Re: [css-d] Positioning a website in the middle

2008-10-02 Thread Alexandru Dinulescu
Hello. (i found out how to reply to all so others can see this results)

Thats quite not possible to do this with CSS only, because you cant set a
margin full auto for exemple so everything is placed in the middle. The only
way to do this is by using this sort of structure

thats about it, and afterwords on the TD a height: 100% or height: auto; or
something to make it span the entire window of the screen in height. (sorry
if parts of the code are incorrect)

This is the only trick i know and it works (i did it for an image which had
to be centerly positioned in a bigger div *and the image was inserted via
PHP so the image had different size)

Hope it works.

Also there is a JS solution. something like 1) calculate the entire height
of the browser viewable space (aka the stuff that is page content not the
toolbars/etc) 2) calculate the height of the website's main DIV 3) do 1) -
2) / 2 and that is the vertical margin and it has to be inserted like a js
on the Main websites div. I am still very new to JavaScript so i cant help
you with the coding of the script but thats what it should be like.

Hope i could help you and sorry if i replied to you instead of the entire
mailing address, i'm also new to those things.

On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 1:10 PM, Krystian - Sunlust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hi,
> I was trying to google for it but I can't find a solution,
> I know how to position website with margin: 0 auto, but it stays on the top
> of the website on bigger screens, what I need is it to stay in the middle,
> vertically and horizontally, I'm looking for a simple solution, don't mind
> the JS if needed.
> Any help/tips/links appreciated.
> Regards,
> --
> Krystian - Sunlust
> Freelance Web Designer in Eastbourne:
> Mobile UK (Orange): 07528 036 337
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Re: [css-d] Positioning a website in the middle

2008-10-02 Thread Alexandru Dinulescu

I have read through that exemple and it still uses the CSS property display:
table which IE6 does not understand. Your exemple makes the user create a
special code for IE6 and then the code for the other browsers. From my own
point of view its not the best solution or easiest solution to implement.

On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 3:03 PM, Christian Heilmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> {table example snipped}
> Hi Krystian, you don't need a table for that. Here's a well explained
> solution:

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Re: [css-d] Mysterious offset in 3-column layout

2008-10-02 Thread Alexandru Dinulescu
Inside your head tags put a Conditional comment

and in your CSS file put the good code that makes all standard modern
browsers behave.
Also IE6 has a problem with margins set on float elements
for ex:
div1 { float: left; margin:10} will be div1 {float: left; margin:20px} in
IE6, to fix this common proboem add a display: inline to all floated
elements with margins
div { float:left margin: 10px dispplay: inline}
this will fix some other issues also, standard complient browsers do not
take the display: inline because all float elements are block level elements
and in ie6 the margins will be set properly.

Hope it will help you
Best Regards

On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 7:32 PM, Nadine Misiaszek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> I find a mysterious offset of 10 px in my 3-column layout, my first
> such layout.
> I have validated the HTML and the CSS.  I used Firebug for another
> perspective.  My column 1 header 2 has a mysterious offset of 10.  I
> do not know where it comes from.
> The header tags of column 1 and column 2 line up in IE 6 but not in
> Firefox 3.  I tried some negative numbers for margin-top.  Then
> things work in FF but not in IE.
> Thanks for any help you may give.
> Nadine
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Re: [css-d] CSS Round Corners

2008-10-03 Thread Alexandru Dinulescu
Css round boxes are only in CSS 3 specifications and ONLY implemented in
Firefox 3.0 and Safari 3.0 (mozzila/webkit) and each of them browsers
implement it differently by using some browser specific CSS code (think of
the Microsoft and Conditional Comments).

