Re: [cryptography] Smart card with external pinpad

2011-08-21 Thread Werner Koch
On Sat, 20 Aug 2011 22:21, said:

> All smartcard readers with PIN entry pads that I have used has had the
> property that once you have entered the PIN, the host (which normally is
> untrusted and can have a trojan running) will be able to perform
> unlimited number of private key operations using your smartcard.

That is a property of the card and not of the reader.  For example our
OpenPGP card may be configured to require a verify operation (i.e. to
enter a PIN) right before each sign operation.  TCOS cards may be
configured in a similar way.

Of course that doesn't solve the problem that you can't see what you
sign.  If you are in the habit of signing all mails it would be easy for
malware to substitute one mail signing by a money transaction signing

> I'm surprised there aren't smartcard readers with a button to authorize
> every private key operation.  At least I haven't seen any.  It is still

To do that the reader would need to know the card application's exact
working.  This is not possible for a general purpose device.



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Re: [cryptography] -currently available- crypto cards with onboard key storage

2011-10-27 Thread Werner Koch
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 11:15, said:

> I don't know about PGP(.com), but GnuPG is picky about hardware key
> containers. Things like PKCS#11.

For the records: That is simply not true.  We only demand an open API
specification for the HSM because we don't want to support binary blob
pkcs#11 "drivers".



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Re: [cryptography] -currently available- crypto cards with onboard key storage

2011-10-28 Thread Werner Koch
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 14:03, said:

> So this appears to be basically a smartcard and USB smartcard reader
> built into the same frob.  I can probably find a way to put it within


> Unfortunately, it also appears to be unbuyable.  I tried all three
> sources listed on the website yesterday: two were
> out of stock, while the third said something along the lines of

They are manually assembled thus you won't see much in stock.  Your
better choice is to buy one of the Zeitcontrol OpenPGP cards and an SCM
USB stick style reader [1] - you get exactly the same.



[1] Never buy an Omnikey card reader unless you can want to use it only
on Windows.  Only the Windows drivers allows the use of 2k keys.  The
omnikey chip supports Extended Length APDUs only via proprietary and
undocumented features.

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Re: [cryptography] -currently available- crypto cards with onboard key storage

2011-10-28 Thread Werner Koch
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 11:10, said:

> PKCS#11 but also open source drivers (also free, in the sense of "free
> software" vs "open source software") is as good excuse to reject PKCS#11

In 99% percent of all cases Open Source and Free Software describe
software distributed under the same terms.  Thus it is not helpful to
distinguish between them.

> And common sense tells that using PKCS#11 is a better option than not
> using it at all or inventing a 15th standard [1].

Well, GnuPG had support for several cards before there was any _working_
pkcs#11 driver for any available card on non-Windows platforms.  Recall
that not too long ago pkcs#11 was an interface consisting of some basic
core functions with a lot of required proprietary extensions and many of
them even shared the same function pointer slot.  Meanwhile major
players don't use it anymore for interop purposes but defined their own
high level standard - similar to what GnuPG did.

Anyway, we had this discussion on the gnupg lists often enough that it
does not make sense to repeat our views here again.



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Re: [cryptography] Duplicate primes in lots of RSA moduli

2012-02-16 Thread Werner Koch
On Wed, 15 Feb 2012 23:22, said:

> implementations seem to interpret it as a hard limit.  The V4 key
> format has something which the OpenPGP specification calls an
> "expiration date", but its not really enforceable because it can be
> stripped by an attacker and extended by someone who has access to the
> private key, by creating a new self-signature.  In this sense, the

The first part of your claim is wrong.  The expiration date can't be
stripped by an attacker because it is bound by a self-signature to the
key.  The self-signature is mandatory for OpenPGP keys.  In that sense
it is the same as with the NotAfter date in X.509.

Sure, if you have access to the primary private key [1] you can mount
almost all kinds of attack.  I know that you consider it a weakness that
the expiration date is not included in the fingerprint.  However, we
considered it an advantage to allow the owner of the private key to
prolong the expiration date.



