[css-d] List layout issue in loose HTML under IE8

2010-04-18 Thread Trevor Nicholls

I have a problem with list formatting when list items contain named anchors,
but only under the loose doctype in IE (I am using IE8).

This is my minimal example:


 link href=test.css type=text/css rel=stylesheet
 a name=one class=empty/a


 ol {
   padding: 0 0 0 2em;
   margin-top: 1em;
   margin-bottom: 1em;
 li {
   margin-top: 1em;
   margin-bottom: 1em;
   margin-left: 0.35em;
   padding-left: 0;
   list-style-type: decimal;
 li:first-child {
   margin-top: 0;
 a.empty {
   font-size: 0;
   line-height: 0;
 p {
   margin-top: 1em;
   margin-bottom: 1em;

 1. One

However if I add the following line to the html file:

 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN

then the output (using IE8) is no longer what I want, but appears on a
broken line, viz.:

 Loose output:


Unfortunately I need the loose doctype because of other document content not
relevant to this example. Unfortunately I also have to use IE as the

Is there a way to style this HTML so as to see what I want when the HTML is
declared as conforming to the loose.dtd doctype?


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[css-d] simple margins not collapsing

2009-04-16 Thread Trevor Nicholls

Can somebody please explain why the lower margin of my first para and the
upper margin of my fragment div are not collapsing? How could I fix this?

I've seen this gap in both IE7 and FF3. The target market is IE6+.

Thanks in advance

Here's the html:

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
style type=text/css
body { font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: small; color: Black; }
h2 { color: Black; background: none; font-size: 130%; font-weight: bold;
  margin: 0 0 1em 0; padding: 0.5em 0 0.17em 0; border-bottom: 1px solid
#aa; }
p { margin: 0 0 1em 0; }
div.fragment { float: left; margin: 1em 0 1em 0; }
div.fragbody { font-family: Courier New,monospace; font-size: 88%;
  background-color: #e0e0e0; border: 0.25mm solid black; padding: 3pt 6pt
3pt 6pt;
  float: left; margin: 0 0.75em 0 0.75em; white-space: nowrap; }
.fragclear { clear: both; }
pCommands may be typed whenever the:/p
div class=fragment
div class=fragbodygt;gt;/div
br class=fragclear
pprompt is displayed./p

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[css-d] nowrap and border issue in IE6 and/or IE7

2009-02-16 Thread Trevor Nicholls

Example found at http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~tmjpbn/csw5.html

I have a (div) code fragment which has a text content (div) 'fragbody',
styled with white-space:nowrap and displayed in a colored rectangle with a
black border.

Apparently in IE6 if the browser window is narrowed the border and colored
background box will not shrink to be smaller than the text, and the user
can scroll right to see the end of the text and the edge of the box. This is
the desired behaviour.

However in IE7 the box shrinks, while the text does not. The user can scroll
right to see the rest of the text, but the box margin cuts through the

Having observed that Firefox 3 and Opera 9 behave similarly to IE7, I guess
that IE7 is probably doing the right thing and I am relying on an IE6 quirk.
The question is, can I implement the same behaviour in IE7?


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Re: [css-d] nowrap and border issue in IE6 and/or IE7

2009-02-16 Thread Trevor Nicholls
Hi Sarah

I'm afraid that suggestion doesn't work. The browser shows a horizontal
scrollbar no matter how wide the window is stretched, and the RH edge of the
fragment box is never quite in view. Why can't the border simply follow the
width of the text?

Rather than block (as you suggested) I tried adding 'display: inline;' to
fragbody and found that the RH edge of the box then behaves just as I want
- but unfortunately as the window narrows the margins disappear from the
*LH* edge of the box - both the margin L of the border, and also the padding
between the border and the beginning of the text within the box.

The fragbody is double-divved because in the typical case there is a
preceding caption and a following hyperlink and I want to set some styles on
the whole construction - this is a highly simplified example to illustrate
the problem with the RH border of the fragment box.

