Re: towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)

2010-08-27 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

On 08/27/2010 12:38 AM, Richard Salz wrote:

(For what it's worth, I find your style of monocase and ellipses so
incredibly difficult to read that I usually delete your postings unread.)

It is well studied. I had gotten blamed for online computer conferencing
on the internal network in the late 70s and early 80s (rumor is that when
the executive committee became aware ... 5of6 wanted to immediately
fire me ... supposedly there was only one holdout).

somewhat as a result, there was a researcher paid to sit in the back of
my office for nine months, taking notes on how I communicated, face-to-face,
telephone, computer ... got  copies of all incoming and outgoing email,
logs of all instant messages, etc. Besides being a corporate research report,
it was also the basis for several papers, books and stanford phd (joint
between language and computer AI). One number was that I avg. electronic
communication with 275 different people per week for the 9month period.
lots of past posts mentioning computer mediated communication

in any case, we were brought in to help wordsmith the cal. state
electronic signature legislation. the certification authority industry
was heavily lobbying (effectively) that digital certificates had to
be mandated for every adult.

The certification authority industry, besides doing the SSL domain
name digital certificates were out pitching to wall street money
people a $20B/annum business case (basically all adults with
$100/annum digital certificate). Initially they appeared to
believe that the financial industry would underwrite the certificates.
The financial industry couldn't see the justification for
the $20B/annum transfer of wealth to the certification authentication
industry. There were various attempts then to convince consumers
that they should pay it directly out of their own pocket.
in payment area, they were also pitching to the merchants that
part of deploying digital certificates infrastructure, the burden of
proof in digitally signed payment transactions, would be switched
to consumers (somewhat like UK where approx. that has happened as
part of payment hardware tokens).

That netted out to consumers paying $100/annum (for digital certificates),
out of their own pocket, for the privilege of having the burden
of proof in disputes shifted to them. that didn't sell ... so there was
heavy lobbying all around the world wanting gov mandating digital
certificates for every adult (payed for by the individual). The lawyers
working on the cal. legislation explained why digital signatures
didn't meet the criteria for "human signatures" (demonstration of human
having read, agreed, authorizes, and/or approved) needed by
electronic signature legislation. we got some patents in the
area, the 32nd just granted on tuesday, they are all assigned,
we have no interest and have been long gone for years.

There are a couple issues with new technology uptake ... much
more successful when 1) there is no incumbent technology already
in the niche and 2) there are strong champions with profit
motivation and 3) there is at least some perceived benefit.
In the 90s, I would pontificate how SSL domain name
certificates didn't actually provide any significant
security ... but were "comfort" certificates (for consumers),
aka benefit was significantly a matter of publicity.

Better solutions that come along later don't necessarily win
... having incumbent to deal with and are especially at a
disadvantage if there aren't major champions (typically
with strong profit motivation).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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Re: towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)

2010-08-27 Thread Richard Salz
(For what it's worth, I find your style of monocase and ellipses so 
incredibly difficult to read that I usually delete your postings unread.)

> as previously mentioned, somewhere back behind everything else ... there
> is strong financial motivation in the sale of the SSL domain name 
> certificates.

I don't doubt that this was true when it was the secure sockets layer and 
"e-commerce on the web" were just starting up.  But I don't think it's 
accurate any longer. Or rather, who cares how VRSN wants to make money? :) 
 Verisign owns a large portion of the CA market; their market-cap is 
US$5B. Google's is US$143B, Apple's is US$220B and Microsoft's is US$206B. 
I mention Google because they are very involved and influential in 
Internet infrastructure, and Apple because many believe they will be 
dominant content delivery system, and Microsoft because they were a 
sponsor of the original SDSI research (

If someone has a better mousetrap, there's several places that can make it 
happen and swallow 44% of the SSL market (
) with nary a burp.


STSM, WebSphere Appliance Architect

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Re: towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)

2010-08-26 Thread Chris Palmer
Richard Salz writes:

> A really knowledgeable net-head told me the other day that the problem
> with SSL/TLS is that it has too many round-trips.  In fact, the RTT costs
> are now more prohibitive than the crypto costs.  I was quite surprised to
> hear this; he was stunned to find it out.

Cryptographic operations are measured in cycles (i.e. nanoseconds now);
network operations are measured in milliseconds. That should not be a
stunning surprise.

What is neither stunning nor surprising, but continually sad, is that web
developers don't measure anything. Predictably, web app performance is
unnecessarily terrible.

I once asked some developers why they couldn't use HTTPS. "Performance!" was
the cry.

"Ok," I said. "What is your performance target, and by how much does HTTPS
make you miss it? Maybe we can optimize something so you can afford HTTPS

"As fast as possible!!!" was the response.

