Re: [IP] Master Key Copying Revealed (Matt Blaze of ATT Labs)

2003-01-24 Thread Sampo Syreeni
On 2003-01-24, Len Sassaman uttered to Arnold G. Reinhold:

>(This is a purely physical limitation. If you had pins that were of
>drastically different heights next to each other, key insertion would be
>extremely difficult or impossible.)

One should also note that this particular problem doesn't affect disc
wafer designs, like ABLOY's. On other fronts such designs fail as badly as
pin tumbler one, of course. I don't know about the newer designs, though
-- it seems the basic design allows an affordable analog to double
cylinder keying, which doesn't leak as much information. As Matt notes,
such designs have other vulnerabilities, especially when somebody
dismantles the lock itself.

The next logical question is, are there ways of making locks more secure,
starting from cryptanalytic principles? As far as information leakage
goes, the problem is easily corrected by going to double ring designs or
the applicable analogs. From the standpoint of reverse engineering, it
seems we're off into the domain of mechanical computing or wishful fancy,
depending on one's personal level of optimism. That means high security
mechanical lock makers might have to suffer a flashback into Babbage's
age. How's that for retro? ;)

(Okay, they're going for infrared keys and/or RFID, now. That's about
challenge-response, public keys and tamper resistance. I wonder if the
lock community has recognized the inevitable link to what crypto people
are doing...)

>Heck, it's possible to construct a set of all possible *keys* for a given
>lock. Even with the optimizations of knowing which pin combinations are
>physically impossible to use, however, this is still a lot of

Sure. But trying those combinations out can be automated -- I don't think
the kind of automatic lock pickers one sees in current action movies are
*entirely* fictional.

Rotational shear dictates that the key channel of every normal lock must
have a certain minimum cross-section, given a material for the key. If you
think about how long a lock cylinder can be in common applications, one
has a whole lot of room for all sorts of mechanics within the space
alloted for the key in a working lock. It might even be the length of the
cylinder is strictly limited by rotational shear concerns. My first take
on designing an automated probe would simply be to apply rotational noise
to the lock, record the vibration coming back, while sliding a probe
through the cylinder. When each disc/pin is pushed into the free position,
one would expect it to be exceedingly difficult to hide changes such a
match will cause in the response of the signal chain.

>Most of the time, the lock is not the weakest point of attack.

Naturally. I think both Matt and those interested in locks on-list
primarily consider this a funky excercise in what I'd call far-too-applied

>Attacking the lock in this manner is analogous to breaking a
>crypto-system by attacking the cipher. Usually, other parts of the
>implementation are much weaker.

Yes. I say, jump the threat model. Ram a car through the door or arrange
to deliver a promotional pizza to someone behind it, whichever feels more

I also think ideas like these can serve as *wonderful* examples of why
threat models matter in security design -- like Matt says, locks often
serve as a useful analogy to how crypto works.

>If you have a location which is secured in such a manner that the lock's
>security is of concern, you should look into a lock such as Medeco, which
>employs a number of security features which resist these attacks. (Angled
>cuts, restricted key blanks, etc.)

I would equate the latter with both security-thru-obscurity, and purely
legislative approaches to security. That is, I wouldn't lay a lot of
weight on them. The former, that I've already found a minor complication.

>(On another list, I joked that if Matt could get his technique to work on
>a Medeco master-keyed system by July, I'd eat a pound of live crickets at
>DEFCON. I'll hold myself to that.)

That's the spirit. I wouldn't exactly go with the live stuff, but
otherwise crickets sound simply nutritious. Not to mention delicious,
after having been dipped in honey. ;)

Seriously, I cannot really see why the approach wouldn't work on Medeco's
rotating pin design as well. It certainly seems more complicated than a
typical pin tumbler one, and it does add to the total number of key
combinations, but in the end, I would suspect it succumbs to an attack
with the same complexity measure as Matt's more conventional ones. I don't
have the precise details, but I would suspect rotational positions simply
Cartesian the search space, nothing more. Getting it to work in actuality
might be a bit of a problem, especially with Matt's expected budget, but
for those who actually wa

Re: Real-world steganography

2002-10-01 Thread Sampo Syreeni

On 2002-10-01, Ben Laurie uttered to Peter Gutmann:

>Yeah, right - and green felt-tip around the edges of your CD improves
>the sound, too.

I'm not sure about HDCD as a technology, but the principle is sound. If we
can compress sound transparently, we can also transparently embed quite a
lot of data into the part which is perceptually irrelevant. We might also
depart with perceptual equivalence and go with perceptual similarity
instead -- e.g. multiband compress the audio, and embed data which allows
us to expand to a higher perceptual resolution. Whatever the
implementation, putting data in the gap between statistical (i.e.
computed against a Markov model) and perceptual (against a perceptual
similarity model) entropy which compensates for some of the perceptual
shortcomings (like total dynamic range) of a particular recording
technology seems like an excellent idea.

