Re: [cryptography] Microsoft Sub-CA used in malware signing

2012-06-12 Thread Marc Stevens

On 12-6-2012 10:45, Ben Laurie wrote:

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 8:24 AM, Marc  wrote:

On 12-6-2012 0:59, Ralf-Philipp Weinmann wrote:

On 6/11/12 6:38 PM, Ondrej Mikle wrote:

On 06/11/2012 11:06 AM, Ben Laurie wrote:

On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 1:56 AM, Nico

On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 3:03 PM, Florian

* Marsh Ray:

Marc Stevens and B.M.M. de Weger (of have been looking at the
collision in the evil CN=MS cert. I'm sure they'll have a full report
at some point. Until then, they have said this:

[We] have confirmed that flame uses a yet unknown md5 chosen-prefix
collision attack.

Does this mean they've seen the original certificate in addition to
the evil twin?

The evil twin has the nasty bits[*] in the issuerUniqueID field, which
is weird, and the ID is not one likely to be generated by any CA.
Would the original have it??  I don't see why the TS CA would have
issued certs with issuerUniqueIDs under any circumstances, which is
why it's interesting the the evil twin had any evil bits.

Surely the whole point is that the collision is used to switch
somethingto issuerUniqueID in order to hide the stuff that would've
stopped the cert from working. I haven't looked, but I'm prepared to
bet it would not be hard to figure out what the original cert must
have looked like.

Very interesting. So if this is the case, it's not a chosen-prefix
collision attack but a mere collision attack with the right
differential to hide the extension.

In fact, I had written a paper about almost the same trick - I called it
extension hopping - which was submitted to USENIX Security 2008 and
rejected - yes, I know, I should've put my money where my mouth was and
come up with a suitable differential as well. But in the end I was
distracted by different subjects and Marc Stevens et al. wiped the floor
with MD5 using their chosen-prefix attack.

There is some public documentation on this from the Echternach Symmetric
Cryptography Seminar in January 2008 where I gave an outline of the idea
in a brief talk:

Thank you, dear flame authors, for providing an implementation for my
idea! Now, how should I cite you?

The more interesting question here however is: Why did they choose this
approach? I posit it might be significantly cheaper computationally than
a chosen-prefix attack since you don't need the expensive birthdaying
step at the beginning.

To avoid misinformation to start spreading: Flame used a chosen-prefix
collision attack.
See also:

Flame used a birthday search followed by 4 near-collision blocks to obtain a
These collision bits were hidden inside the RSA modulus in the original cert
and inside the issuerUniqueID field in the evil cert.
Using my forensic tool I was able to retrieve the near-collision blocks of
the original cert (that is not available and might never be)
and the chaining value before the first near-collision block.

Would you share your reconstruction of the original cert?
Certainly, the reconstruction of the near-collision blocks and the 
underlying attack is the topic of a future paper.
In the mean time, I'll probably open a webpage soon where I can put the 
reconstruction and updates about my findings online.

Also, recently Alex Sotirov has released some other very interesting 
details about how Flame used the collision attack:
They were limited to a millisecond time-window to request the original 
cert for their attack to succeed.
That means they probably needed a lot more attempts than the 9 attempts 
(over 4 weekends) we needed.

There is also a slide on Flame's MD5 attack complexity,
but this seems to be based on the assumption that Flame used our attack, 
which is clearly not the case.
I do not support his statement that Flame's MD5 attack has similar 
complexity to ours: we simply do not know yet.
Also his Remaining Question is easily answered with the details I gave 
earlier today:
Flame did not use the open-source software from my HashClash project 

Using this information I was able to reconstruct the 4 differential paths.
These differential paths clearly show that a new variant chosen-prefix
collision attack was used
as well as a new differential path construction algorithm that are not in
the literature.

