Re: [cryptography] IETF Working Group Charter on Common Interface to Cryptographic Modules (CICM)

2011-06-22 Thread Peter Gutmann
Marsh Ray  writes:

>> CryptoAPI: A handful of guys at Microsoft
>I always kind of thought this one looked like someone went a little wild with 
>the UML modeling tools.

I've been following it since CryptoAPI 1.0, initially it was a fairly 
straightforward, basic API, but it's been bloated up over time on the design 
principle of of "gimme an API to do X" as required, so it evolved rather than 
being designed as such.  For example CryptDeriveKey() is really 
CryptProcessPasswordForWindows() (or perhaps CryptLoadContextFromHash()) 
rather than something where you can do PBKDF2, PGP S2K, the TLS and SSH PRFs, 
and so on.  In addition many of the lower-level functions in CryptoAPI are 
realy only useful for implementing higher-level bits of CryptoAPI, but not as 
a general-purpose API for crypto.  So if your goal is "I want to do crypto the 
Windows way" then it's perfectly fine.  If OTOH it's "I want to read certs 
from the Windows cert store for use in a non-CryptoAPI app" (for example) then 
you're in for quite a bit of pain.

>OK, but when one of the buckets has 0 observations in it what is it proving 

That no successful crypto API has ever been designed by a committee?  We have 
(at least) CDSA, TCG, and GSS-API, and none of those have seen any significant 
adoption (by "significant" I mean at the same level as CryptoAPI, OpenSSL, 

>It would say a lot more if there were some examples of committee-designed 
>crypto APIs that nobody wanted to use because of those noticeable effects.

See above.  Note that the two lists were of "Successful crypto APIs", not "Any 
kind of crypto API".  I'm not aware of any designed-by-committee crypto API 
that's had any real penetration in the marketplace.

>Netscape/Mozilla's NSS might be another interesting data point.

How much of that is PKCS #11 and how much is non-PKCS #11 NSS?  But yeah, 
that'd be another example.

>Having a concrete API can keep the design grounded. There are some things in 
>TLS that have *no* representation in any sane API. This could only have 
>occurred by the design leading the implementation a little too far.

Actually I was surprised during the discussion of adding explicit IVs in TLS 
1.1 that people brough up API issues to argue for or against particular 
designs.  I'd never seen that in other WGs.

>There already are crypto APIs being defined in RFCs, they're just ad-hoc 
>and lacking interoperability. E.g.

Does anyone or anything of any significance use that API?  I looked at it when 
the RFC was published and, not to put too fine a point on it, it didn't seem 
to be based on any great implementation experience.

>The purpose of the IETF considering APIs in general isn't *just* that we'll 
>all get some huge new API to use and which will be considered a failure if the 
>whole world doesn't move to it immediately. Just the process of defining an 
>API holds potential to improve the quality of the protocols and specification.

But almost anything (including recreational pharmaceuticals) can act to 
"improve the quality of the protocols and specification".  Is bringing API 
considerations into the design process a suitable cost/benefit tradeoff?  
Could you achieve the same (or better) with a few beers worth of analysis?  
The biggest factor that would affect IETF protocol design in my opinion is a 
requirement to provide legitimate real-world (not gedanken-experiemtn) usage 
cases.  That requirement alone would instantly halve (or more) the complexity 
of most security protocols (and, by extension, improve the quality etc etc).

