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                   Cryptographic Research in Europe

    February 26 (afternoon) and 27 (morning), 2003 (right after FSE 2003)
              AF Borgen, Sandgatan 2, SE-223 50 Lund, Sweden.

The NESSIE and STORK projects jointly organize their 4th and 2nd workshop,
respectively. It will take place on the same premises as FSE 2003.
The early registration deadline is 19 February 2003.


Wednesday, February 26

13:30-14:00 Registration.
14:00-14:25 An overview of the NESSIE project (Bart Preneel, K.U.Leuven)
14:30-15:00 Tools for measuring performance and assessing the security of
            cryptographic algorithms (Eli Biham, Technion and Markus
            Dichtl, Siemens AG)
15:00-15:50 Evaluation results for asymmetric primitives (Louis Granboulan,
            ENS, Francesco Sica, UCL and Alex Dent, Royal Holloway)
15:50-16:15 Coffee Break.
16:15-17:10 Evaluation results for symmetric primitives (Markus Dichtl,
            Siemens AG, Lars Knudsen, T.U.Denmark and Bart Van Rompay, K.U.Leuven)
17:10-17:50 The Cryptrec project (Toshinobu Kaneko, Science Univ. of Tokio)
19:30       Workshop Banquet

Thursday, February 27

9:00-9:30   An introduction to the STORK project and a status update on
            Framework 6 (Bart Preneel, K.U.Leuven)
9:30-10:15  Recent progress in cryptanalysis using algebraic equations
            (Jean-Charles Faugère, LIP6)
10:15-10:40 Coffee Break
10:40-11:30 Open problems in cryptology. An overview of the list of open
            problems in the STORK Roadmap, followed by an open discussion.
11:30-12:00 Activities in a future Network of Excellence on Cryptography.
            An open discussion on activities that could be supported and
            how this could be organized.
12:00       Adjourn


* Early registration: 60 euro. Form and payment must be received no later
                               than 19 February
* Normal registration: 80 euro. Form and payment received after 19 February

In addition to the scientific program, payment of the registration fee
entitles to a 3-course group dinner on Wednesday 26 February and to coffee
breaks and refreshments during the workshop.

All information on the workshop (including how to register) can be found
on the workshop webpage at
or via the NESSIE (www.cryptonessie.org) or STORK (www.stork.eu.org) webpages.

Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you have further questions.

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