Re: [css-d] Floats & Background Images

2006-02-05 Thread francky
Roger Roelofs wrote:

> Welcome to the list!
> First, validate your html and css. Often little typos can escape
> notice and cause all kinds of difficulty. Computers are inherently
> stupid and will do what you typed, not what you meant.
> Here's the css I used to get the look I think you want

>#navbar ul{
>   list-style: none;
>   padding: 0px;
>   margin: 0;
>   margin-left: 287px;
>#navbar li {
>   float: left;
>#navbar ul li a {
>display: block;
Hi Zellie,
Validating is your lifebelt indeed!
I saw the html-validator is indicating 8 errors, but when you rewrite 
the link to the stylesheet in:"; />
(all lower case, and a /slash before the end) there are only the two 
alt's to add to the images.
This done, the css-validator can work now.

I see you are using a fixed font-size. In IE that can work (although it 
isn't too accessible, for users cannot enlarge the font size clientside).
But ... better browsers as Firefox and Opera DO enlarge the fonts, when 
the user wants that: "view > fontsize > larger".

That gives a problem: then your menu is breaking down, as you see.
Solution is to make a more liquid design, with relative distances. That 
means that you cannot use the also fixed format of the button-image.
Happily, therfore is also a solution: make a background-image which is 
high enough for the biggest font size, and place that with the 
"background-position" property on the bottom line of the button. When 
needed, then the button will grow.

Think a test page 
say more then 1000 words, so have a look in the source code.
You can play around with all px and things to see what happenz if changing.


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Re: [css-d] Floats & Background Images

2006-02-05 Thread Roger Roelofs

On Feb 5, 2006, at 12:30 PM, Zellie D. McClelland wrote:

> This is my first post.
Welcome to the list!

First, validate your html and css.  Often little typos can escape 
notice and cause all kinds of difficulty.  Computers are inherently 
stupid and will do what you typed, not what you meant.

> I am employing background images beneath the text links. These images
> appear when I employ a float: right; but they disappear when I use a 
> left float and
> margin-left
Here's the css I used to get the look I think you want

#navbar ul{
list-style: none;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0;
margin-left: 287px;

#navbar li {
float: left;

#navbar ul li a {
display: block;

> And they are jumping out of the containing div.
One of the rules about floats is that if an element has all its 
children floated, it takes up no space.  So, in your case, if you put a 
background image on #navbar ul it won't show because the li are all 
floated and the ul ends up with a height of 0.

Thanks for the url.  It makes helping _much_ easier!

Roger Roelofs
"Remember, if you’re headed in the wrong direction,
God allows U-turns!"
  ~Allison Gappa Bottke
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[css-d] Floats & Background Images

2006-02-05 Thread Zellie D . McClelland
This is my first post.

I am designing my first site in CSS. I cannot get my  navigational menu 
to work.
I have three divs within a container: A header; a side bar title; a 
navbar. I have
the sidebar title floating left w. a set width and am encountering 
difficulty w. my navbar.

I am employing background images beneath the text links. These images 
appear when
I employ a float: right; but they disappear when I use a left float and 

And they are jumping out of the containing div.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Zellie McClelland

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