Thanks for looking into it

-Original Message-
From: css-d-boun...@lists.css-discuss.org
[mailto:css-d-boun...@lists.css-discuss.org] On Behalf Of Sarah Atkinson
Sent: Tuesday, 17 February 2009 4:29 a.m.
To: tre...@castingthevoid.com; Untitled
Subject: Re: [css-d] nowrap and border issue in IE6 and/or IE7

On 2/16/09 10:08 AM, Trevor Nicholls tre...@castingthevoid.com wrote:

 Example found at http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~tmjpbn/csw5.html
 I have a (div) code fragment which has a text content (div) 'fragbody',
 styled with white-space:nowrap and displayed in a colored rectangle with a
 black border.
 Apparently in IE6 if the browser window is narrowed the border and colored
 background box will not shrink to be smaller than the text, and the user
 can scroll right to see the end of the text and the edge of the box. This
 the desired behaviour.
 However in IE7 the box shrinks, while the text does not. The user can
 right to see the rest of the text, but the box margin cuts through the
 Having observed that Firefox 3 and Opera 9 behave similarly to IE7, I
 that IE7 is probably doing the right thing and I am relying on an IE6
 The question is, can I implement the same behaviour in IE7?

Try adding to fragbody

Also why do you double div it?

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Re: [css-d] nowrap and border issue in IE6 and/or IE7

2009-02-16 Thread Trevor Nicholls
Hi Brian, Alan, David

Thanks for your ideas.

The float idea looks promising; I'll have to see how it behaves when I add
in the other elements (the example is a considerable simplification of the
live case).

Unfortunately I cannot use white-space: pre and need the NBSP entities
because this HTML has to survive some Javascript processing: it's probably
off-topic for css-d but we have found that IE strips (some of) the
white-space out of document.body.innerHTML, so the non-breaking spaces are

Setting a min-width causes the scrollbar and code box to play nicely
together, though I think to do it properly condemns me to calculating exact
line lengths for all the content, which (in the live case) isn't as easy as
counting characters, if only :-)

Overflow: auto doesn't display nicely, I think I'll pursue the other
options first.


-Original Message-
From: css-d-boun...@lists.css-discuss.org
[mailto:css-d-boun...@lists.css-discuss.org] On Behalf Of Brian Funk
Sent: Tuesday, 17 February 2009 8:02 a.m.
To: tre...@castingthevoid.com
Cc: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Subject: Re: [css-d] nowrap and border issue in IE6 and/or IE7

Trevor Nicholls wrote:

 Example found at http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~tmjpbn/csw5.html

 I have a (div) code fragment which has a text content (div) 'fragbody',
 styled with white-space:nowrap ...

You could use white-space: pre; which would give the same no-wrap effect 
but you could eliminate all the (21 in this case) nbsp; characters.

 ... if the browser window is narrowed the border and colored
 background box will not shrink to be smaller than the text, and the user
 can scroll right to see the end of the text and the edge of the box. This
 the desired behaviour.

Would floats be an option? I achieved what I /think/ you're after by 
floating both divs.


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[css-d] wrapping woes - paras containing preformatted phrases - IE7

2008-04-15 Thread Trevor Nicholls

Scattered liberally throughout my webpages one will find pieces of
application code which have been marked up as span class=preformatted.
The preformatted class is used for code which may occupy a single word, or
may extend over several lines. For this reason carriage returns and
whitespace in these spans need to be honoured, so the CSS which is in force

  .preformatted { white-space: pre; }

When these spans occur inside longer paragraphs we find that sometimes the
paragraph is not linewrapped at all (although pre applies only to the
short phrase and not to the entire paragraph).
For an example, have a look at http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~tmjpbn/pref.html
and http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~tmjpbn/pref1.html

The first paragraph and following note use the preformatted span, while the
subsequent paragraph and note do not. You will notice that the first note
line is displayed on one line without line wrap. For some reason the first
paragraph is not similarly afflicted, although in the larger document from
which this sample was extracted this particular paragraph is also laid out
incorrectly: the first few lines wrap but after reaching the first
preformatted span the rest of the paragraph fails to wrap at all. In my
real documents some paragraphs do this and some are formatted OK; I can't
see any difference - but it's always the same paragraphs that misbehave.

The pref1 page has white-space: pre commented out, and the problem goes

Naturally Firefox behaves impeccably, but (as before) I am restricted to
using IE7. Is anyone able to explain what is going on, and how I could get
IE7 to linewrap these paragraphs correctly, please?

