Re: 'E-postmark' gives stamp of approval

2002-11-27 Thread Sean Smith
Back when I first heard about this idea (a long time ago),
I wondered two things:

1. What about  Haber and Stornetta's work (and patents)?

2. What's to stop me from setting up Sean's Discount Postmark Service,
where, each time unit, I collect document hashes from customers,
build a hash tree, and buy a USPS postmark for the root of the tree?


Sean W. Smith, Ph.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (has ssl link to pgp key)
Department of Computer Science, Dartmouth College, Hanover NH USA

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Re: Thanks, Lucky, for helping to kill gnutella

2002-08-11 Thread Sean Smith

i guess it's appropriate that the world's deepest
hole is next to something labelled a trust territory :)



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Re: Secure peripheral cards

2002-03-20 Thread Sean Smith

Well, there's always the IBM 4758, which we built as a general-purpose
secure computer environment for hostile environments, with the ability
for on-device applications to prove to the outside world what they are
and where they're running.

IBM's been marketing it primarily as a crypto accelerator, unfortunately.
The official product pages make it hard to distinguish the box from the
CCA application sw.

For basic architecture stuff:

S.W. Smith, S.H. Weingart.
`Building a High-Performance, Programmable Secure Coprocessor.''
Computer Networks (Special Issue on Computer Network Security.) 31: 831-860. 
April 1999. 

For some recent creative applications:

S. Jiang, S.W. Smith, K. Minami.
``Securing Web Servers against Insider Attack.''
ACSA/ACM Annual Computer Security Applications Conference. December 2001

A. Iliev, S.W. Smith.
Prototyping an Armored Data Vault: Rights Management on Big Brother's Computer.
Privacy-Enhancing Technology 2002, Springer-Verlag, to appear.

These and more live at:


Prof. Sean W. Smith  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (has ssl link to pgp key)
Department of Computer Science, Dartmouth College, Hanover NH USA

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