Re: [cryptography] Zooko's semiprivate keys

2013-02-19 Thread Tony Arcieri
Here's an implementation of semiprivate keys in SAGE (courtesy DCoder) that
actually works:

I'm a bit lost as to where I'm going wrong in my NaCl-based implementation

Tony Arcieri
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Which CA sells the most malware-signing certs?

2013-02-19 Thread ianG

On 19/02/13 02:33 AM, Jon Callas wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Feb 18, 2013, at 7:07 AM, Peter Gutmann  wrote:

I've just done a quick tally of the certs posted to, a.k.a. "Digital
Certificates Used by Malware".  Looks like Verisign (and its sub-brand Thawte)
are the malware-authors' CA of choice, selling more certs used to sign malware
than all other CAs combined.  GeoTrust comes second, and everything below that
is in the noise.  GoDaddy, the most popular CA, barely rates.  Other CAs
who've sold their certs to malware authors include ACNLB, Alpha SSL (which
isn't supposed to sell code-signing certificates at all as far as I can tell),
Certum, CyberTrust, DigiCert, GeoTrust, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, Thawte,
StarField, TrustCenter, VeriSign, and WoSign.  Everyone's favourite whipping-
boy CAs CNNIC and TurkTrust don't feature at all.

Caveats: These are malware certs submitted by volunteers, so they're not a
comprehensive sample.  The site tracks malware-signing certs and not criminal-
website certs, for which the stats could be quite different.

Interesting, but I have a raised eyebrow.

As Andy Steingruebl pointed out, there are a lot of malware certs that are 
stolen, so this data needs to be normalized against market share. Similarly 
relevant would be the CAs with significantly fewer certs there than market 
share would indicate. My former employer, Entrust, has zero certs in that 
database. What does that mean? Anything?

Why pick on the CAs at all? Frankly, the real problem with signed malware is 
that the *platforms* have the policy that equates a signature with reputation. 
That's the thing that to me is mind-bogglingly daft. It's the equivalent of the 
TSA wanting a government issued ID, because as we all know, terrorists can't 
get ID.

You, I, others can easily imagine solutions.  We can even model them and 
predict success.  But the browsers won't shift.  Why is this?

One word might capture it:  CHANGE.  The vendors are incapable of 
changing their security model, and the CAs are terrified of changing 
their revenue model.  For quite different reasons, but it does seem that 
they are united in their desire to avoid CHANGE.  Indeed, if you look at 
CABForum, two striking things come out.

Firstly, nothing changed.  Comparing their output in documents to the 
practices developed by VeriSign in the mid 1990s, the best thing you can 
say is that CABForum documents have better documented that 1990 security 
model.  Secondly, and for this you need a bit of institutional business 
knowledge [0], the structure of CABForum is (or was [1]) designed 
perfectly to avoid CHANGE.

Time-wise, code-wise, architecturally speaking, product-mix, 
structurally, everything about the sector is built to avoid CHANGE. 
When we look at the 1990s, the issue OP raises is quite simple.  That 
wasn't envisaged in the 1990s.

If you separate signatures from reputation, then anti-malware scanners can 
detect malware by a database of known malware signatures, and then infer 
upwards from a piece of malware to a key owned by or suborned by a malware 
author. They could conveniently kill malware by code signature or signing cert, 
as appropriate. They could even go beyond malware to disable things like known 
buggy or exploitable versions of software. I don't see why they aren't doing 
that now. They don't even need the platform makers to play along.

An alliance of the platforms and the anti-malware people would make it 
unnecessary to even have a CA-issued code signing cert.

That's the sort of CHANGE that causes all concerned to run away in fear, 
huddle, and ensure that such suggestions never ever see the light of day.

Question then is, what to do about it?  Peter has immense fun poking at 
the holes.  Some get good mileage out of studying and 
reverse-engineering the business.  I spent years trying to encourage one 
vendor to change, something, anything.  Others with integrity 
participate in these 'forums' and get a frustration at the players, 
which grows into loathing.

Because the sector is unified in its rejection of CHANGE, the only real 
systemic solution is bypass.  Here is what I would do.  If I was a CA, 
I'd sell out.  The business is a bit of a cash cow.  It is OK for now, 
but its future is a bit dim.

If I was an outsider, I would simply not recommend the security model in 
any seriousness.  As a security consultant, I would rate CA-provided 
certificates as "mostly harmless" and encourage my client to explore 
other solutions.  Security consultants cannot recommend against a 'best 
practices' model without risking being labelled as a kook, but on the 
other hand, integrity of the business is such that one cannot recommend 
a solution knowing it to be facadal or dangerous, especially as there is 
a non-trivial and rising risk that someone is going to be sued by a bank 
over this, once a bad judgement comes down over s

Re: [cryptography] Bitmessage

2013-02-19 Thread Michael Rogers
Hash: SHA1

Hi Jonathan,

This looks like it could be a useful system, but I'm not sure I fully
understand it.

