On 13 Apr 2007, at 23:44, Jim Chaffin wrote:

> First the pros:
> 1. Interesting method for drop down menus! Enlarging text size  
> doesn't destroy them!

I got this system from Project 7 having spent ages learning lots of  
different techniques. Because someone else has written the css a lot  
of trial and error still goes into it to customize.

> 2. Like the subtle colors!

Thanks. - I may have just destroyed that with the flash animation so  
far (going to slow it down - don't worry) http://www.3pointdesign.com/
> Now the 'Cons':
> 1. I think margin values in "#wrapper {width: 800px; height: 600px;  
> margin: 10px auto;" are causing my horizontal scrolling issues when  
> the window is set to 800 x 600.

What are the scrolling issues like? Can you recommend anything to fix  
this? I thought that these margin properties were standard ways of  
centering a page. Maybe I could add padding to the body, but I have  
not seen that before - and then all descendents will get messed up  
unless I specifically tell them not to.

> 2. FF ( v., Mac ) doesn't quite line up the rounded corner  
> blocks with their shaded 'brothers' to their right. Seems each row  
> gets further out of alignment.

Yeh, they're not aligned properly in Safari either. I might look into  
this but I wasn't initially intending to have the containers on the  
left to be a fixed size. I think for visual sense that I should now -  
so my guess is probably something to with borders or class values.
> Question:
> Is there an advantage of using javascript to load some CSS? I only  
> saw your new styles because I specifically allow current-domain  
> scripts, otherwise, all other js is blocked.

The reason is because the menu is from project 7. - If only I could  
write css like that! LOL. I am concerned though with people having  
java switched off, but having researched a little the percentages  
were quite high in favor of them being on. Also I am mucking around  
(a tiny bit) with 'scriptaculous'  -it probably won't lead to  
anything but that uses java too.
> Personal:
> Not fond of Flash, but to each his own, at least yours is not  
> wasting too much vertical space! ;-) However, after allowing it to  
> display, I'm wondering if your planning on some animation. If not  
> you could use a simple jpeg/gif/png...

The beginning of the animation is already in place i.e. colour  
changes. I am not a keen fan of flash either, believe it or not, but  
for my market, it seems to be quite generic to have some in there. I  
am so pleased that you recognised that it is not complete overkill!
> Hope you 'content' is as good as your CSS! ;-)

LOL. I am sure you are referring to that of project 7 - but i'll take  
the compliment anyway! Yeh, check back in a week's time and I should  
have quite a lot more up there.

Thanks Jim,

Kind regards, Chris
> J. Chaffin
> ----------
> I planted some birdseed. A bird came up.
> Now I don't know what to feed it.

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