Re: [css-d] Floating problem?

2007-09-08 Thread trevor bayliss
Thanks a lot Georg that works a treat!
Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 
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Re: [css-d] Floating problem?

2007-09-08 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
trevor bayliss wrote:
> Hi all, Thanks a lot for those pointers  George and Alan, I have 
> implemented the solutions which work with Firefox but with IE the 
> #contentinright div is dropped down and doesn`t seem to clear the 
> #contentinleft div.


The #content div is expanding in IE/win as a result of the 'hasLayout' bug.
That bug is unknown in other browsers, so they won't expand #content
without being told.

You have several choices:

1: remove _all_ styles on #content, and the entire element from the

2: delete only 'width: 720;' on #content - as that's the 'hasLayout'

3: change #content into a float and remove the test-border you have on
it. The following...

#content {
width: 720px;
float: left;
} all styles needed on that element.

Any of the alternatives above will make it line up as in your
screenshot, and the only differences relate to whether or not you really
need #content for something, or not.

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Re: [css-d] Floating problem?

2007-09-08 Thread trevor bayliss

Hi all,
   Thanks a lot for those pointers  George and Alan, I have implemented the 
solutions which work with Firefox but with IE the #contentinright div is 
dropped down and doesn`t seem to clear the #contentinleft div.  I tried the 
right negative margin to try and allows the #contentinright to clear the 
contentinleft div but it doesn`t produce the desired effect. What is the 
solution? TIA
The page is here:
A screengrab of what it shoud be is here:

> #wrapper {display: inline;}
> #contentinleft {display: inline;}
 to "kill" the 'margin-doubling on floats' bug in IE6.

and deleted
> #contentinright {clear: left;}
which provokes a 'float-clear' bug in all IE/win versions.

#contentinright {
margin-top : 6.5em;
width : 200px;
float: right;

The right negative margin allows the #contentinright to move far enough to the 
right of the #contentinleft to clear it, though IE strangely clears without the 
right negative margin (another bug).

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[css-d] Browsercam group purchase

2007-09-08 Thread Erin Spangler
I just checked fundable and someone has started a new group purchase. 
What a great idea! Thanks Kathryn! I didn't even know you could do that.

Erin Spangler
Web Design and Hosting
for the Dog Enthusiast

Kathryn Maxwell wrote:
> Dear Admin
> This is regarding a previous post, we have one account left, if no-one takes
> it, some in the group have said they will cover it, but thought it might
> interest someone
> I hope this is ok
> Thanks 
> Kathy 
> CSS List members
> This is regarding a previous post to the list for a browsercam purchase.  We
> have made the purchase, but have one place left that the subscriber did not
> take.  The account was opened late yesterday and full access to browsercam
> is available
> I wonder if anyone would like this account.  We started the group account
> yesterday and if no-one is interested I and a couple of others will pool
> some money, however, I thought someone might be interested.
> Please contact me at kathy123 - at - for info.  The price is
> $40 - I will set up the account.  First come first served, but I can give
> info about how to set up another group purchase if anyone is interested.
> Thanks 
> Kathy 
> -Original Message-
> From: Kathryn Maxwell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 27 August 2007 21:55
> To: ''
> Subject: Browsercam group purchase
> To CSS List members, 
> I am sure a lot of you will be aware of browsercam and that it allows
> viewing of web pages as they will show in a variety of browsers. I have
> tried the trial and found it really useful, especially for IE versions not
> installed on my pc. 
> At the moment, are promoting group purchases of browsercam,
> which give a full year's subscription to a number of users at a much reduced
> price.  I have started a group purchase of 25 1 year licences.  This costs
> $40 a person, which is pledged but not taken until the target of 25 users is
> reached.  There are currently 6 pledges, meaning there are another 19 places
> left.
> If anyone would like to join the group, please visit the following page.
> action_view
> I know these groups tend to fill quite quickly, but it is possible to just
> start another group if there is more interest than there are places.
> This is group purchase for the premium subscription
> Thanks 
> Kathryn Maxwell
> __
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Re: [css-d] drop down nav

2007-09-08 Thread Alan Gresley
Ellen Pham wrote:

> Hi all,
> This is my first web site, and I haven't been able to get this drop down nav 
> list to behave
> properly in IE. It behaves better in mozilla, but still not great (for 
> example, the background of
> the drop down nav doesn't resize when the # of items in the list gets 
> shorter, making the space
> between "Doll Chat" and "Contact" look funny). Will someone take a look and 
> tell me where I have
> gone wrong?
> Thank you!
> Ellen
> PS I know the site should be using more css and less tables... I'm working on 
> it (actually, I'm
> hoping the new version of Dreamweaver CS3 will have a nice, unstyled template 
> that will solve all
> my problems, but I have to install more RAM to run it)

Hi Ellen

For a beginner you have done well, but my major advice is to ditch the table 
layout completely.

