Re: [css-d] ie7 margin bug

2007-07-14 Thread Bruno Fassino
Tobbe Lundberg wrote:
>> There is a 40px margin below #box. It shouldn't be there. The 40px
>> margin comes from #wrapper, but since #wrapper is much shorter than
>> #box that margin shouldn't make any difference. Firefox 2 and Opera
>> 9 gets it right. 
>> The address should be

Interesting! It is similar to this old bug that affects IE/Win 5, 6, 7 (and
also affected Opera 7-8) where the margin
applied even when unnecessary comes from an element beside the float.
IE seems to have many problems of this type (margins, paddings lost or
incorrectly applied, in presence of floats and clears.) And these are not
fixed in IE7.


Bruno Fassino

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Re: [css-d] Valid(?) document not validating

2007-07-14 Thread Michael Geary
Robert, this isn't a CSS question, and the moderators here like to to keep
the list strictly on topic. So I'll save them the trouble and suggest that
we move this offlist, OK?

In the meantime, check line 158 where the content div is actually closed
(and where you have another comment indicating such). I found that in a few
seconds by loading your file into PSPad and using its HTML/Reformat command
to indent the file properly.

If you have any other non-CSS questions, feel free to drop me a note
directly offlist, or see this page for some ideas on where to ask general
HTML questions:

If you have questions about the CSS specifically, I'm sure they will be
welcome on this list.

Best wishes,


> From: Robert Ginn
> Greetings CSS experts,
> I have a page ( 
> ) that 
> validates just fine in Homesite, but fails the validation at 
> because w3 thinks the final  
> element is closing a div that was never opened.  The page has 
> nested div's, but I've checked and double-checked them and 
> they look good to me.
> The  in line 77 closes in line 192.  I've added
>  to remind me what it's doing.  
> The validator doesn't like that last  in line 192.
> If you need the style sheet, it's at
> Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?
> BTW, this page is still under development and much of its CSS 
> is inline.  I'll move the CSS to the style sheet once I get 
> the page ironed out.
> Comments about any part of the page would be welcome, too.
> Thank you,
> Bob
> Sitka, Alaska

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[css-d] Valid(?) document not validating

2007-07-14 Thread Robert Ginn
Greetings CSS experts,

I have a page ( ) 
that validates just fine in Homesite, but fails the validation at because w3 thinks the final  element is 
closing a div that was never opened.  The page has nested div's, but 
I've checked and double-checked them and they look good to me.

The  in line 77 closes in line 192.  I've added
 to remind me what it's doing.  The 
validator doesn't like that last  in line 192.

If you need the style sheet, it's at

Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?

BTW, this page is still under development and much of its CSS is 
inline.  I'll move the CSS to the style sheet once I get the page ironed 

Comments about any part of the page would be welcome, too.

Thank you,

Sitka, Alaska
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Re: [css-d] ie7 margin bug

2007-07-14 Thread Holly Bergevin
From: "Tobbe Lundberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>There is a 40px margin below #box. It shouldn't be there. The 40px
>margin comes from #wrapper, but since #wrapper is much shorter than
>#box that margin shouldn't make any difference. Firefox 2 and Opera 9
>gets it right.

Ah, but if you put more content in your #content div, enough to actually extend 
the content below the level of #box, then all browsers should imitate what IE 
is doing right now. 

I think that, since #box begins within #content, even though IE has let it 
'stick out' and not actually expanded #wrapper visibly,  (due to the lack of 
"layout" on that div), IE thinks you still want that bottom margin to extend 
below *where wrapper would have extended to if it had layout* and does so. 

If your actual content will extend below the level of #box, then that margin is 
something you will have to deal with in all browsers, and not something to 
worry about just in IE. If you really don't want that margin, eliminate it from 
#wrapper. The display likely won't change in other browsers, but it will be 
"fixed up" in IE.

Hope that helps,

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Re: [css-d] ie7 margin bug

2007-07-14 Thread David Hucklesby
On Sun, 15 Jul 2007 00:33:35 +0200, Tobbe Lundberg wrote:
> Hi
> I think I have found a bug in ie7. Take a look at this page and you'll see 
> what I mean:
> http://localhost/tlundberg/ie7.html (that page probably will not stay up for 
> ever...)
> There is a 40px margin below #box. It shouldn't be there. The 40px margin 
> comes from
> #wrapper, but since #wrapper is much shorter than #box that margin shouldn't 
> make any
> difference. Firefox 2 and Opera 9 gets it right.

