Re: DOS attack on WPA 802.11?

2002-11-11 Thread Niels Ferguson
At 12:03 11/11/02 -0500, Arnold G. Reinhold wrote:
>One of the tenets 
>of cryptography is that new security systems deserve to be beaten on 
>mercilessly without deference to their creator.

I quite agree. 

>And I would argue 
>that the Michael countermeasure is no ordinary design tradeoff. It is 
>rather like a doctor prescribing a drug with severe side effects on 
>the theory that it is the only way to save the patient's life, 
>something that should be done only with the greatest caution:

Here I disagree. The Michael countermeasures do not introduce any danger
that does not already exist in the system. Therefore, removing the
countermeasures has no benneficial effects.

>about it.  All they have to do is write some code that sends a couple 
>of bad packets every minute or so to any network it finds.  This 
>won't even be noticed by 802.11 nets that aren't using WPA, but those 
>that are will be severely disrupted. Guess what will happen? The 
>network administrators attacked will turn WPA off.  As word spreads, 
>other net admins won't even bother turning it on.  They are 
>overburdened anyway and installing WPA won't be a picnic.
>I would argue that the Michael countermeasure DOS attack breaks WPA 
>security as effectively as a cryptographic attack. It's simple, it's 
>practical, it's specific to WPA, and could even be spread by virus. 
>And if such an attack occurs, it will generate as much bad press as a 
>cryptographic attack. How will the WiFi Alliance respond? Issue a 
>press release pointing out that other DOS possibilities exist in 
>ordinary 802.11? And how much credibility will be left when 802.11i 
>is finally ready?

As I mentioned before, there are generic DOS attacks against 802.11 that
require very few transmissions. These can be used to mount the same attack
against WEP, WPA, the future AES-based security protocols, or any other
security protocol on top of 802.11. It is thus not specific to Michael or
the Michael countermeasures. It is a very valid criticism of the system,
just not of Michael.

>o Second, the doctor should be certain of the diagnosis.
>Is the patient's life really in danger? In this case that means 
>asking how easy it really is to break Michael. Normally, 
>cryptographers should be extremely conservative in assessing the 
>strength of an algorithm.  But when the response to perceived 
>weakness is to add a different vulnerability,  I would argue that the 
>test should be what is realistic, not the ultra conservative worst 
>case.  The Intel article said the best known attack is a 29-bit 
>differential cryptanalysis. How practical is that? Does it require 
>vast amounts of chosen plain text?

That is the currently best-known attack on Michael. It means that an
attacker can forge a packet with probability around 2^-29. That is the
probability of success for each attempted forgery. If you let him try 1000
packets per second, then we expect the first successful forgery within a

I only spent a limited amount of time searching for the best possible
attack. We have to assume that the attack will be improved somehow. Before
you know it you are down to a timescale of hours or seconds. Currently we
have a factor of 2^9 between the design strength of Michael and the best
known attack. That is a _very_ small factor for a newly invented
cryptographic function. We cut it as close as we dared, and much closer
than I feel happy with.

>If there is no practical Michael busting attack on the horizon, than 
>the objection to allowing users to turn the countermeasure off, 
>perhaps with a warning that doing so risks security, seems harder to 

Attacking Michael without countermeasures is practical right now. Giving
the user the option to destroy security is not a good idea. The article you
quoted points out that the vast majority of networks are misconfigured. The
obvious lesson is _not_ to provide configuration options that result in
insecure networks. If you want an insecure network that is not vulnerable
to the countermeasures DOS attack, you can switch to WEP or switch of all
security. This goes back to the TGi mantra: "We have enough efficient
insecure protocols. We don't need another one."

>o Third, the doctor should be certain that no other treatments are available.
>The question of whether a significantly stronger MIC can be created 
>within the limited computational budget available is still an 
>interesting one. I hope more details about the algorithm and the 
>constraints, both in time and space for object code, will be 
>available very soon, if they are not already.  If something markedly 
>better were developed in the next few months, perhaps the WiFi 
>Alliance could be persuaded to drop it in before release.  At worst, 
>work in this area could be a useful backup in case AES-based 
>solutions prove too cumbersome to retrofit.  I have some preliminary 
>ideas based on what I read in the Intel paper, but I will put them in 
>a sepa

Re: Possible fixes for 802.11 WPA message authentication

2002-11-11 Thread Niels Ferguson
At 12:06 11/11/02 -0500, Arnold G. Reinhold wrote:
>1. Shuffle the order of the message words stirred into Michael.  For 

I can't go into details here due to NDA considerations, but this idea
cannot be efficiently implemented on some of the existing hardware.

>2. Refresh the Michael key frequently. This proposal rests on WPA's 

This has no effect on the best attack we have so far. The attack is a
differential attack, and changing the key doesn't change the probabilities.

>3.  Do MIC chaining.  Xor (or add) the MIC output block from the 
>previous packet to K (or to the previous sub-key) to form the Michael 
>sub-key for the current packet. This costs very little and makes it 
>much more difficult to figure out K without breaking the WPA 

Just like idea 2, this doesn't affect the best known attack as that attack
never tries to recover the Michael key.


