Re: [css-d] More up-to-data code ?

2007-05-28 Thread Jukka K. Korpela
On Sun, 27 May 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I had a display that looked like this:

 Máiréad is co-composer of the original score for the dance show Invasion.
 --  Choreographed by Stephen C. Scariff and Ronan Morgan.
 --  Music by Máiréad Nesbitt and Tibor Kasza.
 --  Directed by Robert Alföldi.
 Watch this space for tour dates.

The plain text presentation is not sufficient for indicating all aspects 
of rendering. Although most features can be inferred from the markup and 
CSS code that you specify, it is not clear whether the br is meant to 
generate an empty line. (In browser practice, it may or it may not.)

 font class=b2brbMáiréad/b is co-composer of the original score for 
 the dance show bInvasion/b.
 br-- nbsp;Choreographed by Stephen C. Scariff and Ronan Morgan.
 br-- nbsp;Music by Máiréad Nesbitt and Tibor Kasza.
 br-- nbsp;Directed by Robert Alföldi.
 brWatch this space for tour dates.

Logically, this might perhaps best be marked up as follows. (Many people 
would use p instead of div at least for the first sentence, but that's 
debatable logically - a single sentence seldom constitutes a paragraph.
In styling, it would just imply that the element has some default top and 
bottom margins that you would remove in CSS, if desired.)

div class=adv
divstrongMáiréad/strong is co-composer of the original score for
the dance show strongInvasion/strong./div
liChoreographed by Stephen C. Scariff and Ronan Morgan./li
liMusic by Máiréad Nesbitt and Tibor Kasza./li
liDirected by Robert Alföldi./li
divWatch this space for tour dates./div

- -
 Is there a more suitable method for achieving the same using CSS?

I'm pretty sure that people on this list agree that the font markup is 
inferior to using CSS. Using my suggested markup, you would use the CSS 

.adv { font-size: 12px;
color: #00;
background: transparent; }

(Of course, there a different views on whether a font size of 12px should 
be used, but that's not relevant here. Setting background to transparent 
is risky, since due to the effects of other style sheets, the background 
that shines through might be different from what you expect. The risk is 
small, but it would be safer to set background to a specific color.)

If you want to have an empty line at the start, as the leading br 
suggests, then you can add

* { line-height: 1.22; }
.adv { margin-top: 1.22em; }

The value 1.22 is just an example here. Note that setting line-height 
explicitly for all elements prevents many bugs from biting you. In 
particular, if lists are used, it fixes the IE feature that line-height is 
larger for li elements than for normal text. (The feature might be 
desirable in some situations, but not in cases like this.)

The most difficult issue is the list formatting, in particular changing 
the list marker from the default bullet to the string -- nbsp;. There 
is no direct way to do this, and any approaches have drawbacks: using 
generated content fails on IE, using background images fails when images 
are not shown. Whether you actually want -- and not en dash or em dash 
is not relevant to this issue; en dash and em dash can of course be 
written in HTML as ndash; and mdash; if desired, and they work well 
these days.

Thus, if you really want such rendering, the practical approach is to put 
the markers into document content proper, as in your markup. Using list 
markup, that would mean

li-- nbsp;list item text/li

and then you would need to use

.adv ul { list-style: none; }

in CSS to suppress the default list marker.

Admittedly, the use of list markup means a little more work than just 
using br between items, when you really want to _suppress_ any 
browser-generated markers. However, should you design e.g. that the items 
be slightly indented on the left, list markup would let you do that 

Other issues in list formatting in this case can be handled easily. You 
can make the formatting compact (corresponding to the effects of your 
markup) as follows:

.adv ul, { margin: 0; padding: 0; }

Jukka Yucca Korpela,

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[css-d] splitting a table cell into a label and content.

2007-05-28 Thread Tony Martin


I cant think how to do this.

I have a 3*3 table and I would like each cell to contain two parts, label 
and content, each 300px wide.