For my part I'd be absolutely terrified of the IETF trying to specify an API. 
The strength of IETF specs is that they're purely functional, so you can 
implement them in C, Java, PHP, or by waiting for single event upsets to flip 
the appropriate RAM bits, and as long as you get the same bits on the wire 
you're OK.  OTOH if a WG ever gets asked to design an API it'll make Bosnia 
look like a cakewalk.  Just the bikeshedding over which language bindings to 
use could take years if not decades.  Then there's synchronous vs. 
asynchronous interfaces (the HW guys want async for performance, the software 
guys want sync because async is hard), how do we make things thread-safe (does 
the caller have to do it, or should we have abstract locking objects, or does 
the code library do it), should we make it more OO or more functional... this 
isn't just a bikeshed, it's a twelve-storey bikeshed with a magnificent 
entrance hall, carpeting throughout, 24-hour portage, and an enormous sign on 
the roof, saying "This Is a Large Bikeshed".  See "CDSA" for an example.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] IETF Working Group Charter on Common Interface to Cryptographic Modules (CICM)

2011-06-22 Thread Kevin W. Wall
On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 8:17 AM, Peter Gutmann
> Marsh Ray  writes:
>>Right, so one of the lessons learned here was that if IETF had considered
>>APIs and not just protocols those bugs in TLS would have been found long ago.
> A pen-tester I know once found a (fairly serious) security hole under the
> influence of (equally serious) pharmaceuticals, but I wouldn't recommend the
> IETF adopting that as a design strategy, just as I'd be pretty terrified of
> the result of the IETF trying to standardise a crypto API.  If you look at the
> history of all the widely-used crypto APIs:
> Crypto API designed by an individual or a single organisation:
> CryptoAPI: A handful of guys at Microsoft
> PKCS #11: Someone at RSA (I've heard different stories).
> JCE: A couple of guys at Sun.
> OpenSSL: Using the term "designed" very loosely :-), Eric Young and Tim 
> Hudson.

> Crypto API designed by a committee:
> QED, I think.

Apparently esteemed Mr. Gutmann is too modest to include cryptlib. And also
Wei Dai's Crypto++ API probably should be in that list. (Jack Lloyd's Botan
was already mentioned in a separate post, but should be included as well.)

However, I'm not sure the assumption that CICM is being designed by
committee because it is seeking to go the IETF working group route is
a valid one. For one, Lev mentioned that it has arose from work that
Mitre did for the Air Force which means at least there is some basis for
previous design and I'd bet that it was designed by a relatively small
development team.  If anything, I would think that CICM seeking the
path of an IETF working group in order to be standardized would
parallel the path that was done followed by GSS-API en route to
RFC 2743 and before that RFC 2078 and before that RFC 1508.
(I was not involved in any of those RFCs, but I presume that they
also went through some similar process with an IETF working group,

Besides, if anything, I think that crypto APIs would suffer from
too little involvement from professional cryptographers than it would
from too much involvement. (Or are professional cryptographers
the type of people that if you back 5 of them into a corner they
will have at least 8 different opinions amongst themselves? ;-)

Anyhow, excuse my ignorance, but wouldn't time be better spent
critiquing the actual proposed CICM draft specification at
rather than setting up and knocking down seemingly straw men

Thanks for hearing out a crypto novice.
"The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree,
is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals.
We *cause* accidents."        -- Nathaniel Borenstein
cryptography mailing list

[cryptography] 17% smaller DES S-box circuits: 44.125 and 32.875 gates per S-box

2011-06-22 Thread Solar Designer

We've just released those, as part of John the Ripper 1.7.8, but freely
licensed for reuse anywhere else.  Our understanding is that S-box
expressions themselves are mathematical formulas and thus are not
subject to copyright.  The specific code implementing them is licensed
under a heavily cut-down BSD license (no restrictive clauses).

Roman Rusakov and I have been working on this for a long while, with
Rapid7's sponsorship.

The primary idea was Roman's, and he did all the work to generate the
S-box expressions (which took months on his overclocked water-cooled
quad-core machine with 24 GB RAM).  My humble contribution was code
generation and feedback to Roman such that we'd have not only the
smallest gate count, but also decent program code (not requiring too
many registers, reasonably efficient on 2-operand architectures, yet
containing inherent parallelism).  In the end, we had thousands of
same-gate-count "circuits" to choose from for some of the S-boxes and
some of the target instruction sets.