However, applications like these have very little to do with steganography
proper. In this case, we can (and want) to fill up the entire gap between
statistical and perceptual entropy estimates with useful data, leaving us
with signals which have statistical entropies consistently higher than
we'd expect of a typical recording with similar perceptual
characteristics. That is, the encoded signal will appear manifestly random
compared to typical unencoded material from a similar source, and we can
easily see there is hidden communication going on. Such encodings will be
of little value in the context of industrial strength steganography used
for hidden communication.

Steganography used in the latter sense will also have to be imperceptible,
true, but but here the entropic gap we're filling is the one between the
entropy estimates of our best model of the source material vs. that of the
adversary's. Be the models Markov ones, perceptual, something else, or
composites of the above. Consequently the margin is much thinner
(bandwidths are probably at least a decade or two lower), and the aims
remain completely separate.

Consequently, I don't believe encodings developed for the first purpose
could ever be the best ones for the latter, or that HDCD-like endeavors
really have that much to do with the subject matter of this list.
Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], tel:+358-50-5756111
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RE: Challenge to David Wagner on TCPA

2002-08-01 Thread Sampo Syreeni

On 2002-08-01, AARG!Anonymous uttered to [EMAIL PROTECTED],...:

>It does this by taking hashes of the software before transferring
>control to it, and storing those hashes in its internal secure

So, is there some sort of guarantee that the transfer of control won't be
stopped by a check against cryptographic signature within the executable
itself, in the future? That sort of thing would be trivial to enforce via
licencing terms, after all, and would allow for the introduction of a
strictly limited set of operating systems to which control would be
transferred. I'm having a lot of trouble seeing the benefit in TCPA
without such extra measures, given that open source software would likely
evolve which circumvented any protection offered by the more open ended
architecture you now describe. Such a development would simply mean that
Peter's concern would be transferred a level up, without losing its
relevance. I'd also contend that this extra level of diversion is
precisely what TCPA, with its purported policy of "no trusted keys" aims

>Then, when the data is decrypted and "unsealed", the hash is compared to
>that which is in the TPM registers now.  This can make it so that data
>which is encrypted when software system X boots can only be decrypted
>when that same software boots.

Again, such values would be RE'd and reported by any sane open source OS
to the circuitry, giving access to whatever data there is. If this is
prevented, one can bootstrap an absolutely secure platform where whatever
the content provider says is the Law, including a one where every piece of
runnable OS software actually enforces the kind of control over
permissible signatures Peter is so worried about. Where's the guarantee
that this won't happen, one day?

>In answer to your question, then, for most purposes, there is no signing
>key that your TPM chip trusts, so the issue is moot.

At the hardware level, yes. At the software one, it probably won't be,
even in the presence of the above considerations. After you install your
next Windows version, you will be tightly locked in with whatever M$
throws at you in their DLL's, and as I pointed out, there's absolutely no
guarantee Linux et al. might well be shut out by extra features, in the
future. In the end what we get is an architecture, which may not embody
Peter's concerns right now, but which is built from the ground up to bring
them into being, later.

More generally, as long as we have computers which allow data to be
addressed as code and vice versa, the ability to control use of data will
necessarily entail ability to control use of code. So, either we will get
systems where circumventing copyright controls is trivial or ones where
you cannot compile your own code. All the rest is just meaningless syntax.
In that light I bet you can guess why people are worried about TCPA and
its ilk.
Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], tel:+358-50-5756111
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Re: building a true RNG

2002-07-29 Thread Sampo Syreeni

On 2002-07-28, Sampo Syreeni uttered to David Wagner:

[Answering to my own mail. Sorry.]

>and discard every 1/(p(x)-1/256)'th sample with value x.

Actually the pedantic solution would be to put an arithmetic
compressor/coder between the input and output, using the best model we've
got. That still leaves model adaptation to be dealt with, but if we
discard a sufficient number of output bits at start (estimable from the
model), we *will* end up with (very nearly) flat statistics on the output.
Asymptotic optimality and all that... (The qualification comes from
limited precision arithmetic.)
Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], tel:+358-50-5756111
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Re: building a true RNG

2002-07-29 Thread Sampo Syreeni

On 2002-07-27, David Wagner uttered to Sampo Syreeni:

>Just look at the first n bits of output; they are going to be a
>deterministic function of the first n' bits of input, and we can simply
>let f be the function mapping the first n' bits of input to the first n
>bits of output.

It's quite possible I don't get it in the finite case, but I don't see why
you can do this either. With statistical adaptation the n on the output
side will change based on the input stream, and |Y| cannot be both
constant and finite.

An example: presume we take a simple first order statistical model. If our
input is an 8-bit sample value from a noise source, we will build a 256
bin histogram. When we see an input value, we look its probability up in
the model, and discard every 1/(p(x)-1/256)'th sample with value x. When
this happens, the sample is just eaten and nothing appears in the output;
otherwise we copy. You *can* model this as a function from sequences to
sequences, but certain input sequences (like repeated zeroes) will make
the algorithm wait arbitrarily long before outputting anything. Hence, n
on the output side cannot be finite. (This might "lose entropy" in our
earlier, fuzzy sense, but it's near what I'm thinking. Once we discard the
right samples, higher order models would work just as well.)
Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], tel:+358-50-5756111
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Re: building a true RNG

2002-07-29 Thread Sampo Syreeni

On 2002-07-27, David Wagner uttered to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>In particular, there is no function f which doesn't waste entropy,
>unless |Y|=1.  The proof is simple enough that you can probably find it
>with a moment's contemplation, but let me know if you want to see it.