On a side note, chosen-prefix collisions can be achieved with a birthday
search complexity as low as 2^33 MD5 compressions.
That is not significantly cheaper than doing an identical-prefix collision
where you also have to fix significant portions of your near-collision
blocks to meaningful values to do a extension hopping attack.
Extension hopping is a nice idea, but I 

Re: [cryptography] Microsoft Sub-CA used in malware signing

2012-06-12 Thread Marsh Ray

On 06/12/2012 04:09 AM, Marc Stevens wrote:

They were limited to a millisecond time-window to request the original
cert for their attack to succeed.
That means they probably needed a lot more attempts than the 9 attempts
(over 4 weekends) we needed.

From Sotirov's :

Serial number format:
o number of milliseconds since boot (4 bytes)
o CA index (fixed 2 byte value)
o sequential certificate number (4 bytes)

So I see three challenges:

a) Ensuring the request goes to the correct server. If there are 
multiple boxes behind a load balancer serving requests this could be an 
issue. But given the format of the serial number and that the CA index 
always seems to be '00 00' we can assume this isn't a problem. If there 
are load-balanced signing servers, their likely working off of a shared 
consistent database.

b) Submitting the CSR at the correct millisecond. It's not uncommon for 
internet timing jitter to be +- 1 ms or less:

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=1 ttl=43 
time=48.6 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=2 ttl=43 
time=47.5 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=3 ttl=43 
time=48.0 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=4 ttl=43 
time=47.8 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=5 ttl=43 
time=47.6 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=6 ttl=43 
time=48.2 ms
The attacker could probably do even better if he sent the request from a 
box hosted on a nearby network. So this shouldn't present too much of a 

c) Getting the predicted cert number. The cert numbers in the pdf

Feb 23 19:21:36 2010 GMT 14:51:5b:02:00:00:00:00:00:08  
Jul 19 13:41:52 2010 GMT 33:f3:59:ca:00:00:00:05:25:e0  
Jan  9 20:48:22 2011 GMT 47:67:04:39:00:00:00:0e:a2:e3  
suggest that these were increasing at the rate of about 1094840 per year 
and that there was about 29 s on average between issuances. Assuming MS 
Terminal Services activations are twice as likely to happen during 
business hours (the actual factor is probably much larger than that), 
then probably there is a time of the week at which there is 60 s or more 
between activations.

From the publicly documented demonstration at :

In a three day period from Thursday night to Sunday night, [RapidSSL] typically
issues between 800 and 1000 certificates.

Which is about 324 s on average between issuances.

So the timing target was a bit tighter for the Flame attackers than the 
rogue-ca researchers, but not prohibitive.

What is unclear is if there are any effective costs or rate limitations 
on how often one can 'activate' an MSTS license server. A compute 
cluster faster than 200 PS3s could cut down on the number of license 
certs that were burned to make the attack work.

- Marsh
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Microsoft Sub-CA used in malware signing

2012-06-12 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 10:51:59AM -0500, Marsh Ray wrote:
 What is unclear is if there are any effective costs or rate
 limitations on how often one can 'activate' an MSTS license server.
 A compute cluster faster than 200 PS3s could cut down on the number
 of license certs that were burned to make the attack work.

One wonders what Microsoft knows about who requested all those licenses.
Presumably there was some effort put into plausible deniability.

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Microsoft Sub-CA used in malware signing

2012-06-10 Thread Weger, B.M.M. de
Hi Florian,

 * Marsh Ray:
  Marc Stevens and B.M.M. de Weger (of have been looking at the
  collision in the evil CN=MS cert. I'm sure they'll have a full report
  at some point. Until then, they have said this:
  [We] have confirmed that flame uses a yet unknown md5 chosen-prefix
  collision attack.
 Does this mean they've seen the original certificate in addition to
 the evil twin?

No, we've only seen the 'evil twin'. That was sufficient for Marc
to arrive at this conclusion.

For the sake of fairness I would like to add that both the development 
of the 'forensic tool', and the discovery of the 'yet unknown attack' 
by analyzing the results of applying that tool to the 'evil' certificate,
were entirely Marc's work. 

Benne de Weger

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Microsoft Sub-CA used in malware signing

2012-06-10 Thread Marsh Ray

On 06/10/2012 03:03 PM, Florian Weimer wrote:

Does this mean they've seen the original certificate in addition to
the evil twin?