The label part is to be on the left and will contain label text, have a 
different background color to the content and have a fixed width, say 50px.  
The label should be full height of the cell.

I am trying to achieve a layout so that regardless of the length of text in 
the label part or the text part, the two parts will always extend to the 
height of the table cell.

I want to do it this way, rather than use a separate td for the label so 
that I can have independant control over the size of the labels (ie some 
labels could be wider.

I have tried using float left, height 100% for the label part, but if the 
cell height grows, text gets wrapped under the label part.

I would appreciate any suggestions.


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[css-d] Layout issues

2007-05-28 Thread jana coyle
Here is my site
I have a problem with getting text to align where I want it.
On the top of the page The links Home, About Us and Contact are not centered 
inbetween the lines.

The select a size form and add to cart are not centered under the price $2.95

Image description is not centered under the square image 1 and the spaces 
between image description, product photos(click here), available colors and the 
color squares are to far apart.

I have been trying for two days to work these problems out.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Re: [css-d] splitting a table cell into a label and content.

2007-05-28 Thread Jukka K. Korpela
On Mon, 28 May 2007, Tony Martin wrote:

 I have a 3*3 table and I would like each cell to contain two parts, label and 
 content, each 300px wide.

That means a total width of 3 times 2 times 300 pixels, i.e. 1800 pixels. 
Are you sure you want that?

 The label part is to be on the left and will contain label text, have a 
 different background color to the content and have a fixed width, say 50px.

This does not match the preceding statement.

 The label should be full height of the cell.

That's what makes things difficult. How does the table look like as a 
whole and how are its cell dimensions determined?

 I want to do it this way, rather than use a separate td for the label so that 
 I can have independant control over the size of the labels (ie some labels 
 could be wider.

But previously you mentioned a fixed width - actually, two fixed widths.

Anyway, using a table with 3 rows and 6 columns is surely the _easiest_ 
way, unless you really want to vary the label widths.

 I have tried using float left, height 100% for the label part, but if 
 the cell height grows, text gets wrapped under the label part.

As usual, the URL of your most successful effort so far would help a lot 
to see the problem in its context.

Jukka Yucca Korpela,
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[css-d] Adding an emplty LI

2007-05-28 Thread trevor bayliss
Hi all I´ve been doing all I can to try and perfect this navigation but I just 
don´t understand it I am sure it is very simple. I have tried to make this as 
simple as possible with as little code as possible.
  I have a navigation called #topnav which has width auto.
  Then I have a #topnav LI which has a width of 87px. The html has 10 LIs which 
makes a total width of 870px.
  Then I have #topnav A which also has a width of 87px. 
  These are all contained in an ID called #width which has a width of 880px. 
  At present this works fine and fit for the information that I have in the 
links, however,  the rest of the page is wider. I need to increase the 
navigation which I can do by increasing the #width pixel size(in this case by 
40px). How can I add an LI to cover this space? I have tried to do it but 
without luck
  Thank you for your help
  !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN;
STYLE type=text/css
#width {
 MARGIN-LEFT: 50px; WIDTH: 880px; MARGIN-RIGHT: auto; TEXT-ALIGN: left
#topnav {
 BORDER-TOP: blue 4px solid; MARGIN: 9px 0px 0px; width: auto
#topnav LI {
 DISPLAY: inline; BACKGROUND: black no-repeat left top; FLOAT: left; WIDTH: 
87px; HEIGHT: auto
#topnav A {
 BORDER-RIGHT: blue 1px solid; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND: no-repeat left top; 
FONT: 11px/20px 
  tahoma, arial, sans-serif; WIDTH: 87px; COLOR: #fff; TEXT-ALIGN: center
DIV id=width
DIV id=logoIMG height=57 alt= src=images/logo.jpg width=217
UL id=topnav
  LIA title= href=Home /A/LI
  LIA title= href=About Malls/A /LI
  LIA title= href=Malls/A /LI
  LIA title= href=Malls UK/A /LI
  LIA title= href=Malls USA/A /LI
  LIA title= href=Malls France/A /LI
  LIA title= href=National/A /LI
  LIA title= href=International/A/LI
  LIA title= href=Contact Us/A/LI
  LIA title= href=FAQs/A/LI

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[css-d] Estimating x-height

2007-05-28 Thread Jukka K. Korpela
(The discussion started under the heading font-family font sizes, but I 
now changed the Subject to more specific.)