You say this is your first website??, but you are coding in xhtml which is far 
from being valid. I have done a demo, but I could not validate it with the 
validator since it's offline. This images for those links have been added as 
background images to their respective anchors and spans have be inserted into 
the anchors for the text links that have been absolutely positioned out of the 
viewpoint. Semantically correct and accessible. All the tables and IE 
conditional comments have been removed from the code (never needed). Currently 
the xhtml and messy CSS is causing many problems. It would take me a few hours 
to sort it out. How the submenus opens is how you have wished but the CSS is 
becoming very different to the CSS that you got from Stu Nicholls' site (which 
I consider over the top). The CSS to make the menu work is.

ul.menu1 li ul {

ul.menu1 li:hover ul{

Basically the whole CSS for the menu has to be redone as all I done is hack 
pieces here and there and remove major chucks of style from various selectors. 
The page currently show best in Opera and Firefox as it should, but there are 
still some major issues with IE. More analyzing needed. Well it a start in the 
right direction. I will look into it some more. BTW, I can not check in IE6, 
dreading disaster. Well I think I have been able to validate it anyway as the 
xml link shows. The doctypes need to be altered to. Ellen, please fire the 
question aways.


Demo link for xml compliant browsers (not IE) to show it's now valid xhtml.

Kind Regards, Alan

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[css-d] drop down nav

2007-09-08 Thread Ellen Pham

Hi all,

This is my first web site, and I haven't been able to get this drop down nav 
list to behave properly in IE. It behaves better in mozilla, but still not 
great (for example, the background of the drop down nav doesn't resize when the 
# of items in the list gets shorter, making the space between "Doll Chat" and 
"Contact" look funny). Will someone take a look and tell me where I have gone 

Thank you!


PS I know the site should be using more css and less tables... I'm working on 
it (actually, I'm hoping the new version of Dreamweaver CS3 will have a nice, 
unstyled template that will solve all my problems, but I have to install more 
RAM to run it)

Kick back and relax with hot games and cool activities at the Messenger Café.
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Re: [css-d] FW: Browsercam group purchase

2007-09-08 Thread Kathryn Maxwell
Update, this list is now complete. However it was very easy to set up and if
anyone needs any info on how to do it, I am happy to give any help I can

Thanks all

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kathryn Maxwell
Sent: 08 September 2007 10:25
Cc: 'Alex Robinson'
Subject: [css-d] FW: Browsercam group purchase

Dear Admin

This is regarding a previous post, we have one account left, if no-one takes
it, some in the group have said they will cover it, but thought it might
interest someone

I hope this is ok



CSS List members

This is regarding a previous post to the list for a browsercam purchase.  We
have made the purchase, but have one place left that the subscriber did not
take.  The account was opened late yesterday and full access to browsercam
is available

I wonder if anyone would like this account.  We started the group account
yesterday and if no-one is interested I and a couple of others will pool
some money, however, I thought someone might be interested.

Please contact me at kathy123 - at - for info.  The price is
$40 - I will set up the account.  First come first served, but I can give
info about how to set up another group purchase if anyone is interested.



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[css-d] demo of IE bugs with Float and Clear on the same element

2007-09-08 Thread Alan Gresley
Hi all

Relating to a recent thread regarding a floating problem with clear on a 
floated element, I have uploaded this article [1] which I started around 4 
months ago which is still unfinished, but it demonstrates completely how IE is 
way behind the standards and the other browsers with the float model. It demos 
the bugs with float and clear on the same elements, plus other IE bugs. For 
those who are new to the art of CSS, you may be quite shocked as to how IE 
renders the demos compared to browsers like Firefox or Opera. More problems but 
similar with Floats and clear have be analyzed by Bruno Fassino [2].