Until then, there is another explanation besides an advance in
cryptanalysis.  Just saying. 8-)

I guess I look at it like this:

Start with the simplest explanation:

e0 - attacker implements cert collision attack much like that
 demonstrated by Stevens et al. in 2008, but having some
 different characteristics

Then take each explanation in turn from the e1 - eN other possible 
explanations like:

e1 - attacker compromises system holding the RSA signing key
e2 - attacker bribes Microsoft personnel into issuing evil cert
e3 - attacker factors 1024 bit RSA
e4 - attacker finds second preimage on MD5
e5 - ... and so on

Then to that explanation add the additional requirement:

... *and* fools Marc Stevens into thinking it's a cert collision
attack much like that demonstrated in 2008, but having
some different characteristics.

So it's an advance in cryptanalysis either way. :-)

- Marsh
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Microsoft Sub-CA used in malware signing

2012-06-06 Thread Marsh Ray

On 06/05/2012 07:21 AM, Douglas Pichardo wrote:

The last link below [] points out that
the sub-CA's were issued with constraints granting them:
- License Server Verification (
- Key Pack Licenses (
- Code Signing (

But I don't see any constraints at all listed in the MS.txt certificate
you attached from
  Am I missing something here?

No you're not. There aren't any.

This is true not only for the evil cert, but also for Genuine 
Microsoft^TM Terminal Services License Server license certs. You can 
find examples with;

Attached are a couple of examples found this way.

Ryan Hurst has more good detailed analyses on the MSTS licensing PKI 
goof based on a Genuine Microsoft^TM cert. and

Marc Stevens and B.M.M. de Weger (of have been looking at the 
collision in the evil CN=MS cert. I'm sure they'll have a full report at 
some point. Until then, they have said this:

[We] have confirmed that flame uses a yet unknown md5 chosen-prefix
collision attack. We are interested in other possible certs based
on this md5 coll attack for further analysis. I am now analyzing
their chosen-prefix collision attack in more detail, (more examples
would greatly help) and trying to write up some results and
conclusions to make a more detailed statement. The collision
attack itself is very interesting from a scientific viewpoint
and there are already some practical implications.

Didier Stevens has posted the full chain at

There is a mystery cert CN=TLS Server in the executable. It does not 
appear to have a tumor. It's attached here. Perhaps someone can figure 
out what it's for.

- Marsh

P.S. The first couple of 64-byte blocks here are the tumor. For some 
reason, it does not show up with 'openssl x509 -text' or even 'openssl 
asn1parse -dump'.

  500:d=2  hl=4 l= 888 prim:   cont [ 1 ]
dd if=MS.der bs=1 skip=500 count=888 | hd
  81 82 03 78 00 6a 4c e0 1f f5 91 69 b2 74 36 f0  
0010  7f 7b 4b 7b c6 be eb 3f 9f 98 3d a3 84 87 54 7e  
0020  72 87 71 25 4b 68 35 ae 65 bd 6c 8f dc 8d ac c4  
0030  e8 98 92 de dc 53 62 f5 72 6a 25 27 a3 12 46 eb  
0040  7f 6d 58 cd 30 83 d7 7a 85 b8 48 e6 0e 01 11 68  
0050  65 7d 53 38 0b 40 f4 3b 68 43 59 c1 3c 05 c3 40  
0060  26 9d 51 97 e2 eb 2e b8 c2 19 6e 4e 94 46 3b d8  
0070  d4 fd 0d 00 d1 68 fa df f3 fa 18 8a 7c 65 9b da  
0080  23 11 9f 16 a6 8b 23 24 88 87 22 69 19 c2 11 ea  
0090  9d 36 81 ad fb e8 8b d2 d0 eb 06 f2 1a 86 8d c6  
00a0  84 f3 88 c5 e0 d9 64 c6 48 95 d4 be d3 54 48 91  
00b0  e6 6c e9 1e 33 97 15 42 ee b4 6d 1f 15 0b 27 dd  
00c0  08 bb 81 de b6 96 16 39 d9 26 44 6a 5f d1 6b 3f  
00d0  12 71 dc f0 99 62 d2 43 14 58 f8 6e f8 22 35 d2  
00e0  90 f7 fd 93 6a c4 49 b8 cb 0c e9 65 a8 f7 22 b5  
00f0  f2 05 19 20 ef 25 63 c7 b3 97 4a 82 3e b2 e3 ee  |... 
0100  b4 5e cb 1d b3 59 8f 8d f4 79 01 b1 b6 68 89 14  
0110  b4 8f 9d 60 d7 71 a5 3d 95 02 03 01 00 01 a3 82  
0120  02 5a 30 82 02 56 30 1d 06 03 55 1d 0e 04 16 04  
0130  14 9a 9a 5d 77 bd 84 66 a4 f1 de 18 10 1b 6e 67  
0140  a5 97 c1 14 87 30 1f 06 03 55 1d 23 04 18 30 16  
0150  80 14 75 e8 03 58 5d fb 65 e4 d9 a6 ac 17 b6 03  
0160  7e 47 ad 2e 81 af 30 81 c2 06 03 55 1d 1f 04 81  
0170  ba 30 81 b7 30 81 b4 a0 81 b1 a0 81 ae 86 56 68  
0180  74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 74 6b 78 70 61 73 72 76 33 36  
0190  2e 70 61 72 74 6e 65 72 73 2e 65 78 74 72 61 6e  
01a0  65 74 2e 6d 69 63 72 6f 73 6f 66 74 2e 63 6f 6d  
01b0  2f 43 65 72 74 45 6e 72 6f 6c 6c 2f 4d 69 63 72  
01c0  6f 73 6f 66 74 25 32 30 4c 53 