On Fri, 18 May 2007, Bruno Fassino wrote:

 Putting together the above, if we trust Gecko,  the aspect ratio of a
 font can be obtained simply observing the size of an element
 dimensioned using 'ex' units.

The results are consistent with those I got with my simplistic method that 
compares the letter x in large font size with a stickyard. See

It seems that different ways lead to the same results, implying that the 
figures mentioned in CSS specifications are wrong - most notably when 
they say that Verdana has an aspect ratio of 0.58, but it actually has 0.545.

This, as well as methods of finding out the x-height value for specific 
fonts, is of some importance to authors who wish to use font-size-adjust 
(which helps on Firefox 2 and does no harm when it doesn't).

Jukka Yucca Korpela,

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Re: [css-d] Adding an emplty LI

2007-05-28 Thread Tango
trevor bayliss wrote:
 Hi all I´ve been doing all I can to try and perfect this navigation but I 
 just don´t understand it I am sure it is very simple. I have tried to make 
 this as simple as possible with as little code as possible.
   I have a navigation called #topnav which has width auto.
   Then I have a #topnav LI which has a width of 87px. The html has 10 LIs 
 which makes a total width of 870px.
   Then I have #topnav A which also has a width of 87px. 
   These are all contained in an ID called #width which has a width of 880px. 

   At present this works fine and fit for the information that I have in the 
 links, however,  the rest of the page is wider. I need to increase the 
 navigation which I can do by increasing the #width pixel size(in this case by 
 40px). How can I add an LI to cover this space? I have tried to do it but 
 without luck
I am not really sure what you mean by this or what you want the
navigation to look like.  You can add as many li's as you like,
however as soon as their combined width exceeds the containers specified
width the links will wrap to a new line.  Also because you have defined
the container's width any UA or screen resolution that is less then
880px  wide will cause a horizontal scroll bar.

   Thank you for your help

   !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN;
 STYLE type=text/css
 #width {
  MARGIN-LEFT: 50px; WIDTH: 880px; MARGIN-RIGHT: auto; TEXT-ALIGN: left
 #topnav {
  BORDER-TOP: blue 4px solid; MARGIN: 9px 0px 0px; width: auto
 #topnav LI {
  DISPLAY: inline; BACKGROUND: black no-repeat left top; FLOAT: left; WIDTH: 
 87px; HEIGHT: auto
 #topnav A {
  BORDER-RIGHT: blue 1px solid; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND: no-repeat left 
 top; FONT: 11px/20px 
   tahoma, arial, sans-serif; WIDTH: 87px; COLOR: #fff; TEXT-ALIGN: center
 DIV id=width
 DIV id=logoIMG height=57 alt= src=images/logo.jpg width=217
 UL id=topnav
   LIA title= href=Home /A/LI
   LIA title= href=About Malls/A /LI
   LIA title= href=Malls/A /LI
   LIA title= href=Malls UK/A /LI
   LIA title= href=Malls USA/A /LI
   LIA title= href=Malls France/A /LI
   LIA title= href=National/A /LI
   LIA title= href=International/A/LI
   LIA title= href=Contact Us/A/LI
   LIA title= href=FAQs/A/LI

I took some liberties with your code, and a stab at what  I thought you
were after.
The result can be found here


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Re: [css-d] Adding an emplty LI

2007-05-28 Thread trevor bayliss
Thanks Tango for the reply. I will reduce the width as much as possible point 
taken about the size the of the page.
   I want to add a new LI but specifiy it´s width all the others are set at the 
same width and I want one with a different width. Thanks for any pointers

