3-rotor enigma on ebay: $5200

2003-03-06 Thread Don Davis


i saw this on the boing-boing blog.

    - don davis, boston


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Re: Columbia crypto box

2003-02-10 Thread Don Davis
Bill Frantz writes:
>>>  * Fast key setup (Forget tossing the 256 bytes of key
>>>stream. The designers weren't crypto engineers. 
>>>Personally, I'd toss the first 1024.)

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
>> There may be a cryptographically sound reason to
>> discard that much, but it's not without cost.

Bill Frantz wrote:
> The reason I would discard so much is that when I did some
> statistics on RC4 output, I kept getting distribution lumps
> out to about 1024.  They made me worry about what someone
> who knew what were doing could do.


   Ilya Mironov (Stanford), (Not So) Random Shuffles of RC4
   Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2002 Proceedings,
   ed. by Moti Yung.  Springer LNCS 2242, 2002. pp. 304-319.


Abstract. Most guidelines for implementation of the RC4
stream cipher recommend discarding the first 256 bytes
of its output. This recommendation is based on the
empirical fact that known attacks can either cryptanalyze
RC4 starting at any point, or become harmless after these
initial bytes are dumped. The motivation for this paper
is to find a conservative estimate for the number of bytes
that should be discarded in order to be safe. To this end
we propose an idealized model of RC4 and analyze it apply-
ing the theory of random shuffes. Based on our analysis
of the model we recommend dumping at least 512 bytes.
7 Conclusion
We identified a weakness in RC4 stemming from an
imperfect shuffing algorithm used in the key scheduling
phase and the pseudo-random number generator. The
weakness is noticeable in the first byte but does not
disappear until at least the third or the fourth pass
(512 or 768 bytes away from the beginning of the
output). ... Our most conservative recommendation ...
means that discarding the initial 12 * 256 bytes most
likely eliminates the possibility of a strong attack.
Dumping several times more than 256 bytes from the
output stream (twice or three times this number)
appears to be just as reasonable a precaution. We
recommend doing so in most applications.


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Re: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-07 Thread Don Davis
At 3:07 PM +1300 11/7/02, Peter Gutmann wrote:
>> [Moderator's note: FYI: no "pragma" is needed.
>> This is what C's "volatile" keyword is for. 
> No it isn't.  This was done to death on vuln-dev,
> see the list archives for the discussion.
> [Moderator's note: I'd be curious to hear a summary --
> it appears to work fine on the compilers I've tested.
>   --Perry]

i include below two parts:  a summary of the vuln-dev
thread, and a compiler jock's explanation of why peter's
#pragma is the _only_ solution that reliably will work.

- don davis, boston

vuln-dev thread:
   (thanks to tim fredenburg sending this URL to me.)

summary:  programmers can obstruct dead-code elimination
in various ways:
   - use the volatile attribute (but correctly);
   o introduce dynamic dependency;
   + do the memset with an external call.
punchline:  the subtler or newer the obstruction,
the less likely we are to see that _all_ compilers
treat the obstruction correctly.  the safest route
is to code with obstructions that have long been
known to obstruct dead-code elimination.  hence,
wrapping memset() in an external routine is most
likely to work with various buggy compilers.

 * peter posted the same message as he posted to
   the cryptography list, appealing for new support
   from the compilers;
   * syzop said, "didn't happen w/ gcc 2.95.4";
   * michael wojcik suggested:
 define an external call that does memset's job,
 so as to defeat dead-code elimination 
   * dan kaminsky suggested: introduce dynamic [runtime]
   * dom de vitto said, "use the volatile attribute";
 * kaminsky replied:  compilers are more likely
   to reliably respect dynamic dependency, than
   to correctly support the volatile attribute;
 * pavel kankovsky replied, "volatile" is mandatory
   in the standard, so it's ok to trust it;
 * peter also replied to kaminsky:  the dead-code
   elimination problem seems specific to gcc 3.x .
   the underlying problem is unreliable support for
   standard features and for standards compliance.  
 * michael wojcik explains (to peter, pavel, and
   kaminsky) why "volatile" isn't as good as his
   external call:
 - "passing a volatile object to memset
invokes undefined behavior"
 - "access to volatile objects may be
significantly slowed" 
 - "volatile seems like the sort of thing
broken implementations may get wrong"
   michael also argues that more compiler support
   isn't necessary, since the standard provides
   effective features.

since i used to build compilers long ago, before i got
into security work, i asked an expert friend (32 yrs of
compiler development) about what he thought of this
problem, and of the proposed solutions.  this guy, btw,
was the lead engineer for digital/compaq's fx32! runtime
binary translator for the alpha workstations, & he knows
a lot about optimizers.  he says that of the four
proposed solutions -