When I pointed out that their app sent AJAX requests and responses that were
tens or even hundreds of KB every couple seconds, and that as a result their
app was barely usable outside their LAN, I was met with blank stares.

Did they use HTTP persistent connections, TLS session resumption, text
content compression, maximize HTTP caching, ...? I think you can guess. :)

Efforts like SPDY are the natural progression of organizations like Google
content and application layers, worrying about the transport layers makes no
sense. A bloated app will still be slow when transported over SPDY.

Developers are already under the dangerous misapprehension that "TLS is too
expensive". When they hear security experts and cryptographers mistakenly
agree, the idea will stick in their minds forever; we will have failed.

The problem comes from insufficiently broad understanding: the sysadmins
fiddle their kernel tuning knobs, the security people don't understand how
applications work, and the developers call malloc 5,000 times and perform
2,500 I/O ops just to print "Hello, World". The resulting software is
unsafe, slow, and too expensive.

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Re: towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)

2010-08-26 Thread Paul Wouters

On Thu, 26 Aug 2010, wrote:

> as previously mentioned, somewhere back behind everything else ... there
> is strong financial motivation in the sale of the SSL domain name digital
> certificates.

While I am *not* arguing that point, per se, if having a
better solution would require, or would have required, no
more investment than the accumulated profits in the sale
of SSL domain name certs, we could have solved this by now.

Currently, the IETF keyassure WG is working on specifying how to use DNS(SEC)
to put the certs in the DNS to avoid the entire CA authentication.

It seems to be deciding on certs (not raw keys/hashes) to simplify and re-use
the existing TLS based implementations (eg HTTPS)


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Re: towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)

2010-08-26 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

On 08/26/2010 06:38 AM, wrote:

While I am *not* arguing that point, per se, if having a
better solution would require, or would have required, no
more investment than the accumulated profits in the sale
of SSL domain name certs, we could have solved this by now.

the profit from sale of SSL domain name certs had profit motivation pretty much
unrelated to the overall costs to the infrastructure ... and so there was
an extremely strong champion.

simply enhancing DNS and doing real-time trusted public key distribution
thru a trusted domain name infrastructure ... was all cost with no champion
with strong profit motivation.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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Re: towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)

2010-08-26 Thread Ian G

On 25/08/10 11:04 PM, Richard Salz wrote:

A really knowledgeable net-head told me the other day that the problem
with SSL/TLS is that it has too many round-trips.  In fact, the RTT costs
are now more prohibitive than the crypto costs.  I was quite surprised to
hear this; he was stunned to find it out.

Yes, it is inherent in the design assumptions of the early 1990s.  At 
the time, the idea was to secure HTTP, which was (is) a request-response 
protocol layered over TCP.  Now, some of the design features that the 
designers settled on were:

+ ignore HTTP and secure TCP
+ make SSL look just like TCP
+ third-party authority authentication
+ no client-side caching of certs

And those features they delivered reasonably well.

However, if they had dug a bit deeper at the time (unlikely, really 
unlikely) they would have discovered that the core HTTP protocol is 
request-response, which means it is two packets, one for request and one 
for response.

Layering HTTP over TCP was a simplification, because just about everyone 
does that, and still does it for whatever reason.  However it was a 
simplification that ultimately caused a lot more cost than they 
realised, because it led to further layering, and further unreliability.

The original assumptions can be challenged.  If one goes to pure 
request-respose, then the whole lot can be done over datagrams (UDP). 
Once that is done properly, the protocol can move to 4 packets startup, 
then cached 2 packets mode.  The improvement in reliability is a gift.

This is possible, but you have to think outside the box, discard the 
obsession of layering and the mindtrap of reliable TCP.  I've done it, 
so I know it's possible.  Fast, and reliable, too.  Lynn as well, it 
seems.  James points out the architectural secret, that security has to 
be baked into the app, any security below the app is unreliable.

Look at the "tlsnextprotonec" IETF draft, the Google involvement in SPDY,

SPDY only takes the low-hanging fruit, IIRC.  Very cautious, very 
conservative, hardly seems worth the effort to me.

and perhaps this message as a jumping-off point for both:

I was happy to see that the interest is in piggy-backing, not in changing

If you're content with slow, stick with TLS :)  Fast starts with a clean 
sheet of paper.  It is of course a complete rewrite, but IMHO the work 
effort is less than working with layered mistakes of the past.


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Re: towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)

2010-08-26 Thread dan

 > as previously mentioned, somewhere back behind everything else ... there
 > is strong financial motivation in the sale of the SSL domain name digital
 > certificates.