Each node is assumed to have a slowly changing set of addresses, is
that right? A node migrates between streams by choosing whether to
create new addresses in its current stream or a child of its current
stream; when it has no more addresses in the current stream, the child
stream becomes its current stream. So if addresses identify users,
does that mean each node is assumed to have a slowly changing set of
users (like a mail server, say, rather than a personal computer)? Or
does each user change addresses over time?

When a node first enters the network, how does it decide which stream
to join?

When a node leaves the network, a stream may be left empty. What
happens if stream 1 (or any other non-leaf stream) becomes empty? Can
a node in a leaf stream that wants to send a message to a node in
another leaf stream still find a suitable node to connect to?

Section 5 of the paper says that "all users receive all messages". But
that's no longer true once the network has divided into streams,
right? So how does a broadcaster ensure that all subscribers receive
her messages?

It might be worth looking at P5, which uses some similar ideas:

Also, some analysis of proof of work as a means of limiting spam:

I seem to remember a DHT-based system where messages could be
addressed to all nodes with a given identifier prefix (of any length),
but I can't find the reference.


On 16/02/13 18:49, Jonathan Warren wrote:
> Hello everyone, I would like to introduce you to a communications 
> protocol I have been working on called Bitmessage. I have also
> written an open source client released under the MIT/X11 license.
> It borrows ideas from Bitcoin and Hashcash and aims to form a
> secure and decentralized communications protocol which also doesn't
> rely on trust. Criticism of the X.509 certificate system is
> understandably common in this listserv (and also increasingly
> common in more public forums); Bitmessage instead uses Bitcoin-like
> addresses for authentication. It has a 'broadcast' and
> 'subscription' feature which other people have described as a
> decentralized Twitter and also aims to hide "non-content" data,
> like the sender and receiver of messages, from passive 
> eavesdroppers like those running warrantless wiretapping programs.
> It may also be possible to be strong against active attackers
> although I'm not yet making that claim.
> A primary goal has been to make a clean and simple interface so
> that the key management, authentication, and encryption is simple
> even for people who do not understand public-key cryptography. I'm
> sure that there is quite a bit of demand for such a program and
> protocol although I am currently not actively promoting it because
> it has not been independently audited.
> I would be interested to hear your comments. The website 
> links to various resources like a short 
> whitepaper describing how the protocol works and what its goals are
> ( ) and the source code on
> Github ( ). The main
> source code file is
> Bitmessage is written in Python and uses an OpenSSL wrapper called 
> pyelliptic (written by a different individual) to implement ECIES
> and ECDSA.
> Again I look forward to hearing comments; it is always easier to
> change or add to a protocol earlier than it is later.
> All the best,
> Jonathan Warren
> ___ cryptography
> mailing list 

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Bitmessage

2013-02-19 Thread Jonathan Warren
>IMO you might want to do something about forward secrecy (aka backward 
>security) and forward anonymity, or you arguably end up with the same issue as 
>reply blocks: a subpoena plus suspicion can force decryption (you won’t have 
>the decrypt the reply-block via repeated subpoenas down the chain, but the 
>participants are known or suspected, just coerce them to decrypt!) It is 
>tricky to get forward secrecy for store-and-forward messaging [2], but perhaps 
>you could incorporate rekeying into your protocol in some convenient way.

It is tricky indeed. The handshaking necessary to set up the session key could 
piggyback on the first couple messages that users send to one another although 
those first several messages would not be forward-secret. I suppose that the 
session key could then be replaced with each message sent: The sender of a 
message would keep track of two session keys- one that the other party used 
previously (so that you can receive consecutive replies) and a new one that you 
are encouraging them to use on the next message.  I think it would work. 
I’ve written out a message sequence chart and it appears that only the first 
message from Alice to Bob would be non-forward-secret. If a party is compelled 
to give up the keys, that very first message and also the last couple messages 
in a conversation would be exposed. It will be very difficult to explain this 
property to most people.
 If ever I have a mode for Instant Messaging (the thought is to give up 
anonymity for some addresses in exchange for the ability to send large files 
and not do any proof of work) then I will be sure to implement forward secrecy. 

>And maybe a way to steganographically tunnel connections to participate

This is very difficult. I will leave this to Tor; Bitmessage can use Tor with 
only a few clicks. 

>Couldn't the protocol be sped up by implementing something similar to the way 
>DNS work's i.e. but having trusted servers acting as re-distribution points.