   * #pragma dont_remove_this_code_you_bastard;
   * use the volatile attribute (but correctly);
   * introduce dynamic dependency;
   * do the memset with an external call;

- only peter's pragma can be expected to work reliably:

   * the c99 standard and its predecessors don't
 at all intend "volatile" to mean what we naively
 think it means.  specifically, in the hands of a
 high-end compiler developer, the spec's statement:
"any expression referring to [a volatile]
 object shall be evaluated strictly according
 to the rules of the abstract machine"
 is really talking about what the compiler can
 infer about the program's intended semantics.
 a c99-compliant compiler _can_ legitimately
 remove a volatile access, as long as the compiler
 can deduce that the removal won't affect the
 "program's result."  here, "the program's result"
 is defined by the compiler's sense of what the
 "abstract machine" is:  the abstract machine
 is mostly defined by the language features, but
 can also take into account whether a debugger
 or specialized hardware are running during
 compilation & or runtime execution.

 for example, such a savvy compiler might leave
 our volatile-memory memset() call in place when
 the debugger is running (knowing that the debug-
 ger might want to view the zeroed key). but then,
 when the debugger is turned off, the same compiler
 could decide

new attack on des

2002-09-04 Thread Don Davis

does anyone know of an on-line copy of this paper?

- don davis, boston


A New Class of Side-Channel Attacks on DES,
Prof. Christof Paar, Chair for Communication Security,
Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Thursday, August 8, 2002, 1:30 PM, Atwater Kent, WPI, Room 218

[Joint work with Jan Pelzl, Thomas Wollinger and Hans Dobbertin]

About 5 years ago, a new approach for attacking cryptographic hardware was proposed. 
This approach is referred to as side-channel attack. It exploits information such as 
power consumption, timing behavior, or electro magnetic radiation to extract a secret 
key from a piece of cryptographic hardware. These attacks have been proved to be 
especially powerfull for reading "hidden" keys from smart cards.

This presentation introduces a new class of side-channel attacks against the popular 
block cipher DES. Power analysis is used to detect collisions within the DES algorithm 
thus combining a cryptanalytic approach with side channel evaluation. A step-by-step 
optimization of the attack is presented in order to increase the probability of a 
collision. It is shown that a collision within three adjacent S-boxes of DES can be 
found with as few as 135 encryptions (averaged over 10,000 simulated attacks with 
random keys) exposing detailed information about 18 key bits.

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Re: Constructing "capability" URLs

2002-09-04 Thread Don Davis

At 1:53 PM +0800 9/4/02, Ng Pheng Siong wrote:
> I'm building a web app which... constructs URLs on the fly. 
> I'm creating the capability thusly:
>   cap = hmac-sha1(key, "/object?action=something&expiry=timeval")
> My questions:
> 2. The key is created from /dev/random. How long should it
> be?  In my threat model, the key changes every few hours.
> 3. Any other thoughts?

use /dev/urandom (the psudorandomly-amplified version
of /dev/random), and you can change the key more
frequently, without emptying /dev/random's entropy
buffer.  unless i'm missing something, /dev/urandom
is secure enough for your application.

- don davis, boston


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Re: Montgomery Multiplication

2002-07-02 Thread Don Davis

> I was just wondering if anyone knew where to get
> a good explanation of Montgomery multiplication
> for the non-mathematician? 

here's an explanation i wrote a couple of years ago:

        - don davis, boston

what's going on with montgomery reduction:
do you remember in your first digital-hardware class, how they taught
you that you don't need AND, OR, and NOT gates, to build full-function
logic circuits, because you can do everything with just NAND gates?
montgomery's algorithm is kind of like that; it shows that you don't
need the multiply, divide, and remainder operations to do bignum modular
exponentiations, because you can use this montgomery-multiplication
operation over-and-over, instead.  the advantage of montgomery-mult'n
is that it avoids the remaindering operation, and so avoids expensive
divisions, but nevertheless manages to keep an exponentiation's
intermediate products small, in a very cheap & easy way.