Tango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  trevor bayliss wrote:
 Hi all I´ve been doing all I can to try and perfect this navigation but I 
 just don´t understand it I am sure it is very simple. I have tried to make 
 this as simple as possible with as little code as possible.
 I have a navigation called #topnav which has width auto.
 Then I have a #topnav LI which has a width of 87px. The html has 10 LIs which 
 makes a total width of 870px.
 Then I have #topnav A which also has a width of 87px. 
 These are all contained in an ID called #width which has a width of 880px. 
 At present this works fine and fit for the information that I have in the 
 links, however, the rest of the page is wider. I need to increase the 
 navigation which I can do by increasing the #width pixel size(in this case by 
 40px). How can I add an LI to cover this space? I have tried to do it but 
 without luck
I am not really sure what you mean by this or what you want the
navigation to look like. You can add as many   
's as you like,
however as soon as their combined width exceeds the containers specified
width the links will wrap to a new line. Also because you have defined
the container's width any UA or screen resolution that is less then
880px wide will cause a horizontal scroll bar.

 Thank you for your help;
 #width {
  MARGIN-LEFT: 50px; WIDTH: 880px; MARGIN-RIGHT: auto; TEXT-ALIGN: left
 #topnav {
  BORDER-TOP: blue 4px solid; MARGIN: 9px 0px 0px; width: auto
 #topnav LI {
  DISPLAY: inline; BACKGROUND: black no-repeat left top; FLOAT: left; WIDTH: 
 87px; HEIGHT: auto
 #topnav A {
  BORDER-RIGHT: blue 1px solid; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND: no-repeat left 
 top; FONT: 11px/20px 
   tahoma, arial, sans-serif; WIDTH: 87px; COLOR: #fff; TEXT-ALIGN: center
   About Malls 
   Malls UK 
   Malls USA 
   Malls France 
   Contact Us



I took some liberties with your code, and a stab at what I thought you
were after.
The result can be found here


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Re: [css-d] Estimating x-height

2007-05-28 Thread Lori Lay
Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
 (The discussion started under the heading font-family font sizes, but I 
 now changed the Subject to more specific.)

 On Fri, 18 May 2007, Bruno Fassino wrote:

 Putting together the above, if we trust Gecko,  the aspect ratio of a
 font can be obtained simply observing the size of an element
 dimensioned using 'ex' units.

 The results are consistent with those I got with my simplistic method that 
 compares the letter x in large font size with a stickyard. See

 It seems that different ways lead to the same results, implying that the 
 figures mentioned in CSS specifications are wrong - most notably when 
 they say that Verdana has an aspect ratio of 0.58, but it actually has 0.545.

 This, as well as methods of finding out the x-height value for specific 
 fonts, is of some importance to authors who wish to use font-size-adjust 
 (which helps on Firefox 2 and does no harm when it doesn't).

I don't think you can rely on the size of elements dimensioned in ex 
units.  Eric says in his book that many user agents get their value for 
ex by taking the value of em and dividing it in half.  This is because 
most fonts don't have the value of their x-height built-in, and it's 
difficult to compute, as you discovered.  Since lowercase letters are 
about half as tall as uppercase letters, user agents assume that 1ex is 
equal to .5em.

Also, would monitor resolutions or dot pitch have any impact on your 
calculations?  Since you are taking a ratio, I wouldn't think so, but I 

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Re: [css-d] Estimating x-height

2007-05-28 Thread Jukka K. Korpela
On Mon, 28 May 2007, Lori Lay wrote:

 I don't think you can rely on the size of elements dimensioned in ex units. 
 Eric says in his book that many user agents get their value for ex by taking 
 the value of em and dividing it in half.

Most browsers do that, and it pretty much defeats the idea of ex, but 
Firefox 2 has an adequate implementation of ex _and_ it supports 
font-size-adjust, making the unit and the property practically important 
to some extent. Using the ex unit, you naturally need to be prepared to 
having it interpreted as 0.5em.

