

I am having problems formatting a copyright footer on my pages. A minimal
page and CSS file may be seen at http://trevor.freehomepage.com/copy.html
and http://trevor.freehomepage.com/test.css


(sorry about the advertising).


The browser is IE as my pages are delivered through an IE component inside
another application.


What I want is to see a single pale line above the copyright block, but the
black border from a normal "table" appears to be trumping the colour setting
I have applied to a ".copyright table".


The "copyleft" block appears as I would expect; the border: 2px solid green
is applied correctly. The ordinary "table" border colour is not being
carried through in this case.


If I insert a "border: none;" in the ".copyright table" style ahead of the
border-top (hoping that this will kill the black border) I still see a black
top border.


What is going on? Can some kind person explain what I obviously don't
understand about inheritance here?







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