it works rather like logarithms, and the performance trade-offs are
similar:  to multiply two numbers, you have to transform them to the
montgomery representation, montgomery-multiply the transformed numbers,
then transform the product's montgomery-representation back to the
normal representation.  for two factors, this takes longer than a
normal multiply-and-take-remainder step would, even though montgomery-
multiplication is just as cheap as normal multiplication, because the
final transformation takes longer than doing a remainder in the usual
way. but, for exponentiation, where we would montgomery-multiply many
times, we only have to do the representation-change twice, at the
beginning and end.  to do a modular exponentiation in the normal way,
we'd have to take the remainder after every multiplication.  so, that's
how montgomery saves time: convert the operand to a representation in
which the remaindering operation disappears, multiply that representation
by itself as much as the exponent indicates, then change the repre-
sentation back.  this is like the advantage of logarithms: if you're
multiplying many numbers together, then you convert all the operands
once to their logs, and you convert the final result back, but you
don't have to convert any of the intermediate results, so the cost
of converting to & from logarithm format is more than offset by
the cheapness of adding instead of multiplying.

now, how does montgomery representation make remaindering go away?
the basic idea is that when we're doing a long chain of modular
multiplications, we need to keep the intermediate products from
getting too big, but taking their remainders mod N isn't the only
way to keep them small.  montgomery's conversion just multiplies
each operand by the maximum operand-size, say 2^1024, modulo the
crypto-system's modulus N.  now, when we multiply two such trans-
formed operands, the product gets bigger than we want to keep around,
just as in normal modular arithmetic, but it's much easier to make
the montgomery representation's excess go away at each step.  the
heart of montgomery's theorem is the trick of adding a certain
simple multiple of the modulus N to this intermediate product,
making a modulus-N equivalent that happens to be a multiple of
2^1024 .  now, recall that this intermediate product is not a good
montgomery representation; it's too big by just this factor of 2^1024.
so, by throwing away the least-significant 1024 bits, we kill two birds
with one stone: we keep the intermediate product's size manageable,
and we keep the intermediate product in montgomery representation,
so it's ready for another round of montgomery-multiplication.  it's
very slick, but none of the explanations i've read, treat this
intermediate-size issue at all.

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Re: Proving security protocols

2001-11-01 Thread Don Davis

> I have been trying to read about formally proving security
> protocols. ... I was wondering if anyone here has seen a
> comparison between these approaches to evaluate things like
> ease of use and effectiveness.

5 years ago, i saw meadows give an interesting talk,
comparing the various state-of-the-art verification
tools, with caveats about each one's blind spots, and
with some attention to how easy/hard it is to make
mistakes while using such tools.  i suspect that the
talk i saw was from this paper:

Catherine Meadows, "Formal Verification of Cryptographic
Protocols: A Survey," Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt
'94, LNSC 917, Springer-Verlag, 1995, pp. 133-150.

   In this paper we give a survey of the state of the
   art in the application of formal methods to the
   analysis of cryptographic protocols. We attempt to
   outline some of the major threads of research in
   this area, and also to document some emerging trends.

a more recent meadows paper surveys open problems in
the field:

Meadows, Catherine, "Open Issues in Formal Methods for
Cryptographic Protocol Analysis,"  Proc DISCEX 2000,
IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 237-250, January, 2000.

   The history of the application of formal methods
   to cryptographic protocol analysis spans nearly
   twenty years, and recently has been showing signs
   of new maturity and consolidation. A number of
   specialized tools have been developed, and others
   have effectively demonstrated that existing general-
   purpose tools can also be applied to these problems
   with good results.  However, with this better
   understanding of the field comes new problems that
   strain against the limits of the existing tools.
   In this paper we will outline some of these new
   problem areas, and describe what new research needs
   to be done to to meet the challenges posed.

i found these papers on her group's publications page:

- don davis, boston


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Re: Crypographically Strong Software Distribution HOWTO

2001-07-02 Thread Don Davis

>> Hans Dobbertin found some weaknesses in MD5 in 1996.

> Also note that RFC 2104 on the HMAC construction used in IPSEC
> explicitly cites Dobbertin and says the attack does not apply:

this is because dobbertin's attack works only
against message-digest applications of md5;
his attack doesn't work against md5 MACs, ie,
when md5 is used to hash a symmetric key with
the plaintext.

but, i generally tell clients to use sha-1 even
for MACs, just to avoid confusing their customers.

        - don davis, boston


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blocking chinese domains?

2001-06-29 Thread Don Davis

does anyone know whether china has recently shut
down its citizens' outgoing network access?

in looking over the hits on my web-page recently,
i noticed a bizarre factoid:  of 7000 hits, none
came from the .cn domain;  there were hits from
armenia, fiji, niue, korea, and other equally-
small venues, but none at all from the PRC.  is
there any known reason for this consistent disparity?