While I am *not* arguing that point, per se, if having a
better solution would require, or would have required, no
more investment than the accumulated profits in the sale
of SSL domain name certs, we could have solved this by now.


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Re: towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)

2010-08-25 Thread =JeffH

> A really knowledgeable net-head told me the other day that the problem
> with SSL/TLS is that it has too many round-trips.  In fact, the RTT costs
> are now more prohibitive than the crypto costs.

Yes, although that's a different class of issue from the ones we're trying to 
address in hasmat and keyassure.

these two drafts comprise the approach Adam Langley (of google) is presently 
pursuing wrt both fast TLS startup (snapstart) and support for 
NextProtocolNegotiation (during TLS handshake)..

Note that the motivation for draft-agl-tls-nextprotoneg is so-called 
websockets, which are being worked on in the IETF HYBI (hypertext 
bidirectional) WG


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Re: towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)

2010-08-25 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

On 08/25/2010 09:04 AM, Richard Salz wrote:

Also, note that HSTS is presently specific to HTTP. One could imagine
expressing a more generic "STS" policy for an entire site

A really knowledgeable net-head told me the other day that the problem
with SSL/TLS is that it has too many round-trips.  In fact, the RTT costs
are now more prohibitive than the crypto costs.  I was quite surprised to
hear this; he was stunned to find it out.

Look at the "tlsnextprotonec" IETF draft, the Google involvement in SPDY,
and perhaps this message as a jumping-off point for both:

I was happy to see that the interest is in piggy-backing, not in changing

the work on HSP (high-speed protocol) in the late 80s was to do reliable 
in minimum 3-packet exchange; compared to 5-packet minimum for VMTP (rfc1045) 
7-packet minimum for tcp (disclaimer, i was on related technical advisory board
for HSP ... while at IBM ... over strong objections from the communication 
but that also strong protested that we had come up with 3-tier architecture and 
out pitching it to customer executives ... at a time when they were attempting
to get the client/server genie back into the terminal emulation bottle)

then SSL theoretically being stateless on top of tcp added a whole bunch of
additional chatter. there has frequently between changing trade-offs between
transmission and processing ... but SSL started out being excessive in both
transmission and processing (in addition to having deployment requirement that
the user understand the relationship between the website they believed they
were talking to and the URL they had to supply to the browser  a requirement
that was almost immediately violated).

my pitch forever has been to leverage key distribution piggy-backed on
domain name to ip-address (dns) response ... and use that to do
encrypted/validated reliable transaction within HSP 3-packet minimum exchange.

as previously mentioned, somewhere back behind everything else ... there
is strong financial motivation in the sale of the SSL domain name digital

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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Re: towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)

2010-08-25 Thread Steven Bellovin

On Aug 25, 2010, at 9:04 20AM, Richard Salz wrote:

>> Also, note that HSTS is presently specific to HTTP. One could imagine 
>> expressing a more generic "STS" policy for an entire site
> A really knowledgeable net-head told me the other day that the problem 
> with SSL/TLS is that it has too many round-trips.  In fact, the RTT costs 
> are now more prohibitive than the crypto costs.  I was quite surprised to 
> hear this; he was stunned to find it out.

This statement is quite correct.  I know of at least one major player that was 
very reluctant to use SSL because of this issue; the round trips, especially on 
intercontinental connections, led to considerable latency, which in turn hurt 
the perceived responsiveness of their service.

We need to do something about the speed of light.  Is anyone working on 
hyperwave or subether technologies?

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)

2010-08-25 Thread Richard Salz
> Also, note that HSTS is presently specific to HTTP. One could imagine 
> expressing a more generic "STS" policy for an entire site

A really knowledgeable net-head told me the other day that the problem 
with SSL/TLS is that it has too many round-trips.  In fact, the RTT costs 
are now more prohibitive than the crypto costs.  I was quite surprised to 
hear this; he was stunned to find it out.

Look at the "tlsnextprotonec" IETF draft, the Google involvement in SPDY, 
and perhaps this message as a jumping-off point for both:

I was happy to see that the interest is in piggy-backing, not in changing 


STSM, WebSphere Appliance Architect

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Re: towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)

2010-08-23 Thread bmanning
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 11:51:01AM -0400, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
> On 08/22/2010 06:56 AM, Jakob Schlyter wrote:
> >There are a lot of work going on in this area, including how to use secure 
> >DNS to
> >associate the key that appears in a TLS server's certificate with the the 
> >intended
> >domain name [1]. Adding HSTS to this mix does make sense and is something 
> >that is
> >discussed, e.g. on the keyassure mailing list [2].
> There is large vested interested in Certification Authority industry
> selling SSL domain name certificates. A secure DNS scenario is having
> a public key registered at the time the domain name is registered ...
> and then a different kind of TLS ... where the public key is returned
> in piggy-back with the domain name to ip-address mapping response.