Trevor Nicholls

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Re: [css-d] wrapping woes - paras containing preformatted phrases - IE7

2008-04-15 Thread Trevor Nicholls
Following on from the previous post, I should probably put up an example to
show why I am not using pre-wrap instead of pre. These two examples


The prefprew version has
  div.fragment { white-space: pre-wrap; }
  .preformatted { white-space: pre; }

This lays the code example out properly (pre on both gives double spaced
lines), but shows the problem with the unwrapped note line.

The prefprew1 version has
  div.fragment { white-space: pre-wrap; }
  .preformatted { white-space: pre-wrap; }

This line-wraps the note correctly, at the expense of chopping all the
leading spaces out of the code example.

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Re: [css-d] nested list troubles in IE

2008-04-11 Thread Trevor Nicholls
 Post a link to a live example of your nested list
 constructions, so we can see what's bugging IE the most.

I haven't kept all the different versions of my attempted styles, and trying
to reconstruct them is getting beyond me at this hour of the night. So
instead I've put up a completely unstyled version of a test file, which you
can find here:


The text (i.e. step x, item x) is aligned as I want. All browsers seem
to do this, as one would hope that they would. The two adjustments which I
have been trying to make to this default layout are:

(a) to align the (unordered) list markers and the (ordered) list numbers
without disturbing the alignment of the (text) list items

(b) to align the level{n} list markers/numbers with the level{n-1} text
without disturbing the other alignments

And, as I mentioned in the original post, this is to be achieved in IE7.



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[css-d] bottom border vs padding in IE, retry

2008-01-11 Thread Trevor Nicholls
Hmm. I see that putting my tiny HTML file on freehomepage.com has caused it
to be engulfed by an advertising monster. If it helps, the relevant bits of
the problem are this:


   link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=gloss.css
   div class=gloss
div class=head/div
div class=entry


  body {
font-family: Arial,sans-serif;
font-size: small;
color: black;

  div.gloss {
border: 1px solid black;

  div.head {
color: black;
background: #c0c0c0;
font-size: 133%;
margin: 0;
padding-left: 0.5em;
padding-right: 1em;
padding-top: 0.2em;
padding-bottom: 0.2em;

  div.entry {
color: black;
background: #e0e0e0;
margin: 0;
padding-left: 0.665em;
padding-right: 1em;
padding-top: 0;
  /*  padding-bottom: 0.2em; */

  p {
margin: 0;
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
padding-top: 0.25em;
padding-bottom: 0.25em;

With the div.entry { padding-bottom: 0.2em; } line commented out Firefox
looks OK but IE7 drops the border.
With the padding restored the border appears in both browsers.

If I comment out the padding-bottom line again, but add a border: 1px solid
red to the div.entry block I see both a red and a black border.

I've tried Google, but it doesn't want to be my friend on this one.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Trevor Nicholls
Sent: Friday, 11 January 2008 4:13 p.m.
To: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Subject: [css-d] bottom border vs padding in IE


I'm coding up a simple glossary function and have found that IE loses the
bottom border of my display when the final div has no bottom padding.

A simple example:

The stylesheet is 

In Firefox this displays as expected, but in IE7 the bottom border is
missing. If I restore the line which is commented out in the div.entry
then IE displays the border.

Can somebody please explain why this is so?


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[css-d] bottom border vs padding in IE

2008-01-10 Thread Trevor Nicholls

I'm coding up a simple glossary function and have found that IE loses the
bottom border of my display when the final div has no bottom padding.

A simple example:

The stylesheet is 

In Firefox this displays as expected, but in IE7 the bottom border is
missing. If I restore the line which is commented out in the div.entry
then IE displays the border.

Can somebody please explain why this is so?


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[css-d] external html content in popup on mouseover

2007-12-21 Thread Trevor Nicholls
I would like to create an effect where, when the user moves their mouse over
a certain object in the current webpage, a popup opens which displays some
variable content, e.g. a URL, and the popup automatically closes when they
move the mouse off the object. I think I can code this (rather crudely) with
CSS if the source of the popup content is part of the page, but I need the
content to be obtained from a remote URL.

The effect I am looking for may be seen if you have software like McAfee's
SiteAdvisor installed - search for something in Google (say) and every
result has a small icon attached (e.g. a green tick, or a red cross). Mouse
over the icon and a McAfee SiteAdvisor popup appears; and it disappears when
you mouse away.