So meh, rounded corners with CSS awill be a dream for another 2 years until
the browsers manufacturers get their act together and create 1 standard line
of code for each of the rounded boxes property viable to all browsers and
until IE6 and IE7 are gone for good (both do not have the functionality and
are the most used browsers) and i am not sure but from what i know IE8 will
not have the functionality for rounded corners and if it does have it, it
will be a MS proprietary attribute like the above 2, so to do the same thing
over 3 browsers you will need to memorize 3 different lines of code and
structure + IE6 is 8 years old and still NOT DEAD, so you can image it will
be another 6 years until IE8 will finally be the only MS default browser on
the market, etc. So better get your shape skills ready because you will need
them for the next decade or so (unless osmething extraodinary comes like MS
goes bankrupt or google will rule the world, both which are extremely
plausible outcomes)


On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 6:25 PM, Al Sparber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Rounded boxes are an interesting issue. Some of the methods discussed here
> are fine, but there are folks who require smoothness or efficiency - it's a
> designer thing - and so the decision often need to be made to introduce
> extra markup. For those people, a method such as this might better achieve
> the design goal:
> Or this:
> Or this:
> --
> Al Sparber - PVII
> Fully Automated Menu Systems | Galleries | Widgets
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Re: [css-d] float: right does not work via DOM - looking for substitute

2008-10-03 Thread Alexandru Dinulescu
i dont know about Javascript and the like, but CSS float:right property DOES
work in IE6+ FF/Everything Else that was build after 2005

you may be doing something wrong there.
Just my 2 cents

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Aaron Gray

> Hi,
> I am doing HTML generation via DOM via my own JavaScript library and have
> found that 'float: right' does not work on IE, FF, or Opera, but does on
> WebKit, ie Safari and Google's Chrome.
> So I need a substitute.
> What I have is two  buttons in a DIV that I want to go over to the
> right hand edge of the page. Thus :-
> So is there a way to do this without using 'float: right' ?
> Many thanks in advance,
> Aaron
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Re: [css-d] CSS Round Corners

2008-10-03 Thread Alexandru Dinulescu
I suggest the following setup if you have your own images

/* Border Style  -> ALL PAGES UNDER THIS
t b
t b l
t b l r
t b l r bl
t b l r bl br
t b l r bl br tl
t b l r bl br tl tr
t b l r bl br tl tr background: none afterwards else lots of troubles and
headaches, mofo

this setup is flexible as both on WIDTH and HEIGHT if you have the same
color box more than onces this can save a lot of code from being used again
and again.

you can also do it in 3 divs if you have rounded corners and you ONLY want
the HEIGHT to move or WIDTH, for height
split the box in 3 sides, a top with the top corners image, bottom with the
bottom corners and the content with a background-repeat: repeat-y on it. for
the width its the other wayt around.

make sure you declare widths on the all 3 of them if you use the 3 DIV
method and if you use the first method make a div after the last 8th div
tiutled like class="innerDiv" and set the width on it and set the width on
the top one.

the syntax is
.divName .border div div div div div div div .innerDiv/// .divName is just
for stlying purpuses in order to make specificy, and set a width on it,
.innerDiv is the last div with no image also set a width on it to make IE6
the top border starts on the .border
so for the top the syntax is
.divName .border {bg...}

for the bottom the syntax is
.divName .border div { bg ...}


Hope this was helpful
Best Regards

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 11:17 PM, Majestic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Gunlang the one I am after is the one you have experience on using my
> own images as round corners out of the three you pointed out to me
> which was this one.  I hope you could help me get the round corners on
> my page which is just a  using my own images.
> On 10/3/08, Gunlaug Sørtun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Majestic wrote:
> >  > Anyone have experience doing CSS round corners ? I need some help as
> >  > nothing so far as been working out for me, including javascripts.
> >
> >
> > Not sure. What, which layouts, is it supposed to be used on or fit into?
> >
> >  If you want round corners as defined in CSS3...
> >  <
> >  ...which aren't fully supported across browser-land yet, then I haven't
> >  bothered with those.
> >
> >  But if you want something like this...
> >  <>
> >  ...which is fairly well supported but more complex and relies on
> >  scripting + CSS, then I do have some experience.
> >
> >  The latter used on layouts...
> >  <>
> >  <>
> >
> > Georg
> >
> > --
> >
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Re: [css-d] [off-topic] about me

2008-10-04 Thread Alexandru Dinulescu

On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 6:30 PM, Gabriele Romanato <