> The address should be 

Interesting. I see the same thing in IE 5.5 and IE 6, too.
When I use the web developer toolbar and click on the #wrapper DIV
within the toolbar DOM listing, the blue line that outlines a selected
element extends to the bottom of the floated #box, as if the
#wrapper has "layout" and is enclosing the #box. Yet a background
color on #wrapper (as well as your border) tells me this ain't so.

All I can add is that Safari (Win), and Netscape 7.2 get it right also.

An odd bug, indeed.


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Re: [css-d] ie7 margin bug

2007-07-14 Thread Tobbe Lundberg
How embarrassing! The address should be
Obviously not "localhost" ;)
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[css-d] IE nesting divs in sibling, not parent?

2007-07-14 Thread Lisa Benham
Layout works fine in Firefox 2, but IE7 nests absolute positioned 
#pageNav and h1, h2 header divs in content div (sibling) instead of 
wrapper (parent)?

Or at least it looks like it - lines up with it, exactly?

Thanks for your help in advance!!!

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[css-d] ie7 margin bug

2007-07-14 Thread Tobbe Lundberg

I think I have found a bug in ie7. Take a look at this page and you'll
see what I mean: http://localhost/tlundberg/ie7.html (that page
probably will not stay up for ever...)

There is a 40px margin below #box. It shouldn't be there. The 40px
margin comes from #wrapper, but since #wrapper is much shorter than
#box that margin shouldn't make any difference. Firefox 2 and Opera 9
gets it right.

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Re: [css-d] Text as CSS or image where precision positioning required?

2007-07-14 Thread david
Michael Leibson wrote:

> My simple homepage design consists of one vertically and horizontally
> centered div, within which appears a precisely positioned background
> image (logo), homepage name and titles, and navigation buttons.   The
> homepage name and titles must be exactly positioned in relation to
> the background image, and I am wondering whether I should therefore
> make them part of the image, rather than take chances on CSS
> positioning producing different results on different browsers, etc.
> (I would prefer to do it via CSS, but don't have any experience upon
> which to decide.) Any practical, experienced perspectives would
> be gratefully welcomed!

Get away from the idea of "precisely positioned" etc. That way lies 
madness and rudeness to visitors. What if I visit your page with 
graphics turned off - and your home page name and titles are part of the 
background image? I get nothing.

> A closely related question:  I would like my homepage name and titles
> to use the same font as the navigation buttons and the text that will
> follow on linked pages.  Toward that end, I am going to try to use a
> font that is universally available, but I understand that there are
> no guarantees out there!This, therefore, is closely related to my
> first question -- ie, does this automatically mean that I must decide
> whether positioning or font unity take top priority?

Usability and meeting your visitors' needs should take priority. Even if 
there is a "universally installed font," what if the visitor has CSS 
disabled, or has chosen to enforce their own font preference?

> I'm unable to post the design because it is only a design at this
> point, and I don't yet have a website.

Start with solid, clean, basic markup that works. Then position things 
with CSS. You can even put it up on one of the free hosting services 
doesn't Yahoo or your own ISP offer some web site space?

authenticity, honesty, community
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[css-d] Please help - was 'I've still got a problem'...

2007-07-14 Thread John Lockerbie
Thank you for the help I've received in getting my site sorted out. I
seem to almost there as it's working on Mac Safari and FF2. It also
seems to be working on Windows FF1.5 and Windows FF2.

But MSIE6 demonstrates the double margin problem on the lower 'Menu
for al-Salata...' menu. In the process of attempting to correct that,
MSIE5.5 and MSIE7 seem to have more serious problems - and I've not
sorted out the margin problem either...

Any suggestions will be gratefully received.
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[css-d] Text as CSS or image where precision positioning required?

2007-07-14 Thread Michael Leibson

My simple homepage design consists of one vertically and horizontally centered 
div, within which appears a precisely positioned background image (logo), 
homepage name and titles, and navigation buttons.   The homepage name and 
titles must be exactly positioned in relation to the background image, and I am 
wondering whether I should therefore make them part of the image, rather than 
take chances on CSS positioning producing different results on different 
browsers, etc.(I would prefer to do it via CSS, but don't have any 
experience upon which to decide.) Any practical, experienced perspectives 
would be gratefully welcomed!

A closely related question:  I would like my homepage name and titles to use 
the same font as the navigation buttons and the text that will follow on linked 
pages.  Toward that end, I am going to try to use a font that is universally 
available, but I understand that there are no guarantees out there!This, 
therefore, is closely related to my first question -- ie, does this 
automatically mean that I must decide whether positioning or font unity take 
top priority?

I'm unable to post the design because it is only a design at this point, and I 
don't yet have a website.

Thanks, in advance, for your help!
- Michael

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