Re: [css-d] Streching Divs around Floated Divs

2005-06-17 Thread Ingo Chao

Georg Srtun wrote:

Using 'overflow:auto/hidden' for containing floats is a lot of fun, and
in many cases it'll actually work. However, it is not a reliable
solution, and has to be tested to death across browser-land - in each case.

So, I use it (at my own risk) - but I won't recommend it for anything
but the simplest cases.

Georg, thanks for relieving my headaches.

In the end, we'll have another
float clearing method with some hacks for IEMac, IE/Win5.5, 6, Opera8, 
and more. Oh, and IE7.

Just business a usual.

Or the return of the solid clearer. It's really complex, that spiral.

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Re: [css-d] Streching Divs around Floated Divs

2005-06-17 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Ingo Chao wrote:

Georg Srtun wrote:

Using 'overflow:auto/hidden' for containing floats is a lot of fun,
 and in many cases it'll actually work. However, it is not a 
reliable solution, and has to be tested to death across 
browser-land - in each case.

So, I use it (at my own risk) - but I won't recommend it for 
anything but the simplest cases.

Georg, thanks for relieving my headaches.

You're welcome ;-)

In the end, we'll have another float clearing method with some hacks
 for IEMac, IE/Win5.5, 6, Opera8, and more. Oh, and IE7.

IE7 will probably solve itself (more or less) - in quirks mode.

Opera, Firefox and Safari are more problematic, as none of them are
predictable and stable when given complex layouts. They cut too many
corners, and they don't cut the same corners.

Just business a usual.

That's the fun part... :-)

Or the return of the solid clearer. It's really complex, that spiral.

Well, yes, it is complex, and hacking around in that mess only makes it

Clearing stuff isn't really a problem, but one sure need to know ones
way around these browser-specific solutions before releasing
problem-solvers into the wild for others to use.
Simple test-cases just won't do--unless that's all we'll ever create.

Using a *solid clearer* is often the only cross-browser reliable
solution - as long as any HasLayout hacks for IE/win are used in a
controlled way. Guess that's why I keep the old br / styled as clearer
in all my stylesheets--regardless of all the smart solutions that pops
up everywhere. However, one can mess up with *solid clearers* too.

The closest thing I have found for reliable float-containment is 'floats
expands to contain floats'. That one usually only require some minor
fixes for IE (win  Mac). However, I'm sure someone know how to mess
up that one across browser-land too.

My general recommendation is:
- avoid using CSS-definitions for something they are not *clearly*
created for--unless you know exactly what you're doing and how each
browser will handle it.
- think twice about methods that'll need hacks across browser-land in
order to work--unless such hacks are for IE/win only.
- don't rely on any browser's handling of anything as the right
way--unless it is _perfectly_ in line with the text in the latest
revision of the relevant standard.
- expect unclear statements in any W3C-standard to be changed in a later
revision. Standards rely on actual implementation across browser-land,
since W3C can't force any browser to implement anything.

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Re: [css-d] Streching Divs around Floated Divs

2005-06-16 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Ingo Chao wrote:

Big John schrieb:

Combine this with the rules for overflow:auto:

The day I read about this link in Anne's reply to Roger, and all 
nodded, I felt like left alone in the dark (not that this is not 
common to me).

Nothing to worry about... the theory can be messed up in a dozen ways
just by reading some more from the standards. Not to mention what isn't
written there, and all that is left to the browser-vendors to decide upon.
CSS sure is fun. ;-)

And in praxi:

...see the browsers go crazy :-)
... And a negative margined float will cause a horizontal scrollbar 
(:auto) in Moz/Opera by expanding the container horizontally, or is 
gone (:hidden) in Opera.

Opera 8 may expand containers to contain floats with a full-height
negative margin-bottom - which it shouldn't (I think). Other browsers
handles that one just fine.

Add in some standard positioning on surrounding elements, and see
Firefox loose stability in positioning and go crazy. Other browsers I've
tested handles those cases just fine.

BTW: responded to another float-containment problem today, and
'overflow:hidden' worked fine in Opera - but sent the whole container
off the page in Firefox. Couldn't find anything about that in the
standards, so I may have to read some more...
Ended up using 'floats to contain floats'.

To me, it's not that super simple.

I agree 100%.

Using 'overflow:auto/hidden' for containing floats is a lot of fun, and
in many cases it'll actually work. However, it is not a reliable
solution, and has to be tested to death across browser-land - in each case.

So, I use it (at my own risk) - but I won't recommend it for anything
but the simplest cases.

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[css-d] Streching Divs around Floated Divs

2005-06-15 Thread Tim Zappe
I recently posted a problem where I had a div that wasn't stretching around 
the two floated divs that were within a parent div. I was helped to 
understand that the parent div will have no actual height since floats are 
designed to exist outside of their parent divs. This wouldn't make sense at 
first glance, but when you think about it, it is exactly what most of us 
would expect a float to do - Read More here:

I was pointed to a solution to give the parent div a overflow attribute with 
the values of auto, hidden, or scroll. I tried this solution and it worked, 
but I do not understand why. The article I was pointed to was, and it seems as though the 
author was unsure as to why it worked. Does anyone know exactly what is 
going on here?

Tim Zappe
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Re: [css-d] Streching Divs around Floated Divs

2005-06-15 Thread Big John
Tim Zappe wrote:

 I recently posted a problem where I had a div that wasn't stretching around 
 the two floated divs that were within a parent div.-snip-

 I was pointed to a solution to give the parent div a overflow attribute with 
 the values of auto, hidden, or scroll. I tried this solution and it worked, 
 but I do not understand why.-snip-

 Does anyone know exactly what is going on here?

Here are the relevant citations:

if the element has any floating descendants whose bottom margin 
 edge is below the bottom, then the height is increased to include 
 those edges.

Combine this with the rules for overflow:auto:

The behavior of the 'auto' value is user agent-dependent, but should 
 cause a scrolling mechanism to be provided for overflowing boxes.

As I see it, a float that is inside a container can overflow that
container, so overflow:auto would cause such a float to create a 
scrollbar, unless there is no assigned height on the container.
If the container has height:auto then it is free to get taller
when non-floated content is tall.

So the overflow:auto rule can either create a scroll for the tall
float or add height to the container. Apparently the consensus is 
to enlarge the container rather than do the scrollbar thing.

Big John

Perennial student + Impractical joker + CSS junkie = Big John

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