I have a PHP-Sessions/Javascript-Ajax slideshow I use frequently. I can
point a URL at any arbitrary directory of server-side images to produce a
rotating slideshow,
without any hard-coded image names in the client-side Javascript. I set the
height and width of a division for showing the images. Some images may be
larger than the division size, so I set a max-width and max-height for
slideshow images.

For all browsers except IE, if an image is x% wider than than max-width, the
browser reduces both width and height by x%, which preservers the original
aspect ratio. However,  IE8 will (seems to anyway) reduce a width to
max-width without also adjusting height, if the original height was not
greater than max-height. So on IE8 my slideshow show sometimes displays
skewed images, where the original aspect ratio has been annoyingly altered.
 Is this fixable?

             width: 333px;
             height: 250px;
             margin: 0 auto;
             padding: 0;
             overflow: hidden;

#showdiv img { max-width: 333px; max-height: 250px;}

/*  Colin (Sandy) Pittendrigh  >--oO0>
    montana-riverboats.com                 */
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