Yes, that would work. If more people want that feature it could be added. The 
address and corresponding QR code would be the same size- it would just be a 
hash of 2 signing and 2 encryption keys rather than just one of each. But 
Bitmessage (just like Bitcoin) would enjoy greater user enthusiasm if an 
individual can run a full node on their own without relying on a server.

>2) What happens if someone/thing takes the whole of stream 1 off line 
>permanently? can 2 and 3 re-join or have you got a net-split type event?

I’m not sure how you would take stream 1 offline. I think of Bitcoin nodes as 
being all in their own stream 1. In Bitmessage, Stream 1 exists because nodes 
consider themselves to be part of stream 1 (and likely other streams as well). 
If you were to eliminate all of those nodes then stream 1 would become empty 
and remaining clients would start creating new addresses in stream 1 thus those 
nodes would become members of stream 1. The streaming concept doesn’t affect 
the possibility of net-splits. Net-splits in Bitmessage and Bitcoin have the 
same potential causes (i.e. A government disconnecting the country from the 
Internet) although are less serious in Bitmessage because there is no 

>If the police break down my door grab my private key, they have a copy of 
>every message I've ever sent

Yes. Forward secrecy as discussed above is something I would like. This gives 
me more reason to want to create an IM interface. 

>BTW as I assume you're using it currently, how network heavy is it? I wonder 
>if it's something that could be ported (as in running in parallel) to I2P?

Someone went around advertising it on Reddit and there are currently tens of 
people running it which is still low. For I2P, it appears that the protocol 
would need to be modified to support the multi-hundred byte destinations, but I 
see no reason why it wouldn’t work. Once it is on I2P, it would be quite easy 
to make junction points between clients on the normal Internet and I2P.

>“A primary goal has been to make a clean and simple interface so that the key 
>management, authentication, and encryption is simple even for people who do 
>not understand public-key cryptography.”
>This is of course, the hard problem.

I feel that those things are easy but anonymity is hard.. as long as people can 
accept using a human-unfriendly address. By the way, if anyone is aware of any 
distributed-network projects besides Namecoin which can securely link 
human-friendly names with human-unfriendly data, I would be interested to hear 
it. Namecoin gives me hope that something (or an improved Namecoin) will exist 
some day.

>So no one has anyone to talk to, nor anything to talk about, and if they did, 
>they would have trouble recollecting who they were talking to, since all 
>truenames look like gibberish, thus all truenames look alike. ... Seems to me 
>that you need something like public web pages, and something like a favorites 
>list / bookmarks list,

Re: [cryptography] Bitmessage

2013-02-19 Thread James A. Donald

On 2013-02-20 6:21 AM, Jonathan Warren wrote:

It is tricky indeed. The handshaking necessary to set up the session key could 
piggyback on the first couple messages that users send to one another although 
those first several messages would not be forward-secret. I suppose that the 
session key could then be replaced with each message sent: The sender of a 
message would keep track of two session keys- one that the other party used 
previously (so that you can receive consecutive replies) and a new one that you 
are encouraging them to use on the next message.  I think it would work.

If store and forward, cannot be forward secrecy.

Suppose that human readable messages, messages that might contain 
important secrets, are only exchanged when the sender and the final 
recipient are both online at the same time, then forward secrecy no 
problem.  Both parties set up a shared transient secret session key, as 
usual, which goes away when offline, reboot, or timeout.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Bitmessage

2013-02-19 Thread Jonathan Warren
>If store and forward, cannot be forward secrecy.
>Suppose that human readable messages, messages that might contain important
secrets, are only exchanged when the sender and the final recipient are both
online at the same time, then forward secrecy no problem.  Both parties set
up a shared transient secret session key, as usual, which goes away when
offline, reboot, or timeout.

Suppose when Alice firsts sends a message to Bob she also includes a short
term public key. Bob takes the short term public key and encrypts
symmetric_key_1 ("SK1") and also encrypts a message with SK1 and sends the
encrypted SK1 and the encrypted message to Alice. Alice decrypts the
encrypted SK1 with her short term private key and then uses SK1 to decrypt
the message. The short term public key pair can now be deleted. When Alice
replies, she sends the message and a new SK2, encrypted with SK1, to Bob.
Bob will decrypt with SK1 and store SK2. When he sends a message, he
encrypts his message along with a new key, SK3, with SK2. This continues
with a new symmetric key each time. Both parties must remember the last SK
that they suggested to the other party, and also the last SK that they
received from the other party. All others can be deleted. One might call the
symmetric keys 'one time use' keys except that they can be used several
times if one person replies to the other several times in a row. Thus the
first initial message from Alice to Bob is not forward-secret, and the last
several messages between them are not forward-secret, but all other messages
are. Am I mistaken? 

Although I think I'd rather work on piggy-backing on an existing anonymity
network to do forward secret instant messaging before all of that above.


cryptography mailing list