Has anyone investigated how to code this effect, and maybe even succeeded
with it? I guess it will probably involve some Javascript as well as CSS,
and thus may be beyond scope for this list. But I hope that one of you can
point me in the right general direction for it.

A very happy holiday season to you all

Trevor Nicholls
Casting the Void

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[css-d] A little border dispute

2007-12-20 Thread Trevor Nicholls

I am having problems formatting a copyright footer on my pages. A minimal
page and CSS file may be seen at http://trevor.freehomepage.com/copy.html
and http://trevor.freehomepage.com/test.css

(sorry about the advertising).

The browser is IE as my pages are delivered through an IE component inside
another application.

What I want is to see a single pale line above the copyright block, but the
black border from a normal table appears to be trumping the colour setting
I have applied to a .copyright table.

The copyleft block appears as I would expect; the border: 2px solid green
is applied correctly. The ordinary table border colour is not being
carried through in this case.

If I insert a border: none; in the .copyright table style ahead of the
border-top (hoping that this will kill the black border) I still see a black
top border.

What is going on? Can some kind person explain what I obviously don't
understand about inheritance here?



Trevor Nicholls
Casting the Void

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[css-d] Border troubles

2007-12-20 Thread Trevor Nicholls


I am having problems formatting a copyright footer on my pages. A minimal
page and CSS file may be seen at http://trevor.freehomepage.com/copy.html
and http://trevor.freehomepage.com/test.css


(sorry about the advertising).


The browser is IE as my pages are delivered through an IE component inside
another application.


What I want is to see a single pale line above the copyright block, but the
black border from a normal table appears to be trumping the colour setting
I have applied to a .copyright table.


The copyleft block appears as I would expect; the border: 2px solid green
is applied correctly. The ordinary table border colour is not being
carried through in this case.


If I insert a border: none; in the .copyright table style ahead of the
border-top (hoping that this will kill the black border) I still see a black
top border.


What is going on? Can some kind person explain what I obviously don't
understand about inheritance here?







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Re: [css-d] mixed units for table padding

2007-08-09 Thread Trevor Nicholls
Hi fantasia, thanks for your suggestion.

Margin is ignored for captions.
But a white border-left seems to do the trick:

  table {
  /* NB */
  /* IE tables don't inherit font-size */
font-size: 1em;
border: thin solid black;

  th, td {
padding: 0.25em;

  table caption {
caption-side: top;
  /* NB *
  /* padding needs extra allowance for border */
border-left: thin solid white;
padding: 0.25em;


-Original Message-
From: fantasai [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 9 August 2007 8:26 a.m.
Cc: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Subject: Re: [css-d] mixed units for table padding

Trevor Nicholls wrote:
 I hope this requirement is simple!
 I am trying to align a table caption with a table cell.
 The table has a 2 pixel border.
 The table cell has 0.25em padding.
 This means that the table caption needs padding of 0.25em + 2px.
 The browser is IE.
 Is this possible without making assumptions about font sizes?

Does your caption have a border or backgrounds? Because if not,
   margin: 2px;
   padding: 0.25em;
might work


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[css-d] mixed units for table padding

2007-08-08 Thread Trevor Nicholls
I hope this requirement is simple!

I am trying to align a table caption with a table cell.
The table has a 2 pixel border.
The table cell has 0.25em padding.
This means that the table caption needs padding of 0.25em + 2px.
The browser is IE.

Is this possible without making assumptions about font sizes?

Relevant lines from the current CSS file:

  body {
font-size: small;

  table {
  /* NB */
  /* IE tables don't inherit font-size */
font-size: 1em;
border: thin solid black;

  th, td {
padding: 0.25em;

  table caption {
caption-side: top;
  /* NB *
  /* padding needs extra allowance for border */
padding: 0.25em;

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] selector for missing attribute?

2007-07-22 Thread Trevor Nicholls

I must be wrong, because it’s surely a basic feature, but it seems that it
is not possible to define a selector which matches elements which *don’t*
have a particular attribute.

I am taking HTML which contains alignment attributes on table cells where
the originating software considers this appropriate, e.g.

   captionThis is a table/caption
th align=centerheading/th
td align=centerdata/td
td align=rightdata/td

The alignment attributes are generated with the assumption that all table
cells and headings are left-aligned by default, but this leads to an issue
with the default behaviour of IE (which is to left-align td elements, but
center th elements).