Niels Ferguson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], phone: +31 20 463 0977
PGP: 3EC2 3304 9B6E 27D9  72E7 E545 C1E0 5D7E

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Re: Workshop on HCI and Security at CHI2003

2002-11-11 Thread Adam Shostack
Since posting, I got a better web page:


On Mon, Nov 11, 2002 at 09:54:51AM -0500, Adam Shostack wrote:
| I think that the intersection of usability and security is of
| tremendous import, and wanted to share an under-advertised sort of
| workshop announcement:
| The conference home page is
| The workshop page is
| I thought that the workshop info would be accessible from the
| conference site, but that appears not to be the case (at least not
| yet).
| Feel free to forward the URL to anyone else you think might be
| interested.  Since it's at CHI, I expect we'll get plenty of people
| from that community, but we also really want attendees from the
| security community as well. 
| - Chris
| -
| The Cryptography Mailing List
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Possible fixes for 802.11 WPA message authentication

2002-11-11 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
Here are some thoughts that occur to me for improving the security of 
802.11 WPA message authentication (MIC), based on what I read in 
Jesse Walker's paper

One approach is to second guess Niels Ferguson and try to find a 
different combination of operations that will produce greater 
security than his Michael algorithm. That is a worthy research idea 
and might even be automated, since there are relatively few 
possibilities given the tight computation time budget.  My guess is 
that Niels has done a good job and, in any case, revisiting the 
Michael design not likely to produce anything that can be implemented 
before WPA is introduced. So this doesn't seem the most productive 
place to look right now.

A different approach might be to select an MIC algorithm that is much 
stronger but breaks the bank on computing time for older access 
points, yet still works on existing cards. One could then have two 
variants, WPA and WPA-XS (extra strength). Sites that wanted the best 
security would have to junk older access points. XS could also be 
required for 802.11a, the new, faster standard for the 5 GHz band, 
which will presumably require beefier access points anyway.

A third approach for the short term would be to leverage Michael, 
i.e. use Michael as is and add stuff that makes the WPA MIC harder to 
break. Then all the cryptoanalytical work done to date on Michael 
remains valid. Here are several approaches I have come up with. For 
this discussion call the Michael key produced under WPA as it exists 
K. I am not proposing any change in the way K is generated or 

1. Shuffle the order of the message words stirred into Michael.  For 
example, divide the message payload into four blocks. Let L be the 
length of the payload in words (after padding). Compute M = L/4 (a 
shift).  Then the blocks are [0 to M-1]. [M to 2M-1], [2M to 3M-1] 
and [3M to L]. At the time a new K is created, compute a randomized 
permutation of 4 elements and four randomized "order-determining" 
bits, all derived securely from K.  Then for each packet, compute the 
Michael hash of the blocks in the order of the permutation, with the 
additional wrinkle that each block is hashed in either ascending 
order or descending order, based on the value of the corresponding 
bit. Note that each word is hashed exactly once and the added 
overhead is modest and outside the Michael inner loop.

A 4 element permutation has 4.5 bits of entropy, with the four 
order-determining bits, that adds at total 8.5 bits to Michael's 
strength. The same concept with 8 blocks would add 23 bits. The 
source and destination addresses are also hashed. They can simply be 
considered part of the payload, or they can be hashed separately, 
before any of the blocks or at the end, again determined by K, to add 
additional variability.

Since the MIC generated here is exactly the same as the original 
Michael MIC of the permuted message, there is no reduction in Michael 
security.  This method breaks down for very short packets, however 
computation time is presumably less of an issue for short packets, so 
we should be able to come up with something in these cases. Perhaps 
we could apply the permutation to data word bytes and use the order 
determining bits to specify a shift.

2. Refresh the Michael key frequently. This proposal rests on WPA's 
need to keep packet order in sync for the IV counter.  I propose 
generating a sequence of 64-bit sub-keys derived from K using a 
reasonably secure algorithm and using them instead of K to key 
Michael.  Since each sub-key gets very little exposure, breaking 
Michael become much more difficult.

2a. Here is one way to generate the sub-key sequence: Create an 
instance of RC4 in software and initialize it using K as the RC4 key. 
Then generate 8 cipher bytes each time a new sub-key is needed.  One 
could do this for every MIC that is generated. This would require 
eight RC4 cypherbyte generations per packet.   A 258-byte RC4 state 
{i, j, S} will be required for each active K and the RC4 key setup 
will need to be performed each time K is changed. For extra credit, 
one can discard the first 256 cipherbytes, though I think that is 
overkill here.

2b. If that is too much overhead, one could generate one cipherbyte 
for each packet and change keys every time eight had been 
accumulated.  Each Michael key only gets used eight times.  This 
computation and storage load does not seem like a lot to me, but If 
it is too much here is a yet another approach:

2c. This one makes me a bit nervous, but it is worth putting on the 
table.  A new RC4 key is generated for every packet fragment sent. 
Borrow one bit from each such key. The bit number used might be 
derived from K. Accumulate the bits in a series of 32 bit word, say 8 
of them.  When you have accumulated them, use them to compute a new 
sub-key, either by adding them pair-wise, or, better, using Mich

Re: DOS attack on WPA 802.11?