Re: [cryptography] Microsoft Sub-CA used in malware signing

2012-06-05 Thread Marsh Ray

These researchers have detailed the cert chain here:

If you like X509, you'll find this interesting.
I've attached copies for reference.

Microsoft is saying some strange things like:
The Flame malware used a cryptographic collision attack in combination 
with the terminal server licensing service certificates to sign code as 
if it came from Microsoft. However, code-signing without performing a 
collision is also possible.

Ryan Hurst CTO of GlobalSign has an interesting analysis of the MS 
Terminal Services license server protocol WRT current events.

An excerpt:
That’s right, every single enterprise user of Microsoft Terminal 
Services on the planet had a CA key that could issue as many code 
signing certificates they wanted and for any name they wanted.

It sounds as if Windows users might have a million code-signing 
DigiNotars to worry about.

My guess is that there are multiple vulnerabilities in play here and 
maybe even a little bit of misdirection. I have a feeling the other shoe 
is going to drop sometime closer to next (patch) Tuesday.

- Marsh
Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number:
Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: OU=Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corp., OU=Microsoft 
Corporation, CN=Microsoft Root Authority
Not Before: Jan 10 07:00:00 1997 GMT
Not After : Dec 31 07:00:00 2020 GMT
Subject: OU=Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corp., OU=Microsoft 
Corporation, CN=Microsoft Root Authority
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
Public-Key: (2048 bit)
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
X509v3 extensions: 
0[ (c) 1997 
Microsoft Corp.1.0...UMicrosoft Corporation1!0...UMicrosoft Root 
Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption

Re: [cryptography] Microsoft Sub-CA used in malware signing

2012-06-05 Thread Erwann Abalea
2012/6/5 Marsh Ray


 An excerpt:
 That’s right, every single enterprise user of Microsoft Terminal Services
 on the planet had a CA key that could issue as many code signing
 certificates they wanted and for any name they wanted.

 It sounds as if Windows users might have a million code-signing DigiNotars
 to worry about.

md5withRSA, sequential serials, everybody-gets-a-CA...
This is depressing.

The timestamp on the signed objects allows the signature to stay valid for
much longer than the validity of the signer. So the 2 years validity for
TS-CA certificates is not a problem here.

cryptography mailing list

[cryptography] Microsoft Sub-CA used in malware signing

2012-06-04 Thread Marsh Ray

I'm sure many readers of the list will have heard by now, some Microsoft 
sub-CAs were used for signing malware.