For AND, OR, XOR, NOT, and AND-NOT gates (MMX/SSE2/AVX, typical RISC CPUs):

Gate counts: 49 44 46 33 48 46 46 41
Average: 44.125

Previous best result: 53.375 (or 51 with XNOR gates), by Matthew Kwan

For "bit select" gates (Cell, PowerPC with AltiVec, AMD XOP, high-end

Gate counts: 36 33 33 26 35 34 34 32
Average: 32.875

Previous best result: 39.875, by Dango-Chu

More detail:

Collection of previous results:

I'd appreciate any comments, and once again - feel free to use/reuse.


cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Digitally-signed malware

2011-06-22 Thread Tom Ritter
> What happens if the bad guy just strips the signature? What are the
> circumstances under which an OS or user+OS will refuse to run code that just
> isn't signed at all?

In the case of Microsoft Clickonce, the Install Dialog is changed from
"Publisher: Discount Bob's Software & Hanggliding" to "Publisher:
Unknown Publisher" and the icon from a yellow shield to a red shield.
I took a look at Man-in-the-Middling Clickonce deployments last
summer.  Stripped the signature, decompiled to IL, injected code, and
recompiled all as part of a transparent proxy.

A similar project is Evilgrade:
although that's a framework for targeting different applications, each
one possibly behaving differently.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Digitally-signed malware

2011-06-22 Thread Steven Bellovin
> Just to split hairs, malware has stolen signing keys for years, but it's only
> in the last few years that malware vendors have started using them. 

Maybe that's it -- it's DRM for the malware vendors, to ensure that other
bad guys don't steal their code...

--Steve Bellovin,

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] IETF Working Group Charter on Common Interface to Cryptographic Modules (CICM)

2011-06-22 Thread Nico Williams
On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 7:17 AM, Peter Gutmann
> Marsh Ray  writes:
>>Right, so one of the lessons learned here was that if IETF had considered
>>APIs and not just protocols those bugs in TLS would have been found long ago.
> A pen-tester I know once found a (fairly serious) security hole under the
> influence of (equally serious) pharmaceuticals, but I wouldn't recommend the
> IETF adopting that as a design strategy, just as I'd be pretty terrified of
> the result of the IETF trying to standardise a crypto API.  If you look at the
> history of all the widely-used crypto APIs:
> Crypto API designed by an individual or a single organisation:
> CryptoAPI: A handful of guys at Microsoft
> PKCS #11: Someone at RSA (I've heard different stories).
> JCE: A couple of guys at Sun.
> OpenSSL: Using the term "designed" very loosely :-), Eric Young and Tim 
> Hudson.
> Crypto API designed by a committee:
> QED, I think.

I don't think you've demonstrated what you wanted to.  Of your
examples none were designed by any committees, and all had little or
no open participation review by a large body of reviewers with diverse
experiences.  If anything you've demonstrated the opposite of what you
thought you were demonstrating.

Argument by ridicule does produce chuckles, but not necessarily good results.

The IETF isn't a committee.  If you think design by committee leads to
failure (many of us do) and that the IETF means design-by-committee,
then why does the IETF have any successes?  The answer is probably not
"luck" -- perhaps it's luck in the sense that by pure luck we got the
right culture for success in spite of being a committee (but it's
not), or perhaps the answer is that there are many more failures than
successes at the IETF.  But then, the IETF isn't a committee.  I could
go on and bore the list.

We probably now have enough collective experience with crypto APIs
that we could design one that doesn't suck.  Yes, we could also design
more sucky crypto APIs.

And we do need crypto APIs.  Someone is bound to try to fill that
need.  By your estimation no one person nor group can design a decent
crypto API and we shouldn't try either.  We know you're a master of
ridicule, but leaving us with no choices is hardly helpful.

