[cryptography] Hi all, would like your feedback on something

2015-12-18 Thread Brian Hankey

I am curious to get some feedback from you about a little thought 
experiment/hobby project I’ve been working on with some of my coworkers and 
have a very early prototype of the concept.

The question we are trying to answer here is how could we all have ultra strong 
passwords i.e. “!3AbDEE9eE45DCea” that are you unique for each and every 
website, email, social media, etc. service that we use but without having to 
trust any third parties to store them for us protected by single password 
(perhaps with 2 factor authentication, hardware key, etc., admittedly), or to 
use some kind of local password manager that needs to be installed on every 
device you want to use it on with a local encrypted password file.  Lastly, it 
should be extremely resistant to rainbow tables if and when one of your 
passwords is leaked.

The idea is to have a very compact piece of open source code that can run in 
your browser that would help you to generate nearly unbreakable passwords on 
the fly every time you need them instead of storing them somehow, or writing 
them down where other parties may be able to access them.  

Also, clearly, nothing is unbeatable. Garbage in garbage out. If someone knows 
you and your habits they could possibly still break your password- especially 
if they know you use this tool and you put very weak things into it (i.e. 
google 1234 ! 1 - this will make sense when you look at the demo and the FAQ).  
However, the concept is more about: 

1) Not being the “low hanging fruit” when some major site gets hacked and 
usernames and passwords get leaked on the net (i.e. don’t be the guy that is 
“u:billsmith32 p:Password123!” on every site he uses).

2) Not having trust third parties (i.e.what if I don’t want Apple to store all 
my passwords in their cloud?). 

3) Not requiring cumbersome software that requires installation on your 
computer and an encrypted local password file to function (i.e. what if I am a 
friend’s house and I need to login somewhere?).

Known vulnerabilities: Keyloggers, compromised hardware, anyone that can 
observe you.  (We were thinking of adding a virtual keyboard that bounces 
around the screen randomly to help foil key loggers).

Disclaimer: I am not a programmer, I’m sure the code is buggy (and the bugs 
were probably introduced by me and not my coworkers). I am not a mathematician, 
and I’m sure there are far better hash functions to use. I’m also sure that 
there are better ways to handle the forcing of 1 special char, 1 upper, 1 lower 
and 1 number minimum in each password to satisfy the peskiest “your password is 
too weak” systems.  

The most important feedback I’m looking for is, do you think the concept is 
sound and if so why or why not? If you do think it’s sound then I would like to 
know how to improve it? If you think there is potential do you think it is 
worth developing further? Assuming it is sound how can we increase user 
friendliness and/or security?

Did somebody else already think of this and do something similar (high 
probability I guess) - please tell me so I can give credit where credit is due. 
 I thought up this idea on a long car trip a year ago and finally got the 
courage to con my coworkers into helping me build it to the bare minimum stage 
that I could ask some real experts for an opinion. I asked a few friends 
already who are pretty well advanced in computer sciences and nobody called me 
a stark raving idiot so I thought it would be OK to ask a crypto mailing list, 
hope you don’t mind.

If you find any egregious idiocy in the code it is probably my fault because 
I’ve been fooling with it a little bit while being too impatient to get the 
experts to fix it.  I think it still works as a demo though. I am the only 
non-coder of the three that have worked on this so far. The .php version is 
only to have a cool looking animation to go with the demo, this is intended to 
be run locally. If you want to see the very original version it’s there too as 

Thanks for your time, I look forward to hearing your feedback, good, bad, awful 
or otherwise.

Links - 

live demo http://secretpass.org 
git: https://github.com/brianci/secretpass 

Thanks. Happy Holidays! 

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Hi all, would like your feedback on something

2015-12-18 Thread Brian Hankey
Hi Florian,

Thanks for your input.  Greatly appreciate the long response. I will respond 
point by point here.

> welcome to the fight against weak passwords! It's always great to have people 
> joining the security side of the battle, but be assured: it'll be a lot of 
> tough work getting people to actually use strong passwords throughout.

I’m trying to make something that while maybe not of maximal convenience, 
attempts makes up for what it loses by not requiring trusted third parties or 
installed software or saved password files (even if encrypted).