Kind Regards, Alan

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] FW: Browsercam group purchase

2007-09-08 Thread Kathryn Maxwell
Dear Admin

This is regarding a previous post, we have one account left, if no-one takes
it, some in the group have said they will cover it, but thought it might
interest someone

I hope this is ok



CSS List members

This is regarding a previous post to the list for a browsercam purchase.  We
have made the purchase, but have one place left that the subscriber did not
take.  The account was opened late yesterday and full access to browsercam
is available

I wonder if anyone would like this account.  We started the group account
yesterday and if no-one is interested I and a couple of others will pool
some money, however, I thought someone might be interested.

Please contact me at kathy123 - at - for info.  The price is
$40 - I will set up the account.  First come first served, but I can give
info about how to set up another group purchase if anyone is interested.



-Original Message-
From: Kathryn Maxwell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 August 2007 21:55
To: ''
Subject: Browsercam group purchase

To CSS List members, 
I am sure a lot of you will be aware of browsercam and that it allows
viewing of web pages as they will show in a variety of browsers. I have
tried the trial and found it really useful, especially for IE versions not
installed on my pc. 
At the moment, are promoting group purchases of browsercam,
which give a full year's subscription to a number of users at a much reduced
price.  I have started a group purchase of 25 1 year licences.  This costs
$40 a person, which is pledged but not taken until the target of 25 users is
reached.  There are currently 6 pledges, meaning there are another 19 places

If anyone would like to join the group, please visit the following page.

I know these groups tend to fill quite quickly, but it is possible to just
start another group if there is more interest than there are places.

This is group purchase for the premium subscription


Kathryn Maxwell

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[css-d] Centering and Aligning 3 blocks in fluid environment

2007-09-08 Thread WEZ!
Heya All again,

I'm stumpted on something that I feel is very simple but can't crack 
it myself. I'm trying to align 3 blocks horizontally in a fluid 
environment and center the group of three in the main content. I've 
tried margin methods, floating methods, other positioning methods but 
nothing seems to get the desired result.

There are two sets on the site. The top one has three fluid blocks 
requiring centering and dividing evenly while scaled. The second set 
down the bottom requires the same outcome but has a fixed em width 
block in the middle just to make life harder.

The site can be found here:

Thanks for any advice.

Wesley Lamont
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Re: [css-d] Floating problem?

2007-09-08 Thread Alan Gresley
Gunlaug_Sørtun wrote in reply to Trevor Balis

> trevor bayliss wrote:
>> All the columns seem to have moved right for some reason. Why is this
>>  happening? How can I correct it? I am learning css so I would be
>> interested to hear if I am approaching this from the right angle- two
>>  divs for example would it have been better as divs? TIA
> Apart from the mix of HTML and XHTML syntax in your mark-up...
> you're doing ok, and your approach looks basically ok too.
> I can't be sure how you want that page to look and those two columns to
> line up, but Firefox and Opera is presenting what I _think_ you want.
> You're experiencing a few IE/win bugs that throw parts of those columns
> around a bit though.
> Add...
> #wrapper {display: inline;}
> #contentinleft {display: inline;}
> to "kill" the 'margin-doubling on floats' bug in IE6.
> Next, delete...
> #contentinright {clear: left;}
> which provokes a 'float-clear' bug in all IE/win versions.
> regards
>   Georg

Hi Georg and Trevor

I am uncertain in what Trevor is trying to achieve. Is could be either

1) having the div#contentinright clear the div#contentinleft
2) having the div#contentinright clear the div#c1

Trevor, you state that "All the columns seem to have moved right for some 
reason," but this does not express what is actually going wrong and in what 
browser. You do happen to have a left margin on #contentinleft div of 180px, is 
this intended?

If it is the first of the scenarios (as seen in FF and Opera), then simply do 
as George has suggested which will kill a IE/win bug. If it is the second of 
the scenarios (as seen in IE), then it would be similar as this demo

Which has these style rules

#contentinright {
margin-top : 6.5em;
width : 200px;
float: right;

The #contentinright can not clear the #c1 div since they belong to different 
parent elements and will simply overlap, so the #contentinright div must have a 
top margin instead, demoed with an added #contentinrightwrap with a yellow 
border and #contentinright with a pink border. Also a right negative margin 
allows the #contentinright to move far enough to the right of the 
#contentinleft to clear it, though IE strangely clears without the right 
negative margin (another bug). It took me 5 minutes to validate your xhtml ??? 
It's now valid xhtml and is rendering the same in IE7, FF and Opera.

BTW, you have a vertical scroll appearing in IE7, couldn't work that one out, 
but I have added a blue border in my demo to the html element to show the 

Kind Regards, Alan

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