> From: > Glenn E. Lanier, II
> Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 4:28 PM

> http://bellsouthpwp.net/S/p/Speedy7/transcript.html (CSS inline
> for ease in troubleshooting)) that displays a section of a 
> form on page load.

> The problem is that when additional fields are displayed, the 
> bottom border of
> the fieldset is redrawn (as new items are contained in the 
> fieldset), but a
> little portion of the line is still displayed at the original 
> location. Resizing
> the window and/or switching to another window and back clears 
> this "left-over"
> bit. My question, what should I do to correct this behavior? 

Not sure it was the correct thing to do, but I fixed this by hiding the
containing div and redisplaying it.

> Also, in IE, when
> the additional fields are displayed, the last one is mostly 
> cut off -- why?

Also corrected, by adding a _margin-bottom:1em to the " div.Self, div.College,
div.Other, div.CollegeOther " definition.

> The second problem, and probably easier to diagnose, deals with the
> divAddTranscript (the Add Transcript) link -- when you 
> mouseover/hover in IE it
> shifts vertically toward the top of the screen a few pixels; 
> subsequent
> mouseovers have it staying put (once shifted, no more shifts).

I'm still having trouble with understanding what is causing the upward vertical
shift when hovering on the "Add Transcript" button the first time. 

Thanks for any help.


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