> I've only had a quick look at secretpass.org , so 
> forgive me if I got anything wrong. Here's my thoughts:
> First up, the general idea of generating different passwords from a strong 
> master password or seed and some other input is workable, at least when 
> speaking from a security perspective. Tools like passwordmaker or master 
> password are using it. Please note, I am not familiar with the specifics of 
> either, so don't take this as an endorsement to use them without having a 
> closer look.

I will check these tools. Thanks.

> Secondly, the choice of parameters. Right now, you are asking for a secret 
> phrase, a secret number, a secret [special] character and a version. Other 
> tools most commonly use a strong, secret passphrase (i.e. your master 
> password) and a (not strong, not secret) identifier (e.g. "google", for your 
> Google account's password). I would suggest for you to adopt the same idea. 
> As it stands now, the most easy use case for SecretPass (as I see it) would 
> be to enter the site name into the secret string field and enter what amounts 
> to a numeric PIN into the secret number field. This is about as strong as 
> just using a PIN. 

Not exactly. My example of google 1234 is an example of how NOT to use it. 
Maybe if you see our FAQ it will be more clear (or maybe you already did).  The 
idea is to come up with a transform on the name of the service that is easy to 
remember but hard to guess.  You could of course use a strong master password, 
but if you use the strong master password with the same pin then you are just 
using the strong master password.  Same thing if you use a strong master 
password plus site name.  If somebody figures out your one single password 
you’re screwed.  But you could use this that way if you want to.  What I 
propose as a simple transform easy to remember would be something like  “indent 
the site name 2 chars and camel case all the consonants”, this would mean 
something like GgL for google or camel case the whole thing backwards eLgOoG or 
any one of many combinations.  But there are many things you could think up.  
Just be creative. You could also ad numbers to that string.  Whatever you want. 
 There are no limits to those fields. They are called “secret string” and 
“secret number” more to suggest an easy to remember system that would still 
have some strength to it.  At least more than just doing GgL3489! and FcBk3489! 
(Facebook) as my password directly everywhere. If somebody saw two or three of 
those they could figure out what’s going on here pretty quick, but with this 
they could not and the length is much longer as well as more random.  

This is not particularly strong, and probably never will be for people that 
know you and can observe you or can compromise your local machine.  However I 
keep seeing all these hacks and plain text dumps of usernames and passwords and 
I’m thinking how can we protect against that without creating more holes than 
we’re plugging and still have it be “easy enough". I feel like you are more 
likely to be randomly targeted by someone far away whom you don’t know than 
locally targeted. Unless this system becomes very popular it would be unlikely 
for anyone remote to guess you are using it- the would just move on to the poor 
sap who uses Password123! - why bother trying to figure out and reverse 
engineer “%FAD66aCD33DD7eC".  I only seek to answer the question: Can I store a 
strong password in my head for everything I want to use that is unique and 
virtually immune to data dumps and random tables - and I don’t want to have to 
install any softwares, or store the passwords locally or trust any third 
parties. Perhaps I should have stated my thesis more clearly.

> While the approach has some potential, it also has some downsides: firstly, 
> your generated passwords are not guaranteed to be accepted by whatever site 
> you are entering it into. Some require special characters to be present, 
> others forbid them. Some require a minimum length that might exceed others' 
> maximum length. Finally, some sites will require you to change your password 
> every now and then. I think you may have addressed this with your "version" 
> field, but I'm not sure. In any case, I don't think I'd be able to remember 
> which version I was using in conjunction with what page anyways. If I were to 
> use 

Re: [cryptography] Hi all, would like your feedback on something

2015-12-18 Thread Jeffrey Walton
> The question we are trying to answer here is how could we all have ultra
> strong passwords i.e. “!3AbDEE9eE45DCea” that are you unique for each and
> every website, email, social media, etc. service that we use but without
> having to trust any third parties to store them for us protected by single
> password (perhaps with 2 factor authentication, hardware key, etc.,
> admittedly), or to use some kind of local password manager that needs to be
> installed on every device you want to use it on with a local encrypted
> password file.  Lastly, it should be extremely resistant to rainbow tables
> if and when one of your passwords is leaked.

Peter Gutmann's Security Engineering
(https://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/pubs/book.pdf) has a good
treatment of Passwords in general. See Chapter 7 on page 563.

John Stevens of OWASP performed threat modelling of passwords in
storage on the server. See Secure Password Storage
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