> I'd like to say that I am not a CSS guru nor a CSS expert.
> I'm only a sensitive person who hates but still uses the web (aaw, such
> contradictions are stunning!).
> I hate it because it's completely alienating. I can stand it only a few
> minutes in the morning,
> when I check my mail and delete piles of spam messages. I love only the
> real
> world, namely what
> I can see with my real eyes, touch with my real hands and feel with my real
> heart.
> Yes, I use it, but only as a means for improving my job skills. Sometimes
> my
> sensitiveness really hurts me,
> so I have to read or do some technical stuff in order to smother it (maybe
> I'm too sensitive,
> but you get the idea). I'm sorry, but this is exactly the way I am. The
> truth is that I can't lie
> (wow, now we have piles of logical contradictions and romantic half-baked
> ideas!).
> By the way, I'm a Cancer and I believe in my profile. And yes, I am proud!
> Kathleen HannaI've noticed that people generally tend to take advantage
> of sensitive persons in a way that I can stand (they treat us as bitches,
> objects and the like).
> Anyway, I don't think people are cruel or something. Sensitive persons love
> people but they love them too much, I guess.
> This is not a matter of self-assurance or being too shy. Sensitiveness has
> nothing to do with such feelings.
> Neither is a matter of mere intelligence. For example, I'm a person of
> average intelligence with no scientific
> background (yes, I'm bad at programming, maths and so on ^.^). I have good
> memory, though.
> I can remember facts, quotations, whatever. People think that this is
> genius, you know, but I only collect things.
> No, I think that people's behavior is somewhat related to the way we live
> now.
> It's a matter of economics, I guess. We are all affected by economics.
> Our time, our choices, our hopes have all a price. Everything. It's freaky.
> This thing scares me so much that I can't watch TV or read a newspaper
> without feeling a kind of anguish, you know,
> something that really hurts me. So I came up with the idea that
> sensitiveness is basically anti-economical.
> A sensitive person has basically three alternatives:
>   1. smother sensitiveness
>   2. find a balance between sensitiveness and economics
>   3. ignore both sensitiveness and economics
> A feasible alternative is obviously the second. You need money to live,
> that's right.
> This could seem a truism but it's true and I fully agree with that. Yes, I
> see, alternatives
> #1 and #3 imply, literally, self-destruction (gee, an average intelligence
> is not stupidity, you know ^O^).
> Anyway, this goal is really difficult to achieve. Sometimes we have to
> choose between our feelings
> and our economical life. The distinction is not always so clear-cut. For
> example, imagine that a
> friend asks you some money but you can't afford it: how do you feel?
> Frankly, I feel guilty beyond
> words about this (ok, I'm really too sensitive but I respect at most a
> different decision).
> I love people too much, I guess. I'm a Cancer, so I feel really protective.
> I'm happy especially when I know that another person is happy, OK, and
> everything's alright.
> I'm not anxious, though. In case you're wondering, I feel so also with
> total
> strangers or people
> I meet for the first time. I can guess people's unhappiness. I can guess
> what's wrong with them.
> I can see it through their eyes. A couple of weeks ago I was cheking my
> account on an ATM near
> the central post office of my home town, when I suddenly saw a boy (about
> 15
> years old or something)
> walking down the street. Well, I could see his desperation through his sad
> eyes. His eyes were
> like ashes of a dead fire. I asked him if he was OK. He smiled at me, said
> nothing and went on.
> Ok, I'm done now. You can guess who I am. I love you.
> xxx ^.^/
> --
> (English)
> (English)
>   (Blog)
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Re: [css-d] shifted text cut-off on ie6

2008-10-04 Thread Alexandru Dinulescu
Link doesnt work

On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 2:00 AM, Daniel Kessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a two column layout.  In the right column, I have a paragraph
> that I want to hop out and overlap the right column too.  This works
> other than in IE6:
> http://sph.umd.du/events/wellness2/condtions_treated.html
> help, please?
> --
> Daniel Kessler
> University of Maryland College Park
> School of Public Health
> 3302E SPH Building
> College Park, MD  20742-2611
> Phone: 301-405-2545
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Re: [css-d] Internet Explorer 6 - 7 page correction needed