for the conservative - they may want to verify the DNSSEC
trust chains for both the domain name and the IP address.

e.g. is it the same EV cert at the end of both validation


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Re: towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)

2010-08-22 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

On 08/22/2010 06:56 AM, Jakob Schlyter wrote:

There are a lot of work going on in this area, including how to use secure DNS 
associate the key that appears in a TLS server's certificate with the the 
domain name [1]. Adding HSTS to this mix does make sense and is something that 
discussed, e.g. on the keyassure mailing list [2].

There is large vested interested in Certification Authority industry
selling SSL domain name certificates. A secure DNS scenario is having
a public key registered at the time the domain name is registered ...
and then a different kind of TLS ... where the public key is returned
in piggy-back with the domain name to ip-address mapping response.

This doesn't have the revenue infrastructure add-on that happened
with the Certifcation Authority ... just is bundled as part of
the existing DNS infrastructure. I've pontificated for years that
it is catch-22 for the Certification Authority industry ... since
there are aspects of improving the integrity of the DNS infrastructure
i.e. Certification Authority industry is dependent on DNS ... aka
The Certification Authority industry has to match the information
from the SSL digital certificate applicant with the true owner
of the domain name on file with the DNS infrastructure (among
other things, requiring digitally signed communication that is
authenticated with the onfile public key in the domain name
infrastructure is a countermeasure to domain name hijacking ...
which then cascades down the trust chain to hijackers applying
for valid SSL domain name certificates).

At 50k foot level, SSL domain name certificates were countermeasures
to various perceived shortcomings in DNS integrity ... nearly any
kind of improvements in DNS integrity contributes to reducing the
motivation for SSL domain name certificates. Significantly improving
integrity of DNS would eliminate all motivation for SSL domain
name certificates. This would then adversely affect the revenue
flow for the Certification Authority industry.

I've also periodically claimed that OCSP appeared to be a
(very rube-goldberg) response to my position that digital
certificates (appended to every payment transaction) would actually
set the state-of-the-art back 30-40 yrs (as opposed to their
claims that appended digital certificates would bring payments
into the modern era ... that was separate from the issue of
the redundant and superfluous digital certificates representing
a factor of 100 times payment transaction payload and processing

Anything that appears to eliminate competition for paid-for
SSL digital certificates and/or strengthen the position of
Certification Authorities ... might be construed as having
an industry profit motivation.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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Re: towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)

2010-08-22 Thread Jakob Schlyter
There are a lot of work going on in this area, including how to use secure DNS 
to associate the key that appears in a TLS server's certificate with the the 
intended domain name [1]. Adding HSTS to this mix does make sense and is 
something that is discussed, e.g. on the keyassure mailing list [2].



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Re: towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)

2010-08-21 Thread Jerry Leichter
I read through the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) Draft RFC ( 
) and it's an odd mix.  It continues - and expands on - Firefox's war  
against self-signed certs - while adding to the Web exactly the same  
kind of SSH-style "connection continuity" security for which self- 
signed certs are completely appropriate!

Consider the scenarios:

1.  "First connection" to an HSTS server.  Here "first connection"  
means that client is approaching this server with no pre-existing  
security context - either it's never connected before, or it's stored  
no information that will influence security decisions on its part,  
from the previous connections, if any.  Today, that describes *all*  
standard connections, though many different extensions have been  
proposed, and plug-ins implemented, to change this.

The security of such a connection, in the presence of a MITM attack,  
depends entirely on the trustworthiness of the certificate chain.   
There is, ex hypothesi, nothing else that drives the client's decisions.

HSTS has absolutely nothing to offer here.  A MITM won't forward the  
HSTS information if it finds it inconvenient to do so.  Or it will  
fake it.

Because HSTS forbids self-signed certs, no legitimate server will  
present a combination of a self-signed cert and an HSTS header.  No  
intelligent MITM will do so either.  It will either suppress the HSTS  
header - or, more likely, use a perfectly legitimate cert signed by a  
perfectly legitimate CA that the client will accept.  After all, there  
are hundreds of CA's out there and getting a signed cert is no big deal.

HSTS *does* provide protection against a *passive* "first connection"  
attacker by blocking insecure connection attempts and requiring  
HTTPS.  (Of course, you can do that in a server today with a redirect  
- and in fact that's exactly how HSTS does it.)