So I want to style this with something like

  tr[^align], th[^align] {
text-align: left;
  tr[align], th[align] {
text-align: attr(align);

where the [^align] piece means select elements which do NOT have an align
attribute. There doesn't seem to be such a construct in CSS.

Two and a half questions:
1. Is there a construct which I can use for an undefined attribute?
2. Is it valid to define text-align: attr(align) as in the code above? All
the examples I have seen restrict the use of attr() to defining content:.

The half question:
a. If the answer to both the foregoing is No, how would you recommend coding
this requirement in CSS?

Trevor Nicholls
Casting the Void

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Re: [css-d] selector for missing attribute?

2007-07-22 Thread Trevor Nicholls
Thank you Jukka  Joe for your answers

The remaining problem is that on browsers that do not support attribute 
selectors, such as IE 6 and earlier, the style sheet would make _all_ th 
elements left-aligned. Thus, this might be one of (rare) cases where some 
trick for hiding the first rule from such browsers might be in order. I 
think it would be sufficient to use a conditional comment; see
http://www.quirksmode.org/css/condcom.html for the techniques.
On the other hand, then IE 6 would obey the align attributes but follow
its own defaults, centering th elements that lack an align attribute.

Rats. Almost all our tables have left aligned column headings, and I hoped
to make that the default so that alignment only needed specifying
On the other hand, if IE doesn't respect attribute selection, it's all a bit
pointless (the HTML is displayed by the end-user application in a browser
subcomponent which is - currently - IE).

Maybe the best solution is an XSL pass to fill in all the defaults...


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Table internal borders

2007-07-12 Thread Trevor Nicholls

Sample table can be seen at

My question relates to the junction between the black bottom border of the
table heading row and the grey side border of the two columns. It's partly
grey and partly black, and I'd like it to be wholly black.

The CSS rules which have produced this result are here:

  /* NB IE doesn't inherit font size into tables */
  table { font-size: 1em; }

  table {
border: thin solid black;
border-collapse: collapse;
margin-top: 0.5em;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;

  th {
padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
border-bottom: thin solid black;
border-left: thin solid #C8C8C8;
border-right: thin solid #C8C8C8;

  td {
padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
border: thin solid #C8C8C8;

The browser from which I took the screen capture is IE6.

Is there something I have defined inaccurately?


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] generated content before div

2007-06-16 Thread Trevor Nicholls

Thanks for your helpful answers to this.

The Q: and A: prefixes were simply there as trivial examples of extra
content, I've been trying out a lot of different ways to present the QA
material and nothing which used before/after was working at all. I was
totally unaware that IE ignores these pseudo-elements so that is useful to
know, now!

The non-repeating image looks like a useful trick which I may use elsewhere,
thank you.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jukka K. Korpela
Sent: Sunday, 17 June 2007 3:39 a.m.
To: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Subject: Re: [css-d] generated content before div

On Fri, 15 Jun 2007, Trevor Nicholls wrote:

 The HTML I am styling uses classes to distinguish between questions and
 answers, like so:

  div class=questionp.../p/div
  div class=answerp.../p/div

For questions, it would be more suitable (for accessibility reasons and 
for logic) to make a question a heading (for the answer after it):

h2 class=question.../h2

(You might not need a class if do things this way - perhaps there are no 
other h2 elements on the page.)

I mention this (in this list on CSS, despite its being a markup issue), 
because people often mistakenly assume that using h2 markup has 
undesired effects like too large and bold font size. You can, if you like, 
remove some or all of the default styling of h2 elements using CSS.
You would need to consider font-size, font-weight, and vertical margins.

  div.question:before {
display: block;
content: Q: ;

The :before pseudo-element and the content property are not supported by 
IE (even in IE 7), though they are rather well supported on other 

You can simulate them, in this case, by setting a non-repeating background 
image, containing e.g. Q: in some appearance, and a suitable left 
padding for the question elements.

But maybe it's simplest to include the strings Q:  and A:  as document 
content. After all, they can be useful in all browsing situations, 
including non-CSS situations.

Jukka Yucca Korpela, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/

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