 Also, would monitor resolutions or dot pitch have any impact on your 
 calculations?  Since you are taking a ratio, I wouldn't think so, but I 

They affect the estimates, but not very much when a very large font size 
is used.

Jukka Yucca Korpela,

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Re: [css-d] Adding an emplty LI

2007-05-28 Thread Tango
trevor bayliss wrote:
 Thanks Tango for the reply. I will reduce the width as much as
 possible point taken about the size the of the page.
  I want to add a new LI but specifiy it´s width all the others are set
 at the same width and I want one with a different width. Thanks for
 any pointers.
Add a li with a unique class or id and style it. Examples below.

li class=emptynbsp;/li !-- empty list item to which style rules
could be applied --

Example at

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[css-d] Valign and repeat.

2007-05-28 Thread Ernie Finlay

A page advertising a service, requires a phone number in a vertical position 
,repeated horizontally across the bottom of the page,with a  height of 50px 
and 3px padding.

Your suggestions for coding this would be appreciated.


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Re: [css-d] Estimating x-height

2007-05-28 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

Jukka K. Korpela wrote:

 The results are consistent with those I got with my simplistic  
 method that
 compares the letter x in large font size with a stickyard. See

Thanks for this ! Together with Bruno's script, that makes for 2  
usable tools to find out the aspect ratio of fonts.

 It seems that different ways lead to the same results, implying  
 that the
 figures mentioned in CSS specifications are wrong - most notably when
 they say that Verdana has an aspect ratio of 0.58, but it actually  
 has 0.545.

I've no idea where that value for Verdana comes from, all tests and  
comments I've found point to a value of 0.54x~0.55.

One additional note: Gecko doesn't use the 3rd digit after the  
period, and tends to round upwards (e.g for Verdana it will use  
0.55). Or perhaps the info provided by the font itself only takes two  
For practical purposes, this will only have an impact at very high  

 This, as well as methods of finding out the x-height value for  
 fonts, is of some importance to authors who wish to use font-size- 
 (which helps on Firefox 2 and does no harm when it doesn't).

As I've noted before (and you did as well), using font-size-adjust  
does improve readability of text in the case where different fonts  
are used in the same text block. It also helps in case the fallback  
font is smaller than the one chosen by the stylesheet author.
Progressive enhancement at work here.

Lori Lay wrote:

 I don't think you can rely on the size of elements dimensioned in ex
 units.  Eric says in his book that many user agents get their value  
 ex by taking the value of em and dividing it in half.  This is because
 most fonts don't have the value of their x-height built-in, and it's
 difficult to compute, as you discovered.  Since lowercase letters are
 about half as tall as uppercase letters, user agents assume that  
 1ex is
 equal to .5em.

Safari and Gecko handle the ex value correctly [1]. A 10em wide block  
won't have the same width as a 20ex wide block, given the same font.
basic test:

[1] when used for line-height, I get different results between the 2  
browsers, but that is more related with rounding to grid pixels.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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[css-d] Overriding style sheet for list item

2007-05-28 Thread skip evans
Hey all,

I have the following defined to set up an unordered lsit 
menu set.

.menu ul {
width: 100%;

.menu li {
list-style: none;

.menu li a {
display: block;
text-decoration: none;
border-top: 1px solid #666;
border-bottom: 1px solid #666;
background-color: #9cabc4;
color: #fff;
 padding-left: 4px;
 padding-top: 4px;
 padding-bottom: 4x;

.menu a:hover {
display: block;
text-decoration: none;
border-top: 1px solid #666;
border-bottom: 1px solid #666;
background-color: #c5cedc;
color: #00;

But certain items in the list I want to override the 
background color, so I put this in the line item tag:

li style=background: #00 !important;item/li

But on Firefox/Linux (all I have here at home), it is not 
overriding the style sheet, not using the inline code.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Skip Evans
Big Sky Penguin
61 W Broadway
Butte, Montana 59701
Check out PHPenguin, a versatile and lightweight
code base for developing PHP/MySQL applications.
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Re: [css-d] Overriding style sheet for list item

2007-05-28 Thread Richard Grevers
On 5/29/07, skip evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey all,

 I have the following defined to set up an unordered lsit
 menu set.