2002-11-11 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
I appreciate Niels Ferguson responding to my concerns in such detail. 
I don't want to give the impression that I object to WPA on the 
whole. That is why I said "major and welcome improvement" in my 
opening sentence. I am particularly mollified by Niels' statement 
that "most existing cards will be useable with 802.11i by putting a 
lot of the cryptographic processing onto the laptop."  If AES based 
solutions are available in a year or two that do not require selling 
all our old hardware on eBay, then WPA is indeed good news.

Still, I feel additional discussion is in order.  One of the tenets 
of cryptography is that new security systems deserve to be beaten on 
mercilessly without deference to their creator.  And I would argue 
that the Michael countermeasure is no ordinary design tradeoff. It is 
rather like a doctor prescribing a drug with severe side effects on 
the theory that it is the only way to save the patient's life, 
something that should be done only with the greatest caution:

o First, the doctor should be sure that the side effects aren't as 
bad as the disease.
There is a community of "wardrivers," people who look for 802.11b 
networks they can access. Even assuming most of them are ethical 
hacker types, who will good naturedly find something else to do when 
WPA starts to spread, there might be a few who are less sporting 
about it.  All they have to do is write some code that sends a couple 
of bad packets every minute or so to any network it finds.  This 
won't even be noticed by 802.11 nets that aren't using WPA, but those 
that are will be severely disrupted. Guess what will happen? The 
network administrators attacked will turn WPA off.  As word spreads, 
other net admins won't even bother turning it on.  They are 
overburdened anyway and installing WPA won't be a picnic.

Here is a story from today's Security Wire Digest:

At 2:00 AM -0600 11/11/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
By Michael Fitzgerald
The results of the second World War Drive are in, and they don't look good
for wireless security.

Of the almost 25,000 wireless access points surveyed, only 35 percent used
Service Set Identifier (SSID), a default security feature in the 802.11b
protocol. Only 28 percent had Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) enabled. Of
those using SSID, less than 4 percent also use WEP. The issue comes down
to management information system (MIS) staffing, says Pete Shipley, an
independent security consultant.

"It's a key distribution problem," Shipley says. "When you're in the
corporate environment with a large number of laptops deploying wireless,
without encryption you pretty much hand out a wireless card and it works.
With WEP, you have to configure the system."

While not difficult, the effort requires time, and MIS staffs typically
have more pressing issues than wireless security. Shipley thinks that as
security becomes more important to companies, they will revisit their
wireless security setup.

I would argue that the Michael countermeasure DOS attack breaks WPA 
security as effectively as a cryptographic attack. It's simple, it's 
practical, it's specific to WPA, and could even be spread by virus. 
And if such an attack occurs, it will generate as much bad press as a 
cryptographic attack. How will the WiFi Alliance respond? Issue a 
press release pointing out that other DOS possibilities exist in 
ordinary 802.11? And how much credibility will be left when 802.11i 
is finally ready?

o Second, the doctor should be certain of the diagnosis.
Is the patient's life really in danger? In this case that means 
asking how easy it really is to break Michael. Normally, 
cryptographers should be extremely conservative in assessing the 
strength of an algorithm.  But when the response to perceived 
weakness is to add a different vulnerability,  I would argue that the 
test should be what is realistic, not the ultra conservative worst 
case.  The Intel article said the best known attack is a 29-bit 
differential cryptanalysis. How practical is that? Does it require 
vast amounts of chosen plain text?

If there is no practical Michael busting attack on the horizon, than 
the objection to allowing users to turn the countermeasure off, 
perhaps with a warning that doing so risks security, seems harder to 

o Third, the doctor should be certain that no other treatments are available.
The question of whether a significantly stronger MIC can be created 
within the limited computational budget available is still an 
interesting one. I hope more details about the algorithm and the 
constraints, both in time and space for object code, will be 
available very soon, if they are not already.  If something markedly 
better were developed in the next few months, perhaps the WiFi 
Alliance could be persuaded to drop it in before release.  At worst, 
work in this area could be a useful backup in case AES-based 
solutions prove too cumbers

Workshop on HCI and Security at CHI2003

2002-11-11 Thread Adam Shostack
I think that the intersection of usability and security is of
tremendous import, and wanted to share an under-advertised sort of
workshop announcement:

The conference home page is

The workshop page is

I thought that the workshop info would be accessible from the
conference site, but that appears not to be the case (at least not

Feel free to forward the URL to anyone else you think might be
interested.  Since it's at CHI, I expect we'll get plenty of people
from that community, but we also really want attendees from the
security community as well. 

- Chris

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Transparent drive encryption now in FreeBSD

2002-11-11 Thread Lucky Green
FreeBSD's 5.0 release, due out in a couple of weeks, will offer much
anticipated transparent mass storage encryption. Subscribers to this
list so inclined are encouraged to review and test this new feature.


--Lucky Green

[Moderator's note: FYI, NetBSD also has drive encryption these days. --Perry]
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