    - don davis, boston


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Re: crypto flaw in secure mail standards

2001-06-24 Thread Don Davis

At 10:15 AM -0500 6/22/01, Don Davis wrote:
> All current secure-mail standards specify, as their
> "high-security" option, a weak use of the public-key
> sign and encrypt operations.

please forgive my failure to reply to the list
members' comments individually, but my paper has
attracted so much mail, that i can't fulfill my
obligation to answer each of you courteously.

your critiques fall into a few categories:

   * old news; there's no new crypto problem here;
   * not a crypto problem, but a foolish-user problem;
   * not a crypto problem; the attacks work even
 without encryption, and even with surface mail;
   * not a crypto problem, because the problem is
 easily fixed with signed header-info, or with
 signed salutations.
   * this problem is one of a large class that's
 too hard to fix in full generality.

my paper raises almost all of these points, and i
agree with all of them, except with their common
theme: "it's not really a crypto problem."  in my
paper, i argue that there _is_ a clear-cut lapse of
good crypto-protocol design here.  the most basic
difference between my claim and the critiques, is
about usability.  i believe today's secure-mail
protocols should fulfill today's users' rather
naïve and inarticulate expectations about security
and ease-of-use.  unfortunately, today's secure-mail
protocols were designed before these naïve newbie
users flooded into the net.  this isn't the fault
of the diligent and brilliant engineers who contri-
buted to the various secure-mail standards.  but,
i suggest that it's more realistic to revisit their
work, and to change the secure-mail protocols and
products, than it is to try to change all of the
net's naïve users into crypto-aware users who can
wield the current secure-mail products effectively.

- don davis, boston


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crypto flaw in secure mail standards

2001-06-23 Thread Don Davis

> All current secure-mail standards specify, as their
> "high-security" option, a weak use of the public-key
> sign and encrypt operations. ...

i've received permission from usenix to release the
paper on saturday (6/23):


        - don davis, boston


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crypto flaw in secure mail standards

2001-06-22 Thread Don Davis

All current secure-mail standards specify, as their "high-
security" option, a weak use of the public-key sign and encrypt
operations.  On Thursday the 28th of this month, I'll present
my findings and my proposed repairs of the protocols, at the
Usenix Technical Conference here in Boston:

Don Davis, "Defective Sign & Encrypt in S/MIME, PKCS#7, MOSS,
PEM, PGP, and XML."  To appear in Proc. Usenix Tech. Conf. 2001,
Boston.  June 25-30, 2001.

A short summary:  All current secure-mail standards have a
significant cryptographic flaw.  There are several standard
ways to send and read secure e-mail.  The most well-known
secure mail systems are PGP and S/MIME.  All current public-
key-based secure-mail standards have this flaw.  Here are some
examples of the flaw in action:

Suppose Alice and Bob are business partners, and are setting
up a deal together.  Suppose Alice decides to call off the
deal, so she sends Bob a secure-mail message: "The deal is off."
Then Bob can get even with Alice:

  * Bob waits until Alice has a new deal in the works
with Charlle;
  * Bob can abuse the secure e-mail protocol to re-encrypt
and resend Alice's message to Charlie;
  * When Charlie receives Alice's message, he'll believe
that the mail-security features guarantee that Alice
sent the message to Charlie.
  * Charlie abandons his deal with Alice.

Suppose instead that Alice & Bob are coworkers.  Alice uses
secure e-mail to send Bob her sensitive company-internal
sales plan.  Bob decides to get his rival Alice fired:

  * Bob abuses the secure e-mail protocol to re-encrypt and
resend Alice's sales-plan, with her digital signature,
to a rival company's salesman Charlie.
  * Charlie brags openly about getting the sales plan from
Alice.  When he's accused in court of stealing the plan,
Charlie presents Alice's secure e-mail as evidence of
his innocence.

Surprisingly, standards-compliant secure-mail clients will
not detect these attacks.

   Simple Sign & Encrypt, by itself, is not very secure.
Cryptographers know this well, but application programmers
and standards authors still tend to put too much trust
in simple Sign-and-Encrypt.  In fact, every secure e-mail
protocol, old and new, has codified naïve Sign & Encrypt
as acceptable security practice.  S/MIME, PKCS#7, PGP,
OpenPGP, PEM, and MOSS all suffer from this flaw.
Similarly, the secure document protocols PKCS#7, XML-
Signature, and XML-Encryption suffer from the same flaw.
Naïve Sign & Encrypt appears only in file-security and
mail-security applications, but this narrow scope is
becoming more important to the rapidly-growing class
of commercial users. With file- and mail-encryption
seeing widespread use, and with flawed encryption in
play,  we can expect widespread exposures.