2008-10-06 Thread Alexandru Dinulescu

It may be because you have a inner element inside a div like a paragraph or
height or long word if the div if small in which's width is wider that yoru
column adn because of that the entire layout gets messed up. This had
happened to me lots of times until i figured it out what caused this. Also
you can start with the w3c validation of XHTML and CSS

my 2 cents
Alexandru Dinulescu
Web Developer
(X)HTML/CSS Specialist

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 6:52 AM, Nasu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello list,
>  I have reviewed my page CSS and thought I ensured that there were widths
> and heights to all main divs, but I still have a problem with IE 5 - 7.  In
> IE   the site content does not show up only the wrapper elements the top
> image, the middle background and the bottom image.  I am trying to create a
> curved rectangle frame for the page.
> I am using a css model that I wonder if it is creating a conflict...
> it separates a reset file and a typography from the layout.
> I would appreciate some help  reviewing my site in IE preferably 6 and 7.
> the page in question is
> Thank you in advance for any assistance
> Sui
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Re: [css-d] Website Browser issues and Coder??

2008-10-07 Thread Alexandru Dinulescu

There are many people who are scammers and poor coders on RentACoder and
people may be difficult with you HOWEVER

Lets take it point it by point.
1) Yes your site may look different on your friends computer, also it may be
because of her settings/ Operating System/Browser. Normally this should not
have happened BUT those coders may have done a poor job on your project.
2) Since you are the client, every issue you say can be an issue, thats why
it's RentAcoder, and for those are the messages. IF you do not agree on
something you can just enter in an arbistration procedure and everything
will be set by the Arbitrators (RAC employees)
3) It's your problem for paying them IN FRONT, RENT A CODER SPECIFICIALLY
COMPLETION. If you did that then it's your fault and your fault only. And
since they got yoru money they have no interest in doing it.
4) You had the power to stop all the things they did to you via the RAC
arbitration process, which you should have done. Also it SAYS EXPLICITLY on
escroew systems in place. because things like this wont happen. This was
YOUR fault for not reading all the rules, and frankly because you sent money
through other means rather then a RAC escrow your account can be banned from
Rent a Coder. As for calling the americans stupid, most americans are not
fine attentive to detail and some are not very computer literate (especially
those in their 30s-40s) which is normal however.
5) Asking for help without PAYING for your help is bullshit, why people
should help you out when they have nothing to gain. just for helping sake.
Time is Money.

Proud Member and user of

Alexandru Dinulescu
Web Developer
(X)HTML/CSS Specialist

On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 12:37 AM, EDWARD F KELLEY

> Hello, I am new to this ground and fully understanding the coding world. I
> hired coders through, and they have been very difficult
> with me.
> Several months ago I mentioned that my site looked different on my friends
> computer. They told me that it was her computer settings and this was the
> reason why and not to be concerned. Well time has gone on and come to find
> out about 1/2 of all my friend can not view my site right. I mentioned this
> concern again to the coders and they told me, that it was not an issue.
> I then found this response strange so I went online and found a site that
> my site showed that my site was distorted on other browsers about 1/2 of the
> time. So I then asked them to fix and they told me that they would not do
> it.
> They have done many unethical things from holding me up for money (via
> paypal) , they also asked for payment in full prior to the completion of the
> site (by 1 month), missed deadline, forgot to mention holidays, office
> closings, power outages, etc... something always is coming up so that they
> can not work. And if I want them to I work had send more money through
> paypal. Not to mention that they did not like that I was a women and always
> called Americans stupid, meaning me I am sure??
> So what I am saying is that I have moved on from them, yet I still have
> this browser issue and I need someone to help me.
> Please help I must have this work so that I can stay home with my disables
> son. They knew this and this is why I think that I would do anything that
> they would say; I know that it was not smart.
> Please email me at: kelleyfam3 at sbcglobal do net , if you can help.
> Thanks for any help! P.L.E.A.S.E.!!
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Re: [css-d] Image replacement? -- link provided