[1] There is no need to keep the primary private key online.  For day to
day operations it is possible to use secondary keys.

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Re: [cryptography] Duplicate primes in lots of RSA moduli

2012-02-16 Thread Werner Koch
On Thu, 16 Feb 2012 11:00, said:

> In X.509, certification signatures cover the value of the notAfter
> attribute.  If I'm not mistaken, this is true for V3 keys as well.

Right.  They are also covered by the fingerprint (The fingerprint used
for X.509 is only a de-facto standard).

> However, when a V4 key is signed, the certification signature does not
> cover the expiration date.  The key holder (legitimate or not) can

Wrong.  Look at my key:

  :public key packet:
  version 4, algo 17, created 1199118275, expires 0
  pkey[0]: [2048 bits]
  pkey[1]: [224 bits]
  pkey[2]: [2046 bits]
  pkey[3]: [2048 bits]
  :user ID packet: "Werner Koch "
  :signature packet: algo 17, keyid F2AD85AC1E42B367
  version 4, created 1199118881, md5len 0, sigclass 0x13
  digest algo 11, begin of digest 2a 29
  hashed subpkt 27 len 1 (key flags: 03)
  hashed subpkt 9 len 4 (key expires after 11y2d12h35m)
  subpkt 16 len 8 (issuer key ID F2AD85AC1E42B367)
The signature packet is the certification for the key and user id.  A
signature packet consist of subpackets which may either be hashed or
unhashed.  Hashed subpackets are part of the signed material and thus
can't be removed.

You are right that RFC4880 does not demand that the key expiration date
is put into a hashed subpacket.  But not doing so would be stupid.



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Re: [cryptography] Duplicate primes in lots of RSA moduli

2012-02-16 Thread Werner Koch
On Thu, 16 Feb 2012 13:03, said:

> Oh, in this case it's a self-signature. Werner, the problem (aka feature)
> is that expiry according to self-signatures isn't carried forward into
> third-party certification signatures -- so if an attacker gets hold of the

That depends on how the third party does the key-signing.  OpenPGP
allows to provide an expiration date for the third party certification
(aka key signing).  This solves the problem of OpenPGP "CAs" - it does
not solve the general problem of CAs at all.

The commonly used WoT semantics don't require you to check the
expiration date of a passport or driver license either.  The signature
expiration dates, as used by some folks, try to add some extra value
into their key signatures for no good reason: Either the identity has
been verified or not - the identity will not change after the expiration
date.  Even if you change your name later, back at the key signing time
you were known under the certified name.

> necessarily cover the expiry date, and unlike X.509 where certifications
> always come with *some* notAfter date.)

A better name for notAfter would be payableBefore.



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Re: [cryptography] Duplicate primes in lots of RSA moduli

2012-02-16 Thread Werner Koch
On Thu, 16 Feb 2012 12:30, said:

> I call it a "protocol failure", you call it "stupid", but Jon calls it a
> "feature" (

It is a feature in the same sense as putting your thumb between the nail
head and the hammer to silently peg up a picture frame.



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Re: [cryptography] can the German government read PGP and ssh traffic?

2012-05-25 Thread Werner Koch
On Fri, 25 May 2012 17:23, said:

> Perhaps someone who knows German can better interpret it.

What they likely mean is traffic analysis and that for example the
Subject in mails is not encrypted.  For SSH my guess is that they were
able to break accounts by brute force password cracking.  Which is not a
surprise given that many SSH users believe that ssh automagically make
their root account save and continue to use their lame passwords instead
of using PK based authentication.

The whole thing is the usual disinformation by German secret services at
a parliamentarian investigation committee.  This committee is about
German secret services snooping on mail “leaving and entering the
country”.  They seem to use those old Echelon like word lists (sampling
20% of all mails using a list of 16400 different words).  Nothing new
and likely a copy of what the NSA does for years.  For the fun part, we
may still be able to annoy them with spooky MIME boundaries.



