I have a little widget from RoamFree Advanced (accommodation booking). The
code is below.

When I put it on a stock standard page the positioning is where I want it.

When it's on the page I want it on, it's sitting at the top of the page (not
where I want it). You will see from the code that I have this sitting
underneath the page heading, but it's forcing itself to the top of the page.

There is obviously something in my CSS that's shifting the position, but I
can't figure out what it is.

Can anyone help?


<div align="center">
      <style type="text/css">  
                        div.rfa_gadgetControls button { width:10em;
padding:0 !important;}
                        body div.dp-popup h2 { left:0px; }
      <script type="text/javascript"
      <script type="text/javascript">  
                $gadget1 = new RFA_gadget('$gadget1');   
                $gadget1.setup.properties({ 'Petersons Armidale Winery and
Guest House' : 117300 });

                $gadget1.option.gridLabel('Spoil yourself...');
    <div id="gadgetLoader"></div>

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