 
pseudo-random authentication code -- a so-called One-Time Password, 
or OTP-- off an employee's PC and into a hand-held hardware fob, 
small enough to be attached to a personal key chain.

RSA's mainstay token, the SID700 SecurID -- millions of which are 
used in over 20,000 enterprise installations worldwide, including 
many government agencies and financial institutions -- use AES (the 
US cryptographic standard) to process Current Time and a 128-bit 
token-specific secret to generate and continuously display a series 
of 6-8 digit (or alphanumeric) OTP token-codes which change every 
60-seconds, and remain valid only for a couple of minutes.

In practice, a RSA authentication server can then independently 
calculate the token-code that is appearing on a specific SecurID at 
this particular moment; compare that against an OTP submitted by a 
pre-registered user, and validate a match.  RSA, which first 
introduced the SecurID in 1987, has always insisted on the necessity 
of two-factor authentication (2FA), where a remote RSA 
authentication server must validate both a SecurID token-code 
(evidence of something held) and a user-memorized PIN or password 
(something known.)

A stolen password can be reused indefinitely to masquerade as the 
legitimate user, often with the victim wholly unaware. A 
token-generated OTP, valid only briefly, is a far more robust 
authenticator.  With 2FA, if a SecurID is stolen or lost, it still 
can't be used to obtain illicit access to protected resources without 
the second secret: the user's memorized PIN or password.

The elegant simplicity of the traditional SecurID -- and patents on 
the mechanism by which the drift in each individual SecurID's 
internal clock is tracked by the RSA authentication server -- has 
allowed RSA's time-synched SecurID to dominate the market niche for 
hand-held OTP authentication devices for 20 years.

In a typical installation, anyone seeking to log on to a protected PC 
or network, or to access restricted online resources, must manually 
type in the OTP currently displayed on the SecurID -- as well as his 
memorized PIN or password -- to have his identity and access 
privileges validated. Network applications handle the combined 
SecurID pass-code like any long traditional password. The link 
between the user and the RSA infrastructure is often, but not always, 
an encrypted VPN channel. That's a local decision. Data exchanges 
between the RSA agent  and RSA authentication server -- which 
typically means between one of the 350-odd SecurID-aware network 
applications and the RSA Authentication Manager, using RSA's own 
protocol -- are always fully encrypted.

Mr. Danisch is an admirer of the classic SecurID (SID700), RSA's 
traditional hand-held token. His ire is directed at one of the two 
new hybrid SecurID designs that RSA has recently offered in an 
attempt to respond to new requirements in the boisterous and 
rapidly-evolving market for what's called strong authentication.

With the nascent prospect of a new billion-dollar market in consumer 
authentication for financial services boosted by US federal 
regulatory initiatives, RSA announced the SecurID Signing Token, the 
SID900. The SecurID Signing Token still has a time-synched OTP, but 
RSA added a keypad and a challenge/response function which 
successively authenticates the user, the remote server, and a 
specific financial transaction, before the transaction (e.g., a funds 
transfer) is executed.

On the other side of the market -- where again US laws and federal 
regulatory initiatives have boosted demand for internal controls and 
more accountability measures in enterprise IT -- RSA has introduced 
the SID800, another hybrid SecurID, to meet the requirements of 
organizations that want to move into a full public key infrastructure (PKI.)

The SID800 SecurID is a multi-function authentication and 
cryptographic device that combines, in a single DPA-resistant token, 
the mobility and availability of the classic hand-held SecurID, as 
well as a smart chip that implements v2.1.1 Java tech (essentially 
a virtual smart card) in a USB format. It looks like a slightly 
smaller version of the classic SecurID key fob, with a USB plug 
jutting out at one end. It can carry up to seven X.509 digital 
certificates for PKI, as well as account information and 

Re: RSA SecurID SID800 Token vulnerable by design

2006-09-14 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Wed, Sep 13, 2006 at 10:23:53PM -0400, Vin McLellan wrote:
[... a long message including much of what I can only regard as
 outright advertising for RSA, irrelevant to the actual technical
 weakness in the SID800 USB token that Hadmut described, and which
 Vin's message purportedly disputes.  It would be nice if, when confronted
 with such a response in the future, the moderator of this list would
 return it to its author with the requirement that the marketeering be
 stripped out before the actual content be forwarded to this list!  I
 have snipped everything irrelevant to my own response. ... ]

 None of these features -- none of the SID800's cryptographic 
 resources -- were of apparent interest to Mr. Danisch. He ignored 
 them all when he denounced the SID800 as vulnerable by design.