Lastly, I'm not advocating APIs in all cases.  I'm advocating
*abstract* APIs for *protocols* and I have given strong circumstantial
evidence that having such APIs is important, that not having them has
caused real problems.  That said, we have crypto APIs because we need
them; if we want better ones I do think the IETF is best placed to
produce them.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Digitally-signed malware

2011-06-22 Thread Arshad Noor

On 06/22/2011 08:04 AM, Marsh Ray wrote:

On 06/22/2011 09:40 AM, Steven Bellovin wrote:

Not surprising to most readers of this list, I suspect...

The interesting thing is that code signing schemes have been around for
decades but 2010 is the first time malware even bothered to steal
signing keys. :-)

Not true; an attack on VeriSign in 2000 caused them to issue two Class-3
digital certificates in the name of Microsoft.  The perpetrators were
never caught and to this day, Windows ships with a specific CRL that
identifies these two certificates - you'll find them in your cert trust-

There have been other private-key thefts since 2000, but the VeriSign
attack is the earliest I can recall in my PKI-related career.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Digitally-signed malware

2011-06-22 Thread Peter Gutmann
Marsh Ray  writes:

>It's usually more useful as a means for an platform vendor to enforce its
>policies on legitimate developers than as something which delivers increased
>security to actual systems.

Symbian being a prime example.  With Android it's easier, you just publish the
private key and then all these hassles go away.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Digitally-signed malware

2011-06-22 Thread Peter Gutmann
Marsh Ray  writes:
>On 06/22/2011 09:40 AM, Steven Bellovin wrote:
>> Not surprising to most readers of this list, I suspect...
>The interesting thing is that code signing schemes have been around for
>decades but 2010 is the first time malware even bothered to steal signing
>keys. :-)

Just to split hairs, malware has stolen signing keys for years, but it's only
in the last few years that malware vendors have started using them.  It's also
been evolving for awhile, see Jarno Niemelä's blog at F-Secure for more on
this, or his summary "It.s Signed, therefore it.s Clean, right?" from last
year's CARO workshop.

>What happens if the bad guy just strips the signature?  [...]

See Jarno's talk on some of the techniques that the bad guys have used over

>MSIE displays the name to the user when prompting to run ActiveX controls.

Yup, names like "Trusted program" and "Click OK to continue" and "Approved by
Microsft" and the like.  In the 1980s people used to create zip files with
names like "CON:" in them for a joke, two decades later the same types of
trick still work just fine.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Digitally-signed malware

2011-06-22 Thread Marsh Ray

On 06/22/2011 10:04 AM, Marsh Ray wrote:

Code signing. Occasionally useful.

I meant to add:

It's usually more useful as a means for an platform vendor to enforce 
its policies on legitimate developers than as something which delivers 
increased security to actual systems.

- Marsh
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Digitally-signed malware

2011-06-22 Thread Marsh Ray

On 06/22/2011 09:40 AM, Steven Bellovin wrote:

Not surprising to most readers of this list, I suspect...

The interesting thing is that code signing schemes have been around for 
decades but 2010 is the first time malware even bothered to steal 
signing keys. :-)

What happens if the bad guy just strips the signature? What are the 
circumstances under which an OS or user+OS will refuse to run code that 
just isn't signed at all?
64-bit drivers for Windows Vista and later. Some locked down "walled 
garden" environments, almost always jail-breakable in practice.

When does the name of the party that signed it actually matter?
What if the bad guy signs the malware with some unrelated party's cert?

When any valid signature will do, the effective security provided by the 
code signing scheme decreases exponentially with the total number of 
signing certificates issued. MSIE displays the name to the user when 
prompting to run ActiveX controls. The user is expected to be able to 
determine if the name on the control is correct and refuse to run it if not.

Even if the correct party is required to have signed the code, the bad 
guy can commonly redistribute an older (properly signed) version with a 
security hole which he then exploits. Thus revocation is even more 
critical than with identity certificates.

Code signing. Occasionally useful.

- Marsh
cryptography mailing list

[cryptography] Digitally-signed malware

2011-06-22 Thread Steven Bellovin

Not surprising to most readers of this list, I suspect...