2.  A "second connection":  One where the client has retained  
information from a previous connection.  HSTS adds this state to the  
standards:  For an amount of time specified by the server on the  
previous connection, a new connection to the server (well, to be more  
careful, to the URI or possibly subdomains - the whole question of  
whether we are talking about a server or a URI or an address gets very  
complex if you try to pin it down exactly) must use HTTPS, and must  
get a "clean" connection, with no warnings (e.g., the CRL must be  
checkable) and no self-signed certs.

So what does HSTS actually add?  I'd say three things:

- Standardization of, and requirement for, HTTP to HTTPS redirects;
- Standardization of, and requirement for, clients to retain security
  information about previous connections, per server/URI/domain;
- The notion of a "time to live" for that security information, set
  by the server.

But having gone this far ... the proposal then goes off into the weeds  
by regulating self-signed certs for no really good reason, while  
ignoring much more valuable things it *could* do.  There's nothing we  
can do about the MITM vulnerabilities in the first connection scenario  
without solving the PKI problem - which ain't gonna happen.  (HSTS  
discusses the notion of pre-loading HSTS security information for some  
sites along with CA lists, but itself notes that this doesn't really  
solve any problems so much as rename them.  Besides - once you start  
on this route, why not just distribute actual site keys?)

But why not let the server say "On subsequent connections, only accept  
a cert with this fingerprint" (SSH connection) or "only accept a cert  
signed by this CA" (sites don't change CA's often, and the time limit  
means they can do so as long as they plan ahead) or "only accept certs  
signed by CA's based in the following country" (like  Soghoian and  
Stamm's work).  Why a "require this CA" together with a self-signed  
cert shouldn't be allowed is beyond me - I can't see any situation in  
which it's weaker than the current HSTS proposal.

Now, it's quite true that HSTS *allows* for extensions - but so does  
HTTP, and so browsers.  What's hard is to get something very broadly  
implemented.  Having the "something" be HSTS would be squandering an  
opportunity.  I certainly wouldn't try to include every, or even many,  
possibilities - that's a way of making sure that nothing gets done.   
By being able to say:  For any connections to this server/URI/set of  
domains for the next n seconds, accept only HTTPS connections with  
certs signed by the following CA's (*including* self-signed certs!) -  
now, that would be useful.

-- Jerry

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towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?)

2010-08-20 Thread =JeffH

fyi, this is a heads-up about on-going work in this area... wondered:
> I noticed that Bank of America ... now finally use HTTPS on their home
> page, and redirect HTTP to HTTPS ...  Wachovia now do it too.  And Citibank
> at least redirect you to an HTTPS page.  And so does US Bank ...
> What on earth happened?  Was there a change in banking regulations in
> the last few months? replied:
> On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 09:32:57AM -0700, Jeff Simmons noted:
>> It wouldn't surprise me if there's been some blowback from the
>> adoption of PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security
>> Standards). As someone who has had to help several small to medium
>> size businesses comply with these 'voluntary' standards, the irony
>> of the fact that the big banks that require them often aren't in
>> compliance themselves hasn't escaped my notice.
> In the past month, we've had several customers at work suddenly insist that
> we make modifications to their firewalls and/or load balancers to redirect
> *all* incoming HTTP traffic to HTTPS (which of course isn't always entirely
> sane to do on proxying devices, but they apparently don't trust their server
> admins to maintain an HTTP redirect). Most of them cited requirements from
> their PCI-DSS auditors. ...

Coincidentally with this apparent PCI-induced trickle-down of default 
employment of HTTPS, there's been relatively recent work on enabling web sites' 
declaration of security policies, and browser-side enforment of such.

Presently there's a patchwork quilt of approaches, two in particular are 
directly on-topic with the spirit of the above questions and observations...

  EFF's HTTPS Everywhere (Peter Eckersley et al)

  HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)

WRT the latter, we're forming a new IETF WG where it'll be finalized, along 
with a couple of other I-Ds (which are related patches in the quilt)..

  HASMAT Charter Proposal

Not-coincidentally, the W3C is working towards establishing a web app security 
working group, where the related Mozilla "content security policy" work (as 
well as present W3C work on secure Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is slated to 

  W3C Web App Security WG charter strawman

  Content Security Policy also observed:
>  Given the million [0] easier attack vectors against
> web sites, which typically range from "trivial" all the way up to "relatively
> easy" ...
> [0] Figure exaggerated slightly for effect.

Indeed. WRT to this plethora of web attack vectors, the present patchwork quilt 
of remedies, and thoughts on how to go about more holistically approaching the 
issues, please see..

  The Need for Coherent Web Security Policy Framework(s)


Internet Standards and Governance Team
PayPal Information Risk Management

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