As well he should have, because they are utterly irrelevant to the
genuine design flaw which he pointed out, and which Vin seeks to
minimize (by burying it in irelevancies?) here.

 What particularly disturbs Mr. D is one option among in the SID800 
 SecurID features which allows RSA's local client software to poll and 
 retrieve a single OTP from the token when the SID800 is plugged into 
 the PC's USB port.  Given the potential for malicious malware to 
 invade and take control of any Windows PC -- malware that can seize 
 and misuse both the user's PIN and an OTP fresh from the USB bus -- 
 it was irresponsible, Danisch suggests, for RSA to make such a option 
 available to its customers.

And so it was.  Vin simply handwaves away the fact that if RSA's client
software can poll the token and retrieve the current OTP, so can any
malicious software running on the host to which the token is attached.

It is not correct to suggest that perhaps this could be done only once,
when the token were first plugged in to the host system's USB port,
because USB *by design* allows the host to cut and restore power to
devices under software control, so that the SID800 can, even if it
somehow is intended to only allow token retrieval once upon plug-in
and once only (something Vin seems to imply, but does not directly
state) simply be repeatedly tricked into thinking that it has just been
plugged in.

 In the second version of the SID800 -- an option selectable by local 
 management pre-purchase, and burnt into the token's USB firmware by 
 RSA -- the user can select a menu in which he instructs the SecurID 
 to load one OTP token-code directly into the paste buffer, presumably 
 for immediate use. Since internal access to the SecurID's OTP via the 
 USB bus makes it a potential target for malware or intruders on the 
 computer, claimed Mr. Danisch, This is weak by design.  I beg to 
 differ. Effective IT security is about an appropriate balance, not 
 walls of iron or stone.

Good cooking is about full-bodied flavor, not wire rope or persian
kittens; but let's leave the irrelevant analogy aside and stick to the
facts that seem to be discussed here, I suppose.

Vin claims that the user instructs the SecureID to load one OTP
token-code directly into the paste buffer.  This is a very, very odd
claim, because it implies that the user communicates directly with a
USB peripheral and instructs _the peripheral_ to autonomously load
a token-code -- some bytes -- into an area in host memory that is used
by the host operating system's user interface.  We should note that,
unlike Firewire, USB *does not include a mechanism by which a
peripheral on the bus may initiate a DMA transfer into the memory of
the host system that is the master of the bus* so clearly what Vin
claims cannot be strictly true.  What, then, should we think that it
likely means?  I think he must mean something like this:

  The user instructs the RSA-supplied application code running on the
   host system to retrieve one token code from the SecureID across the
   USB bus, and place that retrieved token code into the paste buffer.

If that is not what Vin means, I think that he should respond and say
exactly what he does mean, in a way that does not make reference to
mythical properties that USB peripherals do not have.

Now, consider what it means that it is even _possible_ for the RSA-
supplied application to retrieve a token code from the SID800 in this
way.  It means that by, at worst, cutting and restoring power to the
USB port in question, malicious software can retrieve *a new, current
token code* *any time it wants to do so*.  In other words, while, with
traditional SecureID tokens, it is possible for malicious software to
steal token codes typed by the user into a compromised host system _when
the user types them_, and by engaging in a man-in-the-middle scheme
impersonate the intended target system to the user _that once_ (since
SecureID token codes can not be used twice), this new system does, in
fact, open up the gaping new security hole Hamisch claims it does:

   With this USB-connected token, malicious software on the host can poll
   the token and retrieve 

Re: RSA SecurID SID800 Token vulnerable by design

2006-09-14 Thread Leichter, Jerry
| The problem is that _because there is an interface to poll the token for
| a code across the USB bus_, malicious software can *repeatedly* steal new
| token codes *any time it wants to*.  This means that it can steal codes
| when the user is not even attempting to authenticate
I think this summarizes things nicely.  Moving to a higher level of
abstraction:  With a traditional token, if the correct value has been
entered, we can reasonably assume intent on the part of the human
being in possession of the token to identify himself, and thus take
responsibility for some set of actions.  With the additional something
you know password associated with the token, we can further reasonably
assume that the person in possession of the token is in fact the person
who has the right to possess that token.*

In the case of a software-readable USB token, *neither* assumption is
reasonable.  The resulting authentication is very different in kind.

| It is noteworthy that a token that requires *any* kind of intervention
| by the user -- even something as simple as a press of a button on the
| token which illuminates when the host presents the token-code request --
| is invulnerable to such an attack...
Pressing the button supplies exactly the confirmation of intent that
was lost.  (However, it can't get you to the assumptions about the
right person having possession of the token.  The fingerprint scanning
technologies that one sees in some USB drives today would probably be
reasonable for that purpose - not that one has much information about
their false positive rates or how hard they really are to attack.
I don't know what the costs are, however - low enough for ~$100 drives,
maybe not low enough for an ID token.)