--Steve Bellovin,

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] IETF Working Group Charter on Common Interface to Cryptographic Modules (CICM)

2011-06-22 Thread Marsh Ray

On 06/22/2011 07:17 AM, Peter Gutmann wrote:

Crypto API designed by an individual or a single organisation:

CryptoAPI: A handful of guys at Microsoft

I always kind of thought this one looked like someone went a little wild 
with the UML modeling tools.

PKCS #11: Someone at RSA (I've heard different stories).

One could do worse.

JCE: A couple of guys at Sun.

This one underwent breaking changes which, to this day, requires us to 
maintain two sets of code where I work.

OpenSSL: Using the term "designed" very loosely :-), Eric Young and Tim Hudson.

I'll withhold comment on this one until the documentation is complete. :-)

And last but not least let us not forget by 
our gracious email list host!

Crypto API designed by a committee:

QED, I think.

OK, but when one of the buckets has 0 observations in it what is it 
proving exactly? Maybe simply that most crypto APIs in common use are 
designed by a "handful" or fewer guys. Which probably counts for 
something, but I think it's not so obviously prescriptive.

* Perhaps the effect you're seeing could be explained by a crypto API 
being a relatively straightforward data-in data-out type of thing. Or at 
least that's a workable oversimplification.

* It would say a lot more if there were some examples of 
committee-designed crypto APIs that nobody wanted to use because of 
those noticeable effects.

* Netscape/Mozilla's NSS might be another interesting data point.

WRT IETF involvement:

* A typical IETF spec doesn't seem to have any more authors or 
significant contributors than a "small" engineering team at a big company.

* Having a concrete API can keep the design grounded. There are some 
things in TLS that have *no* representation in any sane API. This could 
only have occurred by the design leading the implementation a little too 

* There already are crypto APIs being defined in RFCs, they're just 
ad-hoc and lacking interoperability. E.g.

The purpose of the IETF considering APIs in general isn't *just* that 
we'll all get some huge new API to use and which will be considered a 
failure if the whole world doesn't move to it immediately. Just the 
process of defining an API holds potential to improve the quality of the 
protocols and specification.

The prior policy of IETF seemed to frown on formal consideration of 
APIs. I think that should definitely change, although it's not really an 
argument in support of this specific proposal.

- Marsh
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Repeated Encryptions Considered.... ?

2011-06-22 Thread Peter Gutmann
Ian G  writes:

>The typical reasons for not using TLS would be 
>(c) it only delivers a relatively small subset of a fuller security model.

That's a legitimate reason for using JS crypto.  What TLS gives you is the
archetypal armoured car from the guy who lives on a cardboard box to the guy
who lives in a park bench, while JS crypto of the PDU gives you crypto from
the teller at park-box-guy's bank to the teller at cardboard-bench-guy's bank.
Using both is perfectly sound, TLS provides the blanket protection against
passive eavesdroppers and the JS PDU-encryption protects the message as a
whole from endpoint to endpoint.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] IETF Working Group Charter on Common Interface to Cryptographic Modules (CICM)

2011-06-22 Thread Peter Gutmann
Marsh Ray  writes:

>Right, so one of the lessons learned here was that if IETF had considered
>APIs and not just protocols those bugs in TLS would have been found long ago.

A pen-tester I know once found a (fairly serious) security hole under the
influence of (equally serious) pharmaceuticals, but I wouldn't recommend the
IETF adopting that as a design strategy, just as I'd be pretty terrified of
the result of the IETF trying to standardise a crypto API.  If you look at the
history of all the widely-used crypto APIs:

Crypto API designed by an individual or a single organisation:

CryptoAPI: A handful of guys at Microsoft
PKCS #11: Someone at RSA (I've heard different stories).
JCE: A couple of guys at Sun.
OpenSSL: Using the term "designed" very loosely :-), Eric Young and Tim Hudson.

Crypto API designed by a committee:

QED, I think.


cryptography mailing list