On 11/02/2011 06:13 PM, Jon Callas wrote:
> I think I understand where you're going. However, in the general case, as 
> Marsh and Greg have pointed out, there are length issues, etc. that you'd 
> want to at the very least hash the length + the message. Very likely more 
> tweaks are needed, too.
> But I have to ask why you're bothering? The best way in the world to 
> introduce a crypto flaw is to improve an existing, known construction. 
> Really. Don't. If you don't have a specific problem you're trying to fix, or 
> feature you need to enable, treat the standard set of constructions like a 
> box of Legos. Just put them together, and you'll almost always be fine. When 
> you're not fine, you'll have problems that lots of people will understand, 
> too. 
> The construction you have, an HMAC of a hash, computes three hashes, as 
> opposed to the HMAC proper which only does two. So it's slower. On the 
> security axis, we're now tweaking your contraction to remove flaws that 
> wouldn't be there if you just used an HMAC.
> Ask yourself what problem are you trying to solve that HMAC doesn't solve? If 
> you don't have a good answer to that question, just use an HMAC.

Sure, I completely agree: I would have simply kept it at the basics
(i.e. using an HMAC on the data). I am going over somebody else's design
and came up with this which I found weird and wanted to double check if
it was in fact non-standard or just something I wasn't aware of.


Leandro Federico Meiners
cryptography mailing list

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