-- Jerry

* Yes, there are attacks that render these assumptions invalid.
Nothing is perfect.

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Re: RSA SecurID SID800 Token vulnerable by design

2006-09-10 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler

Lance James wrote:

Agreed, and since my research is focused on online banking I can see
yours and my point, either way, SecurID should not be the only concept
for dependence.

as i've mentioned serveral times, in the mid-90s, the x9a10 financial 
standards working group was given the task of preserving the integrity 
of the financial infrastructure for all retail payments. the result was 
x9.59 standard

which specified (end-to-end) authenticated transaction (and a business 
rule that account numbers used in x9.59 transactions could not be used 
in non-authenticated transactions) ... recent, related post: DDA cards may address the UK 
ChipPin woes

part of the issue was with the actual transactions being signed and 
running end-to-end ... and account numbers no longer vulnerable to 
naked exploits ... it was no longer necessary to hide the account 
number (as countermeasure to prevent fraudulent replay attack 

the issue then became end-point attacks; either the originating 
end-point or the authorizing end-point. most infrastructure have had the 
authorizing end-points pretty well armored for some time. that primarily 
leaves vulnerabilities at the originating end-point.

part of the EU finread terminal work was to close off some of the 
originating end-point vulnerabilities.

basically an independent, secure token terminal with its own display and 
key-entry. the transactions is forwarded from the end-point to the 
finread terminal ... the finread terminal displays a summary of the 
transaction details ... and passes it to the token for digital signing. 
any pin-entry (for two-factor authentication ... token something you 
have and pin-entry something you know) is performed at the finread 
terminal (minimizing any pin evesdropping and associated pin replay 
attack exploits).

while session encryption is useful for confidentiality and privacy of 
the operations ... a lot of existing session encryption is primarily 
because existing transactions don't have end-to-end armored 
authentication ... leaving various pieces of information involved in the 
actual transaction naked and vulnerable to various kinds of replay attacks.

the x9.59 standards approach was to provide end-to-end armoring of the 
actual transactions ... eliminating numerous kinds of replay 
vulnerabilities and some of the man-in-the-middle attacks

... independent of any possible use of authentication for session purposes

note that while it isn't part of the x9.59 standard ... the standard was 
carefully crafted such that end-point environments like the EU finread 
would be allowed to also sign transactions.

the issue is that the responsible authorization end-point frequently 
will be doing risk assessment  (especially involving financial 
transactions). it is easy to see that a eu finread terminal provides a 
much higher integrity digital signing environment that many personal 
computers (for instance, virus software than log the entered pin and 
replay it to a connected hardware token w/o the person's knowledge) ... 
it is useful to have some knowledge about the transaction originating 
environment when doing risk assessment.

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Re: RSA SecurID SID800 Token vulnerable by design

2006-09-09 Thread Lance James
Hadmut Danisch wrote:
 I recently tested an RSA SecurID SID800 Token
 The token is bundled with some windows software designed to make
 user's life easier. Interestingly, this software provides a function
 which directly copies the current token code into the cut-and-paste
 buffer, when the token is plugged in into USB. This is weak by design.
 The security of these tokens is based on what RSA calls two-factor
 user authentication: It takes both a secret (PIN) and the
 time-dependend Token-Code to authenticate. The security of the
 Token-Code depends on the assumption that the token is resistant
 against malware or intruders on the computer used for communication
 (web browser, VPN client,...).

Hi Hadmut,

Another problem from what I see with Malware that steals data is the
formgrabbing and on event logging of data. Malware can detect if
SecureID is being used based on targeted events, example: Say HSBC
(Hypothetical example, not targeting HSBC) has two-factor logins in
place, the problem with this is that it is vulnerable to session riding
and trojan-in-the-middle attacks anyway, because the minute the user
logs in, the malware could launder money out (unless transaction auth is
in place, which in most cases it's not), or they could pharm the user
with a fake website that resolves as HSBC but they go in within the time
frame of that token being valid and have access. Either way, however you
cut it, SecureID/Two-Factor User auth is not protected against malware,