In this paper, we analyze the naïve Sign & Encrypt flaw,
we review the defective sign/encrypt standards, and we
describe a comprehensive set of simple repairs.  The
various repairs all have a common feature:  when signing
and encryption are combined, the inner crypto layer must
somehow depend on the outer layer, so as to reveal any
tampering with the outer layer.

Once I've presented the paper, I'll make this link live:

- don davis, boston


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article: german secure phone

2001-06-03 Thread Don Davis


Portable privacy

A mobile phone that protects transmissions from
sophisticated eavesdropping is launched in Germany

A mobile phone that protects transmissions from
sophisticated eavesdropping has been launched in

Communications company Rohde Schwarz created the TopSec
GSM phone by fitting military grade encryption hardware
into an ordinary S35i Siemens mobile phone.

The company expects the device to appeal to businessmen
who want to protect themselves against industrial
espionage and government representatives concerned
about spying. "In both cases communications have to be
secure," says a company representative.

Ex-Nato technical expert Brian Gladman told New
Scientist: "If done correctly, the encryption would be
effectively attack-proof."

Although the GSM standard does protect transmissions by
encoding them, a number of weaknesses have been
discovered with the system. These could allow
sophisticated eavesdroppers to listen in. The TopSec
GSM phone is designed to provide an extra, robust layer
of security.

The phone may not be for everyone, however. Each device
costs £1800 and so far only 500 handsets have been
created. These must also be bought directly from Rohde

Private keys

The handset works like any normal GSM mobile phone. But
users can establish a secure communications channel
when "Crypto" is selected from the customised display
menu. When a number is dialled and the Crypto function
selected, the phone checks to see if the device at the
other end is compatible. Currently, the phone works
only with other TopSec mobile phones and ISDN phones
produced by Rohde Schwarz.

If the device at the other end is compatible, each
phone opens a data channel and exchanges its public
encryption key. Using mathematically-linked private
keys, the phones then establish a shared code for
securing voice communications at speed.

It is theoretically possible to decipher messages
encrypted in this way by trying all possible keys in
succession. But in practice this would require a
formidable amount of computational power. Rohde Schwarz
estimates that it would take 100 average desktop
computers 10 years to decrypt a 10-minute phone call.


Although the encryption itself may be secure, Gladman
says it might be possible to trick the phones into
giving up their secrets using a "man in the middle"
attack. This would involve carrying out a dummy key
exchange with both parties and creating two secure
channels. Each party would be communicating securely,
but only through a third eavesdropper.

This technique would be beyond most industrial spies.
Gladman says it might be within the capabilities of
some government intelligence agencies, however.

Devices that work along similar lines are already used
by the US military. And this is not the first attempt
to make a commercial encryption phone. US company
Starium has created a device that can be attached to
standard phone lines in order to secure voice
communications with encryption.

Web link:
Rohde Schwarz  http://www.rohde-schwarz.com/

1630 GMT, 31 May 2001


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Re: use of digital signatures and PKI

2001-05-31 Thread Don Davis

Gócza Zoltán wrote:
> I wonder if you could make any comments whether digital signatures are
> really NOT used worldwide as the paper states! Unfortunately I could not
> find any research or survey. Any reference would be greatly appreciated.

i have one potent, anecdotal data point:  a friend of
mine is a 3-letter executive at one of the older/bigger
PKI vendors.  he surprised me in a recent conversation,
by mentioning that essentially none of his company's
customers are using PKI for signatures.  actually, he
may have said, "_no-one_ is using PKI for signatures."
he says that practically all of the certs are being
used for negotiating symmetric session-keys.

        - don davis, boston


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Alcatel ADSL Modem vulnerabilities

2001-04-18 Thread Don Davis


Researchers associated with the San Diego Supercomputer
Center at the University of California, San Diego have
identified multiple implementation flaws in the Alcatel
Speed Touch ADSL "modem" (actually an ADSL-Ethernet
router/bridge). These flaws can allow an intruder to
take complete control of the device, including changing
its configuration, uploading new firmware, and disrupting
the communications between the telephone central office
providing ADSL service and the device.

These flaws allow the following malicious actions:

  * changing the device's configuration such that the
device can no longer be accessed;
  * disabling the device, either temporarily or
permanently (requiring return of the device to
the manufacturer); and
  * installation of malicious code, such as a network
sniffer to gather local LAN traffic (that is not
being bridged) and making the box more easily/covertly
remotely accessible.

One of the more interesting discoveries was a cryptographic
challenge-response back door that completely bypasses any
password that a user may have set on the device.

All testing to date has been done in LLC/SNAP bridge mode.
Routing mode was not tested. There may be other flaws that
are easier to exploit in that mode.

(Speed Touch is a trademark of Alcatel.)


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