[css-d] [OT] Looking for feedback on conference paper before publication

2007-04-03 Thread Derek Hansen
css-d community,

Some of you may remember the research project that I started just over
a year ago examining your community and its use of the wiki. (See [1]
for my original introduction). I have greatly appreciated the phone
interviews and emails I received from many of you. I have recently had
a paper accepted to an information science conference on your
community and wanted to give you all a chance to react to it. I have a
short window of time in which I can make any changes to the document
before it is presented and published.

You can download the word document here:

I would love to hear your comments (off list) about the paper. Do you
agree with the claims being made? Do you have further evidence to
support them? Do you disagree with the claims? Why? Is there something
significant that I have overlooked or overemphasized?

Any and all comments are welcome. Thanks again for all of your support
in this project. I have learned a great deal from your community and
hope that this will help others learn from it as well.

Derek L. Hansen
Doctoral Candidate
School of Information
University of Michigan

[1] http://archivist.incutio.com/viewlist/css-discuss/70334
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] Calling all Wiki Contributors

2006-03-07 Thread Derek Hansen
This is Derek Hansen from the University of Michigan again (see [1]
for my introductory post). I appreciate the warm welcome that I have
received and the willingness of many of you to speak with me over the

In an attempt to better understand who is editing the wiki (since only
IP addresses are shown for most of the editors), and why various edits
are made, I have put together a few questions. If you have ever
contributed to the wiki (e.g., adding a new page, or even making a
minor edit on an existing page) I would greatly appreciate it if you
would *reply to me directly* with the answers to the questions below.
Feel free to leave any of them blank if you would rather not answer
them. The first couple of questions relate to the consent form found
at the end of the email. Thank you in advance for your time.


1. Are you 18 or older?

2. May we use quotes from email messages and/or wiki edits that you
have made in our published materials? (note that we will not use your
name with them, but it may be possible that people could look up the
quotes and identify you as the author)

3. May I use direct quotes from the email response? (again, they won't
be specifically attributed to you)

4. How frequently do you edit the wiki?

5. Do you sign into the wiki when making changes? If not, would you be
willing to provide me with the IP address that shows up in the Recent
Changes when you make changes?

6. Please think back to the most recent wiki edit that you have made.

a. Please describe the wiki edit.

b. What prompted you to make the wiki edit? In other words, what
happened that led you to make the edit. (e.g., something from a post
to the css-d list; you were browsing the wiki for your own purposes
and noticed it needed updating; ...)

7. Please think of other wiki edits that you have made. How are they
different or similar to your most recent edit? Were there different
experiences that prompted you to make those changes?

8. Have you ever created a wiki page or pages? If so,

   a. What page(s) did you create?

   b. What prompted you to create the wiki page?

9. Do you mind if I email you with any follow up questions regarding
your answers to the questions above?

10. Would you be willing to let me call you for a phone interview? If
so, please provide a time that work for you (including your time zone)
and phone number I can reach you at.

Thank you for your time,

Derek Hansen
School of Information
University of Michigan

[1] http://archivist.incutio.com/viewlist/css-discuss/70334


Consent Form

You are not obligated to respond to this email. If there are any
questions that you do not want to answer, you may leave them blank.

In order to protect your privacy, we will not use names or describe
personally identifiable information in our report. In addition to this
interview we are reading through the css email list archive and wiki.
In some cases, we may want to include direct quotes from email
messages found in the archive in our final report. No personally
identifiable information will be included in such quotes, however,
there is a chance that the archives could be searched and the message
could be attributable to the author.

May we directly quote messages that you have authored that are found
in the public email list archive and entries that you have contributed
to in the wiki?

We will save the information we have collected during our research
(including your response to this email) until we have completed all
the analyses that we need for our conference papers and journal
articles. Three years after the last publication, we will destroy any
data created by us, such as email messages, interview transcripts and
recordings. The data that we gather will remain confidential to the
extent allowable under local, state, and federal law.

Do I have your permission to use quotes from your response to this
email message?

Please retain a copy of your response to this email as confirmation
that you have provided your consent.

If you have any concerns about how we are conducting this study, you
may contact Derek Hansen by email at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by phone
at(734) 764-1008 or Mark Ackerman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Should you have
questions regarding your rights as a participant in research, please

Institutional Review Board
Kate Keever
540 E. Liberty #202
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Phone: 734-936-0933
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] css-discuss research project

2006-02-10 Thread Derek Hansen
I am a Ph.D. student at the University of Michigan's School of
Information, studying online communities as part of my dissertation
work. I am specifically looking into the role that knowledge
repositories play in supporting these communities. I have been very
impressed with this community's use of the wiki and believe that other
online communities can learn a great deal from your experiences.

To this end, I will be studying the css-discuss community, which
amounts to reading prior messages and wiki material, calculating
various statistics on participation patterns, and interviewing willing
community members. I will follow strict ethical guidelines (see
http://www-personal.si.umich.edu/~shakmatt/research/ ) to ensure that
all list members' privacy is protected (not only those that I will
contact personally).

I have spoken with the list administrators about this research work
and they have cleared it. I do not want to disrupt the community in
any way, so please reply to me personally at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
any comments, concerns, or questions regarding this research (as
opposed to replying to the entire list). I intend on sharing my
results with interested community members.

I would love to hear from any of you (including lurkers) willing to
share your experiences, both positive and negative, about your
participation and impressions of this email list or the community
wiki. I will also be contacting some of you personally to see if we
can arrange an interview (which anyone can decline if they desire).

Thank you for your support in this endeavor. I look forward to hearing
from you and getting your insights into what makes css-discuss tick.

Derek Hansen
Doctoral Candidate
School of Information
University of Michigan
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/