 However, if the Token Code can be read over the USB bus, this
 assumption does not hold. A single attack on the PC where the token is
 plugged in would compromise both the PIN (e.g. with a keylogger) and
 the token itself (e.g. writing a daemon which continuously polls the
 token and forwards the token in real time to a remote attacker.
 Ironically this could make an attack even easier: If some malware
 simultaneously monitors the token and the keyboard, it is much easier
 to detect that the keystrokes are actually related to some login
 Whenever the 6-digit token code appears in the keyboard or
 cut-and-paste input stream, you can be pretty sure that in a sliding
 window of about the last 100-200 keystrokes both the PIN and the
 address of the server to login is contained. Makes it really easy to
 automatically detect secrets in the input stream.
 Thus, two different authentication methods are together weaker than
 each single one.
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Best Regards,
Lance James
Secure Science Corp.

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Re: RSA SecurID SID800 Token vulnerable by design

2006-09-09 Thread Hadmut Danisch
Hi Lance,

On Fri, Sep 08, 2006 at 10:26:45AM -0700, Lance James wrote:
 Another problem from what I see with Malware that steals data is the
 formgrabbing and on event logging of data. Malware can detect if
 SecureID is being used based on targeted events, example: Say HSBC
 (Hypothetical example, not targeting HSBC) has two-factor logins in
 place, the problem with this is that it is vulnerable to session riding
 and trojan-in-the-middle attacks anyway, because the minute the user
 logs in, the malware could launder money out (unless transaction auth is
 in place, which in most cases it's not), or they could pharm the user
 with a fake website that resolves as HSBC but they go in within the time
 frame of that token being valid and have access. Either way, however you
 cut it, SecureID/Two-Factor User auth is not protected against malware,

Partly agreed. These kinds of attacks I usually teach in my

However, in all of these cases the attacker has to be online in the
moment you are logging in and you experience any failure, e.g. can't
login or something like that. 

But with the SID800 malware could silently sit in the background and
pass token codes to the attacker even if you do not login at this
moment. E.g. it could wait until you have logged in (or out) and grap
the next token code.

Furthermore, the attack you described presumes that the attacker knows
where you want to login. But when you could use the current token code
as an indicator for searching login data in the input stream, then you
can find new places to login, e.g. your company VPN access point.

While the attack you describe is more important for banking, the USB
attack is more against company logins.


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Re: RSA SecurID SID800 Token vulnerable by design

2006-09-09 Thread Lance James
Hadmut Danisch wrote:
 Hi Lance,
 On Fri, Sep 08, 2006 at 10:26:45AM -0700, Lance James wrote:
 Another problem from what I see with Malware that steals data is the
 formgrabbing and on event logging of data. Malware can detect if
 SecureID is being used based on targeted events, example: Say HSBC
 (Hypothetical example, not targeting HSBC) has two-factor logins in
 place, the problem with this is that it is vulnerable to session riding
 and trojan-in-the-middle attacks anyway, because the minute the user
 logs in, the malware could launder money out (unless transaction auth is
 in place, which in most cases it's not), or they could pharm the user
 with a fake website that resolves as HSBC but they go in within the time
 frame of that token being valid and have access. Either way, however you
 cut it, SecureID/Two-Factor User auth is not protected against malware,
 Partly agreed. These kinds of attacks I usually teach in my
 However, in all of these cases the attacker has to be online in the
 moment you are logging in and you experience any failure, e.g. can't
 login or something like that. 
 But with the SID800 malware could silently sit in the background and
 pass token codes to the attacker even if you do not login at this
 moment. E.g. it could wait until you have logged in (or out) and grap
 the next token code.
 Furthermore, the attack you described presumes that the attacker knows
 where you want to login. But when you could use the current token code
 as an indicator for searching login data in the input stream, then you
 can find new places to login, e.g. your company VPN access point.
 While the attack you describe is more important for banking, the USB
 attack is more against company logins.

Agreed, and since my research is focused on online banking I can see
yours and my point, either way, SecurID should not be the only concept
for dependence.

Best Regards,
Lance James
Secure Science Corp.

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Re: RSA SecurID SID800 Token vulnerable by design

2006-09-09 Thread Sean W. Smith
One can have a lot of fun with key-wielding tokens, especially on  
Windows.  See:

J. Marchesini, S.W. Smith, M. Zhao.
Keyjacking: the Surprising Insecurity of Client-side SSL.
Computers and Security.
4 (2): 109-123. March 2005.


Department of Computer Science, Dartmouth College, Hanover NH USA

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