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Re: [cryptography] ElGamal Encryption and Signature: Key Generation Requirements?

2012-12-20 Thread Werner Koch
On Wed, 19 Dec 2012 10:00, said:

> probably is heading towards the computional in feasibility, so the only real
> chance is if people would communicate the p_i values (or the seed for
> re-generating them, perhaps.)

Actually GnuPG tracked those values up to version 1.4.1 in the
secring.gpg.  Thus it would have been possible to publish them.  During
these ~7 years there as never been a demand for them and thus we
eventually stopped storing them.



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Re: [cryptography] announces PRISM-proof storage service

2013-08-16 Thread Werner Koch
On Thu, 15 Aug 2013 13:11, said:
> To: and From: headers leak the emails/identity of communicating parties,
> but it's not the only place that happens. I've never used PGP but I've used

OpenPGP allows sending messages without information on the used keys
(e.g. gpg --throw-keyids).  Folks using many secret keys need to have a
bit more patience due to the required trial decryptions.

> keywrap structure. If the email is present, it will leak even if To/From
> were protected somehow. Even if the email is not present, maybe the cert

A mail can easily be wrapped into an message/rfc822 container along with
more innocent outer headers.  This would allow to keep on using the
existing mail infrastructure.



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Re: [cryptography] blinding is in libgcrypt but NOT in gnupg?

2013-08-23 Thread Werner Koch
On Fri, 23 Aug 2013 05:56, said:

> I found it in libgcrypt.  I don't understand why it's not in gnupg.

Becuase in GnuPG 2.x all crypto operations are done by Libgcrypt.

> It looks to my untrained eye that gnupg and libgcrypt had a common
> ancestor, but i'm not sure when that was.  Anyway, here is what I

The NEWS file has this information.

  Noteworthy changes in version 1.1.3 (2001-05-31)
* First release of Libgcrypt which is a result of splitting GnuPG
  into into libgcrypt and GnuPG.

Given that this is about a concrete implementation, you may want to
continue the discussion at gnupg-devel@



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Re: [cryptography] technical question about gpg on debian/sid

2013-10-15 Thread Werner Koch
On Tue, 15 Oct 2013 18:10, said:

> Also, to bring this further onto topic, any critiques of the above
> linked articles are of interest to me. I'm currently in the process
> of drafting some similar recommendations for another large free

There is a simple rule for best practices: Use the defaults - they are
there for a reason.  We try to provide best interoperability by updating
the defaults as need arise and if most installed versions support these

Noteworthy changes in version 1.4.10 (2009-09-02)
Noteworthy changes in version 2.0.13 (2009-09-04)

* 2048 bit RSA keys are now generated by default.  The default
  hash algorithm preferences has changed to prefer SHA-256 over
  SHA-1.  2048 bit DSA keys are now generated to use a 256 bit
  hash algorithm (SHA-224 was used before).

Regarding SHA256, the default preferences (as used for sign+encrypt) for
a new key are for quite some time:

/* The default hash algo order is:
 SHA-256, SHA-1, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-224.
   Ordering SHA-1 before SHA-384 might be viewed as a bit
   strange; it is done because we expect that soon enough
   SHA-3 will be available and at that point there should
   be no more need for SHA-384 etc.  Anyway this order is
   just a default and can easily be changed by a config
   option.  */

If you want to write up something, I suggested to mention the creation
of a revocation certificate.  Unfortunately gpg does not yet do this
automatically.  And most important, stress the importance to somehow
keeping the box secure so not to fall prey to the standard attacks.



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Re: [cryptography] [Cryptography] Email encryption for the wider public

2014-09-19 Thread Werner Koch
On Fri, 19 Sep 2014 06:57, said:

> She can send you email at once, and when your replies
> all come from:
>   From: Derek Atkins 
> then when she replies to you, she'll be sending encrypted emails.  But

The same can be achieved with a separate mail header for the key and a
local association of key and mail address for future communication
(which you need for the above scheme also).