I would be lead to pigeonhole; still, this does seem like an eminently
teachable moment to me.

However, what we're working with in the case of a typical RNG isn't
functions between finite buffer-fulls of data, but functions between
infinite sets of entire bitstreams which need to be implemented within a
finite memory constraint. Whatever the algorithm, it can have state. I'm
thinking that is the reasoning which leads people to think that the
problem is simple. In this framework one can very well gather statistics
and try and normalize them based on what one's seen so far. (The
minimalist example here is bias removal.)  After that, what goes into the
hash is (approximately) white and even with minimal assumptions (i.e. the
hash is a one-way permutation) our RNG would seem to approach ideality.

True, such an approach will always become a race in modelling the
statistics. But still, I would think the generator has the advantage if
sufficient margin is left for error. (That is, hash some constant times
the number of bits containing the entropy you suspect to be there, based
on the best model you've got.)
Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], tel:+358-50-5756111
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Re: FC: Politech challenge: Decode Al Qaeda stego-communications!

2002-07-12 Thread Sampo Syreeni
setting, neither does such a model exist nor do we have a guarantee that a
specific method has indeed been used. We're left out in the cold, not
knowing whether a communication has taken place.

That, then, becomes both the beauty of steganography and the beast of
inciting countless clueless reporters to suspect stego being present in
places it isn't. If one cannot know, one cannot know. A number of
reporters ought to be taught about knowable versus true/false if we're
ever to get rid of this web-stego-osama-terrorism nonsense.

Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], tel:+358-50-5756111
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Re: FW: update.575

2002-02-02 Thread Sampo Syreeni

On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, Kossmann, Bill wrote:

>The article below may be of interest to members of this list.
[An article on categorizing textual strings by appending them on
reference documents and measuring aggregate compressibility snipped.]

This shouldn't be a big surprise, considering how close to the estimated
entropy of various sources current compression algorithms get. In essence,
compressors are statistical learners, and classification problems can be
formulated as partitionings based on statistical similarity. I just wonder
if the overhead of doing a significant number of compression runs against
known sources isn't a bit expensive compared to current methods of

Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], tel:+358-50-5756111
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Re: password-cracking by journalists...

2002-01-19 Thread Sampo Syreeni

On Thu, 17 Jan 2002, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

>For one thing, in Hebrew (and, I think, Arabic) vowels are not normally

If something, this would lead me to believe there is less redundancy in
what *is* written, and so less possibility for a dictionary attack.

>Also, there are a few Hebrew letters which have different forms when
>they're the final letter in a word -- my understanding is that there are
>more Arabic letters that have a different final form, and that some have
>up to four forms: one initial, two middle, and one final.

At least Unicode codes these as the same codepoint, and treats the
different forms as glyph variants. Normalizing for these before the attack
shouldn't be a big deal.

>Finally, Hebrew (and, as someone else mentioned, Arabic) verbs have a
>three-letter root form; many nouns are derived from this root.

This would facilitate the attack, especially if the root form is all that
is written -- it would lead us expect shorter passwords and a densely
populated search space, with less possibility for easy variations like

Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], tel:+358-50-5756111
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Re: Best practices/HOWTO for key storage in small office/home office setting?

2001-10-02 Thread Sampo Syreeni

On Mon, 1 Oct 2001, Arnold G. Reinhold wrote:

>Here are a few suggestions:
>o Use mini-CD-R's for key storage. There is even a rectangular,
>credit-card sized format available. (Note that mini-CDs are not
>compatible with slot loading CD drives.)

I think one of those tiny USB flash memories IBM makes would be even
better. Sufficient capacity, no moving parts, extremely discreet.

>o Perform all encryption, signing, etc. on a lap top or palm top that is
>kept in a safe or on your person when not in use and is never connected
>to a network.

Or integrate some computing power into those IBM thingies, and use
remotely keyed encryption. Enough power is available through USB so that
you don't have to end up with battery power.

This isn't available now, though. I *really* hope IBM would take the hint.
It would make key management a whole lot easier.

Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], tel:+358-50-5756111
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Re: "Pirate Utopia," FEED, February 20, 2001

2001-09-24 Thread Sampo Syreeni

On Mon, 24 Sep 2001, Ted Lemon wrote:

>This presumes that people who use steganography in the real world right
>now are similar in their password security habits to the general computer
>user population.

It also presumes that people use the precise same steganographic algorithm,
I think. I've haven't seen the paper, though -- what's said there about the
issue of multiple stego methods out there?

Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], gsm: +358-50-5756111
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