2008-10-08 Thread Alexandru Dinulescu
You can try the following
For SEO purposes try display: none on the text span, SEO bots will take it,
others wont
Or you can use the text-indent property and set it to something like
OR you can set the text with a font-size1 and make the text have the same
color as the background image (this is done via Alpha transparency,
background: transparent or something. (dont know if the last method is
viable but the other 2 have been used by me)

Alexandru Dinulescu
Web Developer
(X)HTML/CSS Specialist
Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
RentACoder Profile:


On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 8:05 PM, Bill Moseley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Page in question:
> Question:
>What's the best way to move text off screen and allow a background
>image to still show?  And done with accessibility in mind?
> I've been messing with this for a while today and now ask for help. ;)
> I have javascript that finds date input fields, adds a  element
> after the  so I can use a background image of a calendar icon,
> and then attaches an event to the span for a pop-up calendar.
> I'd like to have the span be something like:
>Click to select a date
> so I have some text, but move it off screen so only a calendar icon
> shows.  Of course, it would also be best if screen readers would read
> the text.
> I don't want the javascript to add a  tag -- mostly because the
> javasccript is shared between applications and doesn't know the path
> to the image -- so I do want to use a background image via css.
> If I give up having any text in the  I can make it work in
> Firefox, but then in IE I could not get it to display the background
> image (even setting width).
> Can someone help with the markup and css?
> Thanks,
> --
> Bill Moseley
> Sent from my iMutt
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Re: [css-d] Embedded SWF isn't linking

2008-10-09 Thread Alexandru Dinulescu
position: absolute; is the line of code for absolute positioning
z-index: 1; line of code for z-index;
Alexandru Dinulescu
Web Developer
(X)HTML/CSS Specialist
Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
RentACoder Profile:


On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 12:32 AM, Daniel Hammond <

> Daniel Hammond wrote:
> URL:
> CSS:
> The flash animation (top object in the sidebar on the right) is supposed to
> link to ""; when you click on
> it,
> but it's not doing anything when clicked on. It's not acting like a link at
> all. Any idea why?
> Lourens Thalen wrote:
> What you should do is place the transparent link on top of the flash
> animation. (presuming you can't fix the link in the flash file directly)
> Use position absolute to place it on top of the flashfile, give it the
> correct height and width.
> Do NOT forget to give a z-index to the object and embed tag, you can just
> use position: relative and z-index: 1;, this will do just fine.
> Problem is, flash always wants to be on top, tha's what's causing the
> problem atm. :)
> I'm sorry to seem like such a novice, but I haven't used absolute
> positioning or z-indexing before, so would you mind giving me the lines of
> code that I need to add to my files?
> Thanks,
> Daniel
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Re: [css-d] Pragmatic look at our CSS future - ripped from: The CSS Overlords

2009-01-22 Thread Alexandru Dinulescu
My opinion is that standards for old browsers should be dumped, and then
force people to upgrade to anything newer. I for one do not offer support
for anything lower than ie6, and ie6 is paid support. Because it's a pain to
create and make sure everything works on IE6 quircks, and i dislike the use
of javascript inside css to get ie6 to behave properly. You can do that by
simply deleting all your CC for your old sites, how the site renders with
the main stylesheet is that's how it renders.

I dont think IE6 will live to see 2010 to be honest, already it has around
20% of the marketshare, and will drop rapidly, and for those who do not
upgrade their browsers, then that's their problem, a small sign when you
enter the website will check for your browser version, if it's IE6 or below,
FF2 or below, safari 2 or below or etc a big message will appear saying
"Please upgrade your browser, otherwise this website may not work properly".

And as for the designs to css implementation, almost never will a design be
pixel perfect transcoded into the HTML, 95% it may be possible, but anything
above that line, it's just wasted time (and lot's and lots of time).

At least thats my opinion and so far it's profitable.

Alexandru Dinulescu
Web Developer
(X)HTML/CSS Specialist
Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
RentACoder Profile:

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