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Re: [cryptography] [Cryptography] Email encryption for the wider public

2014-09-19 Thread Werner Koch
On Fri, 19 Sep 2014 12:37, said:
> for a key in a key server (keystore).  but, automatically sending a
> separate header sounds, er...automatic, transparent to the user.  and
> lets the system do the work.  long, more than 10 digits,

Actually such a header and an I-D exists for close to a decade


  OpenPGP: id=1E42B367;

Maybe it can be extended with a "use=always" parameter.



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Re: [cryptography] PGP word list

2015-02-19 Thread Werner Koch
On Thu, 19 Feb 2015 11:04, said:

> I just realised one barrier -- language.  It uses the English
> language, and PGP might be stronger in Europe than in the anglo world.

Right.  I recall that this has been discussed in the OpenPGP WG years
ago.  IIRC, the conclusion was that the international spelling alphabet
has been developed just for this purpose and that all kind of shortcut
word lists would lead to more confusion than plain spelling of hex
digits.  Recall that the spelling alphabet works well under a bad
S/N-ratio and thus also between speakers of different mother tongue.



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Re: [cryptography] PGP word list

2015-02-23 Thread Werner Koch
On Sun, 22 Feb 2015 13:19, said:

> An option to spell out the digits and letters in a hex fingerprint
> would be a good start, so that you end up with some sort of

Something like this?

$ gpg -k --with-icao-fingerprint 1e42b367
pub   dsa2048/F2AD85AC1E42B367 2007-12-31 [expires: 2018-12-31]
  Key fingerprint = 8061 5870 F5BA D690 3336  86D0 F2AD 85AC 1E42 B367
"Eight Zero Six One   Five Eight Seven Zero
 Foxtrott Five Bravo Alfa   Delta Six Nine Zero
 Three Three Three Six   Eight Six Delta Zero
 Foxtrott Two Alfa Delta   Eight Five Alfa Charlie
 One Echo Four Two   Bravo Three Six Seven"
uid   [ unknown] Werner Koch 



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Re: [cryptography] PGP word list

2015-02-23 Thread Werner Koch
On Mon, 23 Feb 2015 10:26, said:

> One, gpg's implementation of the ICAO alphabet seems slightly buggy.
> Foxtrott (sic) and Nine caught my eye. I seemed to recall the supposed
> pronunciation of nine as NIN-er, and Foxtrot spelt with a single 't'.

Okay, fixed spelling of "Foxtrot".
Wikipedia says "Nine or Niner".  I'll switch to "Niner"

> This would make better use of the given alphabet. On the other hand, it
> would have a strong negative impact on usability, as I don't think any of
> the available tools will either print or read base-32 key fingerprints.

Yes, the purpose would be to help spelling the hext digits and not to
come up with another encoding which would required that the fingerprint
will also be printed in this encoding.



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Re: [cryptography] OpenPGP in Python: Security evaluations?

2015-04-23 Thread Werner Koch
On Thu, 23 Apr 2015 08:25, said:

> Unluckily PyMe is unmaintained and there's no major software using GPGMe
> interface.

On my Debian box I see ~50 direct dependencies including several MUAs
and Jabber clients.  KDE uses the C++ wrapper in several packages.

libgmime is used by 13 tools and libs
python-gpgme is used by 6 tools and libs
python-pyme by 3 tools
ruby-gpgme by 2 tools.



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Re: [cryptography] OpenPGP in Python: Security evaluations?

2015-06-12 Thread Werner Koch
On Fri, 12 Jun 2015 12:39, said:

> Regarding GPGME, is it really exec()uting the gpg binary or is it
> calling directly the gpg as a library?

Sure it does fork/exec.  However, gpgsm is run as a co-process and thus
there is only one fork/exec for a bunch of operations (descriptor
passing is use for the bulk of data).  That can also be implemented for
gpg but we have not yet seen a use case which really demands that - thus
changing this for gpg has a low priority.  (gpgsm uses this because it
is newer than libgpgme and thus could be designed with the co-process in



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