 .menu ul {
 width: 100%;

 .menu li {
 list-style: none;

 .menu li a {
 display: block;
 text-decoration: none;
 border-top: 1px solid #666;
 border-bottom: 1px solid #666;
 background-color: #9cabc4;
 color: #fff;
  padding-left: 4px;
  padding-top: 4px;
  padding-bottom: 4x;

 .menu a:hover {
 display: block;
 text-decoration: none;
 border-top: 1px solid #666;
 border-bottom: 1px solid #666;
 background-color: #c5cedc;
 color: #00;

 But certain items in the list I want to override the
 background color, so I put this in the line item tag:

 li style=background: #00 !important;item/li

 But on Firefox/Linux (all I have here at home), it is not
 overriding the style sheet, not using the inline code.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Try setting background-color rather than background in your inline
style. I don't think that's supposed to make a difference, but it
might be a small bug.
Richard Grevers, New Plymouth, New Zealand
Hat 1: Development Engineer, Webfarm Ltd.
Hat 2: Dramatic Design
Lost yet?
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Re: [css-d] Overriding style sheet for list item

2007-05-28 Thread Mauricio Samy Silva
From: skip evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 li style=background: #00 !important;item/li
Hi Skip
Put the inline style inside the A tag instead of the LI tag as you did.

lia href=# style=background: #00;current item/a/li


Set a class for the different link and define its style in the style sheet:

lia href=# class=currentcurrent item/a/li

ul li a.current {background: #00;}

Maurício Samy Silva 

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Re: [css-d] Overriding style sheet for list item

2007-05-28 Thread skip evans
Yup. That did the background properly,

but it turned off the hover cover from the list.

That's what I'm trying to solve now.

Perhaps a class will do that.


Mauricio Samy Silva wrote:
 From: skip evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 li style=background: #00 !important;item/li
 Hi Skip
 Put the inline style inside the A tag instead of the LI tag as you did.
 lia href=# style=background: #00;current item/a/li
 Set a class for the different link and define its style in the style sheet:
 lia href=# class=currentcurrent item/a/li
 ul li a.current {background: #00;}
 Maurício Samy Silva 
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Skip Evans
Big Sky Penguin
61 W Broadway
Butte, Montana 59701
Check out PHPenguin, a versatile and lightweight
code base for developing PHP/MySQL applications.
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Re: [css-d] Overriding style sheet for list item

2007-05-28 Thread Mauricio Samy Silva
From: skip evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]

...but it turned off the hover cover from the list.
Hi Skip
Assuming that you get the class solution

 lia href=# class=currentcurrent item/a/li
 ul li a.current {background: #00;}

Now add the the following to your CSS in order to call back the hover state 
for the current class:

.menu a:hover, .menu a.current:hover {
actual rules

 Maurício Samy Silva

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Re: [css-d] Overriding style sheet for list item

2007-05-28 Thread skip evans
Yes! This did the whole shebang!

Much thanks everyone!!!

Mauricio Samy Silva wrote:
 From: skip evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ...but it turned off the hover cover from the list.
 Hi Skip
 Assuming that you get the class solution
  lia href=# class=currentcurrent item/a/li
  ul li a.current {background: #00;}
 Now add the the following to your CSS in order to call back the hover state 
 for the current class:
 .menu a:hover, .menu a.current:hover {
 actual rules
  Maurício Samy Silva
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Skip Evans
Big Sky Penguin
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Butte, Montana 59701
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code base for developing PHP/MySQL applications.
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