[css-d] Site style - which is better liquid? Fixed-width?

2005-08-10 Thread Peach Lynda L Contr 96 CG/SCTOA
The question posed in the subject comes with some constraints:
 - I must provide a site style that will be used by various different page
maintainers -- where skills range from beginner to advanced.
 - The site will have two different basic pages -- two-column and
 - There will be a standard for the header and for the footer.
 - The left column will always have navigation. It could include other
content but its main purpose is navigation.
 - Using the  tag for layout will not be permitted.
 - Specific DIVs will be used to ensure layout is uniform.
 - Site is required to be accessibility compliant. 

The CSS plan is to have:
 - a "corporate" style sheet which everyone must use.
 - a "site" CSS file so that a group can have some individuality. Initially
this would probably be limited to a setting for header (so logos can change
with the group) and colors.
Which would be EASIER on all concerned given the constraints above?
 -- Liquid (jello) or fixed-width display? 
The goal is to provide a site setup that will allow for changes overall to
the site without having everyone have to REBUILD their own site pages again.

Lynda Peach
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Site style - which is better liquid? Fixed-width?

2005-08-11 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater

Peach Lynda L Contr 96 CG/SCTOA wrote:

Which would be EASIER on all concerned given the constraints above?
-- Liquid (jello) or fixed-width display?

Well, fixed-width is always easier, but your subject line asked which 
was better, which are often two different things. :-)  The only question 
I would ask is "What type of content will the sites contain?"  If it's 
going to contain large images, tables, or other unbreakable content, I 
would not use a fully liquid layout, but an elastic or jello layout 
might work.  That way, you still get some resizing to cater to different 
people's screen real estate, but have a minimum and maximum width that 
will keep your design from breaking in the extremes.  If the content is 
mostly going to be text, with just small images perhaps, you could 
probably get away with a fully liquid layout.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Specialist
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Fwd: Re: [css-d] Site style - which is better liquid? Fixed-width?]

2005-08-18 Thread Erik Visser
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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