For the record here's an excerpt from the MS release and to save 
interested people time I've attached the revoked sub-CAs and their roots.

There is some tantalizing bits about MD5 and weak ciphers leading to 
the revocation. However my interpretation at this time is that the 
revoked certs were not themselves fraudulent and this was not a case of 
MD5 Considered Harmful rogue CA. From MS's description it sounds like 
the MS Terminal Services product licensing may have been giving 
unrestricted sub-CAs out to customers (!) when they activated the product.

I'm trying to get a sample of some of the evil things that were signed. 
Perhaps that will tell us more about the PKI chain.

- Marsh

Today, we released Security Advisory 2718704, notifying customers that 
unauthorized digital certificates have been found that chain up to a Microsoft 
sub-certification authority issued under the Microsoft Root Authority. With 
this blog post, we’d like to dig into more technical aspects of this situation, 
potential risks to your enterprise, and actions you can take to protect 
yourself against any potential attacks that would leverage unauthorized 
certificates signed by Microsoft.

We'd also like to share how this issue relates to a complex piece of targeted malware 
known as Flame.  As many reports assert, Flame has been used in highly 
sophisticated and targeted attacks and, as a result, the vast majority of customers are 
not at risk.  Additionally, most antivirus products will detect and remove this malware.  
That said, our investigation has discovered some techniques used by this malware that 
could also be leveraged by less sophisticated attackers to launch more widespread 
attacks.  Therefore, to help protect both targeted customers and those that may be at 
risk in the future, we are sharing our discoveries and taking steps to mitigate the risk 
to customers.

How did this happen?
What Microsoft is doing to protect customers
Thumbprints of affected certificates
Connection to Flame malware

How did this happen?

When we initially identified that an older cryptography algorithm could be 
exploited and then be used to sign code as if it originated from Microsoft, we 
immediately began investigating Microsoft’s signing infrastructure to 
understand how this might be possible. What we found is that certificates 
issued by our Terminal Services licensing certification authority, which are 
intended to only be used for license server verification, could also be used to 
sign code as Microsoft. Specifically, when an enterprise customer requests a 
Terminal Services activation license, the certificate issued by Microsoft in 
response to the request allows code signing without accessing Microsoft’s 
internal PKI infrastructure.

What Microsoft is doing to protect customers

As soon as we discovered the root cause of this issue, we immediately began 
building a update to revoke the trust placed in the “Microsoft Enforced 
Licensing Intermediate PCA” and “Microsoft Enforced Licensing Registration 
Authority CA” signing certificates.

Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number:
Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: OU=Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corp., OU=Microsoft 
Corporation, CN=Microsoft Root Authority
Not Before: Jan 10 07:00:00 1997 GMT
Not After : Dec 31 07:00:00 2020 GMT
Subject: OU=Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corp., OU=Microsoft 
Corporation, CN=Microsoft Root Authority
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
Public-Key: (2048 bit)

Re: [cryptography] Microsoft Sub-CA used in malware signing

2012-06-04 Thread Marsh Ray

On 06/04/2012 02:41 AM, Marsh Ray wrote:

I've attached the revoked sub-CAs and their roots.

In case its not clear from the filenames (e.g. the email system drops 
them) there were three certs revoked. These are the ones with 
Licensing in the CN.

For convenience I also included the two root CA certs that issued them. 
These were not revoked.

- Marsh
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Microsoft Sub-CA used in malware signing

2012-06-04 Thread Erwann Abalea
It's also not clear about what could have been done with TS certificates.
Is it only codesigning, or TLS server as well?


Le 4 juin 2012 09:57, Marsh Ray a écrit :

 In case its not clear from the filenames (e.g. the email system drops
them) there were three certs revoked. These are the ones with Licensing
in the CN.
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Microsoft Sub-CA used in malware signing

2012-06-04 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Mon, Jun 04, 2012 at 10:20:33AM +0200, Erwann Abalea wrote:
 It's also not clear about what could have been done with TS certificates.
 Is it only codesigning, or TLS server as well?

I'm surprised they can be used for code signing at all.  TS (in its modern
incarnation) is a TLS-encapsulated protocol.

cryptography mailing list